system. Integration becomes a problem if the integration team has no knowledge about
the structure and dependencies of the reusable software unit. All problems are based on
missing information. The result of these problems is a negative influence on software
unit reuse (as it may increase integration time, etc.). This illustrates the importance of
information in software unit reuse. A described problem approach uses an extended
semantic model that describes different software units (classes, components, and ser-
vices) in a unified way. This extension describes data that is needed to integrate Studio
and Eclipse. Based on this, a distributed architecture of a software reuse environment
was extended to solve the discussed problems (accessibility and integration). The ac-
cessibility problem is solved by using the architecture to get the integration information
without the need of connecting to a repository system. The integrationproblem is solved
by providing the integration information as part of the description of the reusable soft-
ware unit. The model combined with the architecture is the described novelty of this
paper. This paper arrives at the conclusion, that the discussed accessibility and integra-
tion problems can be solved by providing the correct meta-information and technical
infrastructure to deliver the information. Integration of reusable software units should
not need expert knowledge. However, this paper only discuss a solution. The created
model and architecture extension should be tested in a additional case study by ad-
dressing the advantages for software developers in more complex distributed scenarios.
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