Eric Paquet
, Herna L. Viktor
and Hongyu Guo
Institute of IT, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Data pre-processing, Aggregation, Gaussian distribution, L´evy distribution.
Consider a scenario where one aims to learn models from data being characterized by very large fluctuations
that are neither attributable to noise nor outliers. This may be the case, for instance, when examining super-
market ketchup sales, predicting earthquakes and when conducting financial data analysis. In such a situation,
the standard central limit theorem does not apply, since the associated Gaussian distribution exponentially
suppresses large fluctuations. In this paper, we argue that, in many cases, the incorrect assumption leads to
misleading and incorrect data mining results. We illustrate this argument against synthetic data, and show
some results against stock market data.
Aggregation and summarization is an important step
when pre-processing data, prior to building a data
mining model. This step is increasingly needed
when aiming to make sense of massive data reposito-
ries. For instance, online analytic processing (OLAP)
data cubes typically represent vast amounts of data
grouped by aggregation functions, such as sum and
average. The same observation holds for social net-
work data, where the frequency of a particular rela-
tionship is often represented by an aggregation based
on the number of occurrences. Furthermore, data ob-
tained from data streams are frequently summarized
into manageable size buckets or windows, prior to
mining (Han et al., 2006).
Often, during such a data mining exercise, it is
implicitly assumed that large scale fluctuations in the
data must be either associated with noise or with out-
liers. The most striking consequence of such an as-
sumption is that, once the noisy data and the out-
liers have been eliminated, the remaining data may
be characterized in two ways. That is, firstly, their
typical behaviour (i.e. their mean) and secondly, by
the characteristic scale of their variations (i.e. their
variance). Fluctuation above the characteristic scale
is thus being assumed to be highly unlikely. Nev-
ertheless, there are many categories of data which
are characterized by large scale fluctuations. For in-
stance, supermarket ketchup sales, financial data and
earthquake related data are all examples of data ex-
hibiting such behaviour (Walter, 1999; Groot, 2005).
The large scale fluctuations do not origin from noise
or outliers, but constitute an intrinsic and distinctive
Mathematically speaking, small fluctuations are
modelled with the central limit theorem and the Gaus-
sian distribution, while large fluctuations are mod-
elled with the generalized central limit theorem and
the L´evy distribution. This position paper discusses
the aggregation of data presenting very large scale
fluctuations, and argues that the assumption of the un-
derlying Gaussian distribution leads to misleading re-
sults. Rather, we propose the use of the L´evy (or sta-
ble) distribution to handle such data.
Aggregation is based on the standard central limit the-
orem which may be stated as follows: The sum of
N normalized independent and identically distributed
random variables of zero mean and finite variance σ
is a random variable with a probability distribution
function converging to the Gaussian distribution with
variance σ
where the normalization is defined as in
the following equation:
Paquet E., L. Viktor H. and Guo H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003686903460349
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2011), pages 346-349
ISBN: 978-989-8425-79-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
z =
X Nhxi
This means that when we refer to aggregated data,
in the sense of a sum of real numbers, we implic-
itly assume that such aggregated data has a Gaussian
distribution. This distribution is irrespectively of the
original distribution of its individual data. In prac-
tice, this implies that an aggregation, such as a sum,
may be fully characterized by its mean and its vari-
ance; this is why aggregation is so powerful. All
the other moments of the Gaussian distribution are
equal to zero. Despite the fact these assumptions on
which aggregation is based are quite general they do
not cover all possible data distributions, for instance,
the L´evy distribution.
Stable or L´evy distributions are distributions for
which the individual data as well as their sum are
identically distributed (Samoradnitsky and Taqqu,
1994; V´ehel and Walter, 2002). That implies that
the convolution of the individual data is equal to the
distribution of the sum or, equivalently, that the char-
acteristic function of the sum is equal to the product
of their individual characteristic functions. Extreme
values are much more likely for the L´evy distribu-
tion that they are for the Gaussian distribution. The
reason being that the Gaussian distribution fluctuates
around its means, the scale of the fluctuations being
characterized by its variance (the fluctuations are ex-
ponentially suppressed) while the L´evy distribution
may produce fluctuations far beyond the scale param-
eter because of the tail power decay law.
The L´evy distribution is characterized by four
parameters as opposed to the Gaussian distribution
which is characterized by only two. The parameters
are: the stability exponent α, the scale parameter γ,
the asymmetry parameter β and the localisation pa-
rameter µ. While the tail of the Gaussian distribution
is exponentially suppressed, the tail of the L´evy dis-
tribution decays as a power law (heavy tail) which de-
pends on its stability exponent, as the following equa-
tion shows:
It should be noticed that the L´evy distribution re-
duces to the Gaussian distribution when α = 2 and
when the asymmetry parameter is equal to zero. A
L´evy distribution with 1 α < 2 has a finite mean,
but an infinite variance while a distribution with α< 1
has both an infinite mean and an infinite variance. As
we will see in the following sections, these properties
have grave consequences from the aggregation point
of view.
In this section, we present simulations which illus-
trate our previous observations. All simulations were
performed using Mathematica 8.0 on a Dell Precision
M6400. In the following, α = 2 corresponds to a
Gaussian distribution.
3.1 Simulations
Table 1 shows the mean and the standard deviation
estimated from empirical data drawn from a stable
distribution for various values of the stability expo-
nent α and size N. One may notice that when α < 1,
the mean and the standard deviation are many orders
of magnitude higher than those associated with the
Gaussian distribution. This implies that the extreme
values, associated with the tail of the distribution,
dominate the mean and the standard deviation.
Table 1: Mean and standard deviation for the L´evy distribu-
tion for various values of the stability exponent and of the
size of the aggregate.
α N Mean Standard Deviation
100 -0.05 1.25
1000 0.02 1.46
10000 0.01 1.41
100 -0.07 1.26
1000 0.23 3.73
10000 -0.03 5.12
100 -0.01 2.01
1000 -0.22 5.34
10000 0.14 10.70
100 -0.17 12.93
1000 0.12 13.97
10000 11.37 1086.21
100 -1796.93 20136.90
1000 340.02 7736.64
10000 75756.40 5.59x10
100 4.31x10
1000 6.03x10
10000 1.10x10
Furthermore, the standard deviation does not con-
vergewhen α < 2 and the mean and the standard devi-
ation do not converge when α < 1 ; their estimate be-
comes a meaningless random number. Consequently,
if the empirical data have a L´evy distribution, the ag-
gregation with the standard deviation is meaningless
if α < 2 and the aggregation with the mean is mean-
ingless if α < 1. For instance, (Groot, 2005) has
reported that supermarket sales of ketchup (tomato
sauce) are characterized by a L´evy distribution with
α = 1.4 .
We may understand this behaviour by considering
the histograms of the empirical distribution. Fig. 1
shows the histogram with α = 2 and Fig. 2 with α =
1.7. One immediately notices that the maximum of
the aggregation dominates over the other values and
that the scale of the fluctuations for small values of
α is many orders of magnitude higher than the one
associated with a Gaussian distribution. Although the
maximum of the distribution has a low probability, it
totally dominates the mean and the variance if α < 1.
More insight may be obtained by considering the
cumulative sum of L´evy distributed data. Fig. 3
shows the cumulative sum for α = 2 and Fig. 4 for
α = 0.5. Once more, one notices the importance of
the maximum which eventually tends to completely
dominates the cumulative sum when α = 0.5. Conse-
quently, L´evy distributions are suitable to characterize
data for which the behaviour is mostly determined,
depending on the value of α, by a limited number of
extreme events.
For instance, the value of a share is usually domi-
nated by a few large fluctuations and so are the dam-
ages associated with earthquakesand tsunamis. When
α < 1, the aggregation should be performed with the
maximum function. In this particular case, the mean
and the standard deviation are infinite which means
that their estimations from a collection of empirical
data are just meaningless random numbers. When
1 α < 2, the aggregation may be performed with
the mean but the standard deviation becomes infinite.
Fig. 1. Histogram of a Gaussian distribution with
! " # ! $%%%%
Figure 1: Histogram of a Gaussian distribution with α = 2
and N=10000.
One should keep in mind that the closer is α to
one, the slower is the convergence of the mean esti-
mated on a collection of empirical data. In practice,
that means that the mean should be estimated from a
large number of data in order to obtain a meaningful
! $&' # ! $%%%%&
Figure 2: Histogram (notice the scale) of a L´evy distribution
with α=1.7 and N=10000.
! $&' # ! $%%%%&
! " (# ! $%%%%&
200040006000800010000 250 200 150 100 50
Figure 3: Cumulative sum for Gaussian distributed data
with α=2 and N=10000.
! " (# ! $%%%%&
! $&' # ! $%%%%&
Figure 4: Cumulative sum for L´evy distributed data with
α=1.7 and N=10000.
3.2 The L
evy Distribution and the Real
The importance of L´evy distribution is not only the-
oretical. As a matter of fact, it has far reaching con-
sequences for, amongst others, financial market data.
With the pioneer work of Mandelbrot, it became in-
creasingly apparent that financial data may be charac-
terized with stable distributions. For instance, let us
consider Table 2 which shows the results obtained for
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
various Stock Market Indexes in Europe(V´ehel and
Walter, 2002). Here, γ is the scale factor and the
threshold is 1% (confidence level of 99%). As shown
by the data, all these indexes clearly have a L´evy dis-
tribution and the value of the stability exponent is typ-
ically around 1.7, which is not in the Gaussian regime.
Table 2: Estimation of the parameters of the L´evy distri-
butions associated with various Stock Exchange Indexes in
Europe (V´ehel and Walter, 2002).
Index Currency Period N α γ
93 1.716 2.690 1.1408
Europe -93.09
165 1.713 2.936 0.1057
Europe -93.09
165 1.719 2.951 0.1057
EUR ex UK -93.09
Stock market data is not the only type of data that
are suspect to such large data fluctuation that does
not have a Gaussian distribution. As previously men-
tioned, the sales of ketchup are another example of
such data. Also, the damages caused by natural dis-
asters such as hurricanes, tornados and earthquakes,
fall within this domain. Using the standard data pre-
processing techniques, and incorrectly assuming that
the standard limit theorem holds in such cases, has
grave impact on the validity of the resultant models
constructed. This is especially true in domains where
the data are aggregated prior to model building. As
mentioned earlier, the vast size of massive data min-
ing repositories necessitates aggregation, due to the
sheer size and complexity of the data being mined.
This position paper challenges the implicit assump-
tion, which is often made during numerous data min-
ing exercises, that the standard limit theorem holds
and that the data distribution is Gaussian. We dis-
cuss the implications of this assumption, especially
in terms of aggregated data that is characterised with
large fluctuations. We show the nature of the differ-
ences between the Gaussian and L´evy distributions,
on synthetic data and show an example from the real-
world financial stock market data. We observe that the
two sets of distributions are vastly different, and that
it follows that, during any data mining exercise, that
data with a Levy distribution should be treated with
caution, especially during data pre-processing and ag-
The implications and applications of this observa-
tion are far-reaching in many domains. It has been
shown that the value of a share is usually dominated
by a few large fluctuations. Damages associated with
earthquakes and tsunamis, such as those caused by
the recent events in Japan, are also characterized by
such large fluctuations. The same observation holds,
e.g., when observing the sizes of solar flares or craters
on the moon, as well as for the data obtained from
many climate change studies. This fact needs to be
taken into account, when aiming to create valid data
mining models for these types of domains, which are
becoming increasingly important for socio-economic
Groot, R. D. (2005). L´evy distribution and long correlation
times in supermarket sales. Lvy distribution and long
correlation times in supermarket sales, 353:501–514.
Han, J., Kamber, M., and Pei, J. (2006). Data Mining: Con-
cepts and Techniques (2nd edition). Morgan Kauff-
Samoradnitsky, G. and Taqqu, M. (1994). Stable Non-
Gaussian Random Processes: Stochastic Models with
Infinite Variance. Chapman & Hall, New York.
V´ehel, J. L. and Walter, C. (2002). Les march´es fractals
(The fractal markets). Universitaires de France, Paris.
Walter, C. (1999). L´evy-stability-under-addition and fractal
structure of markets: implications for the investment
management industry and emphasized examination of
matif notional contract. Mathematical and Computer
Modelling, 29(10-12):37–56.