Kumiko Aoki
Center of ICT and Distance Education, The Open University of Japan, 6-11 Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba, 261-8586, Japan
Keywords: Open educational resources, Japan, Practices, Challenges.
Abstract: It has been almost a decade since MIT announced the OpenCourseWare (OCW) project in the spring of
2001. Several institutions in Japan also followed and on May 13, 2005, six prestigious universities in Japan
formed the Japan Opencourseware Consortium (JOCW). Since then, 36 organizations in Japan have joined
JOCW, but its public recognition remains still low. Though JOCW has made a bold initiative and a
significant contribution to the dialog of open educational resources in Japan, still there are a number of
issues remain for long-term sustainability of OER activities in Japan. This paper discusses the issues of open
educational resources in Japan.
The “Open Educational Resources (OER)” was
defined by the participants at the UNESCO-hosted
Forum on the Impact of Open Courseware for
Higher Education in Developing Countries in 2002
The open provision of educational resources
enabled by information and communication
technologies, for consultation, use and adaptation
by a community of users for non-commercial
purposes. (UNESCO, 2002).
Since then, OER has been a hot topic among
educators, researchers and educational policy
makers though the reality has not caught up with its
ideal as many issues still need to be resolved before
it has been widely adopted by institutions and people
around the globe.
According to Hylen (2007), there are two
important aspects of “openness” in thinking of open
educational resources: free availability on the
Internet and few restrictions on the use of the
resource. They mean no technical barriers, no price
barriers and few legal barriers for the end-user.
These are in line with the definition of knowledge by
The Open Knowledge Foundation that knowledge
should be legally, socially and technologically open.
Though OER is usually considered to refer to
learning content, Hylen (2007) said OER would
include: 1)learning content, such as courseware,
content modules, and learning objects; 2) tools, such
as software applications to support the development,
use, re-use of learning content; and 3)
implementation resources, such as intellectual
property licenses to promote open publishing of
learning content, design requirements for best
practices, and localization of content.
It can be said that the movement of OER has been
started by MIT when it announced its
OpenCourseWare (OCW) project in the spring of
2001. Its website said that MIT had started the OCW
project to advance knowledge and educate students.
According to Kirkpatrick (2006), it was envisioned
as “a way to narrow the digital divide, to help
educators in developing countries to ramp up their
curricula, and to assist students and self-learners
who could not afford to attend or meet the entrance
requirements for an MIT education. (p.53)” MIT
published its first OCW site in September 2002,
containing 32 courses initially. In October 2003, it
officially launched the OCW site with 500 courses.
In 2004, MIT OCW received almost 120 million hits
from visitors in over 210 countries, and adapted
Creative Commons licensing to make the intellectual
property licensing terms clear.
When MIT announced its intention to make
course materials publicly available online, many
Aoki K. (2011).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT, pages 27-33
DOI: 10.5220/0004471300270033
faculty members at various universities in the U.S.
voiced their fear that if the university made its
course materials freely available, few would want to
become the actual students of the university by
paying fees. In response to that argument, MIT
clearly states that: OCW is not an education; OCW
does not grant degrees or certificates; OCW does not
provide access to the faculty members; and materials
may not reflect entire content of the course. In other
words, MIT made it clear that distribution of the
content is only a small part of the entire educational
processes and making the content freely available
would not jeopardize the need of formal higher
As many other universities and organizations
have followed the MIT OCW and created their own
OCW, the consortium of OCW was formed in 2005
to advance OCW further and to share issues and
practices. It has become the community of over 250
universities and organizations in the world.
The above mentioned OCW movements are also
active in Asian countries. In Asia, many national
governments have supported OCW at top
universities so that teachers and students at other
universities can learn from the materials made public
by the top universities. On the other hand, there have
been many grassroots initiatives in those countries as
China is most active in such efforts as seen in
CORE (China Open Resource for Education
Website). It was originally run by the Chinese
Ministry of Education as a non-profit organization.
It translated hundreds of MIT OCW into Simplified
Chinese and made them available publicly. In
addition, the government funds teams of teachers to
make their courses available online for free for five
years. Over 1,000 national level courses and 10,000
provincial level courses have been made available
through this funding.
In Taiwan, Opensource Opencourseware
Prototype System (OOPS), a volunteer-based
organization, has translated MIT OCW courses into
Traditional Chinese. OOPS was born under the
strong leadership of Lucifer Chu, who has been a
well-known entrepreneur in fantasy arts (Lee, Lin
and Bonk, 2007). OOPS also transcribe OCW audio
and video courses in English so that learners who
don’t have enough listening skills of English (as
many Asian students tend to be) can also learn from
OCW videos in English.
In India, OER has been seen as a solution to
improve the quality of higher education. Originally,
the OCW movement in India was more of the
grassroots level instead of a top-down governmental
initiative as seen in the National Program on
Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), which
has been carried out by several institutions funded
by the Human Resource Ministry for improving
engineering education in India (NKC, 2007).
Another notable project on OER/OCW is the
Ekalavya project by IIT, which has been mainly
funded by private industries. In 2007, the
government-commissioned National Knowledge
Commission (NKC, 2007) recommended its
government to launch a national e-content and
curriculum initiative in facilitating the creation,
adaptation, and utilization of OER in India (Kumar,
In Korea, Korea Open CourseWare (KOCW) has
been developed and run by KERIS (Korea Education
and Research Information Service), a governmental
agency under the Korean Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology, since 2007. As of October
2010, there are over 57,000 learning materials
offered through KOCW, including 1290 courses
offered by Korean universities and 646 courses
offered by overseas universities such as MIT and
Harvard. In June 2010, they started offering 70
courses on iPhones as well.
Among all the countries in the world, Japan is one of
the early adopters of the OpenCourseWare concept.
In May 13, 2005, six top universities in Japan
(Osaka University, Kyoto University, Keio
University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, the
University of Tokyo, and Waseda University)
formed the Japan OCW Collaboration Alliance.
Later it changed the name to Japan
OpenCourseWare Consortium (JOCW) to make it a
more open consortium rather than a closed forum
(Fukuhara, 2008).
Since then, 37 organizations in Japan have joined
JOCW, among which 23 organizations are university
members. A regular member has to make at least 10
courses publicly available. However, when the
author checked all the websites of the member
institutions in February 2011, six out of 23
institutions did not have any courses made public
available online. In terms of the number of courses
that are made available through JOCW, there are
INNOV 2011 - Second International Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
currently over 16,000 courses, among which about
260 courses are in English. Seventeen member
universities have their own OCW websites where
syllabi and lecture notes of some of the courses each
institution offers are made publicly available. Some
course materials include video clips of professors
introducing the courses and relevant materials.
However, the vast majority of the courses only offer
their syllabi online.
The Center of ICT and Distance Education
(CODE), the Open University of Japan, has provided
the system of searching courses that are available
through JOCW by using keywords. The Open
University of Japan (OUJ) also joined JOCW in
October 2010 and the university has made 17
courses available online to the general public as part
of the JOCW membership requirement. The 17
courses consist of four television lecture series, eight
radio lectures series and five special radio programs.
In the case of OUJ, a lecture series consists of 15 45-
minute video or audio lecture programs; therefore, it
is a significant addition to the JOCW repository of
course materials. Though only 17 courses are made
available online to the general public out of the total
of 341 courses offered by OUJ, all the broadcast
programs are in a sense open to general public
within Japan as all those programs are broadcast
over the air and anybody who has the mean to
receive the signal can listen/view the programs.
As Japan is the number three country following
U.S. and Spain in terms of its membership number
in the international OCW consortium, if JOCW can
sustain its operation and its member universities
continue to make efforts to make the contents
publicly available on the Web, the Japan’s presence
in the OCW movement can be quite high. However,
in considering the most of the contents made
available are only in Japanese, actual impact in the
international community can be relatively small. In
addition, JOCW still seems the gathering place for
researchers of information technology. It needs to
open up its discussion on not only the matters
concerning technology, but also organizational,
political, and educational matters.
Though JOCW dominates the discussion of open
educational resources in Japan, another notable
initiative regarding open educational resources was
launched in 2005 by the then National Institute of
Multimedia Education (NIME). It is called “NIME-
glad,” a web portal and a search engine for learning
resources in higher education institutions in Japan.
Unfortunately, a governmental decision in 2008
closed the institution altogether though main
functions have been succeeded by the Center of ICT
and Distance Education (CODE), the Open
University of Japan. NIME-glad, therefore, also has
gone in a quandary despite the huge investment
being made over the years to build the database of
learning object metadata and the search engine.
Though NIME-glad has become virtually
defunct, another initiative called UPO-NET was
started by CODE. UPO-NET was originally started
as the platform to share remedial learning materials
among those universities who are interested in using
those materials in their freshmen seminars. One of
the major pet peeves of many universities in Japan is
that the academic ability of freshmen has been
lessened due to the lenient admission policies and
the lack of competition among students to enter
universities. In order for entering students to acquire
university-level academic abilities, they have to
study high school level materials again. To provide
learning materials for those students who need to
catch up with skills of math and English, for
example, to take college-level courses, UPO-NET
was established in 2008. Currently it offers 16
courses ranging from basic mathematics and physics
to the test-taking skills for company recruitment
exams for a fee, and 7 courses mostly on
programming skills for free.
The University of Tokyo, the top-ranking
national university in Japan, is also a notable player
in providing OERs in Japan. So far, the university
has made 87 courses available as OCW. Though the
number of the courses is not very high, but more
than half of the courses indicate that the lecture
videos are provided. However, when I followed the
links to the video clips, many of them indicate
“upcoming” or are broken causing the error. Only a
handful of them actually provide video clips of their
lectures as indicated. This shows the quality of the
overall courses made available through JOCW.
The University of Tokyo is also one of the few
universities which make the podcasting video/audio
available through iTunes U started in August 2010.
Most of the lectures made available through iTunes
U are those special lecture programs that were held
open to public instead of regular classes. The
university also makes those special lecture videos
available through its Todai TV. While the university
makes their regular lecture programs available
through JOCW, it makes those special video
programs available through Todai TV.
Another notable university worth being
mentioned here is Keio University, a top-ranking
private university in Japan. The university is a
founding member of JOCW and currently the
secretariat of JOCW is located in the university. The
university has made 104 courses available through
JOCW. But, recently its activity seems to have
slowed down and only two new courses were made
available last year.
As described above, it seems that initially several
well-known universities jumped on the bandwagon
of JOCW, but the majority of them are currently
facing severe difficulties in sustaining their activities
in making the course contents available online
Besides the JOCW initiatives discussed above, how
many institutions in Japan are practicing sharing and
reusing existing free digital materials? The Center of
ICT and Distance Education (CODE), the Open
University of Japan, conducted a nationwide survey
targeting higher education institutions in Japan,
including four-year and two-year institutions as well
as the colleges of technology, in December, 2009.
The main purpose of the study was to find out the
current status of ICT usage in higher education
institutions in Japan and the study was funded by the
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology (MEXT).
The total of 5,075 requests is sent, among which
762 went to university central administrative offices,
3,852 went to departments and schools, and 454
went to junior colleges and colleges of technology.
We got the highest response rate from the university
central administrative offices, being 83.2% (i.e., 634
responses); the second highest from the junior
colleges and colleges of technology, being 82.6%
(i.e., 375 responses); and the lowest response rate
from the departments and schools, being 48.7% (i.e.,
1,879 responses).
One of the questions asked to departments and
schools, junior colleges, and colleges of technology
was: “Does your institution share learning materials
with other universities?” Among departments and
schools in four-year universities, 9.9 percent of the
respondents said “yes,” while 2.7 percent of the
respondents among junior colleges and 41.8 percent
of the respondents among colleges of technology
said “yes.” (See Figure 1).
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Figure 1: Does your institution share learning materials
with other universities?
Colleges of technology have the highest
percentage of institutions sharing learning materials
with other universities. This is because those
institutions have started a project for systematic
sharing of e-learning materials called “eHELP” in
2004 with the leadership of Nagaoka University of
Technology. The aim of the project is to promote e-
learning through collaboration among colleges of
technology by making credit-earnable e-learning
courses available to other member institutions. As of
October 2010, 23 institutions are the members and
40 courses were made available online in the
academic year of 2009 and 86 courses will be made
available online in the academic year of 2010. Most
of those courses consist of video-recorded lectures
by professors with PowerPoint slides to accompany
the lectures. Each course consists of a series of 15
lectures and students view those videos online,
submit assignments and take exams to earn credits.
It is also interesting to note that among those
departments and schools in four-year universities
who reported that they were sharing learning
materials with other universities, 60.6 percent uses
learning materials developed in other universities in
Japan; 58.5 percent provides learning materials
developed by them to other universities in Japan;
17.4 percent uses learning materials developed in
other universities in other countries; and 24.1
percent actually provides learning materials to other
universities in other countries. (See Figure 2).
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Providingl ear ni ngmaterials
Providingl ear ni ngmaterials
Figure 2: Sharing of learning materials with other
universities among departments and schools in four-year
INNOV 2011 - Second International Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
The ccLearn report (2008) discusses the issues of
intellectual property rights surrounding OER in
many institutions around the globe. The report states
that: 1) The copyright licenses for some OERs are
difficult to find or to understand; 2) The majority of
OER projects have adopted Creative Commons
copyright licenses to define the terms of openness,
but some have chosen to craft their own license: and
3) The usefulness of OERs is limited by
incompatible license conditions.
To research how licensing terms of JOCW sites
were displayed, the websites of all the 17 university
members of JOCW were checked. (As mentioned
previously, six out of the 23 member universities do
not offer any courses publicly available.)
The Table 1 below shows licensing terms of the
universities OCW materials.
Table 1: OER providing universities and their licensing
University License
Doshisha University customized
Hokkaido University customized
Kagawa Nutrition University CC BY-NC-SA
Kansai University customized
Keio University CC BY-NC-SA
Kyoto University customized
Kyoto Seika University CC BY-NC-SA
Kyushu University customized
Nagoya University customized
Osaka University CC BY-NC-SA
Ritsumeikan University customized
Sophia University CC BY-NC-SA
The Open University of Japan none
Tokyo Tech CC BY-NC-SA
University of Tokyo customized
University of Tsukuba customized
Waseda University customized
As shown, 10 out of 17 universities have chosen
to use their own customized licensing terms, which
range from one paragraph statement to the one
spanning a couple of pages. Only six institutions out
of 17 use the standardized Creative Commons
licensing terms that have been adopted by the MIT
Open CourseWare.
Major issue in OER activities in Japan is the
funding. Of course, it is the issue everywhere in the
world, but especially in Japan where there is no deep
pocket private foundations like the Hewlett
Foundation that have funded many OER projects in
the U.S. and the U.K. exist. Governmental research
funding and general institutional budget are the
major sources of funding for any organization in
Japan to sustain its OCW or OER activities. The two
disadvantages of governmental research funding are
that: 1) it tends to go to individual researchers
instead of the institution as a whole; and 2) the
project tends to become defunct after the grant
money runs out. General institutional budget has its
problem as it is not well provided unless the project
is well positioned within the organizational strategic
goals. It can also be significantly affected by its
internal politics
Lack of support services in universities is
another major issue. In Japanese colleges and
universities, usually there are primarily only two
groups of people; faculty members and
administrative staff. In general, faculty members are
in charge of teaching and doing research. The other
type of group, the administrative staff, in Japanese
universities is those who are hired as non-specialists.
It’s very rare in Japan that administrative staff is
hired as specialists. In addition, usually the
administrative staff is rotated among departments
and sections every few years throughout their
careers. In sum, it is very difficult for a university in
Japan to hire a specialist or a professional, say an
instructional designer or e-learning specialist;
moreover, it is difficult to educate or train them to
become one at the institution. As a result, faculty
members tend to have to do everything from scratch
to plan, create, deliver, and share educational
materials if they wish to.
Language barrier is another issue. In many
countries where English is the mother tongue or
those other languages which are spoken in other
countries, institutions and individuals have
incentives to share their resources as they have the
potential to attract international attention. On the
other hand, Japanese is only spoken in Japan except
a small number of Japanese who live abroad or
another small number of people who study Japanese.
Unless the resources are made available in English,
the user base tends to be too small to justify the cost
and effort of sharing the materials.
As mentioned in the previous section, intellectual
property right issues are also a big hindrance. Due to
the confusion and the difficulty of understanding the
licensing terms of digital materials and other
psychological factors, people tend to be hesitant to
share the resources they have created by adapting
and re-using the materials on the Internet for fear
that they may be prosecuted of the copyright
violation. Unless the organization has the system of
clearing copy right of each material created, the
faculty members are not willing to take the risk of
making things available on the Web.
Lastly, there is the cultural issue. Traditionally in
ivory towers where professors have tended to do
what they want to do in their classrooms that are
closed to only students. It requires extra effort to
make the materials online under public scrutiny. At
the same time, professors tend to be unwilling to use
the materials created by other professors.
As indicated by Conole (in press), OER has not
been realized to transform educational practice yet in
Japan, either. In addition, the issue of global
connections has not been properly addressed in
Japan. However, there have been some fertile
attempts made, that are discussed below.
There have been several international initiatives
trying to establish sustainable networks among
institutions and individuals across national borders
to expand the institutional, regional and national
efforts to share and reuse open educational resources.
Some are led by international organizations such as
UNESCO, ICDE (International Council for Open
and Distance Education), and Commonwealth of
Learning (COL). Others are organized at more
grassroots levels with universities in different
countries working together in establishing networks.
Although Japan is far from being very active in
establishing such international networks partly due
to the fact that a majority of open resources made
available by universities in Japan are in Japanese. In
addition, there has not been a major effort in
translating open resources in other languages to its
own language (in this case, Japanese) as seen in the
cases of China and Taiwan.
There has been an attempt made by the former
National Institute of Multimedia (NIME) (now it is
the Center of ICT and Distance Education, the Open
University of Japan) called GLOBE (Global
Learning Objects Brokered Exchange), which has
developed federated search engines combining
learning objects repositories in several countries
including Ariadne Foundation and European
Schoolnet in Belgium, KERIS in Korea, Merlot in
It has been a challenge even domestically to
have a coordinated effort in creating, maintaining,
sharing and reusing of educational resources among
educational institutions without a government
support. Unlike countries in Europe where the
common European Higher Education Area has been
established and sharing and reusing of educational
resources makes more sense, countries like Japan
have been having difficulties in realizing the real
benefits of open educational resources at present.
It is partly a force of globalisation that is
prompting the OER movement in different parts of
the world. If Japan does not ride on its waves, it
may be left behind on the shores of a solitary island
in the distant ocean.
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