User Modelling and Emotion Recognition of Drivers
through a Multi-modal GPS Interface
Maria Virvou
Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus,
80 Karaoli & Dimitriou St., Piraeus 18534
Abstract. Drivers play an important role on road traffic. Traffic frequently has
a big impact on drivers’ emotions and drivers’ emotions have a big impact on
traffic. Traffic congestions may be the cause of human drivers’ frustration, loss
of their patience and control, leading to aggressiveness and so on. On the other
hand, drivers’ aggressiveness may cause dangerous driving, car accidents and
drivers’ fighting. This results in an endless loop of traffic problems that is
propagating along many drivers. However, even excessive enjoyment may also
lead to dangerous driving, since people may underestimate the road dangers
and drive carelessly. Thus, it is very important to aim at keeping drivers calm,
happy and alert when they drive. In view of this, it would be extremely useful
to extend the functionalities of existing GPSs to include user modelling and
emotion recognition abilities so that they may provide spontaneous assistance
that would be dynamically generated based on the results of the user modelling
and emotion recognition module. The action of GPSs would be to provide au-
tomatic recommendation to drivers that would be compatible with their own
preferences concerning alternative routes and make them feel happier and
Keywords. User modelling, Traffic, Emotion recognition, Affective comput-
ing, Multi-modal GPS.
1 Introduction
With more and more people in the world and in the workforce, roads are becoming
increasingly crowded; when we’re all frustrated with traffic, sometimes people make
mistakes or pull impolite driving maneuvers, which can lead to anger from other
frustrated drivers; this often results in road rage, which can pose a significant threat to
health and safety for everyone on the road [1].
Counseling psychologist Jerry Deffenbacher and his colleagues [2] point out that:
“Those high-anger drivers are a source of alarm. Even typically calm, reasonable
people can sometimes turn into warriors behind the wheel; when provoked, they yell
obscenities, wildly gesture, honk and swerve in and out of traffic, and may endanger
their lives and others.”
In the official site of the city of Santa Rosa at the Section of Traffic [3] there is a
question: Which is an example of aggressive driving?
Virvou M. (2011).
User Modelling and Emotion Recognition of Drivers through a Multi-modal GPS Interface.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Future Internet Applications for Traffic Surveillance and Management, pages 83-82
DOI: 10.5220/0004473300830082
According to the same site, among other things the above question includes the
following examples:
Speeding up to make it through a yellow light.
Switching a lane without signaling first.
Going over the speed limit in a school zone or neighborhood.
Approaching so fast that the driver of another car that is stopped, feels threatened.
Tailgating a car to pressure the driver to go faster or move over.
Tailgating a car to punish the driver for something.
Driving with an alcohol level above the legal limit.
Drive while drowsy enough to have droopy eyes.
Making an obscene gesture at another road user.
Moreover, the Official U.S. Government site for distracted driving [4] warns peo-
ple, that: “Distracted driving is unsafe, irresponsible and in a split second, its conse-
quences can be devastating.” On the other hand, research and experience demonstrate
that happy drivers are better drivers [5].
In view of the above, it seems that human emotions play a very important role to
traffic management and it is to the benefit of traffic to put research energy on recog-
nizing automatically human emotions of drivers and building systems that would
react accordingly. In view of this, it would be extremely useful to extend the func-
tionalities of existing GPSs to include user modelling and emotion recognition abili-
ties so that they may provide spontaneous assistance that would be dynamically gen-
erated based on the results of the user modelling and emotion recognition module.
The action of GPSs would be to provide automatic personalized recommendation to
drivers that would be compatible with their own preferences concerning alternative
routes and make them feel happier and calmer.
The main body of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, related work on
research of ourselves and others is surveyed and discussed. In Section 3, the aims of
the proposed research is presented. In Section 4, the proposed solution is presented.
Finally in Section 5 the conclusions of this paper are drawn and also connections to
proposals of other participants are highlighted.
2 Related Work
Affective Computing is a recent area of Computer Science that studies human emo-
z Emotion Recognition by the computer
z Emotion Generation from the computer
Until recently, human emotions were not considered at all by the designers of user
interfaces. However, research that flourished during the past decade has been based
on the important argument that human feelings play an important role on human deci-
sion making and affect all areas of human computer interaction. There has been a lot
of research on automatically recognizing human feelings and generating emotions
from the computing. This kind of research is labeled affective computing. So far,
there has been significant progress in this field. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of
basic research needed and thus affective computing remains a hot research topic.
Another area that has been investigated by many researchers during the past dec-
ade is that of user modeling and generation of personalized recommendations to com-
puter users. Recommender systems constitute an area of research that attracts re-
searchers from a wide area of computer science and applications varying from e-
commerce to electronic libraries.
2.1 Previous Work on Affective Computing and GPS Recommender Systems
in our Lab
In our own research lab we have made extensive research in the areas of affective
computing and recommender systems [e.g. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16].
This research has resulted in four Ph.D.s that were completed successfully, two
monographs and many papers in the area.
One recent relevant basic research project that we had was entitled:
“Technologies of affective human-computer interaction and application in mobile
learning” and it was developed in the Software Engineering Lab of the Department of
Informatics at the University of Piraeus. Our Industrial Partner was Sony Ericsson.
The main research problem that was investigated was recognition and generation of
emotions through multi-modal hand-held devices. In the context of this project, two
Ph.Ds were supervised and completed:
1. Ph.D. student: Efthimios Alepis (Supervisor M.Virvou)
2. Ph.D. student: : Ioanna-Ourania Stathopoulo (Supervisor G. Tsihrintzis).
The research topics that we dealt with were:
Emotion recognition through microphone and keyboard
Emotion generation in animated agents
Incorporation of animated agents in mobile learning
Visual Analysis of facial expressions
Construction of our own database of facial expressions
2.2 Previous Work of Affective Computing and Traffic
Two powerful partners — a well-funded consumer-facing company and a top re-
search university, such as MIT – joined forces to produce inventive solutions to real-
world problems. Audi of America wanted to be involved in conversations about
America’s urban future and provide cars that fit into tomorrow’s tech-dominated
cities. The carmaker wanted to encourage people to admire and buy Audi cars by
giving them an online tool with information about their roadways. The MIT lab Re-
search Laboratory of Electronics studied exactly the kind of data that the Audi idea
needed. The result is the Audi Road Frustration Index (Fig. 2), an entertaining web-
Analysis of facial expressions....
We have built our own database
Front View
Side View Front View Side View
Fig. 1. Facial expressions denoting human emotions.
Fig.2. Audi’s Frustration Index.
site that launched in beta in mid-September. It tells users at any given hour how the
roadways and drivers’ moods in their city rank compared to others nationwide. For
instance, Sacramento, Calif., is often as miserable as New York City [17].
Thus, Audi's latest ad campaign for the new 2012 A6 claims to want to make the
road "a more intelligent place," starting with asking drivers to pledge to be on their
best behavior while behind the wheel. At the top of the German automaker's list of
sins is driving while drinking a latte, leading us to perceive the effort as only half
serious [18].
Another joint effort on researching the influence of emotions on drivers arose
from a leading University, Stanford, and a leading car company, Toyota [19]. This
effort resulted in a study that examines whether characteristics of a car voice can
influence driver performance and affect.
In a 2 (driver emotion: happy or upset) x 2 (car voice emotion: energetic vs.
subdued) experimental study, participants (N=40) had emotion induced
through watching one of two sets of 5-minute video clips. Participants then
spent 20 minutes in a driving simulator where a voice in the car spoke 36
questions (e.g., "How do you think that the car is performing?") and com-
ments ("My favorite part of this drive is the lighthouse.") in either an ener-
getic or subdued voice.
Participants were invited to interact with the car voice. When user emotion
matched car voice emotion (happy/energetic and upset/subdued), drivers had
fewer accidents, attended more to the road (actual and perceived), and spoke
more to the car.
To assess drivers' engagement with the voice, participants were invited to
speak to the Virtual Passenger.
Other recent research efforts include Using Paralinguistic Cues in Speech to Rec-
ognise Emotions in Older Car Drivers by Christian Jones and Ing-Marie Jonsson [20].
Finally, there has been research on “Analysis of Real-World Driver's Frustration”
[21], to name some very recent research projects in the area.
2.3 Conclusions from the Related Work
It seems that there is interest from World Leading Universities, such as MIT and
Stanford and leading car manufacturers such as AUDI and TOYOTA respectively, to
produce new affective systems for the drivers.
However, there are not yet many such research attempts. This means that there is a
lot of scope in this particular research topic that seems to be gaining research interest.
In this respect, our proposed approach is very innovative to the field.
3 Aims of the Research Proposed
The aims of this work package are the following:
1. Recognition of basic emotions of drivers based on visual-facial and audio-
lingual recognition and contextual information.
a. Visual facial recognition through a camera
b. Audio lingual recognition through a microphone
c. Recording of contextual information that contributes to change of
drivers’ feelings.
2. Monitoring and recording drivers’ preferences with respect to traffic and
making inferences leading to recommendations.
Technically, the above aims are going to be pursued using the following:
Neural network-based and support vector machine-based classifiers for the visual
facial recognition,
User stereotypes and multi-criteria decision making theories for the audio-lingual
recognition and the contributing contextual information,
User stereotypes, machine learning algorithms and user monitoring for the acqui-
sition of user models of drivers with respect to their needs, preferences and
knowledge level of routes.
Multi-criteria decision making for the selection of appropriate recommendations.
Advanced multi-level recommender systems, which produce recommendations
by combining a specific driver’s preferences with preferences of ‘similar’ driv-
4 Proposed Solution
We propose to build a user modeling module that will take into account
Individual features of drivers such as route preferences, age, car type.
Emotions of drivers in particular situations
Traffic information
The driver would be monitored by a camera into the car so that image analysis of
his/her face may take place. The driver will also have a microphone to interact with
the system. The habits and behaviour of drivers will be analysed and recorded in a
long term user model over the web.
In return, the driver will receive
1. Personalised recommendations about routes
2. Personalised advice on handling emotions of drivers in particular
The proposed solution will include the following:
A navigation system which will provide location-based services with a per-
sonalized way, taking into account the preferences and the interests of each
Location-Based Services are provided via Web Services
A personalization mechanism
The term “location-based services” (LBS) is a rather recent concept that integrates
geographic location with the general notion of services.
The five categories in Fig. 3 characterize what may be thought of as standard loca-
tion-based services.
Fig.3. Standard location-based services.
One of the most basic characteristics of the LBS, is their potential of personaliza-
tion as they know which user they are serving, under what circumstances and for
what reason.
A system architecture that can be used is illustrated in Fig. 4. This architecture il-
lustrates how user modeling can be incorporated in order to record drivers’ prefer-
ences and the use an inference engine to produce hypotheses on future preferences of
users on other similar situations. Moreover, it shows how information from LBS can
also be used. This information can be processed and passed to a user interface device,
such as a GPS in a car. Moreover, Figure 5 illustrates three input devices, such as
camera, microphone and keyboard that can be used to process information about a
driver in terms of his/her emotional state. This kind of processing will be incorpo-
rated in the user modeling component as illustrated in Fig. 4.
5 Conclusions and Connection with other Research
We propose to extend the functionalities of existing GPSs to include user modelling
and emotion recognition abilities so that they may provide spontaneous assistance
that would be dynamically generated based on the results of the user modelling and
emotion recognition module. In return, the action of GPSs would be to provide auto-
matic recommendation to drivers that would be compatible with their own prefer-
ences concerning alternative routes and make them feel happier and calmer.
Our contribution could use information on traffic and routes that could be devel-
oped by other partners of the project such as Thomas Jackson and Tom Thomas.
Relevant goals to Tom Thomas individual preferences of drivers concerning favourite
routes. Also we see ourselves in the user interface (human computer interaction) as
mentioned by Brahmananda Sapkota in his talk about functionalities to drivers. Final-
ly, we can provide individualised information to the “informed driver” of Apostolos
Fig. 4. A system architecture.
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