Filippo Geraci
and Marco Maggini
Istituto di Informatica e Telematica, CNR, Pisa, Italy
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Universit
a di Siena, Siena, Italy
filippo.geraci@iit.cnr.it, maggini@ing.unisi.it
Web information retrieval, Web template detection.
Nowadays most of Web pages are automatically assembled by content management systems or editing tools
that apply a fixed template to give a uniform structure to all the documents beloging to the same site. The tem-
plate usually contains side information that provides better graphics, navigation bars and menus, banners and
advertisements that are aimed to improve the users’ browsing experience but may hinder tools for automatic
processing of Web documents. In this paper, we present a novel template removing technique that exploits
a sequence alignment algorithm from bioinformatics that is able to automatically extract the template from a
quite small sample of pages from the same site. The algorithm detects the common structure of HTML tags
among pairs of pages and merges the partial hypotheses using a binary tree consensus schema. The experi-
mental results show that the algorithm is able to attain a good precision and recall in the retrieval of the real
template structure exploiting just 16 sample pages from the site. Moreover, the positive impact of the template
removing technique is shown on a Web page clustering task.
Automatic processing of Web contents is nowadays
an important tool to provide added value services to
users. For instance, search engines have become an
indispensable and powerful gateway to access infor-
mation on the Web, information extraction techniques
are the basis to design systems for data integration and
collection from unstructured Web documents, senti-
ment analysis and topic monitoring from Web posts
are attracting an increasing interest from companies.
Most of these applications need to focus only on the
most informative part of a Web document and the
quality of their results may be heavily hindered by the
large amount of side information that is usually em-
bedded in Web documents. In fact, most of Web pages
are usually dynamically constructed by content man-
agement systems or edited with design tools that use
a fixed template to format them. Basically a template
provides a common structure of all the pages that is
reflected both in the graphical layout and in the skele-
ton of HTML tags that are used to format the page.
Many different techniques for template detection
and removal have been proposed in the literature. All
the reported results show that automatic processing
techniques, like indexing, Web page classification and
clustering, may benefit from template removal. Some
early works approached the task by a layout analy-
sis based on a graphical rendering of the page but
their practical use is limited by the high computa-
tional costs (Kovacevic et al., 2002). The most re-
cent algorithms try to exploit the structure of HTML
tags by searching for common parts of the pages or
blocks (Bar-Yossef and Rajagopalan, 2002; Debnath
et al., 2005; Song et al., 2004) or by an analysis of
the document tree as defined by HTML tags (Yi et al.,
2003; Chakrabarti et al., 2007). A related application
that exploits similar techniques is wrapper induction
(see e.g. (Wong and Lam, 2007)), that aims at the au-
tomatic generation of information extraction modules
by exploiting the common structure of the Web pages
containing the data we are interested to collect.
Desirable features of an automatic template ex-
traction algorithms are low computational costs since
they may employed in large scale systems, easy
adaptability to any template structure using a mini-
mum number of sample pages, the use of a completely
unsupervised (or a very limited supervised) approach
to avoid the need of human effort that would limit its
applicability, and high precision in the detection of the
template structure. In this paper we present a template
extraction algorithm that meets most of these require-
Geraci F. and Maggini M. (2011).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, pages 121-128
DOI: 10.5220/0003712801210128
ments. The proposed technique exploits the Needle-
man and Wunsch alignment algorithm originally de-
vised for DNA sequences (Needlemana and Wunscha,
1970). This algorithm is exploited to find the most
likely alignment among two sequences of HTML tags
extracted from two different pages from the same site.
Since the common sequence structure that is extracted
from a pair of pages may be strongly dependent on
the specific selected pages, a hierarchical consensus
schema is adopted: given a certain number of differ-
ent pairs of pages, the extracted common sequences,
that constitute the current set of hypotheses for the
target template, are recursively compared to further
distillate the common parts. The comparisons form
a binary consensus tree and the output of the algo-
rithm is the template sequence available in the tree
root. The experimental results show that the proposed
method is able to yield a good precision and recall
in the detection of the HTML tags belonging to the
template given only a very limited number of sample
pages from the site (in the considered setting only 16
pages are able to provide satisfactory performances).
The algorithm is also efficient and the running time
for template extraction is quite low. Finally, the eval-
uation shows that the proposed extraction technique
can provide significant benefits in a Web mining task,
namely Web page clustering, confirming similar re-
sults as those reported in the literature.
The paper is organized as follows. The next sec-
tion describes the template extraction algorithm in de-
tails. Then section 3 reports both the evaluation of the
accuracy in the prediction of the real template and an
analysis of the impact of the template removal in a
Web mining application (Web page clustering). Fi-
nally in section 4 the conclusions are drawn and the
future developments are sketched.
The proposed template extraction algorithm is
based on the assumption that a Web template is made
up of a set of overrepresented contiguous subse-
quences of HTML tags shared by the pages from a
given web site. According to this assumption, some
local parts of the template can be missing in some par-
ticular web page.
The first processing step consists in splitting each
page into a sequence of tokens. In the following, a
token corresponds to a single HTML tag or to the
text snippet contained between two consecutive tags.
The tokens are then normalized to remove the po-
tential differences due to the human editing of the
pages or irrelevant features (i.e. extra white spaces
are removed, capital letters are lowered). Moreover
tags are normalized by sorting their internal attributes.
The normalized tokens form an alphabet of sym-
bols over which the page sequences are generated.
Hence, the problem of finding the common parts in
two Web pages can be cast as the computation of the
global alignment of the two corresponding sequences
of normalized tokens. The alignment can be obtained
by exploiting a modified version of the DNA global
alignment algorithm due to Needleman and Wunsch
(Needlemana and Wunscha, 1970), which is based on
a dynamic programming technique.
However, a single alignment of only two Web
pages is likely to produce a poor approximation of
the template since they can share the same tokens just
by chance or a portion of the real template could be
missing in one of the two pages. Hence, in order to
compute a more reliable template, the alignment pro-
cedure is repeated exploiting a set t pages using a re-
cursive procedure. At each step the k input sequences
are paired and aligned to yield k/2 template profile
candidates, starting from the initial t sequences rep-
resenting the available samples. The template candi-
date originating from a given pair of sequences is ob-
tained by pruning those tokens that have receive low
evidence in the alignment steps performed so far. The
procedure iterates until it remains only a single pro-
file that is returned as final Web template (i.e. log
steps are required).
2.1 The Alignment Algorithm
Two strings s
and s
are aligned by inserting white
spaces (gaps) into them, such that the probability of
finding the same symbol in the same position of the
two modified strings is maximized, and that only one
string can contain a gap in a certain position. An
alignment corresponds to the sequence of operations
required to align the two strings. Consider the case
in which we are comparing the i-th symbol of string
and the j-th symbol of string s
(later referred to
as s
[i] and s
[ j]). There are three options: skip both
symbols and move to the next one for both the strings;
insert a gap in s
[i] or in s
[ j]. We assign a score (or
a penalty) to each operation so as to compute a global
score for the whole alignment. In particular we re-
ward the case in which s
[i] = s
[ j] giving score 1,
we ignore the case in which we skip s
[i] and s
[ j]
because they are different, and we penalize the inser-
tion of a gap giving score -1. The goal is to find an
alignment with highest score among all the possible
In the considered application, the strings cor-
Text 1
Title 1
Text 2
<IMG SRC="#">
Title 2
−10 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6
(a) Matrix initialization
Text 1
Title 1
Text 2
<IMG SRC="#">
Title 2
−10 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6
1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4
0 01 −1 −2 −3
−1 0 2 01 −1
−2 −1 1 23 1
−3 −2 0 2 3 2
−4 −3 −1 321
310−2−5 −4
(b) Filled matrix
Figure 1: Similarity matrix for two small HTML snippets.
respond to sequences of tokens extracted from the
HTML pages, as described before. Let U =
,. ..,u
} and V = {v
,. . .,v
} be the sequences of
tokens representing two Web pages. The alignment
algorithm builds a (n + 1) × (m + 1) matrix S (called
similarity matrix) such that each entry contains the
score of the best alignment of a prefix of U and V .
We initialize the first row and column of S as follows:
S[0][i] = S[i][0] = i. Figure 1(a) shows the matrix S
initialized for a small portion of two HTML pages.
Once initializated, we fill each line of the similar-
ity matrix S from left to right. Consider the case in
which we are filling the cell in position i, j. If we in-
sert a gap in position i of U, the partial score of the
alignment becomes S[ j][i 1] 1. Symmetrically, if
we insert a gap in position j of the sequence V , the
partial alignment score becomes S[ j 1][i] 1. If we
align v
and u
there are two cases: the two tokens
match, thus score becomes S[ j 1][i 1] + 1, the to-
kens do not match, thus the score does not change.
Since we are interested in the best possible alignment,
the algorithm chooses the alternative that maximizes
the score. Note that the value of S[i][ j] is always de-
rived from one of its neighbours. In a separate matrix
S we keep trace of the path from a cell of S to its pre-
decessor. Figure 1(b) shows the final similarity matrix
and a visual representation of the corresponding
The final phase of the algorithm navigates
S from
the bottom right position to the top left so as to ex-
tract the aligned tokens. Given the element
S[ j][i], if
its predecessor is
S[ j][i 1] the algorithm outputs v
symmetrically, if the predecessor is
S[ j 1][i], the al-
gorithm outputs u
. When the predecessor of
S[ j][i] is
S[ j 1][i 1] we have a match/missmatch. In the first
case we output indifferently u
or v
, otherwise we
output both tokens. Note that this sequence of tokens
has to be inverted to match the original order.
2.2 The Template Distillation Algorithm
Given a set of t input pages represented by their nor-
malized token sequences s
, i = 1, ...,t, we can ran-
domly pair these pages to obtain t/2 pairs (s
Each token in these sequences is assigned a score
value that accounts the frequency of the token at each
given position in the sample pages. Hence, at the first
step the tokens are all assigned the initial value of 1/t,
since they are observed in just one case. The output of
the alignment algorithm applied on each of these pairs
is an aligned sequence s
,k = 1,.. .,t/2 containing the
union of the two original sequences. The confidence
score of each token in the output sequence is com-
puted as the sum of the scores available in the input
sequences for the matching tokens, whereas if a token
does not match with a token in the other sequence its
original score is left unchanged.
The procedure is repeated at each step r using
as input the sequences s
,k = 1, ... ,t/2
, com-
puted after the alignment and a token pruning phase
in the previous step. The pruning phase aims at re-
moving the less frequent tokens from the sequences
and, in particular, all the tokens having a score below
the value 2
/t are pruned (given the initial values
of the scores, for r = 1,2 no tokens are actually re-
moved). Without loss of generality, we can assume
that t = 2
such that the algorithm terminates after
n = log
(t) steps when the final sequence correspond-
ing to the output template is computed. The distilla-
Table 1: The Web sites collected in the benchmark dataset, with the related average number of tokens in a typical page and in
the corresponding template.
Web site # tokens # template tokens
PI: punto-informatico.it 876 686
Ansa: ansa.it 2245 1794
Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org 2058 467
allMusic: allmusic.com 1559 282
zdNet: zdnet.com 2882 2820
tion procedure can be described as a binary tree whose
leaves correspond to the input pages whereas the in-
ternal nodes are the result of the recursive distillation
process. Nodes in the higher levels represent more
reliable template hypotheses since they collect the ev-
idence extracted by combining the alignments orig-
inating from a larger set of pages. Finally the final
result is the represented by the sequence available at
the root of the tree. Hence, it is easy to verify that the
procedure requires to perform a total of 2
1 = t 1
The sequence available at the root node is finally
pruned by removing those tokens whose score is be-
low 1/2, that is that the evidence of their presence is
supported by less than half of the pages used in the
process (this is the value used in the experiments but
a different threshold could be used).
The computational cost and the impact of the tem-
plate extraction algorithm in a typical Web mining
task were evaluated in a set of experiments. In par-
ticular, the first evaluation was designed to assess the
ability of the algorithm to predict exactly which to-
kens belong to the template for a given Web site,
whereas a second benchmark has been performed to
investigate the contribution of the algorithm on the fi-
nal outcome of an information retrieval task (namely
Web page clustering).
The experiments were performed on a Mac
equipped with a 3.33 Ghz Intel core 2 Duo, 8Gb of
RAM and the Mac OS X v. 10.6.7 operating system.
The algorithm was implemented in Python. Even if
we could speed up the algorithm by exploiting the in-
trinsic parallelism of the CPU by performing many
alignments of pages in parallel, we decided to imple-
ment the algorithm as a sequential program to avoid
biases in the running time evaluation due to the par-
ticular CPU architecture. However we would like to
remark that, using an architecture with t/2 processors,
it is possible to speed up the algorithm from O(t) to
3.1 Evaluation of Template Prediction
The main goal of the first set of experiments was to
assess the ability of the algorithm to predict which to-
kens belong to the Web site template. To the best of
our knowledge there is not a public available dataset
of Web templates to be used for the comparison of
template extraction algorithms. To perform an ac-
curate evaluation the dataset should contain a set of
pages extracted from Web sites that exploit different
template structures and for each of them the actual
template, that is the ground truth, should be available.
Hence, we decided to select five Web sites with dif-
ferent size and characteristics in their templates (i.e.
the ratio between the number of template tokens and
the overall number of tokens in a typical page). For
each of them, the “true” template was manually ex-
tracted. The sites we selected are reported in table 1,
that shows for each of them the average number of
tokens per page and the number of tokens in the asso-
ciated template.
The task of extracting the template from a Web
page (or a set of pages) is made complex because of
two reasons:
to discriminate whether a certain section of
HTML is part or not of the template can result in
an arbitrary choice;
the template can contain some tags which require
to be manually modified.
The first situation can be found in Web sites that are
divided into sections, where each section shares with
the others most of the template except some details.
In these cases, we could define a more general tem-
plate for the whole site or more specific templates for
each section. Another interesting case is that of on–
line newspapers in which often the home page has a
slightly different structure than the other pages. An
example of the second case is a template featuring
a context menu such that each page contains a link
pointing to itself or to the category to which it be-
longs. Another case is when the pages contain ran-
dom generated banners/ads for which the template al-
locates some space, but the target link changes every
Table 2: Precision, recall and number of tags in the extracted template for different values of the parameter t.
PI: punto-informatico.it Ansa: ansa.it
# Pages 2 4 8 16 32 2 4 8 16 32
Precision 0.720 0.804 0.842 0.855 0.811 0.681 0.816 0.891 0.856 0.859
Recall 0.940 0.940 0.930 0.868 0.739 0.973 0.957 0.903 0.908 0.892
# tags 915 808 757 697 625 2651 2159 1822 1909 1869
Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org allMusic: allmusic.com
# Pages 2 4 8 16 32 2 4 8 16 32
Precision 0.155 0.226 0.569 0.906 0.911 0.119 0.196 0.395 0.702 0.725
Recall 0.946 0.905 0.899 0.931 0.907 0.950 0.946 0.939 0.936 0.936
# tags 3012 1864 738 480 466 2242 1362 671 377 365
zdNet: zdnet.com
# Pages 2 4 8 16 32
Precision 0.674 0.874 0.890 0.934 0.959
Recall 0.941 0.917 0.915 0.910 0.777
# tags 4051 2961 2908 2748 2285
Table 2 reports the precision and recall of the com-
puted template against the manually extracted ground
truth, for different values of the parameter t. Even
if there is not a theoretical limitation for the value of
parameter t we narrowed the tests only to powers of
It is not surprising that the recall tends to have
a monotonically decreasing trend with respect to the
value of the parameter t. In fact, when using more
pages it is likely to evidence slight differences in the
use of the template tags that prevent the algorithm
to select them. In contrast the precision tends to in-
crease. This is due to the fact that the higher is the
number of pages exploited in the computation of the
consensus, the lower is the probability for a token not
belonging to the template to be shared enough to be
kept in the final hypothesis. On the other hand, neg-
ative effects in the precision due to the local discrep-
ancy of some pages are also mitigated by the higher
number of pages.
With the purpose of better investigating the ef-
fects of the choice of t in the final template prediction
quality, we report in figure 2(a) the f-measure for the
experiments described above. F-measure is the har-
monic mean of precision and recall, and it is com-
monly used in information retrieval to evaluate the
trade-off between these two measures. The plot shows
how a overestimated value for t tends to slightly re-
duce the overall F-measure (as highlighted from PI
and zdnet). On the other hand, a underestimated
value of t can result in a poor F-measure (as high-
lighted from wikipedia and allmusic) due to a low
We observed that precision is strongly affected by
the ratio between the size of the template and the num-
ber of tokens in the considered web pages. In partic-
ular, for a given assignment of t, the higher the ratio,
the higher the precision. We observed also that, for
increasing values of t, the number of tokens returned
from the algorithm decreases (see table 2). This latter
observation suggests that precision is not influenced
by the number of retrieved tokens effectively belong-
ing to the template, but from the number of false pos-
According to Figure 2(a) we can conclude that set-
ting t = 16 seems to be a good choice in most situa-
tions, at least when an estimation of the web template
size can not be automatically accomplished.
Figure 2(b) reports the running time of the algo-
rithm using the hardware and software configuration
described earlier in this section. Not surprisingly the
algorithm running time depends linearly on t. Note
that for the assignment of t = 16 the algorithm is al-
ways able to extract the template in few minutes.
We expected also to find a strong correlation be-
tween the running time and the characteristics of the
Web sites (average number of tokens, template size),
but our experiments confirm only partially this corre-
lation. Consider the cases of allMusic and Ansa, the
former has a lower number of tokens per page and the
template size is smaller, however the running time is
comparable to the latter. The explanation of this fact
is that the running time is affected by the number of
tokens in each alignment and not by either the page
size or the template size. This feature depends from
intrinsic characteristics of the Web pages, thus it is
unpredictable in advance.
3.2 Web Page Clustering
The main application fields of Web template extrac-
tion algorithms are: information retrieval and Web
mining. Experimental results in the literature have
shown how these algorithms can improve the perfor-
2 4 8 16 32
# pages
(a) F-measure
2 4 8 16 32
Running time (secs)
# pages
(b) Running time
Figure 2: Template extraction algorithm performances with respect to the parameter t.
mance in many applications like clustering, classifi-
cation and indexing (Yi et al., 2003; Bar-Yossef and
Rajagopalan, 2002). In this context, the exact identifi-
cation of the Web template itself is not the main goal,
but it is crucial to remove from the document corpus
those repeated parts which are not discriminative for
the specific task, even if they are not properly part of
the Web template.
In this section we report experiments aimed at
evaluating the effects of the template extraction algo-
rithm in a clustering task. To this purpose we set up
two datasets to which we applied the clustering proce-
dure before and after the removal of the template. We
also compare our algorithm with the naive baseline al-
gorithm which removes the real (manually extracted)
In table 3 we report some details about the two
document corpora used. Both these corpora were ob-
tained downloading a certain number of articles from
an Italian on-line magazine. We only downloaded ar-
ticles and not other kinds of pages (i.e. the home
page). This choice has two advantages: first it reduces
the potential effects due to the use of slightly differ-
ent templates in different categories of pages; second,
the subdivision of the articles into categories can be
easily derived from the manual classification made by
the web site owners.
Table 3: Datasets used in the Web page clustering evalua-
Dataset PI Ansa
Web site punto-informatico.it ansa.it
# articles 9364 3470
# Categories 7 13
As clustering procedure we used an implemen-
tation of the Furthest-Point-First (FPF) algorithm
(Gonzalez, 1985), which has already been used for
related Web mining tasks (Geraci et al., 2008). As
quality measures we used four standard functions
commonly used in IR to evaluate clustering qual-
ity: F-measure, purity, normalized mutual informa-
tion (NMI), and normalized complementary entropy
Let GT = {GT
,. . .,GT
} be the partition of the
articles as extracted by the original classification in
the Web sites, and let C = {c
,. . .,c
} be the outcome
of the clustering procedure. Given a cluster c
and a
class GT
, precision and recall can be defined as
i, j
, r
i, j
Let F(GT
) be the F-measure for a given cluster
and a class GT
defined as the harmonic mean of
precision and recall. We can extend the concept of F-
measure to the entire clustering by using the following
F =
where n is the sum of the cardinality of all the
classes. The value of F is in the range [0,1] and a
higher value indicates better quality.
Purity is devised to evaluate how well each clus-
ter fits in a class of the ground truth. Each cluster is
assigned to the class which share the highest number
of articles with it. The higher number of shared doc-
uments the higher cluster quality according to purity.
The overall purity for a clustering is the sum of the
contributions provided by each cluster. In details pu-
rity is defined as:
A =
| .
The value of A is in the range [0, 1] and a higher
value indicates better quality.
The normalized mutual information (see
e.g. (Strehl, 2002, page 110)), comes from in-
formation theory and is defined as follows:
NMI(C, GT ) =
log|C||GT |
) · log
P(c) · P(c
where P(c) represents the probability that a ran-
domly selected article o
belongs to c, and P(c,c
represents the probability that a randomly selected ar-
ticle o
belongs to both c and c
. The normalization,
achieved by the
log|C||GT |
factor, is necessary in or-
der to account for the fact that the cardinalities of C
and GT are in general different (Cover and Thomas,
1991). Higher values of NMI mean better clustering
quality. NMI is designed for hard clustering.
The normalized complementary entropy (Strehl,
2002, page 108) is a modified version of entropy
which ranges in the interval [0,1]. The entropy of a
cluster c
C is
|GT |
k, j
k, j
where r
k, j
is the recall of cluster c
for class GT
To normalize the entropy we divide E
for log|GT |.
To evaluate the entropy for the whole clustering we
can now sum the contribution of each cluster. Then
we compute the complement of the entropy to make
it coherent with the above described measures so that
higher values mean better quality. The final formula
for the normalized complementary entropy is the fol-
NCE(C,GT ) = 1
log|GT |
Table 4: Clustering performance when using the original
pages, the proposed template removal algorithm with t =
8,16, and the removal of the manually extracted template.
PI: punto-informatico.it
Original Our Baseline
t = 8 t = 16
F-measure 0.234 0.260 0.276 0.274
Purity 0.249 0.261 0.272 0.279
NMI 0.040 0.044 0.059 0.058 6
NCE 0.064 0.068 0.084 0.083
Ansa: ansa.it
Original Our Baseline
t = 8 t = 16
F-measure 0.387 0.445 0.449 0.422
Purity 0.397 0.466 0.471 0.452
NMI 0.346 0.425 0.384 0.346
NCE 0.383 0.388 0.421 0.383
Table 4 reports an evaluation of the clustering
quality for the datasets PI and Ansa in different cases:
when the template is not removed (column Original
in the tables), when the template is identified and re-
moved by the template extraction algorithm (with dif-
ferent values of the parameter t), and when we remove
the manually extracted template. For each measure,
we highlighted the case reporting the highest perfor-
A first important observation is that, the experi-
ments confirm how template removal is an effective
tool to improve the quality of Web information re-
trieval tasks. Another important observation is that
these experiments confirm how setting t = 16 in the
extraction algorithm is, in general, a good choice in-
dependently of the document corpus characteristics.
Hence, even if it works quite well in practice,
the removal of the manually extracted template is not
the best possible choice for improving the clustering
quality. In fact, for this task the perfect identification
of the template is not the main issue. The experiments
show that the automatic template extraction algorithm
consistently provides a better result in the clustering
task when compared to the removal of the manually
extracted template.
Figure 3 shows the benefits of Web template re-
moval for clustering in terms of the reduction of the
corpus size, and of the clustering running time. In par-
ticular, figure 3 (a) reports the clustering running time
for PI and Ansa. The experiments confirm that Web
template removal has consistently positive effects on
the clustering time. The extraction algorithm makes
clustering faster than that obtained by the manual Web
template removal. In the case of PI The proposed al-
gorithm can contribute to save up to 50% of the clus-
tering time (compared to the clustering of the original
dataset). In the case of Ansa the amount of saved time
depends on the choice of t. Figure 3 (a) shows that,
setting t = 16, the saved time is still about 40%.
Figure 3 (b) shows that the extraction algorithm
reduces the amount of used space to store the docu-
ment corpus of a factor 3. Note that for the PI dataset
the algorithm reduces the corpus size more than the
removal of the manually extracted template. This is
due to the fact that, in this case, the extraction algo-
rithm has identified snippets of HTML, which are re-
peated in the most of pages, even if they are not part of
the Web template (i.e. tags commonly used for article
The paper describes a template extraction technique
that exploits a sequence alignment algorithm to de-
tect the HTML structure that is shared by the pages
(a) Clustering running time
(b) Dataset size in Mb
Figure 3: Time and space requirements of the clustering algorithm for the datasets PI and Ansa before and after template
from a target site. The algorithm is able to yield good
retrieval performance given just a small number of
pages from the site. It is also shown that the removal
of the template extracted by the algorithm can signif-
icantly improve the performance of a Web page clus-
tering application. Future work will concern the im-
provement of the alignment step by studying different
solutions for assigning the similarity matrix on the ba-
sis of different features of the compared elements.
This work was partially supported by the Italian Reg-
istry of the ccTLD “.it” Registro.it.
Bar-Yossef, Z. and Rajagopalan, S. (2002). Template detec-
tion via data mining and its applications. In Proceed-
ings of the 11th international conference on World
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