several reference images. Remaining outliers were re-
moved according to the local density (accumulator)
function (3). Further integration of color and con-
fidence information will concede an additional sta-
bility in the approach. The second application con-
cerns building modeling. The three-step procedure
of (Gross et al., 2005), with the two modifications
of DTM modeling by means of a robust cost func-
tion (L
-splines) and k-means based normal vector
clustering, also automatically processes dense point
clouds obtained by passive sensors from light UAVs
in nadir view. Therefore it is shown, that methods for
large scale range data with homegenously distributed
samples can be adapted to relatively low quality, se-
quentially obtained data of theoretical infinite length.
In the majority of cases, urban structures are recon-
structed well, as one can see from Fig. 5. To per-
form an accurate quantitative evaluation of complete-
ness and correctness of the procedure in comparison
with other procedures, such as (Rottensteiner, 2010),
reconstruction of either several high-resolution aerial
images or a larger video sequence must be performed.
These goals are currently being met, but they are be-
yond the scope of our work. Further consideration
of image information (e.g. segmentation) will be a
topic of future work. One can additionally filter out
vegetation: analyzing the reference image by means
of trained data is the only interactive part of the ap-
proach. The trees can then be found in larger regions
of the image (sequence); their height is given by the
depth map. Also here efforts must be made in future
by using color and gradient information in input im-
ages as well as confidence maps for better building
contour extraction and roof analysis.
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ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods