Dora Melo
, Irene Pimenta Rodrigues
and Vitor Beires Nogueira
Instituto Polit
ecnico de Coimbra and CENTRIA, Coimbra, Portugal
Universidade de
Evora and CENTRIA,
Evora, Portugal
Natural language, Ontology, Question answering, Semantic web.
In this paper we propose a Cooperative Question Answering System that takes as input queries expressed in
natural language and is able to return a cooperative answer obtained from resources in the Semantic Web,
more specifically DBpedia databases represented in OWL/RDF. Moreover, when the DBpedia provides no
answer, we use the WordNet in order to build similar questions. Our system resorts to ontologies not only for
reasoning but also to find answers and is independent of prior knowledge of the semantic resources by the user.
The natural language question is translated into its semantic representation and then answered by consulting
the semantics sources of information. If there are multiple answers to the question posed (or to the similar
questions for which DBpedia contains answers), they will be grouped according to their semantic meaning,
providing a more cooperative and clean answer to the user.
Ontologies and the Semantic Web (Horrocks, 2008)
became a fundamental methodology to represent the
conceptual domains of knowledge and to promote
the capabilities of semantic Question Answering sys-
tems (Guo and Zhang, 2009). These systems by al-
lowing search in the structured large databases and
knowledge bases of the Semantic Web can be con-
sidered as an alternative or as a complement to the
current Web search.
There is a gap between users and the Semantic
Web: it is difficult for end-users to understand the
complexity of the logic-based Semantic Web. There-
fore it is crucial to allow a common Web user to profit
from the expressive power of Semantic Web data-
models while hiding its potential complexity. There
is a need for user-friendly interfaces that scale up to
the Web of Data and support end-users in querying
this heterogeneous information source.
Consistent with the role played by ontologies
in structuring semantic information on the Web,
ontology-based Question Answering systems allows
us to exploit the expressive power of ontologies and
go beyond the usual “keyword-based queries”.
Question Answering systems provide concise an-
swers to natural language question posed by users in
their own terminology, (Hirschman and Gaizauskas,
2001). Those answers must also be in natural lan-
guage in order to improve the system and provide a
better friendly-user interface.
In this paper we propose a Cooperative Question
Answering System that receives queries expressed in
natural language and is able to return a cooperative
answer, also in natural language, obtained from re-
sources on the Semantic Web (Ontologies and OWL2
Descriptions). The system starts a dialogue whenever
there is some question ambiguity or when it detects
that the answer is not what user expected. Our pro-
posal includes deep parsing, use of ontologies and
other web resources such as the WordNet (Fellbaum,
1998) and the DBpedia (Auer et al., 2007).
Our goal is to provide a system that is independent
of prior knowledge of the semantic resources by the
user and is able to answer cooperatively to questions
posed in natural language. This system maintains the
structure of the dialogue and this structure provides a
context for the interpretation of the questions and in-
cludes implicit content such as temporal-space knowl-
edge, entities and information useful for the prag-
matic interpretation like discourse entities used for
anaphora resolution.
This paper is organized as follows. First, in Sec-
tion 2, we introduce the proposed system, describing
the main components of its architecture. In parallel,
we present an example as an illustration of system
Melo D., Pimenta Rodrigues I. and Beires Nogueira V..
DOI: 10.5220/0003691202580263
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2011), pages 258-263
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
functionality. Afterwards, in Section 3 we present re-
lated work, highlighting the main differences in the
proposed system. Finally, in Section 4, we present
the conclusions and the future work.
Very briefly, the proposed system receives a natu-
ral language question and translates into a semantic
representation using Discourse Representation Struc-
tures (DRS). Then, after consulting the semantics
sources of information, provides a natural language
answer. If there are multiple answers to the question
posed (or to the similar questions for which DBpedia
contains answers), they will be grouped according to
their semantic meaning, providing a more cooperative
and clean answer to the user. Therefore, we consider
that our system provides a user friendly interface.
The language chosen for our system was Prolog
with several extensions and libraries. Among the rea-
sons for such choice is the fact that there is a wide
range of libraries for querying and processing of on-
tologies OWL2, WordNet has an export for Prolog
and there are extensions that allow us to incorpo-
rate the notion of context into the reasoning process.
Moreover, Wielemaker (Wielemaker, 2005) provides
a study for query translation and optimization more
specifically the SeRQL RDF query language, where
queries are translated to Prolog goals, optimized by
reordering literals. Finally, in (Wielemaker et al.,
2007) the authors describe how to develop a Semantic
Web application entirely in Prolog.
Our system architecture is presented in Figure 1
and to help its understanding in the following subsec-
tions we describe the main components.
2.1 Semantic Interpretation
Semantic Interpretation, or Semantic Analysis, is
built using First-Order Predicate Logic extended with
generalized quantifiers. We take special care with
the discourse entities in order to have the appropri-
ate quantifier introduced by the determinant interpre-
tation. The semantic representation is supported by
Discourse Representation Theory (Kamp and Reyle,
1993; Blackburn and Bos, 2005; Covington, 1988).
The semantic analysis rewrites a syntactic structure
of the question into a DRS. For us a DRS is a set of
referents, universally quantified variables and a set of
conditions (First-Order predicates).
The implementation of this component follows
an approach similar to the one for constructing
of a Question Answering system over documents
Figure 1: Question Answering System Architecture.
databases proposed in (Quaresma et al., 2006). The
system consists of two separate modules: prelimi-
nary analysis of the documents (information extrac-
tion) and processing questions (information retrieval).
The system is looking for processing the corpus and
the questions, supported by theories of computational
linguistics: syntactic analysis (grammatical restric-
tions), followed by semantic analysis using the the-
ory of discourse representation and finally the seman-
tic/pragmatic interpretation using ontology and logi-
cal inference.
As an illustration, consider the question ”All
French romantic writers have died?”. The syntactic
analysis generates a tree that is rewritten according to
a set of rules and integrated into a DRS. In our system,
it is stated by the Prolog fact:
drs([all-X],[(writer(X), french(X),
romantic(X)), died(X)]).
where X is a universally quantified (all) dis-
course entity that must verify all the question con-
ditions (writer(X), french(X), romantic(X)),
2.2 Ontology Discover
The Ontology Discover is guided by the Discourse
Controller to obtain the extension of sentence repre-
sentation along with the reasoning process. The rea-
soning context and the question meaning will change
whenever the Discourse Controller reaches a dead
This system module looks for similarities between
labels by means of string-based, taking into account
abbreviations, acronyms, domain and lexical knowl-
edge. To maximize recall, the ontology search looks
for classes or instances that have labels matching a
search term either exactly or partially and, if an an-
swer is not achieved, each term in the query is ex-
tended with its synonyms, hypernyms and hyponyms
obtained from WordNet (Witzig and Center, 2003).
Afterwards we extract a set of semantic resources
which may contain the information requested.
Continuing the example of the previous section,
in order to obtain the extension of sentence represen-
tation along the reasoning process, the system has to
find the answers to the following questions:
Which Classes or Properties represent the concept
The system finds the DBpedia
class Writer
with property domain Work and domain range
Which Classes or Properties represent the concept
The DBpedia has a class birthPlace
(an en-
tity of type ObjectProperty, with property domain
Person and domain range Place) that represents
the place where some person was born. The term
’french’ is also interpreted as a “person of France”
(obtain from WordNet), so the system also has to
find the Classes or Properties of all similar mean-
ings to the initial term that could lead the system
to the correct answer;
Which Classes or Properties represent the concept
The system finds the DBpedia resource
(an entity of type Thing, an
instance of property movement
Which Classes or Properties represent the concept
The DBpedia Ontology is a shallow, cross-domain on-
tology, which has been manually created based on the
most commonly used infoboxes within Wikipedia. The
ontology currently covers over 272 classes which form a
subsumption hierarchy and are described by 1,300 differ-
ent properties. Each class is identified by a URI refer-
ence and each property
with name URI refer-
ence. The DBpedia database provid more than 3.5 million
resources, each of them is identified by a URI reference, where Name is removed
from the URL whose source is the Wikipedia article, which
has the form
The Dpbedia has a class deathDate
(an entity
of type DatatypeProperty, with property domain
Person and domain range date) that represents the
death date of a person.
The next step is the construction of query(ies)
needed to verify the initial question. If the question
don’t have an answer, a set of similar questions is
constructed. Querying the WordNet, the system ob-
tains similar terms to those that compose the initial
question. This set of similar questions will enrich the
knowledge domain and helps the interpretation of the
original question or in the construction of its answer.
If this set of new questions leads the system to dif-
ferent answers, we are in the presence of an ambigu-
ity and the user is invoked to clarify it. If the sys-
tem did not find any correspondence to a word and
its derivatives, the user is informed and can clarify
the system by reformulating the question or present-
ing others query(ies).
2.3 Semantic Evaluation
Semantic Evaluation is intended to be the pragmatic
evaluation step of the system, where the question se-
mantic is transformed into a constraint satisfaction
problem. This is achieved by adding conditions that
constraint the discourse entities. Moreover, this ex-
tra information (regarding the question interpretation)
can help the Discourse Controller to formulate a more
objective answer.
The Semantic/Pragmatic evaluation must reinter-
pret the semantic representation of the sentence based
on ontology considered in order to obtain the set of
facts that represent the information provided by the
The process responsible for the Seman-
tic/Pragmatic interpretation receives the DRS of
the question and interprets it in a knowledge base
with rules derived from the ontology and the infor-
mation contained in the databases like as DBpedia
and WordNet.
Back to our example, to solve the constraint prob-
lem the Dialogue Controller generates and poses the
following questions to the Question Answering sys-
Who are the French writers?
Who are the French romantic writers?
Who are the French romantic writers who died?
To answer this questions the system has to find
all entities [X1, X2] such that X1 : writer(X1), X 2 :
f rench(X2), where X 1 X2 represents the entities
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
that are “French writers”. Afterwards the system has
to find the entities [X 3] such that X3 : romantic(X3)
and the evaluation of the expression X1 X2 X3
gives the entities that are “French romantic writers”.
Finally, the system has to find all entities [X4]
belongs to the set A = X1 X2 X3 such that X4 :
died(X4) and evaluation the resulting set B = {X4
A : died(X4)} gives the entities that are “French ro-
mantic writers who died”.
The interpretation of the relations between the sets
A and B guides the system to the final answer in the
following way:
If A B =
0, then we can conclude that all French
romantic writers have died;
Otherwise, the expression A B gives the set of
entities that are French romantic writers still alive.
After querying and searching in knowledge base,
the system concludes that the answer to initial ques-
tion ”All French romantic writers have died?” is “Yes,
all French romantic writers have died.”.
2.4 Discourse Controller
The Discourse Controller is a core component that is
invoked after the natural language question has been
transformed into its semantic representation. Essen-
tially the Discourse Controller tries to make sense of
the input query by looking at the structure of the on-
tology and the information available on the Semantic
Web, as well as using string similarity matching and
generic lexical resources such as WordNet.
The Dialogue Controller deals with the set of dis-
course entities and is able to compute the question
answer. It has to verify the question presupposition,
choose the sources of knowledge to be used and de-
cide when the answer has been achieved or to iterate
using new sources of knowledge. The decision of
when to relax a question in order to justify the answer
and when to clarify a question and how to clarify it
also taken by in this module.
Whenever the Discourse Controller isn’t sure how
to disambiguate between two or more possible terms
or relations in order to interpret a query, it starts a
dialogue with the user and asks him for disambigua-
tion. The clarification done by the user will be es-
sential for the Discourse Controller, this way obtain-
ing the right answer to the query posed by the user.
For instance, the question “Where is the Taj Mahal?”,
’Taj Mahal’ could be mapped into the name of a Mau-
soleum, a Casino Hotel or an Indian Restaurant and
only the user can clarify about the intended meaning.
The more cooperative and interactive the Discourse
Controller is, the closer it will be to the correct an-
Another important aspect of the Discourse Con-
troller is to provide a friendly answer to user. The
answer should be as closest to the natural language
as possible. For instance, the Question Answering
system has to respond “yes” or “no” when the user
posed the query “Is Barack Obama the President of
the USA?”. In this case, the answer will be “yes”.
However, the answer must be more informative for
the user. Some concepts are defined in the temporal
context, even if implicitly, and the answer should be
more clear and informative. For instance, the term
’President’, in the context of the question, is defined
as the title of head of state in some republics and has
an associated duration for the mandate, a start date
(date of election, date on taking office), and an end
date of the mandate. So the answer to the question “Is
Barack Obama the President of the USA?” should be
“Yes, Barack Obama is the actual President of USA”,
that is more cooperative and informative.
For the cases where the answer to a question of
type Yes/No is “No”, the Discourse Controller will re-
turn a complete answer, clarifying the negation. If we
consider the question “All the capitals of Europe have
more than 200,000 inhabitants?” that have a “No” as
an answer, the system will construct the proper an-
swer that clarify the user and will return “No, 9 cap-
itals of Europe have less than or equal to 200,000 in-
If there are multiple answers to the question posed
by the user (or to the similar questions for which DB-
pedia contains answers), they will be grouped accord-
ing to their semantic meaning, providing a more co-
operative and clean answer to the user. To do so, the
discourse controller has to reason over the question
and construct the answer, well constructed questions
have always the right words that help in the answer
construction. For the question ”Where is the Taj Ma-
hal?” consider that the user is not able to clarify the
system about the ambiguity of the question: Taj Ma-
hal is a Mausoleum, a restaurant or Casino Hotel; or
that the user simply wants that the system returns all
possible answers. So when the system has all the an-
swers to all possible interpretations for the question
posed by the user, the Discourse Controller will not
list the answer in a random way, but will list the an-
swer according to their semantic mean:
Mausoleum Taj Mahal is in Agra, India
Casino hotel Taj Mahal is in Atlantic
City, NJ, USA
Indian Restaurant Taj Mahal is in New
Farm, Brisbane, Australia
Indian Restaurant Taj Mahal is in 7315
3rd Ave. - Brooklyn, NY, USA
Our dialoguing system has as main objective the
use of interactive mechanism to obtain more objec-
tive and concrete answers. It is not used only to clar-
ify the problems of ambiguity, but also to help find-
ing the path to obtain the correct answer. Making the
dialogue system more cooperative makes one able to
get closer to the answer desired by the user. In many
cases, the user is the only one who can help the system
in the deduction and interpretation of information.
The representation of questions with generalized
quantifiers as in (Rodrigues et al., 2009) allows the
use of various natural language quantifiers like all, at
least 3, none, etc. Moreover, the question evaluation
also resorts to logic programming with constraints.
A query language for OWL based on Prolog is
presented in (Almendros-Jim
enez, 2011). The au-
thors propose a way of defining a query language
based on a fragment of Description Logic and a way
of mapping it into Prolog by means of logic rules.
An illustration of a Question Answering system
for Portuguese language that uses the Web as a
database, through meta-search on conventional search
engines can be seen in (Rabelo and Barros, 2004).
This system uses surface text patterns to find answers
in the documents returned by search engines. Another
example of a Question Answering system where do-
main knowledge is represented by an ontology can be
found in (Guo and Zhang, 2008): it is presented an In-
terface System for Question Answering Chinese Na-
tural Language, that runs through a natural language
The paper (Nogueira and Abreu, 2007) describes
a declarative approach to represent and reason about
temporal contextual information. In this proposal
each question takes place in a temporal context and
that context is used to restrict the answer.
PowerAqua (Lopez and Motta, 2006; Lopez et al.,
2007a) is a multi-ontology-based Question Answer-
ing system that takes as input queries expressed in
natural language and is able to return answers drawn
from relevant distributed resources on the Semantic
Web. PowerAqua evolved from the earlier AquaLog
system (Lopez et al., 2007b). PowerAqua allows the
user to choose an ontology and then ask natural lan-
guage queries related to the domain covered by the
ontology. The system architecture and the reasoning
methods are completely domain-independent, rely-
ing on the semantics of the ontology, and the use of
generic lexical resources, such as WordNet.
Our proposal is a friendly, simple and cooperative
Question Answering system. The main difference is
the cooperative way that answers the natural language
questions posed by the user. We interact with the user
in order to disambiguate and/or to guide the path to
obtain the correct answer to the query posted, when-
ever this is possible to do by the reasoner. We also use
the cooperation to provide more informed answers.
The answers have to clarify what the system can infer
about the question from the knowledge domain.
We presented a Cooperative Semantic Web Question
Answering system that receives queries expressed in
natural language and is able to return a cooperative
answer, also in natural language, obtained from Se-
mantic Web resources (Ontologies and OWL2 De-
scriptions). The system is able of dialoguing when the
question has some ambiguity or when it detects that
the answer is not what user expected. Our proposal in-
cludes deep parsing, use of ontologies and other web
resources such as the WordNet and the DBpedia.
As future work, we intend to answer questions that
are more elaborate and/or more difficult. Moreover,
we also plan to extend to the Portuguese Natural Lan-
guage. For this purpose it will be necessary to enrich
the knowledge domain with concepts that may be de-
duced from the initial domain. Although the system
is intended to be domain independent it will be tested
in a number of domains, with special relevance to the
wine and the cinema since for these fields there are
many resources available in the Semantic Web. We
also plan to build a DRS generator, that builds the
question semantics and retains additional information
that allows the Discourse Controller to build a more
adequate cooperative answer. We contemplate enlarg-
ing the knowledge base with other ontologies in or-
der to support open domain Question Answering and
take advantage of the vast amount of heterogeneous
semantic data provided by the Semantic Web.
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