Measuring the Antecedents to Pattern Recognition
Thomas Loveday
, Mark Wiggins
, Marino Festa
and David Schell
Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, Australia
Keywords: Expertise, Diagnosis, Feature Selection, Feature Extraction, Cues, Medicine.
Abstract: Medical expertise is typically denoted on the basis of experience, but this approach appears to lack validity
and reliability. The present study investigated an innovative assessment of diagnostic expertise in medicine.
This approach was developed from evidence that expert performance develops following the acquisition of
cue associations in memory, which facilitates diagnostic pattern-recognition. Four distinct tasks were
developed, for which the judicious extraction and selection of environmental cues may be advantageous.
Across the tasks, performance clustered into two levels, reflecting competent and expert performance. These
clusters were only weakly correlated with traditional methods of identifying domain experts, such as years
of experience. The significance of this outcome is discussed in relation to training, evaluation and
1.1 Background
The expertise of medical practitioners has typically
been denoted based on cumulative experience in the
domain. However, it is apparent that many
experienced and qualified practitioners never
genuinely attain domain expertise, and instead, only
achieve a level of diagnostic performance that could
be described as competent.
To explain this observation, Gray (2004)
proposed that amongst highly experienced
individuals, there may actually be two levels of
operators. The levels were presumed to reflect
‘competent non-experts’, who rely on prior cases
and rules (Rasmussen, 1983), and ‘genuine experts’,
who utilise reliable and efficient cognitive shortcuts
(Wiggins, 2006). The assertion that experts utilise
cognitive shortcuts is consistent with studies that
have reported that genuine experts, identified on the
basis of diagnostic accuracy rather than experience,
are more likely to perform diagnoses using pattern-
recognition (Coderre, Mandin, Harasym, & Fick,
2003; Groves, O’Rourke, & Alexander, 2003;
Norman, Young, & Brooks, 2007).
In the medical context, pattern recognition is
defined as the non-conscious recognition of illnesses
based on patterns of symptoms, which primes
appropriate responses based on illness scripts in
memory (Croskerry, 2009). Under this definition,
pattern-recognion, therefore, requires the acquisition
of relevant patient features, which are capable of
predicting possible outcomes (Lipshitz, Klein,
Orasanu, & Salas, 2001; Wiggins, 2006).
The efficiency of expert pattern-recognition
suggests that expert practitioners possess highly
refined and strong feature-outcome associations in
(Coderre et al., 2003; Jones, 1992). These
‘cue’ associations represent an association in
memory between the features of the patient and a
subsequent outcome or illness (Schimdt &
Boshuizen, 1993).
By reducing cognitive load during information
acquisition, without sacrificing depth of processing
(Sweller, 1988), cue-based pattern recognition
allows experts to generate rapid and appropriate
responses to environmental stimuli (Wiggins &
O’Hare, 2003). For example, in a ‘think-aloud’
study of gastroenterologists, it was observed that
pattern-recognition during diagnosis produced
accurate, and seemingly automatic, treatment
responses (Coderre et al., 2003).
1.2 The Present Study
Because expert diagnostic performance in medicine
Loveday T., Wiggins M., Festa M. and Schell D. (2012).
IDENTIFYING DIAGNOSTIC EXPERTS - Measuring the Antecedents to Pattern Recognition.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 269-274
DOI: 10.5220/0003705902690274
invokes pattern-recognition, it should be possible to
distinguish competent individuals from those who
have acquired genuine expertise by measuring its
component skills. Therefore, the present study
proposed distinguishing genuine experts within an
experienced population based on their performance
on diagnostic tasks in which the selection and
extraction of appropriate cues is advantageous.
A battery of cue-based tasks were developed
within the software package, EXPERTise (Wiggins,
Harris, Loveday, & O’Hare, 2010). EXPERTise was
specifically designed to identify expert practitioners
by combining four diagnostic tasks:
Feature Identification - a measure of the
ability to extract diagnostic cues from the
operational environment (Schriver, Morrow,
Wickens, & Talleur, 2008);
Paired Association - which assessed the
capacity to discern strong feature-event cues
from weak feature event cues in the
environment (Morrison, Wiggins, Bond, &
Tyler, 2009);
Feature discrimination - a measure of the
ability to discriminate diagnostic from
irrelevant cues in the environment (D. J.
Weiss & J. Shanteau, 2003); and the
Information Acquisition Task - assessing the
capacity to acquire diagnostic cues from the
environment in a strategic, non-linear pattern
(Wiggins, Stevens, Howard, Henley, &
O’Hare, 2002).
It had already been established that the
EXPERTise tasks could consistently and accurately
distinguish the performance of novice, competent
and expert network diagnosticians in the context of
power control (Loveday, Wiggins, Harris, Smith, &
O'Hare, submitted). The present study had the
distinct aim of determining the utility of EXPERTise
in distinguishing competent non-experts from
genuine experts within an experienced sample of
medical practitioners.
Because each of the four tasks used in the
present study was selected to assess independent
facets of the broader construct of pattern-recognition
based diagnosis, it was hypothesised that
performance amongst experienced practitioners
would cluster into two levels across the tasks,
consistent with the predictions of Gray (2004).
Because experience is only weakly associated with
expert skill acquisition, performance on the tasks
assessing expert performance, were not expected to
correlate significantly with measures of domain
2.1 Participants
Fifty paediatric intensive care unit staff were
recruited. Twenty three were male and twenty seven
were female. They ranged in age from 30 to 63 years
with a mean of 42.3 years (SD = 8.3). The
participants had accumulated between 3 and 26
years of experience within paediatric critical care,
with a mean of 9.8 years (SD = 6.9).
2.2 Measures
2.2.1 Demographic Survey
In addition to basic demographics, general and
specific experience in the domain were recorded.
2.2.2 EXPERTise
EXPERTise (Wiggins, Harris, Loveday, & O’Hare,
2010) is a ‘shell’ software package designed to
record performance across four cue-based expert
reasoning tasks. EXPERTise was specifically
designed so that these tasks could be customized to
match stimuli used in the domain.
2.3 Stimuli
Cognitive interviews were conducted with two
paediatric intensive care practitioners to develop the
stimuli used in the present study. These practitioners
were selected on the basis of peer recommendation.
The information derived from the subject-matter
experts was restructured into several scenarios that
identified feature and outcome pairs that were
available for patient diagnosis. These pairs and
scenarios were validated in an untimed pilot test.
The scenarios formed the basis of the stimuli used
within the EXPERTise tasks. See Figure 1 For an
example of the stimuli.
Figure 1: Example patient bedside monitor output.
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
2.3.1 Feature Identification Task
The feature identification task had two forms. In the
first, the participants were presented with a patient
bedside monitor displaying an abnormal parameter
that indicated that the patient was in a critical
condition. The participants were asked to click on
the abnormal parameter. In the second form, the
bedside monitor was ‘flashed’ for 1.5 seconds, and
the participant was asked to identify the abnormal
parameter from one of four options. For both forms,
response times were recorded and aggregated across
items to yield a mean response time. Accuracy was
also recorded and totalled into a single accuracy
2.3.2 Paired Association Task
The paired association task also had two forms. In
both, two domain-relevant phrases were flashed on-
screen, either sequentially (Form 1) or
simultaneously (Form 2) for 1.5 seconds. The
participant was asked to rate the relatedness of the
two phrases on a six-point scale.
Response latencies were recorded and
aggregated across items to yield a mean reaction
time for each participant. The association ratings
were also aggregated into a single ‘discrimination’
metric, based on the mean variance of the
participants’ responses.
2.3.3 Feature Discrimination Task
The feature discrimination task measured expert
discrimination between sources of information
during decision-making. The task presented the
participant with a patient bedside monitor output and
a short written scenario description. On a subsequent
screen, the participants were asked to choose an
appropriate response to the scenario from eight
treatment options. The participants then rated, on a
six-point scale, the utility of nine individual types of
information in informing their decision. These
ratings were aggregated into a single discrimination
metric based on the variance of the participant’s
2.3.4 Information Acquisition Task
The information acquisition task consisted of a
single scenario accompanied by a patient bedside
monitor output. The scenario was intentionally
vague and thus, forced to participant acquire
additional information as provided in a list of
information screens. The participants then selected
an appropriate diagnosis and response from four
treatment options. The order in which the
information screens were accessed was recorded.
This was converted to a single metric based on the
ratio of screens accessed in sequence over the total
number of screens accessed.
2.4 Procedure
Conducted in groups of five, participants were
briefed on the purpose of the study and then asked to
sign a consent form if they wished to continue. They
then completed the demographics questionnaire and
EXPERTise via laptops.
3.1 Correlations with Experience
To investigate the relationship between measures of
experience and each task within EXPERTise,
bivariate correlations were undertaken between
years of experience (both domain general and
domain specific) and performance on the
EXPERTise tasks. Consistent with expectations,
measures of experience, both general and specific,
yielded only weak to moderate Pearson correlations
with performance on the EXPERTise tasks, r 0.33,
p < 0.05.
3.2 Cluster Models
The primary aim of the present investigation was to
determine the feasibility of identifying expert
practitioners using tasks in which pattern recognition
was advantageous. Because the sample comprised
qualified individuals, it was expected that
performance would cluster into two groups,
reflecting competence and expertise.
Table 1: Participant cluster means.
Measure Competent
Mean (SD)
n = 24
Expert Mean
n = 26
Mean (SD)
N = 50
FID RT 11.1 (4.4) 7.7 (3.0) 9.2 (4.1)
FID Acc 5.3 (2.1) 6.7 (1.7) 6.0 (2.0)
PAT1 RT 6.0 (2.2) 4.6 (1.3) 5.3 (1.9)
PAT1 Var 1.5 (0.6) 2.4 (0.8) 2.0 (0.8)
PAT 2 RT 4.3 (1.7) 3.6 (1.1) 3.9 (1.4)
PAT 2 Var 1.2 (0.7) 1.8 (0.7) 1.5 (0.7)
FDT Var 2.72 (2.8) 4.5 (3.2) 3.7 (3.1)
IAT Ratio 0.91 (0.17) 0.63 (0.42) 0.8 (0.4)
SD = Standard Deviation; FID = Feature Identification;
PAT = Paired Association Task; FDT = Feature Discrimination;
IAT = Information Acquisition Task. RT = Reaction Time;
Acc = Accuracy; Var = Variance.
IDENTIFYING DIAGNOSTIC EXPERTS - Measuring the Antecedents to Pattern Recognition
Table 1 presents the results of a K-Means cluster
analysis. As expected, two distinct groups formed
based on performance across the EXPERTise tasks.
Cluster 1 (n = 24) comprised those individuals
who, whilst qualified, demonstrated a lower level of
performance across the EXPERTise tasks in
comparison to the members of Cluster 2. Therefore,
the participants in this cluster were described as
‘experienced non-experts’.
Cluster 2 (n = 26) comprised those individuals
who performed at the highest level across the
EXPERTise tasks. Since the members of this cluster
were generally faster, more accurate, more
discriminating, and less sequential in their
acquisition of information, they were described as
‘genuine experts.’
The aim of the present study was to determine
whether four measurements of pattern recognition
could, when combined, distinguish competent from
expert paediatric healthcare practitioners within an
experienced sample. Because the judicious selection
and extraction of cues was advantageous in each of
the tasks, it was expected that paediatric experts
would demonstrate consistently superior
The results of the present study are consistent
with expectations that the EXPERTise tasks could
consistently distinguish between competent and
expert practitioners within an experienced sample.
Performance across the four assessment tasks
clustered into two levels, with the genuine expert
cluster significantly outperforming the competent
cluster on each task.
As expected, performance in the tasks was not
strongly correlated with domain experience. This
outcome is consistent with prior research (Coderre et
al., 2003; Groves et al., 2003; Norman et al., 2007),
and thus, further highlights the limitations of this
approach as a means of identifying expert
diagnosticians in paediatric healthcare. There is an
increasingly strong case to be made that experience
is only weakly associated with the progression to
diagnostic expertise (Gray, 2004), indicating that
other indicators may be preferable.
4.1 Implications for Theory and
Many prior studies of expert diagnosis have
attempted to identify medical experts in advance,
usually on the basis of experience (Blignaut, 1979;
Coderre et al., 2003; O’Hare, Mullen, Wiggins, &
Molesworth, 2008; Simon & Chase, 1973; Wallis &
Horswill, 2007). Although these comparisons can be
useful, they are based on the assumption that there is
a linear relationship between experience and
diagnostic performance. However, in the present
study, performance in four tasks, all of which have
been linked to expertise, was only weakly associated
with experience. Therefore, while experience may
be a necessary precursor to expert diagnostic
performance, it is not sufficient.
The present results suggest that when
investigating diagnostic performance in medicine,
expertise should not be operationalised as
experience in the domain. The present study
supports an alternative approach, based on the
assessment of pattern recognition during domain-
relevant tasks. This solution, whereby the
performance of each individual is assessed against a
cohort, makes it possible to make valid comparisons
between individuals.
In the present cohort, comprising experienced
practitioners, two distinct clusters emerged that
appear to represent two distinct levels of
performance. These levels were consistent with the
distinction made by Gray (2004) between competent
and expert practitioners. Moreover, these differences
in performance were consistent across all four
assessment tasks, each of which was designed to
assess an independent dimension of expert pattern
recognition (Morrison et al., 2009; Ratcliff &
McKoon, 1995; D. J. Weiss & J. Shanteau, 2003;
Wiggins & O’Hare, 1995; Wiggins et al., 2002).
The identification of medical experts on the
basis of their performance, rather than their
experience, should assist with studies of feature
extraction, pattern recognition and empirical
comparisons between different levels of diagnostic
performance. Further, the identification of genuine
experts ought to improve the validity of research
outcomes involving the observation of expert
performance, and perhaps, provide the basis for a
better understanding of the process of cognitive skill
4.2 Implications for the Field
At an applied level, the assessment of expertise
based on feature extraction, cue utilisation, and
pattern recognition has important implications for
evaluation. In particular, it provides a method for
assessing the progression towards medical expertise.
With the development of standardized norms, it
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
should be possible to determine whether an
individual learner is developing diagnostic skills
consistent with expectations and/or whether a
particular level of performance has been achieved
following exposure to specialist training. By
assessing four components of expert pattern
recognition, EXPERTise can also be used to identify
those component skills of pattern recognition that
experienced competent practitioners are struggling
to acquire. This information can then guide remedial
training efforts. Such cue-based approaches to
training have already met with some success in other
domains, including aviation (Wiggins & O’Hare,
2003) and mining (Blignaut, 1979).
The nature of the assessment tasks’ is such that
they assess independent skills, each of which
contribute to expert pattern recognition and
diagnosis. Therefore, if performance is weaker on
one or more of the tasks, it will be possible to
identify the specific area of deficiency and thereby
better target interventions. The application of this
strategy can be used to improve the efficiency and
the effectiveness of remedial medical training and,
as a consequence, minimize the costs associated
with training interventions.
The present study was designed to determine
whether four independent assessments of expert
pattern recognition could, collectively, distinguish
competent from expert practitioners within a
qualified sample of healthcare practitioners. Overall,
performance on all four assessment tasks
successfully differentiated the two groups, whereby
qualified staff could be divided into competent and
expert practitioners based on their capacity for
pattern recogniton, and cue extraction and
The successful replication of the results of
Loveday, et al. (submitted) in a dissimilar domain
demonstrates the utility of the EXPERTise tasks,
and the importance of pattern recognition in expert
performance generally. In time, it may also provide
a method for determining whether experienced
practitioners are developing expertise at a rate that is
consistent with their peers. Individuals’ who perform
at an unsatisfactory level may benefit from remedial
medical training. It is expected that this combination
of progressive assessment and remedial training may
reduce the rate of error in medicine through the
increased diagnostic expertise of practitioners.
This research was supported in part by grants from
the ‘Australian Research Council’ and TransGrid
Pty Ltd under the former’s Linkage Program (Grant
Number LP0884006).
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ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods