Web Search of New Linearized Medical Drug Leads
Iaakov Exman
Software Engineering Department, Jerusalem College of Engineering
POB 3566, 91035, Jerusalem, Israel
Abstract. The Web is a potentially huge source of medical drug leads. But de-
spite the significant amount of multi-dimensional information about drugs, cur-
rently commercial search engines accept only linear keyword strings as inputs.
This work uses linearized fragments of molecular structures as knowledge re-
presentation units to serve as inputs to search engines. It is shown that quite ar-
bitrary fragments are surprisingly free of ambiguity, obtaining relatively small
result sets, which are both manageable and rich in novel potential drug leads.
1 Introduction
Development of new medical drugs is an extremely long and expensive process (see
e.g. [11]). It commonly starts from molecule components with potential desirable
activity – called leads (e.g. [3]) – which are gradually improved by adding or modify-
ing groups of atoms that are part of the leads, to increase activity and decrease unde-
sirable side-effects. In pharmaceutical terms, the active groups of atoms that build
together the leads are often referred as ligands or just fragments.
Web search is a promising source of leads to new drugs. But, much of the infor-
mation available about potential drug molecules is either two-dimensional – e.g. pla-
nar structural formulas as seen in the next sections – or three-dimensional conforma-
tion models. This is an obstacle to search by the generic search engines that are cur-
rently limited to one-dimensional keyword strings.
The solution proposed along this work [2] is to characterize drugs by linearized
structures that can be sliced into fragments. These fragments can be directly used as
search inputs and be stored in suitable ontologies.
The remaining of the paper deals with medical drug knowledge representation is-
sues (section 2), describes specialized medical drug ontologies (section 3), presents
preliminary search results (section 4), and concludes with a discussion (section 5).
2 Drug Knowledge Representation
Generic search engines are powerful and widely available. They easily deal with
textual information.
Exman I..
Web Search of New Linearized Medical Drug Leads.
DOI: 10.5220/0003705401080115
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Knowledge (SKY-2011), pages 108-115
ISBN: 978-989-8425-82-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Medical drugs are based on an active chemical substance, represented by a mole-
cule. Formally, molecules essentially are graphs with edges connecting discrete enti-
ties standing for atoms or groups of atoms. Knowledge about a substance contains
several information types, of which not all of them can directly serve as input to
search engines (see e.g. Konyk at al. [4], and Searls [7]).
Two-Dimensional (2-D) and three-Dimensional (3-D) kinds of information about
molecules are amenable to linearization, thus can be useful as search inputs. We men-
tion two of the most common systems of molecular naming that translate structural
graph information to compact linear strings.
SMILES – an acronym of "Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry" – was proposed
by Weininger et al. (see [9],[10]). OpenSMILES [6] is a more recent open standard
variant. SMILES unambiguously describes 2-D or 3-D molecular structures using
ASCII strings
. The latter can be imported by molecular editor tools to convert them
back into 2-D or 3-D molecular structures. Thus one manipulates multi-dimensional
and linearized structures in practice.
The SMILES string is obtained by a depth-first tree traversal of the molecule
graph. Hydrogen atoms implied by the graph skeleton are trimmed. Cycles are broken
turning a graph into a spanning tree (numeric suffixes indicate the connected nodes of
broken cycles). Parentheses indicate branching points of the tree.
Nelarabine – a chemotherapy drug used to treat leukemia – provides a first exam-
ple of a linearized structure in this paper. Its molecular formula is C
Fig. 1
displays a SMILES string for this substance. Fig. 2 shows its 2-D structure.
Fig. 1. Nelarabine SMILES String – A linearized string representation of Nelarabine, whose
two-dimensional structure is seen in Fig. 2. Here one can count e.g. 11 carbon atoms C and 5
nitrogen N and 5 oxygen O atoms. Hydrogen atoms H are implicit.
Fig. 2. Nelarabine 2-D Structure – This formula displays one hexagonal and two pentagonal
rings. Also seen atoms and groups (say NH
=Amino), linked by chemical bonds. In contrast to
Fig. 1, some hydrogen atoms H are here explicit, while carbon atoms C are implied by
unnamed vertices of the polygons.
Please refer to the literature about SMILES’ requirements for unique specification.
Midazolam – a hypnotic-sedative drug – with molecular formula C
our second example of a linearized structure. Fig. 3 displays its SMILES string. Mi-
dazolam’s 2-D structure is shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 3. Midazolam SMILES String – Again one can count atom types, except hydrogen H, and
compare with its molecular formula. It has one chlorine Cl and one fluorine F atom.
Fig. 4. Midazolam 2-D Structure – It shows a pentagonal, two hexagonal and a heptagonal
ring. Also explicit some of its atoms (N=Nitrogen, F=Fluor, Cl=Chlorine).
2.2 InChi
InChI – an "International Chemical Identifier" – was proposed by the International
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) in 2006 [5]. It has the same purpose
Each molecular structure has a unique InChI string. The InChI format, algorithms
and software are freely available. Search speed is increased by a hashed InChI – the
InChIKey – having a fixed 25 character length, a human unreadable form of the
InChI descriptor.
InChI describes chemicals in a set of information layers (atoms, connectivity,
isotopes, stereo, etc.). A particular InChI descriptor may contain only some of these
SMILES may be less expressive in terms of kinds of information, but it is
certainly more human readable than InChI. Therefore we have chosen SMILES for
this work.
3 Medical Drug Ontologies
Linearized fragments – i.e. whole groups within molecules – are meant to be used as
inputs for Lead search. We first concisely review conventional medical drug ontolo-
gies, then describe specialized ontologies which store linearized fragments.
3.1 Conventional Medical Drug Ontologies
Medical drug and chemical ontologies found in the literature contain detailed and
comprehensive descriptions of concepts in the field (e.g. [1], [8]).
The chemical information ontology [1] formulated in OWL (the Web Ontology
description Language), precisely defines each of the concepts mentioned in the pre-
vious section (molecular formula, structural formula, SMILES, InChi, InChiKey, etc.)
among many others.
The Translational Medicine Ontology (TMO) [8] was developed by the W3C
(World Wide Web Consortium), within the semantic web for health care. TMO is a
patient-centric ontology to integrate data across aspects of drug discovery and clinical
practice. TMO is so high-level that it is not really relevant to drug discovery efforts.
3.2 Specialized Ontologies for Medical Drug Search
This work proposed specialized "drug-lead" ontologies as repositories of the know-
ledge acquired about active components in medical drugs.
The drug-lead ontologies are not intended to be comprehensive, but rather con-
cise, to facilitate direct and efficient search. Their simple structure has a certain class
of drugs – e.g. chemotherapy drugs – as a root. A particular drug instance – say
rabine – displays its important components, either by conventional names or linearized
If the important components do not cover the whole molecule, one adds a place-
holder termed "skeleton" to notify that the molecular structure contains more compo-
nents than the explicitly mentioned ones. This is schematically seen in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Nelarabine Drug-Lead Ontology – A schematic graph contains the root drug class
(Chemoterapy), the Nelarabine instance and its named components – a linearized SMILES sub-
string, a conventional Component-A, and an unspecified skeleton.
Using linearized fragments, say "(N)=NC2=C1N=CN2C" as input to a generic search en-
gine, one actually gets among search results potential leads for the given drug class. – in this
case Nelarabine among other chemotherapy drugs – whose structure contains the component.
4 Preliminary Results
4.1 Experimental Technique
In order to obtain preliminary evaluations for the potential of Web search techniques
for drug leads, a set of representative structures of diverse drug classes was chosen.
From each representative a random selection of fragments with increasing size was
taken and search performed. A few kinds of results were examined, in particular the
presence of leads of potential interest (see ref. [2]) and the size trend of the result sets.
The latter are shown next.
4.2 Search Result Set Sizes
In the next figures one sees search result set sizes for Nelarabine and Midazolam.
They are shown as numerical tables and in graphical form.
Fig. 6. Nelarabine Result Sets for Increasing Fragment Size – Fragment size increases from 2
symbols – either atoms or other SMILES symbols (equality or parenthesis) – up to 18 symbols.
Search result set sizes are also shown in logarithmic scale.
Fig. 7. Nelarabine Result Sets for Increasing Fragment Size – Graph showing fragment size
increasing from 2 to 18 symbols. Search result set sizes are shown in logarithmic scale. Square
(blue) dots are individual results. Continuous (black) straight line is a fitted interpolation.
Fig. 8. Midazolam Result Sets for Increasing Fragment Size – Fragment size increases from 2
symbols – either atoms or other SMILES symbols (equality or parenthesis) – up to 18 symbols.
Search result set sizes also shown in logarithmic scale.
Fig. 9. Midazolam Result Sets for Increasing Fragment Size – Graph showing fragment size
increasing from 2 to 18 symbols. Search result set sizes are shown in logarithmic scale. Square
(blue) dots are individual results. Continuous (black) straight line is a fitted interpolation.
5 Discussion
5.1 Non-ambiguous Fragments
Three outcomes deserve emphasis among the preliminary results:
a) Low Ambiguity – since molecular fragments are very uncommon combinations of
symbols, not found in natural language, there is virtually no ambiguity of meaning;
search results are specific;
b) Random Fragments – arbitrary slicing of linearized strings, producing random
fragments, is surprisingly efficient. There is no need to slice them in the boundary of
semantic units. Any slicing will work.
c) Manageable Result Sets – the graphs in Fig. 7 and Fig. 9 show the clear trend of
reducing result set sizes with increasing fragment size. Thus one can guarantee that
above a certain fragment size threshold one gets result sets of the order of hundreds
5.2 Drug-lead Ontologies
Knowledge repositories of experience relevant to drug discovery are accepted wis
dom. We prefer the specialized compact drug-lead ontologies for Web search, since
conventional ontologies are too large and not enough specific, to be efficient.
We have chosen a widely accepted path to new medical drugs – viz. a fragment
based approach. The proposed drug-lead ontologies are the vehicle to introduce frag-
ments into search. Linearized components are essential to express structure. The spe-
cific choice – to favor SMILES rather than InChi – is not essential and can be
changed, if necessary.
5.3 Future Work
To demonstrate the efficiency of the taken approach, one needs to make extensive
investigation of a variety of drug families.
This work adopted a drug-lead ontology with a dual role of knowledge repository
and source of search inputs. A research issue of interest is the number and average
sizes of the practical drug-lead ontologies.
5.4 Main Contribution
The main contribution of this work is the idea of random fragments of linearized
structures for Web search of new medical drugs.
This work is a continuation of a collaboration with Michal Pinto from the Pharma-
ceutical Engineering dept. at the JCE. This work also benefitted from discussions
with Gil Shalem.
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