A Comparison of Relational, Document Oriented and Graph Oriented Data Models
Alexander Wendt
, Benjamin Dönz
, Stephan Mantler
, Dietmar Bruckner
and Alexander Mikula
Institute of Computer Technology, Vienna University of Technology, Gusshausstrasse 27-29, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
VRVis Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung Forschungs-GmbH, Donau-City-Strasse 1, A-1220 Vienna, Austria
Frequentis AG, Innovationsstrasse 1, A-1100 Vienna, Austria
Keywords: Data model, RDF, Graph oriented, Document oriented, Relational, Query, Database, SPARQL, SQL.
Abstract: Database technologies are evaluated in respect to their performance in model extension, data integration,
data access, querying and distributed data management. The structure of the data sources is partially
unknown. Additional value is gained combination of data sources. Data models for a relational, a document
and a graph oriented database are compared showing strengths and weaknesses of each data model.
Since relational database systems were introduced
they have been successfully used for innumerable
applications. So successfully in fact, that for a long
time no other paradigms were seriously considered.
In 2002 the CAP (Consistency, Availability,
Partition tolerance) theorem that was first proposed
by Eric Brewer in (Brewer, 2000) was proved (Seth
and Nancy, 2002). The theorem states, that in
distributed systems one can only guarantee two of
the three properties consistency, availability and
partition tolerance (Brewer, 2000). Consistency,
which is one of the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency,
Isolation, Durability) properties on which relational
database are founded, may not be as important for
some applications as the other two properties are.
Due to these circumstances and other specialized
applications, a demand for exploring alternative
paradigms has risen.
This has led to the development of several
NoSQL databases (Levitt, 2010), (Stonebraker,
2010) that have been introduced by open source
initiatives or highly successful companies such as
Google’s Bigtable (Fay et al., 2006) or Amazon’s
SimpleDB (Amazon, n. d.). These were originally
developed for use in their own applications, but they
have been made publically available in the mean
time. When starting a new project today, one can
therefore not only choose from different vendors of
relational databases, but can also decide to use a
totally different database paradigm altogether,
depending on the requirements of the project at
hand. In this paper, three different paradigms are
compared in respect to their performance in model
extension, data integration, data access, querying
and distributed data management. The results of the
experiments and a technology comparison of the
reference implementations are presented in this
The goal is to develop a generic common-use
database application for a decision support system
that allows the user to add data from arbitrary
sources and integrate them into a common database.
Additionally, the support of geospatial data types
and queries was a requirement for this project. Five
requirements, regarding the data model have to be
taken into consideration:
Model extension: Adding completely new data
with unknown structure.
Data integration: Integrating new data to an
existing database by the user and combining
data from various sources.
Data access: Possibility for automatically
creating queries using parameters from a user.
Querying: Performing complex calculations in
the database in a reasonable time.
Distributed databases: Querying a set of
distributed databases to return combined
Wendt A., Dönz B., Mantler S., Bruckner D. and Mikula A..
Graph Oriented Data Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0003714202190224
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 219-224
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
For a decision support system, a database-solution
with a dynamic data model is needed that allows
integrating unknown data sources and dynamic, on-
the-fly query generation as well as data mapping for
individual views on the data. For this purpose, three
different database paradigms together with their
respective implementations were explored: A
relational database, a document oriented database
and a graph oriented RDF database. As input data,
tables with flat structures were used, i. e. a large flat
file with several columns.
2.1 Relational Database
In the case of a relational database, the data model is
defined before importing the data. Extension of
tables may be possible after the database generation,
but changing relations or keys in tables may make a
rebuild necessary. In order to cover as many new
data structures as possible, a generalized model has
to be used. Further, input data has to be preprocessed
and adapted with an ETL (Extraction,
Transformation, and Loading) tool (SAS, (n. d.)),
(Vassiliadis et al., 2002).
A higher normal form has to be reached, in order
to generalize the data model. Approximately 1/3 of
the attributes from the flat input tables were
normalized into 3NF and 2/3 into 1NF to provide a
tradeoff between high generalization and query
complexity. The original six independent data tables
were finally modeled with 43 independent tables.
An alternative generalized model, which could
be created within the relational database, is based on
the Universal Data Model pattern presented in (Hay,
1995) and (Hay, 1997). By using six tables, it allows
the creation of classes and instances within the
relational data model. In Figure 1, the basic pattern
is shown.
The Universal Data Model pattern could be
applied in the following way: In the table Class,
class types are defined. Each class type has the some
attributes, which are listed in the table Attributes and
they are connected through the junction table
Attribute Assignment. In the table Instance, the
instance of the class types are saved. The actual
corresponding attribute values of that instance are
stored in the table Values. In the table Relations, it is
possible to set a relation between subject and object
instances with predicates like “superClassOf”. Those
predicates are defined in the table Relation Types.
The classes within the Universal Data Model can be
expanded with any type of attribute. New classes can
be added. In this case, each domain (e. g. company
data) could be modeled within one complete
Universal Data Model pattern.
Figure 1: A data model based on the Universal Data
Model pattern by D. C. Hay (Hay, 1995) modeled in UML
Since geospatial data is a requirement in our
project, Postgre (PostgreSQL, n. d.) with the add-on
PostGIS (PostGIS, n. d.) was used for the relational
database model. PostGIS contains additional
functions for processing geographic data e. g.
Since no out of the box features for distributed
databases are available for most relational databases
and it would have to be done manually, database
distribution was not implemented for PostGIS.
2.2 Document Oriented Database
A document oriented database was investigated for
its ability to store and process hierarchical data
elements in a single collection, while allowing
individual database entries to have arbitrary
structures. It would make adding new or appending
information to selected existing entries trivial.
MongoDB (MongoDB, (n. d.)) was chosen,
because of its wide implementation base, extensive
documentation, native support for server-side
JavaScript processing for map-reduce patterns, and
for its scalability and resilience features.
Since MongoDB natively supports JSON
(JavaScript Object Notation) and BSON (Binary
JSON) data structures, importing new data is trivial.
Existing tools were used to convert geospatial data
such as Shape-files. They could then be imported as
JSON files, representing each geospatial feature as a
separate entity. Data can be imported as a separate
collection, or added to existing collections. As the
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
imported data can be arbitrarily structured and the
end user is typically only interested in a subset of the
attribute hierarchy, a separate metadata collection
was used to track the desired attributes. This proved
useful in reducing network bandwidth, and
considerably simplified client-side processing and
Access to the data is provided through an
interactive web page that allows the user to
formulate geospatial queries towards a selected
database collection. Metadata information is used to
provide the user with automatically generated,
meaningful filter criteria (sliders for numeric values,
check boxes for enumerations and string searches for
arbitrary text) and to specify the format of the result
set. To minimize network latency and round-trip
delays, only geospatial queries are processed within
the database itself. The result set is then processed
by JavaScript code within the web page, allowing
near-instant refinement and updates as the user
explores varying filter criteria. Unfortunately,
support for geospatial queries was very limited at the
time of this implementation, only allowing us to
filter for a coarse bounding box (min/max tests for
latitude and longitude) within the database query
itself. Therefore the required precise distance-from-
polygon metric is calculated in a separate pass
through the result set before returning it to the client.
The query language for MongoDB allows queries of
moderate complexity but can be enhanced by java
script code which is slow but may be executed in
parallel following the map-reduce pattern.
Multiple instances can be combined to form
database clusters for resilience against server or
connection failure. Databases can also be split
(sharded), using an arbitrary attribute as a key for
distribution over several instances (shards). Each
shard then only carries a fragment of the full
database and the system automatically attempts to
equalize the workload carried by all participating
shards. Clustering and sharding are entirely
transparent to the client, allowing the database
backend to be rearranged and extended as required.
MongoDB allows the distribution of large databases
over multiple networked instances and queries are
processed in parallel. This is desirable for compute
intensive queries and aggregations (which can be
formulated as Map-Reduce patterns).
2.3 Graph Oriented Database
Graph oriented databases were considered, because
of the required functionality to add new information
and links between existing data.
Of the several possible database systems
available, the RDF (Resource Description
Framework) database Allegrograph (Allegro, (n. d.))
was chosen, because it supports several
programming interfaces, e.g. Java Jena, Java
Sesame, Python, Lisp and others. Also geospatial
types and distributed queries are supported. The
reference implementation uses the Java Jena
interface for importing data and the Java Sesame
interface and SPARQL to query the database.
Source files contain flat tables of data. The import
supports three different operations. The most basic
operation is an import of new entities, where each
imported row is treated as a new instance of a
definable type, the column header is the predicate
and the actual value is the object of the triple. The
second possibility is to append attributes to an
existing entity by letting the user define which
columns in the source file must match which
columns in the existing database. The third mode is
to add links between existing data. The user defines
which columns in the source table must match which
properties of the subject instance and the object
instance. In all three modes the user can define a
data type for each column. If possible, the value in
the table is then automatically converted to this type
and can hence be queried appropriately. If a
conversion is not possible, e.g. the source field
contains values like “15 million” instead of
“15,000,000”, the value is still imported but without
a type. These values can then be displayed in tables
like all others but are not available for queries.
The user can access the data using an
automatically generated query interface and two
automatically generated report formats. SPARQL is
used as a query language and is generated by setting
filters However, in the implementation of
Allegrograph, the extensions for geospatial queries
are not yet available for SPARQL. Other functions
have to be combined to filter the original query
result. Two different implementations of user
interfaces were implemented. In the first method, the
query interface is comprised of a filter table that
displays input fields for all predicates. The controls
for entering the filter depend on the data type
defined during the import, e.g. a textbox for texts or
a checkbox for boolean values. The result of the
preliminary search is a table containing all entities
that match the search criteria. Values in the table
that have additional triples associated to it with
further information can be clicked on to show a
more detailed report. This second report format
shows all triples associated with the selected entity,
both those where the entity is the subject as well as
Relational, Document Oriented and Graph Oriented Data Models
those where the entity is the object. Here, again,
instances with additional information are shown as
hyperlinks which link to a detailed report on that
As a second query method, another solution was
implemented, where the actual structure of the data
is mapped against a manually created ontology. Both
the ontology and the mapping can be modified at
any time. Queries for this manual ontology are then
transformed to fit the actual data structure. In this
way, a custom view on the data can be defined and
queried independently from the actual data. The
model is reusable and by changing the mapping, the
same query can be used for several sources, e.g.
changed to a new source after importing it to the
Allegrograph’s query engine allows federating
multiple repositories into one virtual repository. This
virtual repository can then be used to run queries
using the data from all repositories. Compared with
the document oriented approach, the federation of
the databases is not done transparently but can be
controlled by the developer. This allows including or
excluding databases at query time depending on the
user’s privileges, available servers or user selection.
In the test-setup, three repositories were hosted on
the same server. A sample query returning approx.
2000 Triples from a database containing about 6
million triples took 6.9 seconds when only a single
repository was included. The same query with data
split into two repositories took 8.9 seconds. When
split into three repositories it took 11.7 seconds to
execute. The execution time in this setup therefore
rises 30% for each additional database. Virtual
repositories do not allow write operations for the
obvious reason that it would not be clear to which
physical repository the data should be written to. So,
in our solution the user can decide where new data
should be stored when importing a new file.
The described databases are compared regarding
their possibilities for model creation and data
import, data access and querying and the possibility
of using multiple databases.
3.1 Model Creation and Data Import
The used relational database structure would
probably be able to integrate most of the inputs in
the domains. However, if something had to be
changed in the schema, the whole database would
have to be rebuilt. Errors in the schema due to
insufficient information about the data sources
demand a high effort to correct. All input data has to
be adapted to the existing data model with an ETL
tool or manually. Experience did show that the
process of adapting the ETL tool for a complex data
model on the first import is fault-prone and demands
high effort, e. g. if data could not be completely
imported as initially modeled, the model had to be
revised. It is hard to exclude all errors and to
consider unknown possibilities at the first import
attempt. In order to create a stable model that allows
integrating future unknown sources, several attempts
are needed. However, it is impossible to exclude that
new sources will again force a further database
The document oriented approach performs well
when importing the data since it does not have to be
converted in any way. Data is imported as available,
but the effort of organizing the data is actually only
relocated to the query phase.
Allegrograph has tools to batch-import large files
of triples, which can be used if data is already
available in this format. When importing data from
the original text files and splitting the tables into
triples, the implementation of the functionality is not
complicated, but it scales very badly. Importing a
table with approx. 320k rows and 20 columns took
22 hours to complete. This is a rate of about 80
records (triples) per second, but since the number of
records adds up to 6.4 million it takes a very long
time to complete.
3.2 Data Access and Querying
In the relational database, with normalized tables, it
was possible to create large complex queries. For
instance, a query used 17 interconnected tables by
including 16 sub-queries, taking in total
approximately 2500 words (fields and operators) It
took about 90s to execute it on around 60k records
on a Intel® Core™ i5 CPU M560 2.67 GHz
processor with 4 GB RAM. Materialized tables were
used, in order to improve performance, which was
executed in about 10s. As expected, in comparison
to the other approaches, the relational database is
superior in creating and executing complex queries
on a large set of data. This is the main advantage of
this type of system.
The usage of the Universal Data Model in the
relational database would have the advantage that it
would be completely generalized and adaptable for
new data sources. However, the price would be paid
with long complex queries, because of the many
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
relations between instances. It would slow down the
execution time. Further, no cardinalities can be set
between the instances and its values would have to
be a string for all values of the table Value (see
Chapter 2.1).
Allegrograph offers several interfaces for
querying the data. Experience did show that queries
scale very badly. The execution time is proportional
to database size, the structure of the query and the
limitation. In our case, all queries must be limited to
a fixed number of results; otherwise the query may
take very long to complete (more than 4 min). Up to
a limitation of around 300 results, the query time of
a certain query was approximately the same. Above
that, the time rises in discrete steps. The row-limited
version of the query is satisfactorily fast for large
result sets, since the query terminates after the
defined number of results is reached. In this case, a
query was tested with different limitations on an
Intel® Xeon® 3.0 GHz processor with 4 GB RAM.
From the keywords used in the queries, ORDER BY
affects the performance significant, while
remarkable experience was that the order of the
statements in SPARQL plays a decisive role in the
execution time. If the statement order is constructed
optimally, the query executes in about 2 s, else the
query does not complete within an acceptable time
limit. The following tendencies were observed:
Equal subjects should be grouped together if
different subjects are used, within a group of
subjects, the “simpler” statements should be placed
first, statements with UNION should be put at the
end of a group of subjects and finally, rdf:label and
rdf:type should be placed as the first element of a
group of subjects. However, for complex querying
like the complex query example in the relational
database, this approach is not suitable.
In MongoDB, the querying was similar to the
Allegrograph. The idea of using metadata
information to automatically generate filters worked
well. The fact that joins are not available in
MongoDB, poses limits on the complexity of the
queries. To overcome this, java script code can be
used in more complex situations. This method
however slows down query performance in cases
where parallel-execution is not possible.
3.3 The Usage of Multiple Databases
Since distributing data over several databases is not
the focus of relational database systems and is also
not supported natively by the used system (Postgre),
this option was not explored.
Allegrograph supports federated virtual
repositories that can be set up dynamically at
execution time. This feature can be used to define
which databases should be used for a query
depending on user’s privileges, availability of
servers or user-selection. The implementation was
straightforward and only geospatial queries had to be
adapted to the new circumstances. The execution
time of a query is extended by about 30% for each
additional repository.
In MongoDB, it was noticed that the apparent
communication overhead involved in synchronizing
clusters and shard management is substantial, and
appeared to outweigh the benefits of parallelized
execution for the relatively small database sets
(~500.000 entries). Furthermore, recovery from
failed or inaccessible cluster members proved to be
nontrivial in some cases. Both facts may however be
attributed to the use of pre-release development
versions (which contained experimental
functionality for geospatial queries).
Reference implementations were developed for three
different database paradigms including their actual
implementation in order to compare their
performance in five different disciplines relevant to
the project: Model extension, data integration, data
access, querying and distributed databases.
It was possible to at least partially fulfill the
requirements with all three approaches. It was
shown that the results and effort during the
implementation vary greatly.
Model extension: Relational databases are not as
flexible as the database schema is predefined, which
is different in the other two solutions. The amount of
work needed for the implementation is also higher,
but once the implementation is done it performs
well. In the graph oriented approach, it is possible to
extend the data model on the fly without affecting
the actual data in the database. The same applies to
document oriented databases.
Data integration: In order to be able to query data
in the relational database, input data has to be
preprocessed by an ETL tool, which demands a high
initial effort. In the graph and document oriented
approach, the possibility of importing data without
transformation is given, but it affects the
performance if the data structure has to be processed
within the query. Therefore, it is strongly
recommended to have some sort of ETL process,
which is used on the data before importing or
Relational, Document Oriented and Graph Oriented Data Models
restructuring the data in the database. For importing
data, the easiest approach however was the
document oriented database because it does not need
data transformation, performs well and is scalable to
large data sources.
Data access: In the relational database, all data
was accessible through the use of predefined
queries. For simple queries, it would be possible to
use graphical query creators. At some level of query
complexity, experience has shown that it is easier to
write the queries directly in SQL. The graph oriented
approach uses predefined queries, either
automatically derived from the available predicates
or manually created in the dynamic data model. The
document oriented approach uses queries that are
automatically constructed according to the manually
defined metadata.
Querying: The fast querying in the relational
database on large amounts of data makes is well
suited for the use in large databases, also for
complex queries. The most flexible querying
solution is the graph oriented approach. But this
technology scales very badly and performance is the
main issue in the graph-oriented approach.
Therefore, only queries with low complexity are
suited for use in large databases in this case.
Performance is an issue in the document oriented
approach, where the map-reduce patterns and
sharding offer high performance for suitable queries,
but not in the general case. The lack of JOINs
reduces flexibility.
Distributed systems: The relational database did
not natively support distributed queries and was
therefore not tested. The graph and the document-
oriented approaches both allow creating federated
repositories, which can be queried in the same way
as a single query. However, in the graph-oriented
approach, a query takes about 30% longer to execute
for each additional repository.
Table 1: Evaluation of results.
Requirement Rel. Doc. Graph
Model Extension - ++ ++
Data integration + ++ +
Data access ++ ++ ++
Querying ++ - +
Distributed databases NA + ++
In Table 1, the fulfillment of the requirements by
the different data models is summarized. In the
table, the scale --, -, +, ++ and “NA” (here, not
tested) is used.
This work was supported by the FFG -
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft
mbH [819065].
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence