Actually, the capability to fine-grained control the ac-
cess to the artifacts of an organization, or even, the
capability to define and implement business rules, are
most of the times, decoupled from the enterprise de-
sign. The practical consequence of this decoupling, is
(i) the duplication of effort in the control and models
design counterparts and (ii) with the designed mod-
els not aligned with control. Nowadays, a change in
the control requires a change in the model design, and
vice versa. Integrating the access control at the mod-
els design enables a fine-grained access control to the
artifacts directly in the design with a perfect align-
ment that enables the continuous changes throughout
time. Moreover, this integration enables a full ob-
servability of the operation of the enterprise and thus
allows the enforcing of business rules that are able
to react in run-time based in the actual and historical
observations. As a consequence of this, the business
rules are kept as directions that are truly followed by
the organization.
This paper defeat a completely different approach
when compared with non ontological models or even
with models that are solely black-box oriented. We
accept that in order to understand control it is cor-
rect to view the models and the control principles us-
ing a black-box approach, yet the white-box concepts
that relate the separation from the controller and the
controlled process should be researched and precisely
ontological specified if a real implementation is ex-
pected. It is not enough to consider only the black-box
approach. On the other hand, a white-box approach
enables (i) the continuous observation of the design
restrictions of the run-time DBT from the inside and
then (ii) to actuate with a change in the DBT models
when needed. In the limit, parts of the control could
be performed by automatic systems rather than exclu-
sively performed by actors.
For short, our approach represents an effort for con-
ceptualizing the control patterns that should be in-
cluded in the design of the real systems that supports
the organization. Moreover, the control concepts pre-
sented herein are directly related with the EG area re-
garding the lower level of governance for a DBT. For
other aspects of the organization, other control lay-
ers should be further considered. Despite the con-
cepts that are presented in this paper, further research
is needed to design a full ontology for the control of
the DBT. In particular the concepts of business rules
enforcement. It is also needed to develop automatic
tools to design and validate the ontological models.
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KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development