About Information Sharing to Support Service Composition
Martín Serrano, Lei Shi, Mícheál Ófoghlú and William Donnelly
Waterford Institute of Technology – WIT
Telecommunications Software and Systems Group – TSSG, Co. Waterford, Ireland
Keywords: Information, Modelling, Interoperability, Linked Data, Knowledge Engineering, Semantic Annotation,
Ontologies, Ontology Engineering.
Abstract: This paper presents a study about information sharing and domain ontological modeling within the
framework of cloud computing services. We have investigated common practices on service oriented
architectures design and knowledge engineering to support the composition of services in the cloud.
Research results about information sharing and information modeling by using semantic annotations are
discussed. Particularly we present how we use ontological models to represent management information and
service lifecycle operations and thus control both system management operations and services running onto
cloud infrastructure. We support the idea of look information sharing as a mechanism to facilitate the
composition of services, thus ontology-based information modelling is used for this purpose. It enables
information exchange by using interoperable data framework for different applications running on
infrastructure and application layers. Ontologies support this information sharing approach by formalizing
the necessary data needs to be shared or exchanged. An introductory application scenario is depicted. We
discuss what implications this approach imposes on architectural design terms and also how virtual
infrastructures and cloud-based systems can benefit from this ontological modelling approach.
In the race for deploying cloud computing solutions
(SaaS) academic and ITC’s industry communities
have realized an important challenge to tackle is the
interoperability of the information or information
sharing. Unfortunately, cloud infrastructure
implementations (IaaS) has not fully run a
coordinated course in terms of design and deployed
solutions not even middleware approaches (PaaS)
where the information exchange is crucial. As result
of this, diversity of approaches multiple non-
interoperable cloud solutions are in place. Following
this problem linked data for information sharing is
becoming an accepted best practice to exchange
information in an interoperable and reusable fashion
way (Kalinichenko, 2003), for example different
communities over the Internet use the semantic web
standards to enable interoperability and exchange
information. This practice is actually being well
accepted by other ICT’s communities.
When building enterprise solution(s) traditionally
a series of combinations to use existing enterprise
services (sub-services) is a very common practice,
first by economic interest and second by technology
restrictions, this practice has become so popular and
today is know as service composition. As an
important feature service composition can define in
other services definition (recursively). Recursive
service composition of business services is one of
the most important features of Software Oriented
Architectures (SOA), however which advantages it
offers in cloud services? How SOA architectures
influence cloud solutions allowing rapidly build new
solutions based on the existing business services? Is
this same recursive methodology applicable to cloud
environments? As a fact we assume the amount of
individual business services and their composed
services are a growing tendency (at least in SOA
design), and this practice allows a much easier
implementation for new enterprise solutions.
Currently cloud computing architectures, as a
design conception, enables capabilities for
interoperability and information exchange between
data and service levels, this feature facilitates service
composition processes, a common practice in
software oriented architectures (SOA). However
Serrano M., Shi L., Ófoghlú M. and Donnelly W..
ONTOLOGICAL MODELING IN CLOUD SERVICES - About Information Sharing to Support Service Composition.
DOI: 10.5220/0003693103280335
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2011), pages 328-335
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
aware to this requirement this feature is far to be
fully implemented, and information exchange can’t
be done transparently, this fact promotes a race
between academic and industry communities to
investigate for designing the Cloud Computing
architectures and service solutions enabling or
facilitating this feature. It is a fact, currently design
approaches concentrate on defining individual
business services to be implemented for stand alone
applications and ad-hoc particular infrastructures.
Design principles in Cloud Computing aligned
with composed services practices contributes for
transforming from isolated services (some times
considered agnostics) to a more awareness services
and integrated solutions. In this designs process
many active academic and Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) industry
communities have participated with approaches to
enable information interoperability. Mainly
proposing the design conception in the area of
Future Internet (Clark, 2003), (Blumenthal, 2001),
(Feldman, 2007) where virtual infrastructure support
design ideas.
Convergence towards Internet technologies for
communications networks and application services
has been a clear trend in the ICT domain in the past
few years. Although widely discussed this
exponentially increasing trend involve many issues
of non-interoperable aspects where social, economic
and political dimensions take place, all these issues a
matter of end-user demands and service requirement.
The intention in this paper is not to define what
the Knowledge Engineering means, but rather to
view study and define a service-oriented design
philosophy; coming through a revision about the role
linked data and ontological modeling (Kalinichenko,
2003) can play to satisfy part of the mentioned
shared information challenges. In Cloud-based
systems services and infrastructure follow a
common guideline; provide solutions in form of
implemented interoperable mechanisms.
Communications networks have undergone a radical
shift from a traditional physical expansion
environment with heavy expensive devises focused
on applications-oriented perspective, towards
converged service-oriented distributed software
applications alike more powerful (shared to increase
processing capacity) data centres architecture. In this
radical shift Internet applications are the interaction
interface between customer as end-user and network
operators and service providers.
This paper focuses on information
interoperability and Linked Data for controlling
communication systems in the Future Internet of
network and services. The extensible, reusable,
common and manageable information Linked-Data
layer is critical for this deployment. The novelty
aspect of this approach relies on the fact that high
level infrastructure representations do not use
resources when they are not being required to
support or deploy services. We optimize resources
using this approach by classifying and identifying,
by semantic descriptions in a knowledge-based
fashion way what resources need to be used. Thus
dynamically the service composition is executed and
service deployed by result of knowledge–based
Organization of this paper is as follows: Section
II presents the analysis about composing services in
the Cloud era and the role Software Oriented
Architectures and Linked data plays in this ongoing
transformation. Section III presents the summary of
challenges for an architecture-infrastructure
interoperable, where information exchange (linked
data processes) occurs to support application and
network services. Section IV introduces our data
link approach in form of meta-ontologies facilitating
information interoperability and a demonstrator in
form of functional architecture to support the
inference approach. Section V presents the summary
and outlook and finally some relevant references
used in this paper are listed.
The business benefits of the cloud shift significantly
reflects cost reduction and increase systems
flexibility to react to user demands efficiently and by
replacing, in a best practice manner, a plethora of
proprietary hardware and software platforms with
generic solutions supporting standardised
development and scalable stacks.
Research initiatives addressing this cloud-based
design trend inspired by SOA requirements argue
that the future rely in layers above virtual networks
that can meet various requirements whilst keeping a
very simplistic, almost unmanaged infrastructure, IP
for the underlying Internet for example, GENI NSF-
funded initiative to rebuild the Internet (GENI,
online Feb 2011) is an example of this. Others argue
that the importance of wireless access networks
requires a more fundamental redesign of the core
Internet Protocols themselves (Clean Slate, Online
April 2011), (AKARI, Online May 2011). Whilst
ONTOLOGICAL MODELING IN CLOUD SERVICES - About Information Sharing to Support Service Composition
this debate races nothing is a clear outcome in terms
of information interoperability or data models
We follow the idea of service agnostic designs
(ad-hoc solutions ) are not anymore a way to achieve
interactive solutions in terms of information sharing
capabilities for heterogeneous infrastructure support
either to facilitate service composition in complex
environments such cloud environments/applications.
A narrow focus on designing optimal networking
protocols in isolation is too limited, instead a more
holistic and long-term view is required. In this
holistic view multiple services representation (e.g.
applications, computing processing, distribution of
services, networking) are addressed in a manner of
various distributed protocols delivering sub-services
as part of composed services. In other terms, a more
realistic way of seeing what currently is happening
with services in the Internet and according changing
communities of users needs. However, realistically
this new holistic view increasingly stops to become
a matter of critical infrastructure, in this sense cloud
computing infrastructures with virtualisation as main
driver is a promising alternative of solution to this
stopping problem. Network operators are today
coming to realise lack in the promise of simpler all-
IP networks, where new integrated Internet services
are easier and quicker to design, deploy and manage.
Figure 1: Service Composition by using Linked Data –
Information Interoperability.
The figure 1 depicts the mentioned service-aware
holistic view and its implementation relies on the
inference plane (Strassner, 2007), or knowledge
layer where the exchange of information (Linked-
Data structures) facilitates knowledge-driven
support and generation of composed services with
operations by enabling interoperable management
information. From down to top and having cloud
infrastructures representation as example, isolated
components representations are depicted with no
capacities of sharing information, linked data
mechanisms are missing and “X” represented. In an
upper knowledge Layer linked mechanism are
represented and used to define services externally.
So the migrations towards composed services and
networks increases providing solutions to a number
of significant technical issues by using more
standard information exchange and promoting
sharing information. At the upper part of the linked
data mechanisms are supported by ontology
representations and ontology-based mapping
allowing at the same time original services (e.g.
ABC) can be managed effectively and most
important offering open opportunities for a
knowledge-based service-oriented support having a
fundamental impact on knowledge-based
composition of services (e.g. AQO, PGH) by a
complete information sharing and sub-services
representation (e.g. BD, CL, PNL, NL).
Taking a broad view of state of the art, current
development of data link interactions and
converging communications, many of the problems
present in current Internet about data and
information management are generated by
interoperability problems; we have identified three
persistent problems:
1. Users are offered relatively small numbers of
composed services, which they can not
personalise to meet their evolving needs;
communities of users can not tailor services to
help create, improve and sustain their social
2. The services offered are typically technology-
driven and static, designed to maximise usage of
capabilities of underlying technologies and not
to satisfy user requirements per-se, and thus
cannot be readily adapted to their changing
operational context.
3. Service providers cannot configure their
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
infrastructure to operate effectively in the face
of changing service usage patterns and
technology deployment; infrastructure can only
be optimised, on an individual basis, to meet
specific low-level objectives, often resulting in
sub-optimal operation in comparison to the
more important business and service user
As the move towards convergence of
communications systems and a more extended
service-oriented architecture design and cloud
computing gains momentum (VoIP is a clear
example of this convergence) the academic research
community is increasingly focussing on how to
evolve technologies to enable dynamic service
composition. In this sense we believe that addressing
evolution of networking technologies in isolation is
not enough; instead, it is necessary to take a holistic
view of the evolution of communications services
and the requirements they will place on the
heterogeneous physical or virtual infrastructure over
which they are delivered (IFIF, Online May 2011),
(SRC FAME, Online June 2011), However,
communications technology is not part of this
research, we concentrate in accessible information
sharing features in this convergence of systems.
By addressing sharing information issues,
composed systems must be able to exchange
information and customize their services. So cloud
environments can reflect individual and shared
preferences in network and services and can be
effectively managed to ensure delivery of critical
services in a services-aware design view with
general infrastructure challenges.
A current activity, attracting the attention of many
research and industrial communities is the
formalization of data models (ontology engineering).
Enabling information for management of services
and control of operations is an example where this
formalization is used (Strassner, 2007), (Serrano,
2007). This process focuses in the semantic
enrichment task where descriptive references about
simple data entries are used to extend data meaning
(semantic aggregation), to for example, provide an
extensible, reusable, common and manageable
linked data plane, also referenced as inference plane
(Serrano, 2009). Thus management information
described in both enterprise and infrastructure data
models (physical or virtual) with ontological data
can be used inherently in both domains
The semantic aggregation can be seen as a tool to
integrate user data with the management service
operations, to offers a more complete understanding
of user’s contents based on their operational
relationships and hence, a more inclusive
governance of the management of components in the
infrastructure (resources, devices, networks,
systems) and or services inclusive. The objective is
sharing the integrated management information
within different management systems (liked data).
This approach is to use ontologies as the mechanism
to generate a formal description, which represents
the collection and formal representation for network
management data models and endow such models
with the necessary semantic richness and formalisms
to represent different types of information needed to
be integrated in network management operations.
Using a formal methodology the user’s contents
represent values used in various service management
operations, thus the knowledge-based approach over
the inference plane (Strassner, 2007) aims to be a
solution that uses ontologies to support
interoperability and extensibility required in the
systems handling end-user contents for pervasive
applications (Serrano, 2009).
4.1 Service and Infrastructure
Management by using Ontological
The meta-ontology approach introduced in this
section integrates concepts from the IETF policy
standards (Westerinen, 2001), (Moore, 2003) as well
as the TM Forum SID model (TMF GB922, 2003),
(SID 1684 Online May 2011). In this section
important classes originally defined in the IETF,
SIM and DEN-ng models, in telecommunications,
are cited and implemented as ontologies, some other
extended or adapted for communication services
adaptability (Serrano, 2008). The meta-model
defines a set of interactions between the information
models, pervasive management service lifecycle
models, and communications systems operations in
order to define relationships and interactions
between the classes from cited models and from the
different knowledge domains. The Ontology
mapping and Ontology construction process, which
is a four-phase methodology is result of formal study
to build up ontologies contained and studied from
(Horridge, 2004), (Gruber, 1995).
The formal language used to build the set of
ONTOLOGICAL MODELING IN CLOUD SERVICES - About Information Sharing to Support Service Composition
ontologies is the web ontology language (OWL)
(OWL, 2004), (OWL-s Online May 2011), which
has been studied in order to be applied to cloud
computing environments; additional formal
definitions act as complementary parts of the
modelling process. Formal descriptions about the
terminology related within infrastructure
management domain has been specified to build and
enrich the proposal for integrating infrastructure and
other service and operation management data within
the information models. The objective is to create a
more complete information model definition with
the appropriate management operations using formal
descriptions in OWL. The proposed meta-Ontology
model uses concepts from policy-based management
systems (Sloman, 1994), (Strassner, 2004) to
represent a system ruled by infrastructure policies in
cloud environment (virtual infrastructures), which is
an innovative aspect of this research work. Figure 2
shows the Ontology representation. The image
represents the linked data representation process as
result in the integration of classes related to the
management operation class through the event class.
The Event class interacts with other classes from
different domains in order to represent information.
Figure 2: View of InfoEntity Data Links in Service-
Oriented Architectures.
This representation simplifies the identification
of interactions between the information models.
These entity concepts, and their mutual
relationships, are represented as lines in the figure.
The InfoEntity class forms part of an Event class,
and then the Event govern the policy functionality of
a Managed Entity by taking into account context
information contained in Events. This functionality
enables exchange information as part of operations
requested from a cloud service, and is represented as
interaction between Event and InfoEntity.
The meta-Ontology model is driven by a set of
service management operations each as part of the
cloud-based service lifecycle. The service
composition and its model representation contain the
service lifecycle operations, as depicted in figure 3.
In figure 3, service management operations, as well
as the relationships involved in the management
service lifecycle process, are represented as classes.
These classes then are used, in conjunction with
ontologies, to build the language that allows a
formal form of English to be used to describe its
actions that has effect into events. To do so
information (InfoEntity) is underlayed in such
relationships, which a correspondence with activities
called “events” and related to Info Class.
The meta-model is founded on information
models principles for sharing information and policy
management promoting an integrated management,
which is required by both cloud-bases systems as
well as service management applications. The
combination of data models, ontologies and policy-
driven services motivates the use of extensible and
scalable frameworks to enable the integration of
these three diverse sources of knowledge to realize a
scalable management platform we are experimenting
with virtual infrastructures to do so.
Form the figure 3 the management operations
that are controlled by InfoEntity, the Service Editor
is the Service Interface acting as the application that
creates the new service. Assume that the service for
deploying and updating the service code in certain
cloud-based application has been created. This result
in the creation of an event named “aServiceOn”,
which instantiates a relationship between the
Application and Maintenance classes. This in turn
causes the appropriate policies and service code to
be distributed via the Distribution class as defined
by the “aServiceAt” aggregation. The service
distribution phase finds the nearest and/or most
appropriate servers or nodes to store the service code
and policies, and then deploys them when the task
associated with the “eventFor” aggregation is
instantiated. When a service invocation arrives, as
signalled in the form of one or more application
events, the invocation phase detects these events as
indication of a context variation, and then
instantiates the service by instantiating the
association “aServiceStart”. The next phase to be
performed is the execution of the service. Any
location-specific parameters are defined by the
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 3: Control and Representation of Service Lifecycle Interactions - UML model.
“locatedIn” aggregation.
The execution phase implies the deployment of
service code, as well as the possible evaluation of
new policies to monitor and manage the newly
instantiated service. Monitoring is done using the
service consumer manager interface, as it is the
result of associations with execution. If maintenance
operations are required, then these operations are
performed using the appropriate applications, as
defined by the“aServiceOn” aggregation, and
completed when the set of events corresponding to
the association “whenServiceOff” is received. Any
changes required to the service code and/or polices
for controlling the service lifecycle are defined by
the events associated with the “whenServiceNew”
and “aServiceChange” associations.
The service management operations are related
to each other, and provide the necessary activation
of cloud infrastructure to guarantee the monitoring
and management of the services over time. The
UML operations system design shown in figure 3
captures these relationships, thus the pervasive
service provisioning and deployment is on certain
manner assured to provide service code and policies
supporting such services to the service consumers.
The real sense of this representation defines how
the descriptions and concepts contained in
InfoEntity and described as Operations and events
are used to control virtual infrastructures as part of
management operations by suing the proposed
ontology. Figure 4 shows the OWL grammar section
of the ontology that describes the InfoEntity and its
corresponding domain elements. It is a description
of an object class for representing an InfoEntity, and
represents the simplest definition and relationships
in sense of disjointness to the Application, Place,
Person and Task classes. The disjoints represent a
semantic tool for filtering the seek of information,
thus the objects classes including disjoints can be
easily identified to be considered or not as part of
the control operations that is being seek.
One of the advantages of using OWL to express
the ontology is to provide a number of tools for
parser and text editors. This enables new adopters to
use a tool or set of tools that is best suited to their
needs. OWL is used to define the set of concepts and
constraints imposed by the information model over
which it defines instances.
The RDF-Schema (RDFS) (W3C, Online May
2011) language emerged as a set of extensions to
provide increased semantics of RDF by providing
basic ontological modelling primitives, like classes,
properties, ranges and domains. Finally this
extensive use of XML, and the resulting use of RDF
extensions, aimed to improve the expressiveness of
this ontology.
Figure 4: Event InfoEntity Description using OWL - RDF
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Event">
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Policy"/>
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#isPartOf"/>
<owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource="#DomainConceptPolicy"/>
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Condition">
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#DomainConceptPolicy"/>
<rdfs:label rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">Condition Class</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#PolicyModel"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#PolicySet"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#PolicyRule"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#PolicyGroup"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#Event"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#Action"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#PolicyModel"/>
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Action">
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#isPartOf"/>
<owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource="#DomainConceptPolicy"/>
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#PolicyModel"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#PolicySet"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#PolicyRule"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#PolicyGroup"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#Event"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#Condition"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#PolicyModel"/>
<owl:Class rdf:ID="ManagedEntity">
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Policy"/>
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Obligation">
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Policy"/>
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Authorization">
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Policy"/>
ONTOLOGICAL MODELING IN CLOUD SERVICES - About Information Sharing to Support Service Composition
4.2 Functional Virtual Infrastructure
A functional diagram for functional architecture
supporting the meta-Ontology with its functional
components as initial approach is depicted in Figure
5. This diagram shows the interactions between the
main components. The architecture controls with a
certain high level domain-based view, how service
composition is performed, thus the control of the
behavior is considering like added value
functionalities using high level and formal
representations expanding operations in other
service application domains.
The depicted architecture use monitoring
information to manage service operation and
instructions with ontology-based information models
using linked data mechanisms. Based on previous
implementation experience (Serrano, 2007),
(Serrano, 2006) this architecture allows adaptability
and dynamism to cloud services with the advantages
of incorporating performance information from
applications and inputs from users in form of events
by using InfoEntity Class.
This functional approach offers the advantage in
functionality to orchestrate system behaviour using
data from business, infrastructure, and other
constituencies beyond of the previously defined in
the data model. By using this approach the formal
models representing data can be translated and
integrated as information, machine-based learning
and reasoning engines are used to make the
correlation between data models. In this particular
approach we translate data from application-specific
data models into a cloud application- and
infrastructure control-neutral forms to facilitate its
integration with other types of cloud systems. The
key difference in this architecture relies in the usage
of semantics to perform decision processes.
Performance values are translated into events to
be co-related with the system’s behaviour and then
learned to make the system react when the same
events occur. Linked events trigger and control each
set of independent related events thus certain level
of autonomy is achieved. The service composition
process involves analyzing the triggering events
expressed in an appropriate interoperable language
via service coordination and decision-making
integration, and matches them to service
management and control level available
(Schönwälder, 1999) with the difference of this
component using semantic descriptions to co-relate
events with particular kind of conflicts that must be
identified and evaluated. A detailed Semantic-Based
Service Control Engine (S2CE) and its components
as part of Functional Architecture is out of the scope
of this paper, however implementation results are
being analyzed and interaction between different
domain events tested successfully, Details can be
found in (Keeney, 2011).
Figure 5: Semantic-Based Service Control Engine -
Functional Architecture.
We have demonstrated by use of linked-data,
semantic annotation, are good practices for sharing
information, alike some semantic web standards has
been used to enable this information exchange.
Information sharing is a crucial activity to satisfy
the requirement in convergence service and
communication systems. Implications for services
and infrastructure management are still under
research (service composition). We have studied and
demonstrated how formal representation of data can
be used for modelling service cloud infrastructures.
Remaining research challenges regarding
information model extensibility and information
dissemination conduct our attention to continue our
activity towards virtual infrastructure management,
perform more cloud service control experiments and
look for full service lifecycle control in cloud
In cloud infrastructures (virtual machines) high
demands of information interoperability and of data
link are demanded to satisfy service discovering and
services composition requirements being controlled
by diverse, heterogeneous systems and thus make
more dynamic the perform of cloud-based system.
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
We have demonstrated with this formal
representation we can use ontologies to share
information between different domains where
diversely same information is used to describe
systems performance in form of simple data
instances or likewise describe management
operations in the form of events used to control
virtual infrastructures.
The approach presented in this paper emerges as
study looking forward alternatives to solve part of
the sharing information complex problem. Particular
focus has been described into cloud environments as
cloud computing is one of the most hot areas not
only from a service composition and technology
deployment point of view else from a no less
important cloud service management perspective.
This work is a contribution to SFI-FAME SRC
(Federated, Autonomic Management of End-to-End
Communications Services - Scientific Research
Cluster). Partially funded by Science Foundation
Ireland (SFI) via grant 08/SRC/I1403.
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ONTOLOGICAL MODELING IN CLOUD SERVICES - About Information Sharing to Support Service Composition