8.2 Processing and Filtering Parameters
Noise filtering should be done in two stages. The first stage covers video frame proc-
essing before measuring vehicle parameters and the second involves the evaluation of
the estimated parameters.
The first stage could include reducing colour noise, contrast adjusting, colour nor-
malization, application of smoothing filters, frame thresholding or difference between
two consecutive frames and more. Reducing noise in the image is useful in cases
where optical flow is calculated. Normalization of frames is aimed at eliminating
unevenness in brightness. The application of morphological operation "erosion" on
the binary image removes small objects occurring due to noise, rain, movement of
trees, birds, animals, etc. In order to eliminate false objects or those which are not
important, an area of interest must be set and only in this area objects are analyzed.
This is useful when is not possible to avoid areas close to the road with common
movements like sidewalks and parking spaces.
It is possible that even after frame filtering and separation of potential vehicles, the
extracted data contains objects that are not cars or with incorrect parameters due to
some reason. Such objects are moving with unreal speed, suddenly changing direc-
tion, got too large or too small. Characteristics of the vehicles slightly change be-
tween successive frames and the big difference have to be considered as not normal
and corresponding object filtered out. Example of a jump-like change of the parame-
ters of a vehicle is where two or more vehicles overlap visually or by their shadows.
Additional filtering parameters can be the valid ranges for vehicle size. For example,
motorcyclists and cyclists occupy significantly less space than cars, and trucks and
buses more space. This space can be measured during on-site trial tests and later setup
in the software. Only after this stage the system can proceed by reporting the real
count of vehicles, calculation of additional traffic indicators and checking for viola-
8.3 Vehicle Detecting Algorithms
In the theory of digital image processing, there are numerous operations. Different
analyzing algorithms apply different sets of operations for a given task and therefore
their efficiency and accuracy is varying and depends on many factors. The main task
of these algorithms is the detection of moving and stopped vehicles on the road. Other
task may include speed and vehicle type recognition. Development of fast and reli-
able algorithm is a process requiring time and deep knowledge. Different weather and
road conditions may require the use of several methods to achieve accurate data in a
wide range of situations.
At present there are numerous methods for detecting objects in video footage.
They can be classified into 3 groups:
− methods using prior information about objects,
− methods based on movement or change in video footage,
− methods based on wave analysis.