Universal Indexing System for Structured Knowledge
Anabel Fraga, Juan Llorens and Karina Robles
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Departamento de Informática
Av. Universidad 30, Leganés, 28911, Madrid, Spain
Abstract. Knowledge is one of the main assets that humans have, the knowl-
edge achieved in one area may be applied in another different area; all that you
need is to remember it and adapt it to the new area or problem. If we apply this
concept in computer science, it is amazing to realize that knowledge could be a
powerful asset to store (remember) and reuse (adapt). Knowledge could be
structured using different kind of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS). If it
is possible to index any kind of structured information in a repository that
might support also a retrieval system, then it will be retrieved any knowledge
improving the Reuse process and reducing costs at last.
1 Introduction
In previous research [13] the major points of failure of systematic reuse has been
shown. A new perspective of reuse going back to the origins has been shown as well
[13], it allows the process of improving retrieval techniques and methods, dropping
investments costs, including traceability in the process and fully integrated into the
software development process. Retrieval is one of the major “lost” activities in the
reuse process. Diverse proposals arise in order to solve it, and diverse repositories
and libraries are supporting storage and retrieval. Domain Analysis is another exam-
ple trying to solve the retrieval issue, but in this case cost is really high because eve-
rything must be modeled a priori for further retrieval. It is a problem in the industry
because it is almost forgot, reuse is not applied because of costs and ROI is low or
negative in some cases.
As mentioned, proposals are present nowadays for retrieval and storage functions,
but indexing is still on top. An indexer for each type of information is needed, so each
type could be retrieved. And here a problem is foreseen: for each type of information
an indexer must be developed. If an indexer for any kind of information could be
developed then the process of reuse could be really improved reducing cost at last.
Following the research line, the main focus of it is the study of techniques, rules
and development of a universal indexer, a transformer autonomous of the kind of
Universal Reuse [13] is the notion of knowledge reuse independently of the kind
of information, the user that demands the need or even the context where it must be
reused. Knowledge is an asset important for everyone, particular or company, and it
has a peculiar characteristic, it is an asset that is possible to reuse in different situa-
Fraga A., Llorens J. and Robles K..
Universal Indexing System for Structured Knowledge.
DOI: 10.5220/0003704900670074
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Knowledge (SKY-2011), pages 67-74
ISBN: 978-989-8425-82-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tions, by diverse people demanding the reuse. It requires a special treatment or
process in order to be reused in any context with the organization.
The reminder of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 explains the Univer-
sal Reuse Representation Schema, Section 3 explains the Universal Reuse Indexing
schema, Section 4 explains an overall of the Universal reuse Retrieval system, Sec-
tion 5 explains a validation of the Universal Reuse Indexing system as core activity of
the general process, and finally Section 6 enlighten some conclusions.
2 Universal Reuse Representation
The difference between information and knowledge is not clearly marked yet. It can
be usually considered that information refers to general data expressed by numbers,
words, images, sounds and so on, while knowledge refers to learned information,
even by humans or computers. Then strictly speaking, knowledge could be very ab-
stract. Knowledge is very difficult to accumulate, be sought and be integrated for new
needs. One of the basic problems with different types of knowledge is that reusers do
not always get what they need from repositories, for reasons that have to do in part
with how repositories are created, in part with not up-to-date retrieval techniques, and
with almost not existing solutions for smart merging and integrating knowledge
within other knowledge. This is a big part of the “window” to be covered by the
Knowledge Reuse area [3][4][5][6][7]. A well modelled knowledge implies a well
retrieved knowledge later, and the time spend classifying knowledge will imply less
time in the retrieval process. So, modelling is a challenge because it must be universal
in the assumption of a universal reuse.
The Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) domain is a formal and well studied
area aiming with creating accurate structured knowledge, where Ontologies have a
fundamental role. Ontologies play a great role in Knowledge Reuse as they could
serve as repositories or even be reusable assets as well [8] [9] [10] [11].
For us, the structured information can be defined as information that have a data
model (metamodel) that explains unambiguously (explicitly) and entirely (complete-
ly) the contents that its creator intended to. For us it could be called also Computable
Structured Information due to the clarification of the passage from natural science to
computer science [14]. It means the metamodel and its content must be represented in
the same schema in order to be linked and retrieved later on.
An universal schema is important in the success of the reuse process, this schema
must be able to keep the information and its metamodel representation, if both levels
of representing information could be kept in the same schema, then we could call it as
an Universal Schema. The problem to be solved in the case of modelling is that we
need to model any kind of information. For that, we must have a generic metamodel
information. Diverse kind of schemas for representing information are available, but
RSHP [1] [2] is available schema for this research and we will use it in order to repre-
sent any kind of information.
RSHP stands for “RelationSHiP” [12], and it was designed to jointly represent all
different types of information using a common meta-model that allows all possible
information models to be stored in the same repository, in order to enable traceability
between the represented information artifacts.
The philosophy of RSHP is based on the ground idea that knowledge is in es-
sence, related facts, and therefore, it is necessary to bring the relationship itself to the
highest priority of a representation model. As a result of this premise, “In order to
represent information in the RSHP representation model, the main description ele-
ment to be found within the container of the information to be represented should be
the relation-ship. This relationship is in charge of linking concepts” [1] [2].
The big deal here is that RSHP could help us to represent the information without
lost, using its metamodel, because of that it is possible that some stages in the reuse
process could be solved thanks to the use of RSHP. If we can solve the representa-
tion in RSHP of any kind of information some process like retrieval are solved by
reciprocal, because RSHP has a retrieval process solved for the repository and infor-
mation that it manages. And in the case that each stage of the general reuse process
could be solved in the side of the RSHP schema, then it will be solved for the process
itself. Thanks to this schema, knowledge could be stored in a universal repository.
3 Universal Reuse Indexing
The Universal Indexing method at design level must commit the analysis made and
rules established to this closing stages.
If we think of indexing nowadays, each kind of information has its own indexer,
the indexing process is attached to its information kind, and it means an indexer is
needed for each kind of information – i.e. for each metamodel. If the indexing activity
is limited to structured information, but not free text which is managed by Natural
Language Processing techniques (NLP); then it is possible to design an algorithm for
the accomplishment of this task.
Fig. 1. Indexing process flow diagram.
The indexing process could be defined as a process of transforming knowledge in-
to a storage model without lost of information. So far, not losing information is a very
difficult task. First, some rules to transform information must be implemented and
these rules must consider a storage model able to keep any kind of knowledge.
As proposed, RSHP is a well suited storage schema and it helps in the process of
preserving information due to its inherent properties as a generic representation mod-
el. One of the main problems to deal with is to index or transform the knowledge
without lost of information. For that, the rules must be a complete set of transforma-
tion rules.
As shown in Figure 1, the information to be indexed needs the existence of its me-
tamodel, in order to keep the meta-relationships between the concepts thanks to the
transformation process that follows rules, it transforms the information and its meta-
model into the universal repository schema.
The metamodel could be represented in UML (Unified Modeling Language) or it
could be extracted if not available using the XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
files structure, when talking of structured information.
Fig. 2. Enhanced Indexing process flow soft diagram.
Even more, the indexing process could be expanded using auxiliary indexers, as
for example NLP indexers (see Figure 2). As shown in Figure 2, any type of informa-
tion, as: UML, XML, structured text, code, and so on; will have a treatment of a kind
of information Ii in a generic form. Each Ii must be stored and later retrieved for
adapting it to a new context.
As shown in Figure 3, the universal indexing must transform any kind of informa-
tion (Ii), without lost of information. For that, a set of rules has been proposed, these
rules are implemented in the universal transformer, and it is called Tu. Each Ii re-
quires a metamodel for later transformation, without a metamodel it won’t be possible
to obtain the relationships between information. Thanks to the metamodel, informa-
tion relationships are extracted and semantic knowledge is kept in the repository.
of any type
Metam odel
Fig. 3. Universal Indexer flow chart.
Universal indexing must transform any kind of information Ii, without lost of in-
formation. For that, a set of rules is proposed, these rues will be implemented in the
universal transformer or indexer, and it will be called Tu. Each Ii requires a metamo-
del for later transformation, without a metamodel won’t be possible to obtain the
relationships between information. Thanks to the metamodel, information relation-
ships are extracted and semantic knowledge is kept in the repository.
Each Ii is a structured information representation, so it could be kept in XML
widely used for structured information interchange. The metamodel for each Ii will be
represented using UML as modeling language. UML could be represented in a struc-
tured schema called: XMI (XML Metadata Interchange). And it will be used in the
universal transformer as input.
In some cases, the metamodel is not available, so a reverse engineering process is
needed. It is called XML2UML indexer. The metamodel is extracted using XML
information as foundation. The metamodel could be described by a human, but in this
case the process has been designed in order to be independent for better validation. If
a human is involved, of course, the process will be better and improved. A tool for
creating the metamodel is a good solution in this case. A pseudo code is shown as
Algorithm: Indexer(Metamodel, Information_source)
--Pseudo Code--
1 for each Information_source corresponding to Metamodel:
// Initialization
If not( Existing_Metamodel)
// Parse Metamodel
Nodes := Parse_Metamodel(nodes in Information_source)
Load_XML_structures_in memory(Nodes)
GenMetamodel := Generate_Metamodel(Information_source)
Else if (Existing_Metamodel)
GenMetamodel := Load_Metamodel(Metamodel)
If isNew(GenMetamodel)
IdMetamodel := Save_Metamodel(GenMetamodel)
IdMetamodel := Retrieve_Metamodel_Id(GenMetamodel)
LoadedMetamodel := Load_metamodel _inMemory(IdMetamodel)
Parse_content(Information_source, LoadedMetamodel)
// Parse Instances
4 Universal Reuse Retrieval
The main problem is to be able to retrieve any kind of information in this stage, and it
could be solved in the RSHP side. As explained, the use of RSHP as a universal
storage model aids in the retrieval stage. RSHP provides powerful retrieval capabili-
ties, after storing knowledge it could be retrieved in a simple way: as a graph based
on relationships and concepts. It is the basic idea of knowledge. Knowledge is based
on concepts and relationships between them, the more relations you have then the
most you retrieve. Retrieval then relies on previous steps. Retrieval algorithms are
important, new approaches and methods for retrieve in a fast and in a best semantic
way with better rates of Precision/Recall must be done, but the most important fact is
that knowledge must be stored and indexed in an appropriate manner in order to re-
trieve it with fulfilment.
5 Validation
Some experiments were thoughts for validating these ideas, it consists of four differ-
ent experiments, each experiment tries to test the hypothesis and find conclusions and
improvements for the Universal Indexer. The experiment intends to probe but also to
improve the solution given in this research work.
First, one kind of information and its metamodel will be indexed using four dif-
ferent methods. For each of the methods, metrics will be taken: Economic metrics for
developing and using the method, and time processing the information. The experi-
ment will be done in three stages, each stage will increment the metamodel including
a new kind of relationship, and after each stage the metrics will be evaluated. It
means each indexer must change in order to adapt to the new requirement.
Second, one kind of information and two metamodels will be indexed using four
different methods. For each of the methods metrics will be taken, as will be done for
the first experiment. At this time optimization of previous indexers is needed also.
Third, now search is on focus, after indexing retrieval must be measured as well.
Five different search patterns, some including semantics, will be defined and applied
on the indexed information for each of the previous steps. Metrics will be taken: ex-
tracted information, precision, recall, E, F, ASL and time for query resolution.
Fourth, given a set of XML files downloaded using one well known search en-
gines, a set of two queries will be settled and the search will be performed using the
Universal Indexer at local and the Search engine in Internet. The result of this ex-
periment consists of comparing data extracted for both queries, one with semantic of
the metamodel of the indexer files.
6 Conclusions
The classical systematic reuse process failed in the industry environment because of
the huge investment needed to be accomplished by practitioners. Low or negative
ROI ratios became one of the key problems for its wide-spreading. Aside ad-hoc re-
users also gained a certain level of success but the accomplishment level is low, reuse
is only applied to code, dlls and components, and the practice of this reuse has been
Industry would get worth of dealing with any kind of knowledge, in any context,
and by any user: anything, anywhere, and anybody. For that reason, we offer the
concept of Universal Indexer and in previous research a Universal Reuse System as
an open door to get all the benefits of theoretical reuse avoiding the well known
drawbacks of systematic and ad-hoc reuse.
The whole process for reusing any kind of knowledge has to deal with: a universal
representation model, a universal indexer, a universal retrieval and adaptation activi-
ties, a universal accessing, knowledge visualization and a universal reuse metric. All
of these activities have to face the issue that each one could be applied to any kind of
knowledge, in any context, and each activity might be required by any user.
This is a positioning paper, the whole system is under development, but future
publications will offer this concept to industry and its experiments’ results.
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