Table 5: Average success percentage by 5 users on each task using 3 mental tasks.
Tasks Rest Arm Song Math Object
Rest – Arm – Song 75.02 64.48 60.83 - -
Rest – Arm – Math 76.76 64.70 - 67.86 -
Rest – Arm – Object 80.44 62.28 - - 63.67
Rest – Song – Math 76.19 - 58.60 66.54 -
Rest – Song – Object 77.09 - 60.07 - 66.44
Rest – Math – Object 77.48 - - 68.53 67.35
Arm – Song – Math - 67.66 73.71 68.93 -
Arm –Song – Object - 65.69 77.35 - 65.09
Arm – Math – Object - 67.04 - 76.39 68.49
Song – Math – Object - - 73.86 70.05 66.86
Average 77.16 65.31 67.40 69.72 66.32
Table 6: Average success percentage by 5 users on each task using 4 mental tasks.
Tasks Rest Arm Song Math Object
Rest – Arm – Song – Math 71.83 60.10 53.46 62.02 -
Rest – Arm – Song – Object 73.03 58.24 54.28 - 57.70
Rest – Arm – Math – Object 73.24 58.27 - 63.01 58.31
Rest – Song – Math – Object 71.01 - 53.81 62.13 61.70
Arm – Song – Math – Object - 59.54 69.10 63.92 59.31
Average 72.28 59.04 57.66 62.77 59.26
indicates that the Emotiv Epoc is suitable to be used
in a Brain-Computer Interface. As a future work, the
implementation of an online application has been
proposed. Also, is expected to perform different tests
using volunteers with disabilities. In order to
compare results and verify if there is any
performance loss due to the Emotiv Epoc device, it
is expected to test the same experiments with a high-
quality research-oriented EEG system (gUSBamp
g.tec). Finally, the use of a new set of tasks (for
example, new motor tasks, tongue movement,
mental calculation or word formation) are suggested,
as well as the use of new classification algorithms.
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Ciencia e Innovación of the Spanish Government
through project DPI2008-06875-C03-03 and by the
Consellería d’Educació de la Generalitat Valenciana
through grant BEST/2010/047, grant
ACOMP/2011/066 and grant FPA/2011/058.
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NCTA 2011 - International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications