Rubin, 2002) give a good overview. Imputing
missing values has an impact on required data
quantity, risk of over-fitting, data distribution and
learning algorithm performance. Errors in the data
are more difficult to spot but some of the methods
used for data imputation can also be used for error
4.1.3 Feature Selection
Feature selection is another well studied field with
many proposed techniques, see (Gheyas and Smith,
2010) for a recent example. We suggest that these
methods would benefit from being viewed in the
light of the other data suitability issues listed here. In
this we include other considerations such as feature
4.1.4 Data Quantity
The issues listed above all have an impact on the
quantity of data required for a successful machine
learning project. Although it is true that solving the
problems of data quality would mean that data
quantity is not an issue in itself, it is certainly a
useful measure of suitability when other aspects of
data quality are only partially understood.
The majority of time and resources on most
professional data mining projects is consumed by
data preparation. This deals with outliers, missing
values, abnormal distributions, data errors,
insufficient data quantities, ill-posed data, co-
dependent inputs and a list of other issues.
This paper does not argue that such data
preparation, cleaning and verification does not take
place, neither does it argue that the issue is ignored
by the research community. It argues that algorithms
for dealing with these issues are as important as
algorithms for machine learning and inference, and
so should constitute much more of the research in
that field and a larger proportion of the content of
teaching, text books and software.
We would like to see the data mining community
make more use of neural computing based methods
and we believe that an improved approach to data
suitability will encourage that to happen.
Thanks to Prof. Leslie Smith for his help in
preparing this paper
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NCTA 2011 - International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications