Susumu Yamasaki and Mariko Sasakura
Department of Computer Science, Okayama University, 3-1-1 Tsushima-Naka, Okayama, Japan
Graph manipulation, e-Learning Abstraction, Knowledge engineering.
In this position paper, we have an outlook on a graph manipulation system applicable to a visual interface of
managing educational courses for an e-Learning system. We paraphrase a process of learning into a scheme of
state-transitions related to graph manipulations. By the scheme, techniques and tools for educational courses
can be abstracted to the treatments of graphs. Thus we construct a methodology of graph manipulations for
a management of educational courses by extending the established graph viewer. We also propose a simple
sketch-based interface to manipulate graphs. We here list up several tools of the sketch-based interface, based
on the algorithm to detect mouse movements for indicating operations of the system.
To develop an e-Learning system, there are various
problems, one of which is concerned with creating
and making contents of e-Learning. For contents-
making, we are required to care specifications of
teachers, where contents-making contains (i) a design
of education courses, (ii) making education materials
and (iii) a course management.
An adaptive management of courses includes in-
teresting aspects of knowledge engineering, since it
is just to manage contents of courses with respect to
learners’ ideas (which may be interactive with teach-
ers). So far a purpose of this position paper is to show
a method regarding the course managements.
As regards the materials to be made for an educa-
tion course, an abstraction from adaptive e-Learning
systems may be reasonable, because: (a) The mate-
rial induces a function from texts to an abstract op-
eration (which is an idea or a notion for education).
An abstract operation is related to others under a sit-
uation, where the situation is an abstract state of a
learner with respect to a given (computing) environ-
ment. (b) From the views of concrete versus abstract
aspects, concrete objects as means are required, while
abstract ones fitting thoughtful manners of users are
demanded, with reference to the notion of situation.
For such an abstraction, we conceive a state-
transition model. We then have problems for course
managements: (i) How can we construct a course? (ii)
What kind of representation is needed as a construc-
tion of courses? (iii) How can we represent objects
as course materials? (iv) What formulation of course
management with human interface can we make?
To have an insight into such problems, a graph
knowledge structure (which may reflect the state-
transition model) is available such that its construc-
tion may be implementable techniques. In Section 2,
we present a state-transition model (graph manipula-
tion) regarding self-learning systems. In Section 3,
graph manipulation tools are described, to some ex-
tent, with reference to managing educational courses.
Section 4 briefly suggests a graph manipulation sys-
tem (Sasakura and Yamasaki, 2008) and some pri-
mary results of this paper, compared with relevant
Adaptive e-Learning Systems
E-Learning systems have become important in higher
education, especially in universities. Many commer-
cial products or open source systems have been devel-
oped, such as Blackboard, WebCT, or Moodle. Gen-
erally speaking, e-Learning systems may consist of
several features like remote education, assistance for
communication between a teacher and students with
e-mails, or bulletin board systems. We have discussed
self-learning systems in which students read materials
Yamasaki S. and Sasakura M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003686604660469
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2011), pages 466-469
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and take examinations by themselves whenever they
want. Teachers provide materials and exercises in ad-
vance, and check results of students at intervals.
An adaptive e-Learning system (Brusilovski et al.,
2004) is one of self-learning systems. It generates
an educational course in accordance with understand-
ing of a student. Since a student can review mate-
rials which he/she does not master at an appropri-
ate time, the decrease of his/her motivation will be
prevented. The problem in adaptive e-Learning sys-
tems is the way how to build a course that suits to
each student. Knolmayer (2003) used a decision mak-
ing method to build a course. Marshall and Metchell
(2004) proposed to use the Capability Maturity Model
and SPICE that are results of research of software en-
gineering. Conlan et al. propose a qualitative model
for adaptive e-Learning (Colan et al., 2002). Conejo
et al. have made a tool to generate exercises automati-
cally (Conejo et al., 2004). Brusilovsky and Maybury
(2002) have proposed to use the Web system to build
an adaptive system.
On the backgrounds of adaptive e-Learning sys-
tems, we see that contents-making of an e-Learning
system consists of three aspects: (i) The first one is to
design an educational course. (ii) The second one is
to make educational materials. (iii) The third one is
to arrange the materials in an educational course.
The problems of contents-making are classified
into: (1) making educational materials (w.r.t. the
second aspect), and (2) arranging materials in educa-
tional courses (w.r.t. the third aspect).
With respect to making educational materials, the
problem is how teachers could make ‘good” materi-
als. About the arrangement of materials, the prob-
lem is how teachers could handle educational materi-
als and construct educational courses. In this paper,
an educational course is regarded as a list of educa-
tional materials which a student may learn, following
the instructions. Because the managing problem may
be related to computing researches, we here present
the managing tools to assist teachers arranging edu-
cational courses.
A Logical Structure Applicable to Educational
By means of a self-learning system, we may model
operations and situations, where the operations are
abstracted from educational materials, and situations
represent statuses of how students understand. The
situation may be changed, following what materials
are learned by a student. We assume that the transi-
tion of the situation can be known by an object re-
flecting the material, such that we have a scheme
= (O, Σ, R, Int), where: (i) O is a set of operations.
(ii) Σ is a set of situations. (iii) R (Σ× O) × O. (iv)
Int : L× Env Σ is a mapping such that L is a set of
learners and Env a set of Web-environments.
stands for a set of all finite operation se-
quences. A sequence of operations in O
is possibly
interpreted as a process of learning.
An interaction is implemented by the function Int,
where we abstract such a function, assuming that a
learner in an (computing) environment has a situa-
tion. On the other hand, a pair of a situation and an
operation is supposedly related to another operation,
by means of the relation R. Such formal definitions
represent the behaviour to virtually display an inter-
active human interface for the course working of the
e-Learning system which we are now concerned with.
A relation Seq O× O is defined:
, o
(i) o
= o
, or
(ii) σ
, . . . , σ
Σ, o
, . . . , o
, o
), o
), R((σ
, o
), o
), . . . ,
, o
), o
), R((σ
, o
), o
That is, Seq(o
, o
) means that there is a sequence of
operations beginning with o
and ending with o
Owing to solvability of reachability in graph the-
ory, we can have:
Proposition: Given a scheme with a finite set
of Env and for any learner, it is solvable whether
, o
) holds for any given two operations o
As we may be aware of a relation between the
above proposition and graph reachability, this model
may be translated to a graph manipulation, with which
the basis of the proposed system is described in Sec-
tion 4.
Operations for Managing Courses
Considering a close relation between the state-
transition model (as in the previous section) and
the graph structure, we design graph operations, ab-
stracted from the management of educational courses.
A graph consists of nodes and edges. At first, we list
up the operations which are needed to create and ma-
nipulate a graph, based on existing graph description
languages and graph drawing tools (Adar, 2006).
We have the operations of three groups: (1) the
operations for changing a structure of a graph, (2) the
operations to change a view of a graph, and (3) the op-
erations to manipulate a graph drawing system: The
operations of the first group change a logical struc-
ture of a graph, the second group’s operations do not
change a logical structure but change an occurrence
of a graph, while the third group’s operations do not
change a graph.
The operations included in the first group can
change the structure of a grap: To create/remove a
node, to create/remove an edge, and to change an
edge’s start point or end point.
The second group includes the operations which
change the characteristics of a node or an edge. We
point out seven operations: To movea node, to change
size/color/line style of a node, to add/change a la-
bel of a node, to change colour/style of an edge, to
add/change a label of an edge, to change style/size of
an arrow head of an edge, and to gather edges.
The third group includes four operations which
do not change anything of a graph, but provide use-
ful functions of a graph drawing system: To scale
up/down, to undo/redo, to save/load, and group-
ing/ungrouping nodes and/or edges.
Our motivation comes from educational courses.
To keep it im mind and to construct a manipulation
package, we would examine a separation of the ma-
nipulation stage for educational courses from the cre-
ating one for educational courses.
For a creation of educational courses, teachers
must make the contents. In a mechanized system,
“creating a node” requires to create new contents for
the node. So far, “creating a node” operation and rel-
ative operations are omitted here from our graph ma-
nipulating system. We will provide another interface
to create a node.
As a result, the operations of the present system
are (a) the operations to change a structure of a graph
except “creating a node”, and (b) the operations for a
system except “grouping/ungrouping” and “changing
Therefore, we design an interactive system which
provides 8 operations: (1) Moving a node, (2) Moving
an edge (Changing an edge’s start or end point), (3)
Deleting a node, (4) Deleting an edge, (5) Adding an
edge, (6) Undoing, (7) Redoing, and (8) Scaling up.
A graph is loaded, when the system is invoked.
Saving a graph is performed automatically while the
system is running.
A Visual Representation of the Operations
For selected 8 operations of manipulating educational
courses, we can design a simpler system without com-
plicated menus and buttons. Instead of menus or but-
tons, we detect special mouse movements of 8 opera-
Table 1: Visual commands of the system.
Representations Names Operations
Click Scaling up
Line Moving
Crossing lines Deleting
Arrow Drawing
CCW circle Undoing
CW circle Redoing
As the mouse”-device movements, we can de-
tect: click, drawing a line, drawing a crossing lines,
drawing an arrow, drawing a circle by clockwise, and
drawing a circle by counter-clockwise.
Interpreting the movements as the situation de-
mands, we can implement the 8 operations in the
present system. The visual representation of the oper-
ations are shown in Table 1.
We define Element which is a set of atoms (atomic
visual representations). Element is
{Click, Line, CCWcircle, CWcircle, Node, Edge},
where Click is represented by a “dot”, CCWcircle
and CWcircle are circles with clockwise and counter-
clockwise rotations, respectively. Node and Edge are
elements of a graph.
We define the visual representations of our in-
terface: Visual representation = Element
, where
is a nonempty set of elements constructed
by at least one atom.
The system contains graph manipulations described
in Section 3. We have developed a system which
manipulates graphs for course management (Sasakura
and Yamasaki, 2008).
We have presented a part graph of a course for the
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
programming language ML (Ullman, 1994). The lay-
out of this graph is designed by the dot program which
is a layout program for directed graphs. The nodes in-
dicate educational materials. They are separated by
4 colors. At the same time, the lines are to point
out some directions. The arrows indicate the order
of learning. The crossing red lines are user’s inputs
which specify the deletion of a node. The red CCW
circle specifies “Undoing” operation to the graph.
So far, we proposed a simple sketch-based inter-
face for materials of an e-Learning system. Using
the interface, we can select commands for manag-
ing a tree by surveying existence of graph editors and
considering characteristics of materials of adaptive e-
Learning systems. We then described how users spec-
ify the commands by mouse movements. Introducing
two predicates which describe the relation of plural
strokes of a mouse, we can specify a command as
multi-stroke drawing. We also mentioned algorithms
to implement the proposed simple sketch-based inter-
As a primary result of this position paper based
on the system (Sasakura and Yamasaki, 2008), we
have presented tools of graph manipulations by which
a whole system has been developed with human in-
terface. As above mentioned, we make an analy-
sis on the e-Learning system in terms of (i) course
designs, (ii) making education materials, and (iii) a
course management. To organize a course manage-
ment, we see the process of self-learning by means of
state-transitions which can be represented by graph
manipulations containing 8 operations as in Section
3. They are closely related to knowledge engineer-
ing, from the views of knowledge structure as well as
ontology developments.
By the system of this paper, we have provided
sketch-based interface not to create a graph but to ma-
nipulate graphs. Our contribution to graph manipula-
tions would easily implement an intuitive interface for
graph manipulations by making use of sketch-based
Before our approaches, there have been relevant
works, as we have before met: Herman at al. make
a survey on many graph visualization and navigation
techniques in information visualization (Herman et
al., 2000). Freire and Rodriguez (2004) present a
graph-based direct manipulation interface and main-
tain complex hypermedia structure with well-known
graph drawings and visualization techniques. GUESS
(Adar, 2006) is a system for graph exploration.
The interface used in our proposed system is one
of sketch-based interfaces, while sketch-based inter-
faces are often used for drawing some diagrams,
such as Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams
which are included in a popular visual modeling lan-
guage for software engineering. Many UML ed-
itors with sketched-based interface have been pro-
posed (Chen et al., 2008).
In early times, sketch-based interface systems
used Rubine’s algorithm (Rubine, 1991) which recog-
nizes symbols drawn by a single stroke. Recently, to
recognize complicated symbols, multi-stroke recog-
nition systems were proposed (Hse et al., 2004).
Adar, E. (2006). GUESS: a language and interface for graph
exploration. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference
on Human Factors in computing systems,791–800.
Brusilovsky, P. (2004). KnowledgeTree: a distributed ar-
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based tool for adaptive testing. International Journal
of Artificial Intelligence in Education 14, 1–33.
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Multi-model, metadata driven approach to adap-
tive hypermedia services for personalized eLearning.
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Sys-
tems: Second International Conference, 100–111.
Gansner, E. R. and North, S. C. (2000). An open graph visu-
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nition using Zernike moments. Proceedings of the
2004 ACM Symposium on Pattern Recognition, 367–
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taions and their manipulation through meta-modelling
and graph transformation. Journal of Visual Lan-
guages and Computing 15, 309–330.
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Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 329–337.
Sasakura,M. and Yamasaki,S. (2008) A graph manipula-
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systems. Proc. of 12th International Conference on
Information Visualization, 644–649.
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