of this method was on-top to regular tasks of the day
and for 5 days in a row to eliminate day-specific
patterns (e.g. dedicated meeting or travel days). The
submitted data was normalized in a way that the
length of an individuals work day did not have an
impact on the results, i.e. only the calculated
percent-figures per individual where considered
during aggregation. The second method applied is
the integration of the above mentioned task
categories into a time tracking system. This way, the
generation of data was expected not to be on-top but
part of the routine to track working hours. Also, the
method allowed continuous generation of data. The
third method applied was a simple daily indication,
which requested from users their opinion on the
value add share of the day. This daily submission
was handled by a small tool, which collected the
input in a database.
The trial application of the quantification concept
follows the definition of measurement as “a
quantitavely expressed reduction of uncertainty
based on one or more observations” (Hubbard ,
2010, p. 23), as it was rather pragmatic. The next
section will elaborate on the learnings from the
3.4 Evaluation and Conclusions
Overall, the following modifications were identified
during the initial trials to be considered moving
forward. (1) The duration of sampling should be
aligned to the duration of development sprints. If
sprints take e.g. 4 weeks, the duration to collect data
should be at minimum 1 or a multiple of the sprint
length. This is due to the fact, that otherwise the
reported tasks would be biased due to the nature that
e.g. at a beginning of a sprint there is more meeting
time to discuss the expected outcome. The
hypothesis moving forward is that data collection for
one sprint is sufficient for a measurement, and that
longer data collection would not lead to the
equivalent of more informational value. (2)
Measuring at the level of tasks may have disguised
relevant productivity losses, which occur on the
level of activities (i.e. inside tasks). Tadhani (1984)
also suggests that limiting measurement to one level
is insufficient. It is proposed to distinguish: the level
of tasks and the (lower) level of activities. The
necessity of this distinction is made clear by the
following example: when considering the amount of
time spent on testing, taking a closer look reveals
that even if an employee spends 4 hours on testing,
the actual net productive time is typically less due to
necessary test infrastructure setup time, finding and
loading of test cases, initializing the test - all activity
level steps that need to occur before the actual test
can be conducted. Moving forward, the hypothesis is
that at least another 25% of productivity is lost on
the level of activities, and that especially system
performance is a major contributor for this. (3)
Regarding the general measurement method, a
comparison of the three trials conducted shows that
an improved version of method one seem to be most
promising. Method two (work hour tracking) seems
to deliver better quality data (based on a bigger
sample size and a continuous generation), but has
turned out to increase daily complexity of data entry
because the number and granularity of task
categories is higher than before. Adding the level of
activities will even further worsen this situation.
Method three seemed to be a simple approach for a
large sample size, but the informational value is
insufficient (only the value adding share is
determined, with no data on the share of time spent
on non value adding activities).
The measurement method to determine the process
value add will be revaluated in another trial,
incorporating the insights described above, first in a
university environment, then in a large enterprise
In parallel, research to determine
adequate measurement concepts for the feature and
product axes will continue.
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BMSD 2011 - First International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design