Mohamed Ibn Khedher, Mounim A. El-Yacoubi and Bernadette Dorizzi
Departement of Electronics and Physics, Institut TELECOM: TELECOM SudParis, Evry, France
Action recognition, Feature discriminative power, Temporal correlation.
This paper presents an alternative to the mainstream approach of STIP-based SVM recognition for hu-
man recognition. First, it studies whether or not whole silhouette representation by Histogram-of-Oriented-
Gradients (HOG) or Histogram-of-Optical-Flow (HOF) descriptors is more discriminated when compared to
sparse spatio-temporal interest points (STIPs). Second, it investigates whether explicitly modeling the tempo-
ral order of features using continuous HMMs outperforms the standard Bag-of-Words (BoW) representation
that overlooks such an order. When both whole silhouette representation and temporal order modeling are
combined, a significant improvement is shown on the Weizmann database over STIP-based SVM recognition.
Human action recognition has been a fast evolving re-
search topic over the last years because of its diverse
applications in various fields (mining large video data,
medical field, e-Health, video surveillance, sports,
robotics, etc.). The performance of a human action
recognition system can be affected by several factors,
among which the variability of illuminations, diver-
sity of clothes, and detection of the Region Of In-
terest (ROI) containing the human action to be mod-
eled (Weinland, 2008). In the last years, several
surveys on human action recognition have been pro-
posed (Poppe, 2010; Weinland et al., 2011). Overall,
methods of modeling actions can be classified into
two main approaches: model-based approaches and
model-free approaches.
Model-based approaches require a model in ad-
vance either a kinematic model that makes dynamic
links (angles) between different segments of the hu-
man body (Atine, 2004), or a shape model which con-
sists of representing human body segments by 2D ge-
ometric shapes such as rectangles (rectangular models
Ikizler and Duygulu, 2007)), or 3D geometric shapes
like cylinder (Pehlivan and Duygulu, 2009). Most
model-based approaches combine the two models in
order to simultaneously encode the shape and motion
of the action.
Model-Free approaches, on the other hand, do not
require an explicit body model. They can be classified
into two categories: global methods and local meth-
ods. Global representation encodes information of the
entire ROI. Some of the most popular methods in-
clude temporal representation as Motion History Im-
age (MHI) and Motion Energy Image (MEI) (Bobick
and Davis, 2001), Zernike-moment (Sun et al., 2009),
and envelope shape (Huang and Xu, 2007). ROI can
be considered as one bloc or as a grid of sub-blocs.
Global representation needs the detection of ROI. In
the literature, methods of ROI detection can use one
from the following techniques: background subtrac-
tion (eg based on GMM (Zivkovic, 2004)), track-
ing (eg based on Kalman filter (Zhong and Sclaroff,
2003; Pnevmatikakis and Polymenakos, 2007)) or
the method based on Histogram of Oriented Gradi-
ents (Dalal and Triggs, 2005). Background subtrac-
tion methods are less robust when dealing with non-
stationary background. Tracking, on the other hand,
is a time-costly procedure and may require an initial-
ization of the tracking model. The method based on
HOG, in turn, tests different scales for people detec-
tion. Thus, it may be costly in time. In addition, it
needs a learning phase and depends on the learning
Local representations have become very popu-
lar in the recent years. They consist of represent-
ing a video action by several locally detected spatio-
temporal interest points. In this context, several works
based on STIPs have been developed (Wang et al.,
2009). STIP-based approaches consist of two subse-
quent stages: STIPs detection and STIPs description
or representation.
Ibn Khedher M., A. El-Yacoubi M. and Dorizzi B. (2012).
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 503-508
DOI: 10.5220/0003695905030508
In order to detect the points of interest, Laptev and
Linberdeg (Laptev and Lindeberg, 2003) extended the
2D Harris (Harris and Stephens, 1988) to 3D Harris
integrating the temporal aspect between human pos-
tures. The cuboid detector proposed by Dollar et al.
is based on Gabor filters (Dollar et al., 2005). Fi-
nally, the STIPs detection proposed by Willems et al.
(Willems et al., 2008) is a spatio-temporal extension
of the Hessian saliency measure used in (Lindeberg,
1998) for blob detection. For STIPs description, both
HOG and HOF were used by Laptev et al. (Laptev
et al., 2008) in order to characterize shape and motion
respectively. Kl
aser et al. (Kl
aser et al., 2008) pro-
posed 3D HOG which can be seen as an extension of
SIFT descriptor to video sequences. Finally, Willems
et al. (Willems et al., 2008) proposed the Extended
SURF (ESURF) descriptor which extends the image
SURF descriptor (Bay et al., 2006) to videos.
One of the main observations regarding state of
the art action recognition methods is that there is
no approach systematically outperforming the others:
each approach has its own strengths and limitations.
For example, model-based approaches allow a rich
body representation but they need a shape or kine-
matic model, the robustness of which is not guaran-
teed. We should note that finding body parts and es-
timating a body model from images remains an un-
resolved problem (Weinland et al., 2011). Recent
works design appropriate kinematic models for par-
ticular actions, walking or running for instance, hence
the range of applications is limited to this kind of sce-
narios (Weinland et al., 2011).
Model-free global representations also may ex-
tract rich information from the silhouette by glob-
ally encoding the posture, provided the background
is simple which is not always the case. In real scenes,
however, background is often complex and dynamic.
Besides, these approaches are sensitive to noise, oc-
clusion and variations in viewpoints (Poppe, 2010).
On the other hand, model-free local methods allow a
sparse video action description leading to an efficient
representation. Besides, they do not require ROI de-
tection and background subtraction. However, the de-
tected interest points are not guaranteed to correspond
to the moving body; they may be associated with the
background for instance.
In light of the observations above, STIP-based
methods look as an appealing method for describing
dynamic video scenes. However, it is not guaranteed
that the sparse representation based on STIPs does not
overlook points in the video sequence not correspond-
ing to local maxima of spatio-temporal gradients but
which are discriminant for classification. Thus, the
first objective of this paper is to assess the discrimi-
nant power of STIPs by comparing it with a rich rep-
resentation of the silhouette based on HOG/HOF ex-
tracted from the ROI of the whole silhouette. Besides,
as it is not obvious to set an ordering of the inter-
est points, either spatially or temporarily, this led to
the representation of the video sequence by a Bag-
of-Words of STIPs that does not need such an order
(Schuldt et al., 2004; Kl
aser, 2010) based on STIPs
use the Bag-of-Words representation (Sivic and Zis-
serman, 2003). The second objective of this paper is
to assess the effect of neglecting the temporal order
of STIPs by explicitly considering an HMM that does
model the temporal order of the frames represented
by HOG/HOF descriptors.
This paper is structured as follows. In section
2, we examine our action modeling and recognition
technique. The experimental results of our approach
are given in section 3. A conclusion and perspectives
are finally presented.
Our approach basically consists of three stages: 1)
ROI detection, 2) feature extraction using HOG/HOF
descriptors and 3) human action modeling and recog-
nition using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM).
2.1 Detection of the ROI
Our approach takes as input the region of interest con-
taining the human silhouette. The detection of the
ROI can be based on background subtraction or on
a machine learning method such as the one proposed
by Dalal et al. taking as input HOG descriptor (Dalal
and Triggs, 2005). Note that in the database we used
for experiments (the Weizmann dataset), the ROI was
available. Figure 1(a) shows a screenshot of an orig-
inal image and Figure 1(b) shows its ROI. This ROI
will be the input of feature extraction procedure.
(a) (b)
Figure 1: a) Original image. b) ROI image.
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
2.2 Feature Extraction
State of the art methods show that combining both the
appearance and movement to describe the silhouette
lead to better results. For this reason, we use two
types of features: HOG which is a rich representa-
tion mainly encoding silhouette contour (Figure 2(b))
and HOF which explicitly encodes motion in the ROI
(Figure 2(c)). HOF can be seen as compromise be-
tween HOG and STIPs in terms of sparseness and
richness of representation. HOG and HOF encoding
of the ROI is basically carried out as follows:
HOG shape encoding: taking the ROI as input,
a differential image is calculated using the Sobel
operator; the result is a gradient for each pixel.
Then, the ROI is divided into cells and a HOG
is calculated for each cell. The HOG is then dis-
cretized along a set of bins, associated each to an
angle interval. The value corresponding to the bin
is the sum of the amplitudes of the gradients hav-
ing an angle belonging to this interval.
HOF motion encoding: the method conceived by
Lucas et al. (Lucas and Kanade, 1981) for calcu-
lating the optical flow is used to compute a motion
image between the current and the previous im-
ages (Doll
ar, 2007). The result is a motion vector
for each pixel. The computing of the HOF follows
the same principle as the HOG detailed in the pre-
vious paragraph. To minimize the effect of noise,
we ignore the motion vectors of small amplitude
that mainly correspond to the background.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2: a) Original ROI image. b) Gradient image. c)
Optical flow image.
2.3 Modeling and Recognition with
The temporal correlation between human postures is
explicitly modeled using a Hidden Markov Model
(HMM) (Rabiner, 1989). The problem of recognition
with HMM is the following: given a HMM (λ
) for
an action i, and a sequence of observations ”O” cor-
responding to an unknown action, we seek the HMM
that maximizes the probability: P(O\λ
). This proba-
bility is calculated by the forward algorithm (Rabiner,
HMM is the most known generative graphical
model. It is a probabilistic model that here models a
set of observations corresponding to postures. In our
case, the observations are continuous and the proba-
bility distribution in each state is modeled by a mix-
ture of Gaussians. Gaussian parameters are initialized
uniformly: for a given HMM, the training sequences
are uniformly segmented in sub-sequences according
to the number of states of HMM. All sub-sequences
corresponding to a given state are used to estimate the
corresponding Gaussian parameters.
Figure 3 shows the topology of the HMM model
considered in our approach. The back loop from state
4 to state 1 is introduced to implicitly model the peri-
odicity of most actions considered in this work.
Figure 3: The used HMM Model.
Owing to the high dimensionality of HOG/HOF
descriptors, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is
employed to reduce it. PCA has also the advantage of
decorrelating the data, thus enabling the consideration
of mixtures Gaussians with diagonal covariances.
3.1 Database
The Weizmann (Blank et al., 2005; Gorelick et al.,
2007) database is one of the most used databases for
human action recognition. It consists of 9 persons
performing 10 actions that are: bend, jack, run, walk,
jump, wave (one hand), wave (two hands), side, skip
and jump in place. Figure 4 shows some actions from
the Weizmann database.
3.2 Test Protocol and Configuration
To evaluate our approach, the test protocol leave-one-
out is used. In fact, each action HMM is learned from
8 sequences corresponding to 8 people. The sequence
of the remaining person is used for test.
The features obtained from each silhouette (pre-
sented in section 2) are extracted according to the fol-
lowing configuration: each ROI is divided into 3x3
cells. A HOF and a HOG of 9 bins is calculated for
Figure 4: Sample frames from Weizmann dataset.
each cell. Thus, each image is represented by two
vectors of 81 elements normalized by their norms.
A continuous HMM of 5 states and 4 Gaus-
sians was considered, and recognition was performed
using as features HOG, HOF and the combination
3.3 Results
In this section, we evaluate our approach with HOG,
HOF and the combination HOG/HOF descriptors. In
order to give our results with better accuracy, each
test is repeated three times. Table 1 shows the perfor-
mance of our approach in terms of average of recog-
nition rates, and Figure 5 gives the confusion ma-
trix (Doll
ar, 2007) provided by one of the tests cor-
responds to the combination HOG/HOF.
Table 1: Results of our approach.
Primitives Rates(%)
HOG 80.8 ( ±3)
HOF 83.3 ( ±3)
HOF+HOG 92.1 ( ±1)
Table 1 shows that HOF slightly outperforms
HOG, meaning that explicit motion extraction is
slightly better than encoding the shape contour. The
combination HOG/HOF dramatically improves the
recognition rate. This shows that HOG and HOF are
quite complementary for describing moving human
The confusion matrix shows that the classifica-
tion error is caused by the strong similarity between
running-type actions. This is understandable as it
is difficult to discriminate, for example, run’ from
skip’ over a period of 2 seconds.
For comparison purposes, Table 2 shows action
recognition rates obtained by various approaches on
the Weizmann dataset.
Table 2 shows that our approach significantly out-
performs those obtained with STIP-based Bag-of-
Figure 5: Confusion matrix corresponds to the combination
HOG/HOF features.
Table 2: Results comparison on Weizmann Database.
Approaches Rates(%)
Klaser et al. (Kl
aser et al., 2008) 84.3
Dollar et al. (Dollar et al., 2005) 85.2
Laptev et al. (Laptev et al., 2008) 88.8
Our Approach. 92.1
Wang et al. (Wang and Suter, 2007) 97.7
Words (the 3 approaches at the top Table 2 are dif-
ferent in the way STIPs are detected and described).
This shows, as discussed in the introduction, that the
sparse representation based on STIPs, although effi-
cient, may overlook some features points that are dis-
criminant for classification. Also, explicitly model-
ing the temporal order of postures (frames) through
HMMs can be beneficial to recognition with respect
to a representation like the Bag-of-Words that does
not take into account such an order.
On the other hand, as the bottom line of Table 2
shows, Wang’s approach outperforms ours. This ap-
proach is based on Conditional Random Fields (CRF)
and a global representation of the silhouette but our
goal in this paper was to show that explicit mod-
eling of the temporal order of frames along with a
richer representation of silhouettes can significantly
improve classification performance.
This paper has discussed the discriminant power of
STIPs by comparing it with a rich representation of
the silhouette based on HOG/HOF extracted from the
ROI of the whole silhouette. It also assessed the effect
of neglecting the temporal order of STIPs by explic-
itly considering an HMM that does model the tem-
poral order of the frames represented by HOG/HOF
The results obtained in our experiments show that
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
such an order does improve action recognition. On
the other hand, the significantly better performance
obtained by explicitly modeling human silhouette dy-
namics through HOF and HOG show that although
STIP-based representations are efficient, they may
fail to detect some feature points that are relevant for
In the future, we are targeting the task of action
recognition in the context of daily human activities.
Here, the problem becomes more difficult as the in-
put will usually consist of a long video sequence
made up of a continuous sequence of actions (for in-
stance ”walk”, ”eat”, ”watching TV” and then ”laying
down”). Therefore, the purpose is to conjointly seg-
ment and recognize actions. One of the goals, in the
context of this application and according to the results
obtained in this study, is to select in an automatic way
the type of features (STIPs or HOG/HOF) to be ex-
tracted from the silhouette depending on such factors
as the complexity of the background, occlusion and
the presence or not of several moving shapes.
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ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods