reference to a simulation of true biological process.
However, the model is based on known biological
processes, and presence of temporal coding is
supported by experimental evidence.
Since we designed our network to be as simple
as possible, there are, probably, many ways to
implement a neural network with similar or the same
features that would be more realistic in biological
sense or would have a better performance.
For an instance, for temporal modulation it
would be more realistic to use inhibitory neurons
instead of excitatory. There are experimental
evidences that gamma rhythm oscillations are
generated by inhibitory interneurons (Cardin et al.,
We used only the simplest closest-neighbor
approach to STDP learning rule. Other variations
could be considered for future experiments. For an
instance, a possible impact of triplet rule (Pfister and
Gerstner, 2006) should be taken into account.
5.2 Limitations of the Model and
Guidelines for Future Research
The model requires explicit timing for the
occurrence of training samples. In order to use our
model for real world data, timing of sensory input
must be aligned to activation periods of layer L2.
However, additional chains of modulation that
synchronizes sensory input with L2 layer activation
periods and/or vice versa should solve this problem.
Another obvious limitation of the model is a
"blind spot" at each memory read, however this
problem could be overcome by multiplying L1.1 to
L4 layers, in that way creating overlapping or sliding
memory window.
Simplistic structure of WTA networks used in
our model is disputable as well. With increase of
different sample count, intervals between the same
repeated sample would increase as well, that would
make learning harder and harder. Training individual
or groups of neurons one-by-one with a limited
number of samples would solve the problem and
boost the performance. However, how we would
implement this approach for a short temporal code in
rapidly changing environment is a question that we
cannot answer yet. Well known adaptive resonance
theory (ART) (Carpenter and Grossberg, 2009)
solves similar problem by introducing a self
organized network and a resonant state between
input and already learned data. However, the
achievement of resonance necessary for ART
requires a prolonged state of neural activity (rate
code) that is not the case of our model. Although,
various modifications of our model that would
introduce additional rate code are possible. This is
also a matter of future research.
The nonlinear nature of STDP and leaky
integrate-and-fire neuron makes the tuning of the
parameters of WTA networks a really challenging
task. We used genetic algorithm for this matter,
however, we cannot claim that we reached optimal
point of the model parameters. There is little known
of theoretical limits and optimal points of STDP
rule. Our next step will be detailed theoretical
research of STDP in the noisy environment from
perspective of the probability theory and statistics.
The author is thankful to Professor Sarunas Raudys
for useful suggestions and valuable discussion.
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Network based on a Spike Timing-dependant Learning Rule