How to Align Self-organization Processes for Innovation Management
Mixel Kiemen
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, Brussels, Belgium
Keywords: Innovation management, Self-organizing complexity, Design science research.
Abstract: The Agile-Enterprise Innovation Planning System (A-EIP) is build to manage breakthrough innovation
based on best practices in the innovation literature. From the literature a novelty paradox is recognized:
knowledge is both a barrier as a source for innovation. The goal of the A-EIP system is suppress the former
and amplify the later. Theory on self-organizing feedback mechanism are needed to understand how to
overcome the novelty paradox. The A-EIP system contains four management systems (MS): Group-MS,
Business-MS, Strategic-MS, Learning-MS. Each management system will be important for the basic three
stages of innovation: incubation phase, growth phase and maturity phase. The management systems will
create a flow over the three phases and make emergence and aggregation manageable. The practical
development and validation of the research is done in respect to Internet innovation. In contrast to
innovation cases, a new emerging approach is pursued. Currently experiments have been done with a course
that can be extended to a full Master program to create micro-spinoffs, such a program is considered the
easiest way to create a test bed for the A-EIP system.
History has the habit to repeat itself. This is why the
Agile-Enterprise Innovation Planning (A-EIP)
system is named after the Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) system. Before the ERP system
existed, only the super-accountants of a company
had a holistic view of the company’s resources.
Now, more people may acquire a strategic
understanding of the resources via an ERP system.
Today, we see visionary leaders who facilitate
innovation in a similar position as super-accountants
before ERP.
The problem with not having a way to
understand how some CEO create value from
innovation is that it results quickly in personal cult
and celebrity status, which are not a guaranty for
success. What is more, celebrities make market very
nervous. Probably the best example of this is how
Steve Jobs health has a direct influence on the stock
of Apple. Notice that ERP systems did not replace
super-accountants but made the system more
accountable. In this way the ERP systems made the
market less autocratic and more democratic. We
need a similar democratization movement for
innovation management.
Using IT-support for resources is simple
compared to support for innovation. It is not
impossible to build support for innovation, but it
requires a profound understanding of innovation
management and understanding of complicated
feedback mechanisms. In previous research a theory,
based on system and cybernetics research, has been
developed to explain a complicated feedback
mechanism that overcomes the novelty paradox
(Kiemen 2008). According to the novelty paradox
knowledge is both a barrier as a source for novelties.
The novelty theory will be used in this paper for
defining the main structure of the A-EIP system. To
avoid the novelty paradox, the A-EIP will create
tools to support the innovation. The tools are
designed to rewire knowledge, by disconnecting it
from its historical context and connecting it onto the
emerging novelty.
The A-EIP contains four interacting
Management Systems (MS): Group-MS, Business-
MS, Strategic-MS, Learning-MS. The Group-MS is
needed to support small agile teams that will explore
an idea. The Business-MS is needed to transform the
idea into a spinoff. The Strategic-MS is needed to
get a holistic view about the innovation strategy. The
Kiemen M. (2011).
THE AGILE-ENTERPRISE INNOVATION PLANNINGHow to Align Self-organization Processes for Innovation Management.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT, pages 47-53
DOI: 10.5220/0004471500470053
Learning-MS is needed to create learning processes
for all the emerging novelties.
The A-EIP system is considered an IT support
for next generation Technology Transfer Office
(TTO). According to Koenraad (2010) a next
generation TTO would be fully imbedded in the
university functioning. Early experiments have been
done with a course. The course could get extended
to a program to pursue micro-spinoff opportunities.
By creating such a program the required condition to
validate the A-EIP system can be possible.
The innovation management literature can be
organized according to their conceptual design trend.
The most important conceptual design for
breakthrough innovation is rooted with
Schumpeter’s (1975) creative destruction.
Schumpeter noticed how the market had competition
from within: new players were capable of
overthrowing incumbents. It seems to be particularly
the knowledge barriers that requires breakthrough
innovation management. By identifying a simple and
a breakthrough problem, scholars have identified
different barriers: component and architectural
(Henderson and Clark 1990), continuous and
discontinuous (Hamel and Prahalad 1994),
incremental and radical (Freeman and Soete 1997)
and sustaining and disruptive (Christensen 1995).
Another conceptual design has its origin in
Porter’s (1980) competitive advantage. This design
focused on identifying the strategic business value.
It was further developed as to the resource-based
view (Wernerfelt 1984; Barney 1991) and then
shifted to the dynamic capabilities framework
(Teece, Piasno and Shuen 1997; Eisenhardt and
Martin 2000). A third, more fragmented conceptual
design, is based on alliances. Some related theories,
amongst others, are absorptive capacities (Cohen
and Levinthal 1990), ambidextrous organizations
(Thusman 1996) and open innovation (Chesbrough
The creation of value from breakthrough
innovation is an ad-hoc activity. Organizing these
activities in an existing business will create a
knowledge barrier. The breakthrough innovation has
to emerge openly as a whole complex and it should
only be reintegrated into existing business when it
becomes stable.
The goal to create an IT-support structure inline
with such a view is not new, but the issue has been
scarcely mentioned. Applegate and Co. (2003, p
232) intruded a big-small design in their 6th edition
of their book. The design is proposed as a hybrid
between a big company and a small agile company
as to overcome the novelty paradox. Although the
7th edition builds on the previous big-small design,
it is now called an agile enterprise with an on
demand control (Applegate and Co. 2006, p 58-71),
but by adding the detail the general big-small design
gets lost.
Christensen’s elaborated studies on disruptive
innovation come very close to the core of the
novelty paradox. Christensen (1997, p 96-97)
illustrates why management cannot understand
breakthrough innovation: they have no values for
measuring emergence and aggregation. Christensen
(2003, p 237-242) also illustrate how not being able
to value such innovation leads to the downfall of the
company on longer term. He even suggests a
disruptive growth engine (ibid, p 278), but more as
formal business processes than as an IT-system.
Clearly our A-EIP system will be closely related to
the disruptive growth engine.
In cognitive studies of the mind, much effort has
gone to understand the information processes for
learning. The basic mechanism is feedback, but in
some case feedback is not an option, because the
feedback would be too late. One extreme example is
to test if one more step would make you fall from a
cliff. In many ways a feed-forward process is more
interesting, but feed-forward is only possible if a
good internal model exist to make the prediction. In
a complex dynamic environment the feed-forward
would not be a good option too.
A compromise is created, a feed-forward process
that is corrected by a feedback process, which we
call an anticipation process. Hawkins (2004) predicts
that we should find anticipatory cells in all areas of
cortex. With such anticipatory cells Hawkins create
convincing hierarchical structure for our sensory
system as a micro-management of anticipation.
Simon (1962) defines such a structure as a
hierarchical architecture of structural complexity.
Dehaene et al. (1998) uses four such hierarchical
structures as entries to the global workspace of the
brain. Little did they know that they just discovered
the novelty model. Kiemen (2008) claims that such a
novelty model has been constructed in three in
depended analyses.
The four anticipation processes lift the novelty
paradox by creating a complicated bootstrapping
INNOV 2011 - Second International Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
relationship. Two “things” A and B can be said to
stand in a bootstrapping relationship if A is used to
develop, support or improve B, while B is used to
develop, support or improve A. The internalizing
and externalizing process build up a knowledge
model inline with what is in the environment. The
third anticipation process, called directing, will add
focus to amplify rear events. With three processes
the system has novelty, but does not understand it
yet. The last process is the actual learning process
that anticipates what is relevant in the rear events.
The four anticipation processes, internalizing,
externalizing, directing and learning, are connected
to a working memory that functions like a
blackboard. If one process adds a concept the other
three will react on it, which can strengthen the
concept, break it down or create alternatives. This
quite complex interaction can, under good
conditions, solve the novelty paradox. Although the
novelty model is mostly based on cognitive studies,
another novelty model was found by studying how
science emerges (Latour 1999, see Kiemen 2008).
Kiemen (2009) designed a novelty model for
innovation management, which turns out to be a
hyper-novelty model. A hyper-novelty model is a
model where each of the four hierarchical structures
is itself a novelty model. One interpretation of this
effect is that innovation is the novelty of novelties.
The four hierarchical structures of the innovation
model are Management System (MS) of A-EIP:
Group-MS, Business-MS, Strategic-MS, and
Learning-MS. Each MS relates to one of the four
anticipation processes, but each MS is also a novelty
model. The Group-MS will internalize the
innovation, as the group becomes a new actor to
explore the innovation. The Business-MS will
externalize the innovation by creating a spinoff.
Between creating a group and having a spinoff we
have the innovation project. The Strategic-MS will
give direction by identifying values that emerge
when the project grows. The Learning-MS will
create knowledge about how the project can grow.
As each of the four management systems is a
novelty model, they all have anticipation processes,
which get named after their key indicators. The
subsections describe how these 16 indicators
determine the core functionalities of the four MS’s.
However as this is a hyper-novelty model the MS
are part of a meta-level model, which also adds four
key indicators. So in total 20 key indicators are
recognized, as illustrated by table 1 in the appendix.
The goal of the A-EIP system is to have a
general IT-support for all activities of the innovation
project and to design the coordination between
activities so that they suppress knowledge as barrier
and amplify knowledge as source for innovation. It
is claimed that the table enforced such a rewiring of
4.1 The Core of A-EIP
The core of the A-EIP is a project management
system. The project core is needed to communicate
issues and plan event. The key of any innovation is
to take actions as to transform an idea into a reality.
Of course the problem of such a system would be
the novelty paradox, but this is why the core
interacts with the Group-MS, Business-MS,
Strategic-MS, and Learning-MS.
Managing agile project is a topic well discussed
in literature around IT management. Such knowhow
has to be applied to the project management, like
scrum methodology and group decision support.
What is different is that the interaction via the four
management systems should create a cognitive
landscape in relation to the novelty model.
Innovation is often represented as three phases of an
S-curve, which will have their effect on four
management systems. The three phases of an S-
curve are: the incubation phase, the growth phase
and the maturity phase.
Each user should know in what phase the
development is as to understand the difference in the
game. In the incubation phase many things are
unknown and uncertain. In this phase variety and
collaboration is needed to explore the novelty. To
manage all the disconnected parts an issue queue
like structure is needed. Such a structure contains
meta-information or tags, which is abstract and
allows bundling associations between the
disconnected parts.
During the growth phase a selection will occur
by merging projects. Now it will be relevant to see
friendly competition to make the fittest projects
absorb other project and thus include their assets. In
the maturity phase the assets are known. Business
processes and a knowledge system allow the project
to get continued by other people than the creative
4.2 Group Management System
Innovative groups are agile groups they have a core
THE AGILE-ENTERPRISE INNOVATION PLANNING - How to Align Self-organization Processes for Innovation
of people and an extended social network to allow
the group to explore the innovation. In the
incubation phase there may be several subjective
reasons for the team to form. The teams would be
small and one member would be in several groups.
A group would contain fulltime equivalent
(FTE) between 1 to 7 people. The number is not
absolute, it depends on the complexity of the
problems. In the incubation phase groups are
unstable and can easy change. During the growing
phase the groups are stable and should grow.
Depending on the complexity of the project the
group is expected to grow to 25 to 75 FTE. This can
happen by merging of project.
The Group-MS contains elements that allow a
project to take action. As such Group-MS makes an
actor emerge. From the model of emerging science
(Latour 1999), four types of actors are identified:
resources, audiences, allies and peers. Resources
(e.g. time, money, human resources, etc.) can help to
make the group act. Audiences can make sure that
the actions of the groups stay relevant. By finding
allies the resources and audiences can become
bundled, this will create leverage. The sustainability
and growth of the group will depend on the available
peers. Peers are colleagues in the incubation phase,
competitors in the growth phase and external expert
in the maturity phase. While allies have
complementary goals and assets, peers have the
same goals and assets.
The Group-MS can be best compared as the
merging of a social networking site with a Human
Resource (HR) system. The social networking will
contain extended profiles to formalize and document
the different actors, which allow the emerging of
social interaction, like knowledge sharing and idea
generation. Not every person will want to be part of
every phase in the project as such the HR part of the
system should simplify transition between groups.
4.3 Business Management System
Just as the Group-MS has its effect on each of the
three phases, so will the Business-MS. This is
evident for the maturity phase, but does require
explanation for the incubation phase. Spread over
the many innovation management cases, one can
recognize the importance of feedback form early
business development. It allows the identification of
emerging markets; elaborate the change needed in
supply and defines the business culture.
Many new businesses use Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT)
analyses to explore business opportunities. In
relation to the novelty model, the first two aspects
(SW) are considered internal features, while the last
two (OT) are considered directional features. The
external and learning features are related to action
planning, which follows the SWOT analysis. The
external feature is the action planning that will test
how to serve a market. The action planning will
result in business process to regulate the operations,
which is considered the learning features. By
creating more agile iterations of SWOT analysis and
action planning it is expected to improve the
business development during each phase.
During the incubation phase the iterations will
need to be short, just a few days, and plenty. The
goal is to increase diversity and find unlikely
business opportunities. During the growth phase the
iterations can take weeks, but only few iterations are
created, now the focus is to find advantages over the
competing projects. For the maturity phase there
would hardly be more than one iteration, but it could
take months, now it is directed to possible
acquisitions or spinoff.
The IT-support for the Business-MS will become
the intranet knowledge base. For the A-EIP the
intranet is the externalizing of innovation, as it allow
to spinoff the novelty to better know expert methods,
which only work if there is knowledge. While the
variation in the incubation phase would have created
disconnected bits of assets, the growth phase would
result in standardization of that knowledge and the
maturity phase would align the standard with
particular markets or firm.
4.4 Strategic Management System
Strategy is normally focused on the core business of
a company. However innovation often redefines
strategy and so strategy will need to be discovered
too. Xerox PARC is a classic example. While Xerox
PARC has invented many technologies, it often
failed to create value, so an open strategy is needed
(Chesbrough 2003).
From the analysis about innovation strategy (see
section 2) four key indicators are suggested:
bundles, brands, networks and cultures. The bundles
refer to how the aggregation of business assets, like
resources, result in unique values that need to fit a
particular business strategy. For brands, we can look
at case of near bankruptcy. In such cases companies
get divided, but this was not the case for Apple or
IBM. So the brand has its influence on the strategy.
Imagining an idea is easy, but putting it in
practice will depend on networks. An idea can
become unrealistic because no network can be
INNOV 2011 - Second International Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
created. The strategy will as such adapt depending
on the actual network that is being build. Then there
is the business culture that facilitates the growth of
companies’ assets without the need to organizational
control. So culture automates the emergence of
business values.
Related to the novelty model, the bundles are
internal features, the brands are external features, the
networks are directional features and the cultures are
learning features. Together each feature makes a
holistic view of all the values emerge. Mapping and
modelling tools can give IT-support to make the
holistic view emerge for the Strategy-MS.
The Strategy-MS values would also be
disconnected bits during the incubation phase. In the
growth phase, strategies are aligned and the values
they envision will regulate the activities in the
Group-MS and Business-MS. During the maturity
phase the Strategy-MS has to regulate the
overshooting effect.
Overshooting often happens by focusing on a
minority of high demanding customers. Such
customers will have demands that are totally
irrelevant for the minority of customers. If a
company asks the majority of its customers to pay
for a service that only a minority requires, the
company is creating an opening for low-end
competition. Instead we expect the overshooting to
identify innovation opportunities for new projects.
4.5 Learning Management System
Learning is so important for breakthrough
innovation that it requires a separate management
system. Learning is indeed about knowledge, but the
goal of the Learning-MS is not the intranet of the
Business-MS. The goal is to understand how to learn
related to the innovation. After all, once a
breakthrough innovation is understood there will be
incremental growth. In educational environments a
course is defined to teach the students particular
skills. The Learning-MS is to identify the learning
skills, and create learning material, processes and
validation methods.
Leaning is essential to get trough the incubation
phase and the four key indicators are related to it:
associations, tags, challenges and experiences.
Associations are used to relate existing disconnected
issues in any of the management systems. As
associations connected fragmented information they
internalize a cognitive landscape. The tags identify
external information related to any internal issue. As
such tags externalize the cognitive landscape and
makes in embedded in the environment. The
challenges are meta-information, recognized
between associations and tags. Challenges will give
direction to all the different issues and result in
alignment. Challenges will define goals that allow
directing the system to amplify the novelty. The
experiences are concrete cases that are identified as
containing value to be learned. Such value can be
both positive, which contain experience in favour to
be repeated, and negative, which contain experience
best to be avoided.
During the incubation phase the IT-support looks
like a blackboard, which has the ability to connect
all the disconnected bits of the other management
systems. During the growth phase the alignment
will result in a repository containing training
syllabus and tutorials to train people the required
skills. During the maturity phase the Learning-MS
can identify spillover effects that would create new
opportunities and so new groups to explore them.
Such spillover effects would again be disconnected
and they would be the first entries to the blackboard.
Such spillover effects are expected to stimulate basic
group creation.
4.6 Emerging and Aggregating Novelty
Christensen (2003) illustrate why management
cannot understand the incubation phase. Basically it
is because they do not have measurable values for
emergence and aggregation. By the four
management systems such values can become
measurable without constraining the innovation, but
by understanding the connectivity between the
The transformation of each phase is hidden in the
control of the different management systems. Once a
strategy is clear enough the incubation phase ends
and the growth phase begins. Once the intranet can
unequivocally state the business values the growth
phase ended and the maturity phase begins. During
the maturity phase the spillover effects can start new
projects creating a recursion in the A-EIP system.
The Group-MS has social networking features
that can facilitate the incubation phase. So the
Group-MS will dominate the incubation phase.
During the growing phase the Strategy-MS will
dominate and it will regulate the Group-MS and
Business-MS. The Business-MS will dominate the
maturity phase. The intranet is expected to grow
much more by including the outcomes of the
Strategy-MS and Learning-MS.
The other systems still have their effect on the
maturity phase, but not on the knowledge base of the
intranet. The Group-MS will be most concerned
THE AGILE-ENTERPRISE INNOVATION PLANNING - How to Align Self-organization Processes for Innovation
about transferring knowledge to the new team. The
Strategy-MS will identify the overshooting effects
and the Learning-MS will identify spillover effects,
both are used to kickstart new projects. Of course we
expect new projects to emerge also spontaneously.
The Learning-MS is the drive behind the phases
and the glue between the management systems.
While one system is more dominating at a particular
phase, they all have their influence and the
Learning-MS can help at every step. The Group-MS
transition during the maturity phase will make the
creative team external expert and allow an
operational team to take over, but this is only
possible because the Learning-MS has created
training packages to do so. The Business-MS is less
clear during the incubation phase, but tags can guide
the early development. The Strategy-MS can only
give a holistic view because of association and it can
only have direction because of challenges.
This paper has been examining the A-EIP system
and its four management systems to support the
development of breakthrough innovations. While the
system is complicated, it does seem to give a
reasonable answer to innovation management
problems. The A-EIP system is both a tool to
support innovation as a way to make emergence and
aggregation measurable values. The different
management systems have a natural interaction that
allows a fluid transformation of each innovation
The A-EIP system is however just a design. At
the moment the system is only described on an
abstract level, but even on that level it has complex
structure. Attempt to use the A-EIP system for
existing innovation mediums all failed for their own
reason and because the large amount of creative
people needed for a test (probably more than 200).
Consider the way the A-EIP system is designed; it is
itself a breakthrough innovation. Thus it needs to
follow the breakthrough innovation method. Let us
consider the four steps in Christensen’s (2003, p
278) Disruptive Growth Engine:
1. Start before you need to
2. A senior management in charge
3. An expert team of movers and shapers
4. Train the troops
Notice that step 3 is part of the incubation phase and
step 4 is part of the maturity phase in the A-EIP
system. It is expected that first steps 1 & 2 have to
be taken before it is possible to develop the A-EIP
system itself. Kiemen (2010) has created controlled
tests with course over a period of four year to
address step 1. In that course business students learn
about future Internet development by developing
their own projects. This controlled environment only
allows for understand how to approach step 2.
Step 2 seems to be a tricky issue. Christensen
considers that the breakthrough innovation emerges
in a large company. As step 1 has emerged in
academic environment, it may well be needed to
have step 2 also in the same environment. Instead of
senior management a Dean or even a vice-rectors
may be needed and a bigger research/education
project to investigate the next generation of
Technology Transfer Office (TTO). Koenraad
(2010) elaborate the evolution if TTO in three
1. It started as an isolated operation next to the
2. It became a professional service supporting the
third mission activities of the university
3. It is emerging towards a strategically embedded
and fully diffused activity throughout the university
Koenraad’s 3
stage seems a natural extension to the
controlled experiments with the course. The outputs
of the current course are IT prototypes for an
Internet business. So far one student has created a
business plan to take the prototype to a next level. If
the course could be extended to full Master program
on Internet Business, it would allow the further
support of micro-spinoffs. The micro-spinoffs would
not be a disruption of regular academic spinoffs as
PhD spinoffs are breakthrough projects. Instead the
support for micro-spinoffs can be a test bed for the
A-EIP support, which could later become valuable
to support PhD spinoffs.
To finish this paper, we like to notice that the
whole A-EIP system is being tested for Internet
application, as the Internet makes many parts
emerge fluently. This is not to say that the A-EIP
system is only usable for Internet, but it allows us to
understand the basic functioning. Once the A-EIP
system has a proof of concept for Internet
innovations, studies can look at how to use the A-
EIP for other domains.
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Table 1: The A-EIP system and its 20 key indicators.
General terms
Group-MS Business-MS Strategic-MS Learning-MS A-EIP system
(1)Resources (5)Strength (9)Bundles (13)Associations (17)Actors
(2)Audiences (6)Market (10)Brands (14)Tags (18)Spinoffs
(3)Allies (7)Opportunity (11)Networks 15)Challenges (19)Values
(4)Peers (8)Processes (12)Cultures (16)Experiences (20)Knowledge
Actors Spinoffs Values Knowledge Innovation
THE AGILE-ENTERPRISE INNOVATION PLANNING - How to Align Self-organization Processes for Innovation