Xuanming Su (2008), develops a model of
dynamic pricing with endogenous inter-temporal
demand. He assumes the finite inventory over a
finite time horizon. A. Haji and M. Asadi (2009),
develops a fuzzy expert system to new product
pricing. This fuzzy expert system includes practical
rule bases to analyze the appropriate price of new
product in fuzzy environment. A. Dolgui and J.
Proth (2010), discuses the pricing strategies and
models. They discuss the benefits price skimming
strategy for a company in the monopolistic market
and they recommend that the high price cannot be
maintained for a long time. A good review of pricing
models and their coordination with inventory
decisions can be found in Chan, L., et al. (2004).
In this paper, we develop a new model
considering price skimming and economy pricing in
the presence of competitor’s effects and customers
demand elasticity. The objective of the model is to
maximize the total profit of company at both
skimming and economy phases. In this article we try
to analyze the structure of the problem as well as
optimal solution properties to derive a solution
approach as well as managerial insights.
Consider a market which can be segmented to two
segments: A and B. Segment A, contains the
customers who are willing to purchase the product
sooner with a higher price. Conversely in segment B,
the customers will purchase the product when the
market price is lower than their reservation price.
We set skimming price for segment A and economy
price for segment B. But at the first time that a new
product is introduced to the market, the skimming
phase is considered and the company set a higher
price to skim the segment A to achieve more profit.
The length of the skimming phase depends on
competitor’s ability and the profit margin of the
skimming price. The skimming phase will end when
the demand falls or a competitor joined the market
with a lower price. At this time, the economy phase
starts and the company has to decrease its price
based on its skimming price, the competitor’s price
and customer’s elasticity.
We assume that it is possible to estimate the
maximum volume of demand for each market
segment and the penetration rate of company to
capture the demand depends on its price. The
problem objective is to determine the best price for
skimming and economy phase in order to maximize
its overall profit and market share. At first two
definitions that are considered to model the problem
are presented in the following.
Definition 1. Maximum Reservation Price (MRP), is
the price above which none of the customers will
buy the product. In other words it is the lowest price
at which demand is equal to zero. Maximum Willing
to Buy (MWB), is the lowest price which all of the
customers will buy the product (Philips, Robert L.,
Definition 2. A myopic customer is one who makes
a purchase immediately if the price is below her
reservation price without considering the future
prices. Conversely, a strategic (or rational) customer
takes into account the future estimated prices when
making purchasing decisions (Philips, Robert L.,
In this article we assume the myopic behavior for
customers. The parameters and variables needed to
formulate the problem are defined as follows.
2.1 Notations
FC: The finished cost of product.
: Maximum reservation price.
: The maximum estimated of total market demand
: The maximum estimated of market demand
volume for skimming phase.
: The penetration rate function at skimming
: The penetration rate function at economy
) : The skimming (economy) price for
2.2 Analysis of Penetration Rate
The penetration rate at the skimming phase depends
on the price of product. If the skimming price is
high, then the penetration rate is low. In the real
situation the relationship between penetration rate
and price is non-linear and the negative exponential
function is more consistent and was applied more
than other functions in the literature. So we apply
the negative exponential function to model the
penetration rate at the skimming and economy
phases. We propose the penetration rate at skimming
phase as: