categorization of common student’s mistakes. The
error diagnosis process of the m-MALL system is
especially focused on errors due to confusion of the
other languages of the system, if the student learns
more than one language at the same time.
Furthermore, apart from the friendliness of the user
interface, the system is oriented to offer adaptivity
and dynamic individualization to each user that
interacts with the educational application. All the
available data that are used both for the domain of
knowledge and for the student model are stored and
processed in a server and transferred to each
student’s mobile device through the use of web
It is in our future plans to evaluate m-MALL in
order to examine the degree of its usefulness as an
educational tool for teachers, as well as the degree of
usefulness and user-friendliness for the people who
are going to use the educational system. We are also
planning to extend the functionalities of our system
by incorporating an authoring component into the m-
MALL system in order to help teachers author their
Multilanguage learning lessons. This incorporation
will give the facility to teachers with limited
computer skills to author important modules of the
educational system in a short time and with less
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MMALL - Multilingual Mobile-assisted Language Learning