difficult to measure e.g. change in productivity level
in offices as a result of controlling the indoor
climate. In contrast, the growth and quality are
measurable in our domain, displaying the effects of
load sculpting (planning the supplementary light).
Which refinements could be made to the
algorithm? There are several limitations that affect
the refinement of the algorithm. The prices and
weather forecasts only have hourly resolution, the
lamps currently in use can only be switched on or
off (instead of continuously as e.g. LED lamps), the
prices for the next day are not available before 1 pm,
and so forth. Refinements could be made, so the
algorithm could take several days into account. This
could result in scenarios where supplementary light
would not be switched on during a cloudy day if the
weather forecast shows sunny days at the end of the
period, or supplementary light not being switched on
if the preceding days had resulted in surplus growth.
Corrective behavior based on real-time local
measurements could also be an improvement, so the
light would be switched off if the level was higher
than expected and vice versa. Another improvement
could be introduction of a maximum price, so the
growers could specify the highest price they were
willing to pay. And yet another is creating models
predicting the percentage of renewable energy on the
grid, and controlling the consumption accordingly.
What are the expected savings from these
refinements? It is difficult to predict the savings
these refinements could lead to. The change to LED
lamps which can be gradually switched on/off, is
expected lead to substantial savings as the
technology uses less electricity to produce the same
photosynthesis, and that light level could be
controlled within range where the photosynthesis to
light-level gradient is highest. This is already a
planned SPL member. The other enhancement and
refinements are part of our future research.
Are there un-investigated side effects of the
planning algorithm? The algorithm places the
supplementary light where the price of the gain is
smallest; ergo when the price of an hour is low, it
receives a higher ranking. As the prices on the grid
are based on supply-demand, one would expect that
a surplus caused by renewable, non-dispatchable
energy sources would lower the prices, hence
improve the utilization of renewable energy when it
is available. This is a topic of further investigation.
Why the algorithm is considered optimizing?
Finding the optimal plan with respect to cost and
gain is a combinatorial optimization problem called
a bounded knapsack problem, which is NP-
complete. Our solution includes a greedy
approximation algorithm, which does not necessarily
find a global optimal solution. However, it is very
fast (linear time) and it performs better than standard
management with respect to electricity consumption
and cost, and this is validated by experiments. We
explain the optimization success with the dynamics
of our domain, but it is out of the scope of this paper
to prove this. We consider the algorithm optimizing,
but not optimal.
In this paper, we presented two software products
that facilitate a decrease in the electricity
consumption of the industrial-size greenhouses, thus
enabling a more environmentally-friendly
production of plants. The two applications were both
products of our Software Product Line.
DynaLight Web informs growers about possible
savings by analyzing logs from their past
production. Archived electricity prices from the spot
market and data from their environmental climate
computers (ECCs) are used for the analyses. The
information of possible savings creates both
awareness of a cheaper and greener production form
and creates an incentive to use the second product -
DynaLight Desktop.
DynaLight Desktop is a computer-aided planning
tool for supplementary light which takes weather
forecasts, predicted growth conditions and electricity
spot-market prices into account to reach a certain
growth goal (DPI) for the forthcoming day.
The two software applications are currently in
use at several industrial-size growers, and in an
experimental facility at the Faculty of Agricultural
Science of University of Aarhus. Their experiments
validate savings of 25 percent of electricity
consumption, while maintaining the same level of
production and quality. We regard the usage and
results of the software products as a success.
The challenge from a software development
perspective is how to efficiently develop, maintain
and evolve a portfolio of software products for this
domain. We addressed this challenge by shifting the
development paradigm to SPLE. The planning,
analysis and development of the SPL has been
successful and have resulted in our two product-line
members, which both are based on the same SPL
core asset modules. There are several more product
members currently planned for production.
We conclude that SPLE can be successfully
applied in the domain of greenhouse agriculture to
limit the environmental footprint and streamline the