threshold algorithm (Doukovska, 2007). Analyzed is
a Hough detector with a more efficient structure of
the two dimensional CFAR processor with excision
censoring procedure in the reference window (EXC
CFAR BI). The hypothesis that censoring techniques
increase the detection efficiency with about 5dB was
confirmed (Doukovska, 2008).
Figure 7: Probability characteristics of a Hough detector
with two dimensional signal processors - adaptive CFAR
processor (API CFAR), excision binary CFAR processor
(EXC CFAR BI), binary CFAR processor (BI CFAR) and
with fixed threshold, for RAII probability - e
The most effective for noisy environment with
high probability for randomly arriving impulse
interference is the Hough detector with adaptive non
coherent CFAR signal processor (API CFAR). This
structure is by 37dB more effective than the one
with fixed threshold Hough detector (Doukovska,
In conventional signal detection approach the
process of target detection is separate from its
trajectory detection. Unlike this wide spread
technique Hough transform application allows for
simultaneous target and trajectory detection. To
detect a trajectory data from several consecutive
radar scans is processed.
The presented paper considers the results
obtained by the proposed adaptive threshold
determination procedure and analysis of different
Hough detector structures in intensive RAII
environment. The need of an adequate threshold
analysis procedure allowing better detection results
for low values of the SNR is considered.
The obtained results are applicable for wide
range of tasks like synthesis of radiolocation
detectors, communication systems, medicine and
other systems making use of infrared, ultrasonic and
other sensor types.
The investigations in this work are within the frame
of Project “Formation of Highly Qualified Young
Researchers in Information Technologies for
Optimization, Pattern Recognition and Decision
Support Systems”, Contract with the Ministry of
Education, Youth and Science: BG051PO001-
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