diagrams (see e.g. Clavel et al. [2] and Queralt and Tenient [10]) and about state
diagrams (see e.g. Flake and Muller [5]).
5.2 Future Work
The examples in this position paper are only of an introductory nature.
One should extensively investigate a variety of software systems of practical in-
terest. This may lead to a different characterization for behavioral ontologies and the
SKB-fields. There could be values of a different nature or even small data structures
within states.
Concerning the inference techniques, one could add different forms to time repre-
sentation, say the operators of temporal logic [3] and explicit real-time constraints.
5.3 Main Contribution
The main contribution of this work is the proposal of integrated software knowledge
behavioral models. In particular, as a knowledge discovery technique, it is important
to model misbehaviors, as well as allowed/legal behaviors. Unified models represent
an alternative to disconnected diagrams in an already cluttered UML zoo of diagrams.
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