Hippokratis Apostolidis and Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos
Computer Science Department, A.U.TH University, Ag. Dimitriou, Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: Bio-signals, Biofeedback, GSR, Emotion detection, CSCL, Arduino.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is a case study of the development of a device that could collect and evaluate bio-
signals by people engaged in learning activities. The physiological reactions of the body, affects the
conductivity of the skin producing bio-signals that provides the opportunity to estimate some basic human
emotional states. In particular stressful situations have resulted in increased moisture in human skin,
reducing the resistance and increasing the conductivity of the skin to electrical current. In this case study
there is a reference to adaptive collaborative learning support. This work suggests that emotional state
regulation may be an important factor in implementing the adaptivity of learning activities.
Adaptive support, providing assistance to student
when and where it is needed, might improve or
make more suitable many fixed forms of support
(Rummel and Weinberger, 2008), and has been
shown a more positive effect on student learning
(Kumar, et al. 2007). Nevertheless it is difficult to
design an ACLS (adaptive collaborative learning
support) system due to the fact that it is very
complicated and it contains several adaptive rules
and parameters that must be taken into account. The
aim of this work is to support a collaborative
learning activity.
To achieve comprehensive information about the
people who are collaborating there is a need to
collect information about a wide range of features
that affect the quality of collaboration. An important
aspect might be the mood of team members during
their collaboration. Taking into consideration all the
necessary features of a collaborative scenario, the
objective is to regulate, to differentiate and resolve
various issues and problems that arise during
collaborative activity in order to convert students to
active learners, increasing interaction and mainly
increase confidence levels of students to develop
cognitive skills. Therefore an adaptation pattern can
function as a scaffolding mechanism to regulate the
educational procedure.
Emotions are very important functions that affect
students' academic motivation, behaviour,
performance, health, and development of their
Many researches started in 1950 (Zeidner, 1998)
have considered with the anxiety of students during
tests and produced sufficient knowledge that can
inform the educational practice. However, apart
from the stress, there is little research on the other
emotions of students, since it is difficult to draw
firm conclusions about the feelings experienced by
most students (Schutz and Pekrun, 2007).
Students are getting confused when faced with
contradictions and misunderstandings (Festinger,
1957; Graesser, et al. 2003; Graesser and Olde,
2005; Piaget, 1952). They are also getting
disappointed by the difficulties that may appear
during the learning activity (Dweek, 2002; Stein and
Hernandez, 2007.
The influence of emotions during problem
solving, and participation in educational activities is
very important because it can affect positively or
negatively the learning process (Allen and Carifio,
1995). Emotions are very relevant to cognitive
function and thus play a key role in all phases of
problem solving, influencing the representation and
the reception of information. According to modern
emotion theories, the strong or weak emotion
arousal depends on how great a difficulty is and the
Tsiatsos T. and Apostolidis H. (2011).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT, pages 60-65
DOI: 10.5220/0004471700600065
valence, positive or negative,
depends on how the
person evaluates the inconvenience that has been
appeared to him (Mandler, 1984b; Lazarus, 1991).
For example, if someone is stuck and she/he is
unable to bypass a difficulty, then the valence may
be interpreted as highly negative (Dweek, 2002).
There is no comprehensive theory that deals
extensively with the emotions (e.g., confusion,
frustration, etc.) that may occur during educational
activities, and considering how they affect
performance. There is some evidence that positive
and negative emotional experiences play a role
during problem-solving. For example, flexibility,
creative thinking and effective way of making
decisions are connected with experiences that have a
positive effect (Fielder, 2001; Isen, et al. 1987; Isen,
The student class is an emotional space. The fact
that learning and achievement is critical to students’
educational development means that the academic
activities often provoke strong emotions.
2.1 Students’ Emotional Effects in
Learning Activities
The experimental research showed that the mood
and the emotions facilitate the processes of working
memory, such as positive information relating to the
person is stored in long term memory and it is
retrieved more easily when he or she is in positive
mood. On the contrary this process is getting very
hard when this person is in a negative mood, and
even worse if the information is negative (Olafson
and Ferraro, 2001). This suggests that positive mood
can enhance students' motivation to attend actively
learning processes, while a negative mood can
trigger avoidance tendencies. It is important to
consider that creative, flexible, and holistic ways of
thinking are facilitated by a positive mood, while a
negative feeling enhance complexity and poor
creativity and flexibility (Lewis and Haviland-
Jones, 2000). Most of these studies have focused on
students’ anxiety during the test (Zeidner, 1998,
2007). Research on stress during tests showed that
this feeling reduces the performance in complex or
difficult learning tasks that require cognitive
resources (e.g., a difficult math problem). In contrast
the performance is not affected when the test is
easier and less complex. Various models have been
proposed to explain the negative effects of stress.
These models assume that stress includes activation
of considerations unrelated to the specific learning
task limiting students’ engagement to the learning
activity and thus causing greater effort. Students
who are worried about a failure can not focus on
learning process. Stress decreases students' interest
and internal motivation. But in some cases stress can
motivate students to invest extra effort to avoid
It would not be correct to assume that positive
emotions always cause positive results and negative
emotions cause negative results. Instead, the results
depend on the mediation procedures and specific
requirements of the project under consideration.
More specifically, positive emotions, such as
activating the pleasure of learning are probably
beneficial for the students' performance in most
circumstances. Negative emotions such as the
deactivation, the despair and boredom can be
assumed as inconvenience to any kind of academic
performance. Also, the effects of positive emotions
of deactivation like relief and relaxation, often is
harmful. Similarly, negative emotions such as stress,
shame, and anger may exert ambiguous
reducing the attention and interest, or enhancing the
student's external incentives for greater effort and
better performance. Therefore, trigger of negative
emotions can improve performance in specific cases,
although in most cases affects negatively.
2.2 Adaptivity in Students’ Emotions
The emotional regulation includes the augmentation
of the enjoyment of learning and the reduction of the
anxiety. Emotional intelligence has developed
cognitive skills for this purpose (Matthews, et al.
2002). In the academic context, the treatment
focused on the problem seems to be the most
appropriate adjustment (e.g. with intensive effort to
better prepare to perform to a test). The emotion-
oriented treatment may also be an adaptive solution.
Dealing with this treatment includes relaxation
techniques, avoiding stressful thoughts and
biofeedback techniques. The following factors
which are under teachers’ control seems to be
important to students’ sensation.
Teaching quality. Factors, such as lack of
structure, lack of clarity and excessive demands are
known to enhance the students' anxiety during the
test (Zeidner, 1998). Instead, well-structured
teaching and clear explanations may increase the
students’ capacity to control their feelings.
Quality of teaching motivation. There are two
important ways to motivate students based on
academic values and cause various emotions. First,
if the learning environment meets the students’
needs, then it is likely to create positive emotions.
Second, the teachers’ enthusiasm can facilitate the
adoption of positive students’ feelings through
observation and emotional transmission (Hatfield, et
al. 1994).
Support of autonomy and self-regulated learning
in order to achieve emotional control.
Creating appropriate structures that learning
goals are achieved. There are learning practices
involving individualism, competition and
collaboration structures in the classroom (Johnson &
Johnson, 1974). The learning structures promote
students’ successful efforts to maintain control over
their emotions.
The work on synthesis and analysis of emotions is
an interdisciplinary scientific field consisting from
the combination of computer science, psychology
and cognitive science (Allen and Carifio, 1995).
3.1 Galvanic Skin Response (GSR)
This technique is associated with the change of
electrical properties of the skin when external
voltage is applied. This is a test of the sweat
function, which measures the change in conductivity
of the skin during the flow of low voltage current
after a stimulus. The recording of the conductivity
(or the inverse of conductivity i.e. resistance) is
based on the application of external constant voltage
to the skin (Lykken & Venables, 1971). Then the
voltage across a fixed resistor in parallel with the
resistance of the skin is measured. This work will
attempt to proceed deeper in the design and the
operation of a GSR sensor. The edges of the human
body (hands and feet) have a very high proportion of
sensory nerves endings and so they become ideals
for the application of skin resistance measurements.
3.2 GSR Sensor Design
The electrical circuit is connected to an Arduino
duemillanove ( which is used
as an analog to digital converter. Two leads are
attached to two fingertips. One lead sends current up
to 5V and it is connected to the power pin of
arduino. The other is split into two wires the one is
connected to the analog pin 0 of arduino and the
other wire is connected to a 110 KOhm resistor and
then to the ground.
Figure 1: The GSR sensor electrical circuit.
The open-source electronics prototyping
platform Arduino duemillanove is programmed in
such a away to send the bio-signal value through the
USB port to a computer application. This setup
measures, GSR bio-signals every 30 milliseconds.
The values are read from arduino analog(0) and
they imply the change in resistance of the voltage
going through the body. Every student has an
identical user code. Every value read is graphed, and
a progressive average is calculated to smooth out the
values. A baseline reading is taken for 10 seconds if
the readings go flat (fingers removed from leads).
The progressive average value of measurements for
each student is inserted in a database table with the
student’s code and the timestamp. The measurement
range is from 0 to 255. The low level values have
white colour in the graph, the medium level values
have green colour, the higher values have orange
colour and the highest values have red colour.
During the learning activity a small window is
displayed to the student and he/she can easily
recognize his /her emotional state. Also the teacher
role has monitoring options and he can open display
windows for each measured student and follow up
student’s emotional state during the activity. There
are also options to reconstruct the emotional graph
of one or more students for a particular date.
Figure 2: The GSR graph for user “aa”.
INNOV 2011 - Second International Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
3.3 Measurement Ranges
Initially for every user predefined quartiles are used
as a measure of emotions variability. The
interquartile ranges are defined as in descriptive
statistics. So every captured GSR value is classified
into four categories according to the following:
For values between 0 and 0.25 of measurement
range, low value category with white colour. The
measured values near 0 cause low white graph lines
and may indicate boredom.
For values between 0.25 and 0.50 of
measurement range, normal value category with
green colour indicating calm.
For values between 0.50 and 0.75 of
measurement range, high value category with orange
colour, indicating a short of anxiety.
For values greater than 0.75 of measurement
range, high value category with red colour,
indicating stress.
Assuming that every measured subject may have its
own sentimental quartiles, it was decided a test
measurement to precede the main activity. During
this trial activity every user is measured while
observing critical words rolling across his
application window one at a time. According to
psychologists there ore some words which nearly all
people will react to. The test measurement average
values are stored in the database in a specific table.
After the trial activity a k-means clustering
algorithm is applied on each user’s measurement,
defining the new inter-quartile range values which
are specific for that user. These new range values are
stored in the database for each user code and they
are used in the next measurements.
This research is considering two basic issues:
Whether the GSR measures will operate as
scaffold to students, through biofeedback, to
regulate their emotions mainly their stress during the
learning activity and under pressure.
Whether the GSR measures will support the
teacher to adapt the learning activity according to
students’ emotions (i.e. make the activity more
interesting if the student seems to feel boredom or
support the student to overcome a stressful
GSR emotional detection is one of the first methods
applied from scientists mainly psychologists to
detect stress (Epstein & Fenz, 1967) and as lie
detector (Prokasy & Raskin, 1973). Now days there
are many GSR sensor designs using NXT lego,
arduino and customized circuits (i.e. Cornell
University). These all techniques were applied to
individuals while they were watching a film, hearing
some critical words, during examination or watching
a lecture. They did not so far consider their subjects
as members of a learning group and they did not
deal with subject’s emotions in relation to the
learning context. This work attempts to apply GSR
emotion detection as support to students and to the
teacher during a collaborative learning activity.
The student collaboration was supported by a
videoconference tool called Big Blue Button
( The activity was separated
into two phases. Two collaborative techniques were
used jigsaw (Gallardo, et. al. 2003) and fishbowl
(Leonard, et al. 1999). Jigsaw was adopted because
it is an effective learning technique with increasing
positive educational outcomes. The jigsaw process
encourages listening, engagement, and empathy by
giving each member of the group an essential part to
play in the academic activity. The fishbowl
technique was used because it allows an entire group
to participate in a conversation. During the first face
there were two expert groups composed of six and
seven students each. Then at the second face there
were four groups with two to four students each. The
GSR measure was applied to a group of four
students. The support from the sensory emotion
estimate was impressive. The student that initialises
the presentation of the group assignment was very
anxious and her GSR values were continuing to be
very high (red range). The teacher reacting to this
condition asked from another member of this group
to continue the presentation. At first the new
representative was very anxious too, but later on he
regulated his stress and finally his graph was green.
The teacher noticed that in the mean time the
measures of the other two students of the group that
were silent were very low (white range). So, he
asked them questions about their participation into
the group project and he assigned to them a more
active role. There was a significant reaction by the
one student displayed on her monitoring window,
showing some anxiety but not stress. The other
student continued to be calm. After this activity the
students that used the GSR sensor filled a
6.1 Evaluation of the GSR Support
The research process followed the interpretative
approach. The structure of the questionnaire
followed the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use
of Technology (UTAUT) (Venkatesh et al.,
2003).The applied UTAUT model was based into
four core determinants performance expectancy,
effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating
conditions; and three control variables: gender,
experience, and voluntariness of use.
Figure 3: The applied framework.
The survey subjects were one male and three
females postgraduate Master’s degree students.
Since the sample was too small, there are not
expectations for safe conclusions. Nevertheless it is
a starting research and there is the opportunity to
have an initial feeling about it. After completing the
questionnaire the students were interviewed
separately. All of the students found the GSR
application very helpful and easy in order to realise
their feelings. The three students, one male and two
females considered that the GSR graph supported
them in dominating their anxiety through
biofeedback and they think that this self-regulation
resulted in better performance. The male student
regulated his stress in longer time than the two
females. The fourth student (female) failed to
interact with the GSR application through
biofeedback due to technical problems. All students
suggested that this is a useful support to learning
activities and they would be willing to reuse this
GSR sensor in other academic activities.
This work is a case study of an initial effort to detect
student’s emotions mainly stress and boredom
during learning activities. Furthermore it tries to
apply adaptive methods in order to succeed emotion
regulation. Considering this scope, the whole
activity was successful and the initial feeling was
that student emotion sensation is a very useful
support for the students themselves and at the same
time for the teacher. Three of the students interacted
with the
GSR sensor and through biofeedback they
launched self regulation reactions. The teacher
through the GSR measures had a further support to
realize his students’ feelings and reacted adaptively.
It is intended to repeat collaborative learning
activities with GSR measurements applied to more
student groups. It must be reported that there was an
initial skeptical attitude towards the use of the GSR
sensor by many of them. But after the described
activity this attitude has been weakened. Also it is
intended to add more emotion detection techniques
in order to have more accurate emotion sensations.
The emotion monitoring will be embedded into the
collaborative tool being accessed by significant
permissions. A new role will be introduced as
emotional moderator assigned to an appropriate
member of each group. An embedded to the
collaborative tool intelligent agent will give support
to each student in order to regulate his emotional
state and to the group moderator to adaptively react.
The teacher will monitor through a real time
protocol the emotional state of his students.
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