Cameron Spence
Capgemini, 1 Forge End, Woking, Surrey, U.K.
Vaughan Michell
Informatics Research Centre, Henley Business School, University of Reading, U.K.
Keywords: Enterprise architecture, Obsolescence, Risk, Modelling.
Abstract: The problem of technology obsolescence in information intensive businesses (software and hardware no
longer being supported and replaced by improved and different solutions) and a cost constrained market can
severely increase costs and operational, and ultimately reputation risk. Although many businesses recognise
technological obsolescence, the pervasive nature of technology often means they have little information to
identify the risk and location of pending obsolescence and little money to apply to the solution. This paper
presents a low cost structured method to identify obsolete software and the risk of their obsolescence where
the structure of a business and its supporting IT resources can be captured, modelled, analysed and the risk
to the business of technology obsolescence identified to enable remedial action using qualified obsolescence
information. The technique is based on a structured modelling approach using enterprise architecture
models and a heatmap algorithm to highlight high risk obsolescent elements. The method has been tested
and applied in practice in two consulting studies carried out by Capgemini involving three UK police forces.
However the generic technique could be applied to any industry based on plans to improve it using ontology
framework methods. This paper contains details of enterprise architecture meta-models and related
As the pace of technology introduction quickens and
IS becomes more pervasive the rate of change of
technology and the forced obsolescence has also
increased (Bulow, 1986). This very pervasiveness
increases the connectedness and reliance on specific
technology which can quickly become obsolete
(Whelan, 2000). This increases both the cost of
maintaining existing and or replacing the technology
(Solomon et al., 2000). Doing nothing is not possible
due to risk of loss of service provision and hence the
management of obsolescent technology is becoming
critical. The current economic focus on austerity has
increased the need for better obsolescence awareness
and management as businesses seek to consolidate
and reduce their costs whilst maintaining their
technology competitiveness.
Much of the existing literature regarding
obsolescence has focused on its definition and
relationship to specific business contexts. (Lemer,
1996) has focused on evaluation of the performance
and eventual failure of obsolescent infrastructure
facilities (e.g. public works, sewers, pavements etc)
and the need to establish reliable design service life
metrics. (Solomon et al, 2000) explores the
obsolescence of electronic integrated circuit
components such as DRAMs, via an adapted stages
of growth model that includes obsolescence. Whelan
(Whelan, 2000) discusses the impact of
obsolescence on stock management and the value
and effective mathematical productivity of stock
ranging from computers to industrial machinery and
its relationship to computer usage. Feldman
(Feldman and Sandborn, 2007) looked into the
problems of obsolescence with respect to the parts
procurement lifecycle to improve algorithms for
parts forecasting and management. (Aversano et al.,
2004) examined strategies for evolving existing
software and included obsolescence as a factor along
Spence C. and Michell V.
DOI: 10.5220/0004458600610070
In Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2011), pages 61-70
ISBN: 978-989-8425-68-3
2011 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
with quality, economic and data value in their
metrics. Similarly (Boehm, 1999) includes technical
obsolescence as a factor in a similar paper on
software productivity and reuse. Little work has
been conducted to develop a practical methodologies
approach to finding obsolete software and related
Obsolescence results in an inability to meet
performance criteria (Lemer, 1996), for example
when the requirement has moved on, or the
technology has been superseded. Our concern is
with the former. We propose an approach to
identifying and managing obsolescence and risk
using a simplified enterprise architecture and heat
map approach that can be scaled to different size
companies. The approach has also been successfully
trialled to identify and manage IS infrastructure
obsolescence in a specific business case of a police
service where low cost obsolescence risk assessment
was required to support change decisions.
There are three main issues to address when
considering the impact of technology obsolescence
on a business: we need to define obsolescence and
its impact factors; we need a way of identifying the
other aspects of technology and services impacted
by that obsolescence; and finally, we need a way of
identifying the greatest risk to the business from
those obsolete technologies and services. These
three issues are addressed sequentially in the next
section on approach.
2.1 Obsolescence and Impact
2.1.1 What is Obsolescence?
As Sandborn suggests definitions of software
obsolescence for commercial off the shelf (COTS)
products vary, as there is often a big gap between the
end of the product sale date and the date of the end
of the support for the product (Sandborn, 2007). The
withdrawal of support however, may not lead to
immediate loss or degradation, but acts as a trigger
for the business to make the necessary decisions to
preserve the capability provided by the technology,
subject to its criticality. For our purposes we will
define obsolescence as the loss or impending loss of
support for technology that reduces its ability to
continue to function in the organisation (Feldman
and Sandborn, 2007). Whilst the date of end of
production of the technology and the date of end of
support is reasonable to identify, the way in which
the technology will be affected by degraded or no
further support is more difficult to determine and
will depend on the capabilities and resources of the
organisation as well as the technology being
considered (Lemer, 1996).
2.1.2 The Impact of Obsolescence
Many organisations are running with a technology
estate that is substantially obsolete. This causes
problems of cost and risk. Increased costs are
introduced by (a) the requirement for special support
arrangements; (b) the extra development required to
provide applications that can cope with obsolete
technology (a notable case in point is the continued
use of Internet Explorer 6 and Windows 2000 in the
UK public sector); and (c) difficulty/high cost of
obtaining support for very out-of-date technologies
(both hardware and software).
Many factors may contribute to a high cost of
ownership of an IT estate; it is often instructive to
keep recursively asking the typical root cause
analysis question “why” to determine root causes
(Ginn et al., 2004). For example, high costs
associated with running applications in data centres
could be traced back to costs for the actual
infrastructure (servers, switches etc.) and costs for
the datacentres themselves (cooling, power, rent
etc.) For the servers, then costs could be associated
with both software and hardware – and the costs for
both of these are likely to go up over time as the
products on which they are based start to become
obsolete and thus the subject of special (custom)
support arrangements. Eventually the products
involved will become unsupportable, which
transforms an issue with high cost into an
operational risk to the business. A root cause
analysis in graphical format made this very apparent
and understandable to the client (fig. 1).
The increased costs and the lack of knowledge
results in increased operational risk of service
failure, especially where obsolete technology is a
key part of the core service delivery capability of the
business. This operational risk if not attended to can
then result in reputational risk where business
service performance is badly impacted by IS/IT
failure. With no action there is a risk of degradation
of business service capability through the inability to
process and disseminate quality (correct, complete
and timely) data and information through the
enterprise. However, it is not enough simply to
identify the technology components that are subject
to obsolescence. We also need to understand how
the technology supports the business and specifically
BMSD 2011 - First International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
the processes and services delivered by it. Critically
we also need to quantify the importance of the
relationship between in order to understand the
impact of the obsolescence.
Figure 1: TCO Root Cause Analysis.
A near obsolete IS component will be dependent
on a cascade or chain of factors that determine the
level of risk and impact of the obsolescence as seen
in the four step chain in Figure 2.
The first factor is the proximity of the technology
component to obsolescence. This will depend on
both the vendor support and maintenance to allow
the product to function after obsolescence. The
second factor is obsolescence criticality: even if the
obsolete technology is supported after obsolescence
the service provided by it might be degraded, as it
may not be able to provide the IS service
performance of newer or competitor products.
Alternatively an upgrade path may allow the
degradation to be reduced. The third factor is impact
of the IS component on the business service. For
example is the performance and capability of the IS
component critical to the business service, or does it
add very little value? Finally the fourth factor is the
criticality of the business service in terms of
delivering value to the customer. Ideally all these
factors should be taken into account on the basis of a
failure mode and effect analysis (Ginn et al, 2004)
but this can increase cost and complexity. Some
analysis frameworks already provide useful metrics
for the criticality of the business and IS service
relationships (Liu et al., 2011) but these are better
suited to comprehensive architecture analysis. For
our purposes we propose a more simplistic risk
framework based on a simplified metamodel
explored in the later sections.
Figure 2: Obsolescence Impact Factor Chain.
2.2 Services and Technology Impacted
2.2.1 Identifying the Services and
Technology Impacted
Information-intensive industries have very large
amounts of IS/IT with attendant software and
technology hardware and component risks. If the
maturity of the architectural and operational
processes have not kept track with the size of their
IT estate, then there may be a lack of understanding
of exactly what technology the organisation has,
who is using it, and what its vulnerabilities are.
2.2.2 Understanding the IT Estate
The term “IT Estate” is generally used to refer to the
complete portfolio of technology used within a
business – including applications and infrastructure.
If the knowledge of such an IT Estate is not
encapsulated and maintained in some kind of ‘living
repository’, then the lack of corporate knowledge
can be exacerbated over time by changes to
personnel within the organisation, so that key
knowledge as to what exists and for what purpose, is
lost as people’s roles change. The federated nature
Criticality of the Business
(to the client/business)
Criticality of the
(to the se rvice)
Criticality of the
Level of degradation of IS service
at obsolescence
The technology service is
(High,medium,low) importance
to the provision of the business service
Proximity to
Closeness to obsolescence
Importance to the customer
of some large organisations can make this problem
worse, because from the outset, no one part of the
organisation ever has a complete picture of the
business and technology architecture. The best that
can be achieved in these circumstances is that
individual parts of the organisation try to document
solution architectures that capture their piece of the
picture. A lack of knowledge of an Enterprise
Architecture can make it hard to plan for the future,
because without knowing the ‘as-is’ state, it is
difficult to know what needs to change in order to
achieve a ‘to-be’ state. Thus, it is possible to view
the ‘status quo’ as a safer option, putting off the
required upgrade and modernisation projects.
Without knowledge of what applications are being
used, by whom, and their underlying technologies, it
is not possible to get a view as to the risks being
posed to the business due to this obsolescence.
2.2.3 Case Studies
The aims of the first project, from the client’s
perspective, was (a) to understand the potential cost
savings associated with rationalising the application
platforms, and (b) understand the degree of risk
associated with technology, and provide a roadmap
for addressing it. Thus, the idea of heat-mapping the
business risk is highly relevant because it provides
part of the ‘business case’ for making the relevant
upgrade / replacement projects to address the risks
thus identified.
The aim of the second project, a partial merger
of two UK police forces, was to seek cost savings by
identifying duplicate applications. However, the
heatmaps were also relevant here, both in pointing
out risks to the businesses, as well as assisting in the
choice of applications to retain.
2.2.4 Enterprise Architecture Meta Model
It is necessary to gain an understanding of the
business technology architecture estate in enough
detail so that, obsolete technology types can be
traced through to the applications relying upon them,
and thence through to the business services and
functions that in turn rely upon those applications.
Many enterprise architecture models have been
developed to make sense of business and technology
components found across a variety of businesses
(Lagerstrom et al., 2009) and aligning business
services with IT capability (Strnadl, 2005). Our
specific issue requires a focused model that is easy
for business and technical users to understand, but
also shows dependencies between components. For
this reason we have adapted and extended part of the
TOGAF (OpenGroup, 2009) content meta-model to
build a set of artefacts and inter-relationships that
are particularly relevant to our area of interest.
Although standards exist for modelling
Enterprise Architectures, it is frequently necessary to
adapt those standards for different client situations.
Reasons for this include: (a) the client prefers a
particular standard (e.g. TOGAF or Zachman
(Noran, 2003) or one of their own frameworks and
(b) there are requirements for a particular
engagement that demand a change to the standard
model. In the first example discussed in this paper,
the client was particularly interested in rationalising
the application platforms rather than the applications
themselves. Therefore, there was a heavy focus on
infrastructure. The model used is illustrated below:
Figure 3: Sample Meta Model for Analysing Cost and Business Risk due to Obsolescence.
BMSD 2011 - First International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Figure 3 represents the actual model that was
used to capture, analyse and report on various
aspects of the IT portfolio for the first police force.
With this particular client, two aspects of the model
(shown in grey) were not used at the time of writing.
For the other study involving two police forces,
heavy use was made of the IS Services component,
critical for application de-duplication.
Parts of this model had previously been used
with another client to carry out an analysis of their
application portfolio with a view to rationalising that
portfolio (removing duplication). This gave rise to
the two elements focusing on Applications (or
Application Instances) and IS Services (both taken
from TOGAF). By definition, any two applications
that are labelled as offering the same IS Services are
duplicates; and one of the aims of that study was to
aim for a ‘minimum set’ of applications that gave
the full range of required IS Services
(functionality).Part of the business case for
rationalising applications is of course the cost of
running those applications, and part of the cost of an
application comes from the servers hosting that
application. Servers are of course a particular kind of
infrastructure, which is why the model includes
infrastructure. This infrastructure resides in
physical locations, which are important to know for
a number of reasons, especially when part of the
rationalisation design includes closing one or more
data centres. This has no bearing on the question of
obsolete technologies, but was critical to the analysis
and creation of the rationalisation design.
The servers in the IT estate for any client will
have installed on it a number of software products,
for example applications, databases, middleware,
operating systems, monitoring and so on. In
addition, the servers themselves are of course
products from a hardware manufacturer. Thus, the
products need to include a list of all software and
hardware in the IT estate. In practice, the
terminology used to describe a particular product
may be very different to the terminology used by
auto-discovery software, which sometimes goes to
the extent of looking at versions of libraries installed
on the servers (for example, Dynamic Link
Libraries, or DLL files, on Windows platforms).
Examples of this are (see table 1).
When looking up products on manufacturers’
websites, the term in the left column needs to be
used. However, when auto-discovery tools are run,
the terms in the right column are those that are
Table 1: Sample Product-Technology Mappings.
Product Technology
Windows Server
2003 Enterprise x64
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003
Enterprise x64 Edition Version 5.2.3790
Build 3790 SP2
Release 2
Oracle Database Server
Solaris 10 SunOS 5.10
With this particular client, there were several
thousand servers that needed to be matched up to
products. Using this intermediate mapping meant
that this could be done largely automatically. Once it
had been calculated to which product a particular
‘technology’ corresponded, then that mapping was
automatically applied to all instances of that
Another reason for the use of this intermediate
layer was the fact that in many cases, there were
multiple pieces of software that corresponded to the
same product, which were ‘discovered’ separately.
For example, two separate pieces of software were
discovered (“Oracle Net Services (TNS) Listener
9.0.1” and “Oracle Database Server”) that
both corresponded to the same product (“RDBMS 9i
Release 1”).This intermediate mapping of
technologies provides the ability to cope with
multiple synonyms and multiple pieces of
technology that belong to a single product. The
intention of the elements artefact was to allow the
modelling of major components of the application
(e.g. web tiers, database tiers, business logic tiers,
storage allocations) so that they could then be
rationalised. This is not relevant to the obsolescence
The final pieces of the model are both drawn
from TOGAF. The organisation information allows
us to represent the structure of an organisation,
which is where the users of the applications reside.
This is also useful for representing external
organisations, for example the vendors of the
products, or those involved in some way in
supporting the applications.
The business services are the services provided
by the business to its client. Clearly defining
business services is necessary in order to be able to
make a correlation between the services provided by
the business and the IT that supports those services.
Also the criticality of the service to the end client,
will in turn affect the importance of the IT service
and hence the impact and risk associated with the
obsolescence of the technologies and components.
2.2.5 Populating the Model
The model was implemented using a particular
modelling tool, MooD®. The functionality provided
by this tool was critical to our ability to import,
analyse and report on the data that was captured.
Many different information sources were used to
populate this model, including but not limited to
Active Directory, Tideway (auto-discovery
software), a Configuration Management DataBase
(CMDB) product and various spreadsheets
populated manually.
The applications were populated using a
combination of reports from the CMDB and
spreadsheets provided by the client. The
infrastructure was populated using a set of
spreadsheets from various sources. The technologies
were populated using spreadsheets from the auto-
discovery software. The products were populated
partially manually, interpreting the technology lists
in the light of the team’s knowledge of the
marketplace, and partially using data from the
The organisation was populated using
information on the client’s public web site.
The business services were populated from a
generic UK police business service architecture
published by the National Police Improvement
Agency, called the “Policing Activities Glossary”
(NPIA, 2011). This provided a hierarchical
representation of the services provided by UK police
forces, which we represented graphically in the
modelling tool:
2.2.6 Tracing Obsolescence to Applications
Obsolescence as applied to technology (such as
hardware and software products), using the
definition previously offered, means “loss or
impending loss of support for hardware or software
products that reduces their ability to continue to
function in the organisation”. These products are
produced by various organisations (vendors /
manufacturers), who often specify a date beyond
which support for their products will either cease, or
become more restricted (and perhaps substantially
more expensive). Some manufacturers specify “End
of Support” (EOS) and “End of Extended Support”
(EOES) dates for their products.
Figure 4: Obsolescence from Products to Infrastructure.
Starting from the products, therefore, and
knowing that several products may relate (via the
Technologies intermediate layer) to a piece of
Infrastructure (a server), then it is possible to say, for
each piece of infrastructure, what is the earliest
EOES date for any product that relates to that piece
of infrastructure. For example, if that infrastructure
was based upon a server model that had an EOES
date of February 2013, but ran Windows 2000 that
had an EOES date of 13
July 2010, then we can say
that the earliest EOES date of these is the latter – so
give the infrastructure as a whole, an EOES date of
July 2010. In other words, there is something
about this piece of infrastructure that will be difficult
and/or costly to support beyond that date.
The next step is to roll this up into the
application layer.
Figure 5: Obsolescence from Infrastructure to Application
Following the same approach, we can look at all
the servers that are associated with a particular
application (or instance of an application), and pick
the earliest EOES date for each of these servers. In
other words, we are saying that for a particular
application, there is a particular piece of technology
(software or hardware product) somewhere in the
supporting infrastructure that will make application
difficult and/or costly to support beyond that date.
2.3 Identifying Business Risk
An approach to identifying business risk from IT in
general is discussed in (Halliday et al., 1996). This
paper suggests a four-quadrant model for
categorising risk, including notably the
“avoid/prevent risks” which are viewed as being
most critical because of the impact to the business
should they be triggered, as well as the probability
of them occurring. In this particular paper, we are
focusing on the risk to the business from technology
obsolescence that would fall within this particular
quadrant. In other words, these are risks that a
business can and should manage down to an
acceptable level, and perhaps would if those
business stakeholders were actually aware of their
existence in the first place.
The use of ‘heatmaps’ is appropriate to
demonstrate business risk, if backed up by proper
BMSD 2011 - First International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
2.3.1 Algorithm for Generating a Risk
The heat map, a colour-coded display of the
intensity of a result has been used in various forms
(Wilkinson and Friendly, 2009) to provide
immediate visual understanding of multi-objective
optimisation processes. It has been widely used in
consultancy and problem solving as a means of
highlighting critical obsolescence information in an
easy to understand form (Miyake et al., 2004) (Detre
et al., 2006).
As discussed in the risk section, whilst the
Obsolescence Impact Factor Chain helps to cover a
range of appropriate factors, this can quickly
become complex and costly and hence we adopt a
simplified approach that assumes full support is
provided by the IT service and focuses only on the
criticality of the service and whether the technology
is deemed obsolescent as defined by the client.
Continuing the algorithm started in the IT
domain, it is possible to look at all the applications
used to support a particular business service, at each
of their EOES dates, which in turn are rolled up
from infrastructure and products. We ask the
question “are there any applications required by this
service where the EOES date has already passed?”.
Where this is true, this obviously indicates that there
is a degree of risk associated with the continued
operation of that business service. The mapping of
applications to business services can either be done
via the organisation structure (i.e. for each
organisational unit, determine which applications
they use; and also which business services they
provide) – used for our second study with the two
police forces; or in the case of first study for a single
police force, they were able to provide a direct
correlation between applications and business
services, as shown below.
Figure 6: Obsolescence from Applications to Business
However the mapping is done, the following
algorithm was then used, which relies upon knowing
the EOES dates for all the support applications,
along with an indication of their criticality to the
business (1 being the most important) (Fig.7).
Like all of the algorithms in the model, this
calculation was automated for all of the business
services using the tool’s ability to calculate and store
intermediate results, including where necessary the
ability to ‘call out’ to Excel. For example, the above
algorithm looks like we can see in figure 8.
2.3.2 Risk Heatmap for a Police Force
By applying the above algorithm to each business
service (from the PAG) in turn, it was possible to
assign a risk value to each business service. The
modelling tool was able to assign a colour to the
business services dependent upon the risk value, and
so the resulting heatmap looked like the figure 9.
FOR each business service
IF supporting applications of criticality 1 and EOES date in the past
IF supporting applications of criticality > 1 and EOES date in the past
IF we cannot associate any infrastructure with this service
Figure 7: Algorithm for Calculating Business Risk in a Heatmap.
Figure 8: Automated calculation of business risk using MooD®.
Figure 9: Police Business Services Risk Heatmap.
The value of this model lies in its ability to
convey a technical concept (out-of-date products)
and the link through the Enterprise Architecture
model to business stakeholders in terms that are easy
to understand and completely non-technical. Thus,
this is a useful tool in demonstrating the risk
component of the business case for making the
necessary changes to the IT portfolio, to remove this
3.1 Building the Model
In order to carry out this kind of analysis, two things
are needed: firstly, the raw information, with
consistent terminology and all the relationships
between the various kinds of information; and
BMSD 2011 - First International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
secondly, some kind of toolset to enable the import,
analysis and reporting of that information. For
organisations with a relatively mature EA function,
the first of these should not present a huge
challenge, however in many cases even getting the
client to produce a single definitive list of
applications is difficult. It is also difficult to see how
this could be done without some kind of modelling
and requirements capture tool. However, one
approach we are exploring is the development of an
ontology chart based on organisational semiotics
principles. The MEASUR (Stamper, 1994) model
approach offers a structured method to interview and
model the ontology of an organisation and has been
used in related work applying the techniques to
enterprise architecture and consulting modelling
frameworks (Liu et al, 2011). Excel can handle two-
or perhaps three-dimensional data with the help of
pivot data; complex meta-models such as Figure 3
are probably beyond the ability of such tools to
handle. A more robust technology is required,
ideally layered over some kind of relational database
to ensure the integrity of the data. Some candidate
tools can be seen in (Short and Wilson, 2011).
3.2 What We Got Out of It
The team involved in the project felt that by the end
of the study, a good deal of evidence had been
collected that gave a very strong business case to
continue work with this client, to address the cost
and risk issues identified so clearly by the work so
far. In the subsequent study; a partial merger of two
UK Police Forces, the approach from the first study
was readily re-usable, using the easy to understand
heat-map, even though the meta-model was
significantly different for the merger scenario. The
resulting heat-map for the pair of police forces was
all red, due to a critical corporate application, used
across the whole of the organisations that uses
Oracle 8. This ‘all-red’ picture gave a very powerful
and well-received message to the client about the
urgency of the situation. The meta-model used for
the second case study, built using lessons learnt from
the first, omitted the infrastructure and technology
catalogues, relating applications directly to
underlying products. It also differed in that the
linkage from applications to business services went
via the organisation structure. This linkage was
much simpler in the first study, going directly from
applications to business services. Nevertheless, the
heat-map was still able to be calculated in a similar
3.3 What the Client Got Out of It
The main deliverable being sought by the client,
regarding obsolescence, was a view as to the
motivation (business case) for making change. The
use of the business heatmap, along with the TCO
root cause analysis (shown above) and other
financial information outside the scope of this paper,
provided a clear business case at low cost. The
approach and model are capable of being extended
to accommodate increased technology and risk
complexity if required.
Having used the approach successfully in two
separate cases with very different meta-models,
albeit both in the policing sector, we have concluded
that the approach is readily re-usable.
The library of product obsolescence data
captured during the first engagement was very useful
in terms of shortening the research required during
the second engagement to produce the obsolescence
In retrospect, the terminology used for some of the
artefacts in the meta-model need further work. In
particular, the word ‘technologies’ is perhaps
misleading in the way it is being used in this kind of
analysis. Further research is required of existing
architecture frameworks and methods to identify
more commonly used and industry accepted terms
that enable new clients to quickly come up to speed.
As mentioned we are considering ontological
analysis for specific industry terminologies to
identify the relevant terms (Guarino, 1998). Also we
intend to review and expand the obsolescence
impact factor chain and investigate how this could
be embedded in developing architecture based
consulting analysis frameworks, potentially using
the Capgemini Integrated Architecture Framework
or the BTS analysis framework (Liu et al., 2011)
which has embedded structures for identifying the
relationships between business services and IS
services and their criticality.
MooD is a registered trademark of Salamander
Enterprises Ltd.
Microsoft and Windows are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United
States and/or other countries.
Oracle and Solaris are registered trademarks of
Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be
trademarks of their respective owners.
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BMSD 2011 - First International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design