Bringing together Argumentation Support Tools and Learning Management
Nikos Karousos
, Spyros Papadakis
, Michalis Xenos
, Nikos Karacapilidis
and Manolis Tzagarakis
Internal Assessment and Education Unit, Hellenic Open University, 26222, Patras, Greece
IMIS Lab, MEAD, University of Patras, 26504, Patras, Greece
Department of Economics, University of Patras, 26 504 Rio, Patras, Greece
Keywords: Argumentation, Argumentation Support Tools, Learning Management Systems.
Abstract: This paper highlights the need for bringing together features and functionalities from both Argumentation
Support Tools and Learning Management Systems (LMSs) in order to support the trainers in the
construction and implementation of argumentation learning designs. In this context, it is also proposed that
sharing learning designs across argumentation and critical thinking is one way to introduce different
teaching and learning approaches that address this issue. The development and implementation of an
Argumentation Learning Activity Tool (or the exploitation of an existing one) within an LMS will help to
effectively address the problem of teaching argumentation skills.
In tomorrow's learning and working environments,
people will be more and more involved in tasks
within multidisciplinary, multicultural and
physically distributed teams. The participation in
such tasks puts heavy demands on the individual,
both in the cognitive and social realms. On the one
hand, one must capitalize on informal reasoning
(cognitive) skills, such as constructing and
evaluating arguments. On the other hand, one must
make use of social skills of collaboration. However,
research indicates (Ian Beatty, 2004) that people are
not prepared to exploit such cognitive and social soft
skills, as practices, from primary school to
university, very poorly address their acquisition.
A recently European Union (EU) study (PISA
2009) pointed out that although the EU learners are
continuously supported with new educational
methods, material and processes aiming at
enhancing learning, the level of proficiency in
reading and the overall learning skills remain in a
not satisfactory degree. The major amount of the
learners cannot perform tasks relative to location and
organization of information. Therefore, the need of
improvement of the learners’ critical thinking in
most of the EU countries is imperative.
The issue of critical thinking is strongly related
to the development of argumentation skills, since the
later is a crucial factor for the former. A lot of
learners have not the ability to craft a balanced,
reasoned, well-thought argument. They too often
confuse argument with opinion – that is, they write
papers that are subjective and self-oriented rather
than objective and reader-based. They are sometime
black and white thinkers, unable or unwilling to
address the complexities of an issue. The
competence to comprehend and follow arguments of
a scientific nature is, we would contend, a crucial
aspect of scientific literacy in its fundamental sense.
Inferring meaning from science texts requires the
ability to recognize the standard genres of science,
their appropriate use and, in the case of argument, to
evaluate the claims and evidence advanced. The
construction of evidence-based arguments requires
critical thinking and abstract reasoning. In particular,
apart from knowledge building, collaborative
argumentation may promote more complex and
critical thinking (Wegerif et al., 1999) which is the
base for EU policies in the field of formal education,
no-formal education and informal learning.
Moreover, learning design for the Life Long
Karousos N., Papadakis S., Xenos M., Karacapilidis N. and Tzagarakis M..
Learning Management Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0003691304740477
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2011), pages 474-477
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Learning environment is a complex task, especially
in light of the increasing diversity of the adult
learners. Learning materials need to be designed to
take advantage of different adult learner ability
levels, learning approaches & media, and curriculum
developed to support a huge variety of outcomes in
argumentation. The quality of the learning
experience is highly dependent on the teacher, and
how they conduct the learning process. If we are to
succeed in using technology to transform education,
then we need the specialized tools and environments
for learning design that will enable the teaching
community to act in the most scholarly and
professional way possible in pursuit of educational
innovation (Laurillard, 2007).
Most of the existing Argumentation Support
Tools have a high level of formality. Unfortunately
when using these tools the focus often is shifting
from learning of argumentation to understanding the
tool. On the other hand, the Learning Management
Systems (LMS) have been attempted to encourage a
variety of learning activities involved in critical
thinking but have been unable to adequately support
efficiently the development of argumentation skills.
This paper highlights the need for bringing
together features and functionality from both
Argumentation Support Tools and LMSs in order to
support the trainers in the construction and
implementation of argumentation learning designs.
In this context, it is also proposed that sharing
learning designs across argumentation and critical
thinking is one way to introduce different teaching
and learning approaches that address this issue. The
development and implementation of an
Argumentation Learning Activity Tool (or the
exploitation of an existing one) within an LMS will
help to effectively address the problem of teaching
2.1 Argumentation Support Tools
Existing approaches to support argumentation
through ICT vary in terms of the problem dimension
they principally address and the context they
particularly target: One category, focuses on a
meaningful representation of the related items and
their interconnections in a collaborative environment
while others pay more attention in the provided
functionality for structuring and evaluating one or
more arguments.
For instance QuestMap (Conklin et al., 2001)
resembles to a ‘whiteboard’ where all messages,
documents and reference material for a project,
together with their relationships, are graphically
displayed. Compendium (http://www.compendium is a tool that supports dialogue
mapping and conceptual modeling in a meeting
scenario, and can be used to gather a semantic group
memory. In the same context, Belvedere (Suthers et
al., 1995) is used for constructing and reflecting on
diagrams of one's ideas, such as evidence maps and
concept maps.
Other approaches such as Sepia (Streitz et al.,
1989) and QOC (MacLean et al. 1991) focus on the
representation of knowledge.
In the context of argumentation theory, systems
supporting the visualization of argumentation have
played a considerable educational role by supporting
the teaching of critical thinking and reasoning skills.
For instance, Araucaria (http://araucaria.computing. supports the contextual
analysis of a written text and provides a tree view of
the premises and conclusions. In the same line,
ArguMed ( and
Athena (Standard and Negotiation) (http://www.a build on a formal argumentation
approach to addresses the issues of argument
Considering the above systems when teaching
argumentation, apart from the aforementioned
functionalities, there are some useful observations
from past researches that are worth mentioned: (a)
visual representation of an argumentative dialog
seems to be more efficient than text representation
(Pinkwart et al., 2008); (b) structuring and
evaluating an argument can be absolutely enhanced
with the exploitation of such tools; (c) both
collaborative argumentation and argumentative
collaboration may also be supported in order to
advance the argumentation skills of the learners
(Scheuer et al., 2010) and (d) a wide set of such
tools has already be used for both learning and e-
learning purposes with satisfactory results (Scheuer
et al., 2010).
However, the choice of using such tools for
teaching argumentation is not always the optimal
due to the following issues:
Most of the well known Argumentation
Support Tools are stand-alone applications
that require installation for each learner. In
addition these tools do not support
collaborative work in a classroom and
Argumentation Support Tools and Learning Management Systems
consequently they lack provision of a
complete set of functionalities.
Furthermore, it has been pointed out (G. Rowe
et al., 2006) that the complexity of such tools
force learners to spend enough of their time
not to participate in argumentation courses but
to focus on how to use the argumentation
The supported language for both the Interface
and the content of each tool plays a critical
role in the exploitation of the provided
functionalities. Unfortunately most of the
provided argumentation tools do not support
Finally, the context off the usage of such tools
is always limited inside a particular scenario
with the presence of a trainer or a mediator.
Hence, the capability to include the particular
learning process as a part of a complete
learning design scenario is not provided.
In general, these tools are exploited out of the
context of an LMS. Thus several issues related to
time, efficiency and learning design flexibility are
still open.
2.2 Argumentation through LMSs
Hall (2003) defines an LMS as: ”software that
automates the administration of training events. All
Learning Management Systems manage the log-in of
registered users, manage course catalogs, record data
from learners, and provide reports to management.”
Learning Management Systems can be used in
different ways. However, a common idea behind
LMS is that e-learning is organized and managed
within an integrated system. Different tools are
integrated in a single system which offers all
necessary tools to run and manage an e-learning
course. All learning activities and materials in a
course are organized and managed by and within the
system. LMS typically offers, file sharing,
management of assignments, mind maps, wikis,
discussion forums, chat, etc. Furthermore, an LMS
should support a collaborative learning community,
offering multiple modes of learning—from self-
paced coursework to scheduled classes (live
instruction in classroom settings or online) to group
learning (online forums and chats).
Selecting a traditional Learning Management
System (LMS) requires balancing learning and
management. LMSs like Blackboard, Atutor,
Moodle, Sakai and Desire2Learn offer their greatest
value to the organization by providing a means to
sequence content and create a manageable structure
for instructors/administration staff.
Using Argumentation Support Tools represents a
different approach to organization of e-learning than
the utilization of an LMS. Using an LMS, an e-
learning course is delivered through and takes place
within an integrated system. Our research on the
most widely used LMSs, pointed out that building a
training course for the development of
argumentation skills is not based on specific
argumentation support components. Instead, each
trainer tries to fulfill the specific argumentation tasks
in the design of the course by using (or combining)
one or more components that are not created for that
purpose. For example components such as
discussion forums, rating and voting tools, and mind
maps are usually combined in order to support a
formal argumentative discussion within a training
course. This approach may partially satisfy both
trainers and trainees, however it is obvious that it
cannot support all kind of argumentation courses
such as construction and evaluation of an argument
and argument discovering as well. Furthermore, the
results of an ongoing argumentation cannot be
structured and represented visual and cannot be
imported as initial input to a next training task.
2.3 Bringing Argumentation Support
Tools and LMSs together
The study already done and presented in this chapter
highlights a missing point between argumentation
and learning management process in terms of the
absence of a common means for design
argumentation oriented courses within the scope of
an LMS. Apart from an interesting development of a
plug-in for importing and sharing Compendium
maps in Moodle (
institute/support/collab-compendium.html) and the
approach of CICERO tool that is a wiki based
argumentation support tool (http://cicero.uni- the LMSs have not be augmented
with argumentation functionality yet.
Thus, from one hand, traditional argumentation
software approaches are no longer sufficient enough
to support teaching of argumentation inside the
scope of a learning management system while, from
the other hand, trainers who uses LMSs cannot
perform specific design tasks for development of
argumentation skills within the context of the LMS.
The main target of our research is to make this
point clear and to proceed to the design and the
implementation of an argumentation support tool
that operates as a component within an existing and
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
widely accepted LMS such as LAMs or Moodle.
Such approach will benefit from both points of
view (argumentation support and learning design)
and it will allow the dissemination of specialized
knowledge combined with cooperative learning and
learning in communities.
Towards this direction, there will be several
critical steps related to the appropriate methodology
that has to be followed: (a) Further investigation of
trainers’ needs through real scenarios of building
and teaching argumentation courses via LMSs.
Feedback of these scenarios will be valuable for
both the design of tools specifications and integrated
functionalities; (b) Development (or using an
existing one) of an argumentation support tool as a
component of an existing LMS. Both tool and LMS
should be widely accepted, open source licensed and
should also support multilingualism (c) Re-engage
the trainers to build and teach the same courses with
the integrated LMS and evaluate the feedback
against the initial requirements. (d) Enhance the
provided functionality with particular features
derived from the evaluation.
The enhancement of an LMS with native
argumentation capabilities remains an open issue
towards the development of argumentation skills.
This paper tries to obtain the benefits of specific
purpose Argumentation Support Tools and
encapsulate them within the context of an LMS in
order to provide efficient capabilities for design and
implement training scenarios for teaching
The future work in our research is initially
focused on the design of the specifications and on
the integration of an argumentation tool in an LMS.
However, we are aiming at the investigation of some
interesting questions that may be addressed during
our research: (a) what learning designs can be
readily adopted by teaching argumentation & critical
thinking as templates for best practice?; (b) what
pedagogical issues emerge from the implementation
of learning designs in argumentation & critical
thinking context? and (c) how can identified barriers
to educators’ adoption, adaptation and reuse of
learning designs for teaching argumentation &
critical thinking be overcome?
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Argumentation Support Tools and Learning Management Systems