ified it to make M
more sensitive for different clus-
ter sizes. The idea is that the quality of large clus-
ters should have more influence on the index than the
quality of small clusters. This can be done using the
weighting of clusters qualities depending on the clus-
ter size.
To analyse the new measures, in particular the in-
fluence of the modification on the original measure,
we used a generation model for overlapping graph
clusterings. The model is a modification of a common
method. We enhanced it using a power law distribu-
tion of cluster sizes and node degrees to produce more
realistic clusterings. The experiments with this gener-
ation model confirmed that all our extensions for crisp
evaluations measures provide an appropriate and reli-
able adaption to handle overlapping graph clusterings.
In the future we are also going to test the new mea-
sures on data from real-world networks. Another po-
tential research topic for future work is the adaption
of our extension methods to overlapping clustering on
directed or/and weighted graphs. One more interest-
ing research question is, whether the new measures
can also be successfully used to generate overlapping
graph clusterings. In future work we will study if us-
ing the proposed measures as fitness functions within
overlapping clustering algorithms will improve the
clustering performance for overlapping clusterings.
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ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods