possible aspects of ¿es un “the”? improvement in
the ICT use. Establishing comparisons between the
expectations of the present and previous studies
related to the management and business area, the
results have shown that the EHEA students give less
importance to ICT use in learning methodologies
and they think that professors have a good level of
access to ICT and consider that they are trained in
their use.
From the analysis of the causal model, it emerges
that institutional support is important to achieve the
adaptation of these new systems and the
involvement of the university institution and the
teaching staff in the setting up of new methods
adapted to the new technological environment
(Ávarez and Romero, 2007). This perceived
institutional support positively affects the students'
satisfaction level and the possibility of developing
the specific and generic skills necessary for their
professional work after graduation.
ICT use in teaching favorably affects the Degree
students' level of satisfaction and the development of
their professional skills. We must, however, pay
special attention to this point as the restructuring of
the educational and training systems may not be
enough. Especially so when the ICT development
programs in university training are only centered on
technological aspects (Gromaz, Rodríguez and
García, 2008), thus abandoning the true
methodological character that the teaching-learning
process should signify. In this sense, an efficient
ICT use by the professors depends on, amongst other
factors, the talents and skills that they devlop
(Martín-Sobrado, Ceinos and Fernández, 2010).
Due to all this, with regards to the university
institutions and from the perspective of the teaching
staff, it seems necessary to develop: 1) institutional
policies to promote and deploy technological
infrastructures and ICT access ; 2) spaces for
personal and cooperative work, bearing in mind the
communication tools available via ICT–mails/
emails/ notice boards and messages, forums and chat
groups, videoconferences, and so on; 3) systems of
inter and intra-institutional information
dissemination ; 4) training models paying attention
to the indicators diagnosed, taking into account the
most deficient projects, areas and variables ; and 5)
stimulating change processes oriented at reducing
the digital gap in the teaching sectors that are least
adapted to ICT use, as well as processes associated
with the use of technologies to improve teaching in
all its dimensions.
This paper has been supported by the Consejería de
Economía, Innovación y Ciencia (Junta de
Andalucía-Spain) through the Excellence Research
Project (P09-SEJ-4568 and SEJ-5801).
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