of ‘which’ is explicitly added into existing evaluation
questions as shown in Figure 2. The dotted lines show
the original evaluation questions. The solid line is the
proposed ‘which’ question, which we believe, should
be addressed in every evaluation study.
Objective of Evaluation
Which stakeholders perspective
is going to be evaluated?
Which phase in system
development life cycle?
Aspects of evaluation?
Methods of Evaluations
Which is the most
influential factor?
Figure 2: An Enhanced Evaluation Question of ‘Which’.
Evaluation of the factors that influence user accep-
tance of the software technology is a crucial and im-
portant effort. Originally, evaluation is carried out
to find the answer to five main questions which are
‘why’, ‘what’, ‘who’, ‘when’ and ‘how’. We believe
the question of ‘which’ also needs to be explicitly
addressed and specifically recognised in all evalua-
tion studies. Two distinct approaches are discussed
in this study to determine the weighting between fac-
tors. The approaches presented in this study are not
intended to show which is the best to be used to eval-
uate users’ acceptance factors, but rather to illustrate
some of the various options which are available to be
used to derive weights among evaluation factors and,
hence, to explicitly answer the question of ‘which’.
Future evaluation studies should explicitly incorpo-
rate the ‘which’ question in order to realize the maxi-
mum benefit for the various stakeholders.
Noor Azizah KS Mohamadali would like to gratefully
acknowledge the funding received from both the Pub-
lic Service Department of Malaysia and the Interna-
tional Islamic University of Malaysia(IIUM) in spon-
soring this research.
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HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics