Since the sales pipeline is in itself a subjective
prediction made by sales reps, predicting the
pipeline essentially becomes a problem of predicting
a prediction.
This paper discusses how a statistical model was
developed using time series and dummy variable
regression models to predict the sales pipeline.
2.1 Pipeline Conversion
Pipeline conversion is essential as it results in
revenue realization. Pipeline conversion rate is
calculated after the quarter close & is measured as
the actual revenue realized for the quarter divided by
sum of opportunities in the qualified stage at the
beginning of the quarter.
Conversion Rate = Actual revenue realized
for the quarter ÷ Qualified pipe at the
beginning of the quarter
During the first two weeks of any quarter the
sales reps concentrate on closing the deals for the
previous quarter and updating them in the pipeline
management tool. Accurate sales updation for the
previous quarter has a direct impact on the sales reps
quota achievement and variable payout calculations.
Due to this fluctuation qualified opportunities
updated as of week three is considered as the most
convincing figure available that can be converted to
sales for the quarter. Therefore, if the qualified
opportunities in the pipe as of week three every
quarter can be predicted, the likely revenue end
point can be derived using the average historical
conversion rate.
2.2 Prediction for Wk3 of Next
The business needs to predict the qualified
opportunities as of third week of every subsequent
quarter. E.g., In Q3W1 (Quarter 3, Week 1)
managers would like to know how much qualified
opportunities the pipe will have as of Q4W3.
The prediction of next quarter pipleine build is
being currently done in a very subjective maner, the
prediction error being approximately +20%. The
sales opportunities in the pipeline is run past the
account managers from each region. The individual
opportunities are validated and marked as likely to
close for the quarter. These marked deals are rolled
up at a country/region/worlwide level to arrive at the
prediction for the quarter. The resulting prediction is
based on the perception of the account managers and
the sales representatives and hence subjective. To
provide business with better planning there is a need
to develop a statistical model that can predict the
next quarter sales pipeline.
The sales pipeline data of a Fortune 50 company has
been used for analysis and model development. The
data pertains to a specific Business Unit of the
The analysis was done in two phases.
Sales Pipeline Analysis – To understand how
exactly the pipeline gets built and to
understand what drives the pipleine build
Developing the Prediction Model – To
develop a statistical model that can predict the
next quarter pipeline
3.1 Sales Pipeline Analysis
Sales pipeline analysis was carried out more as an
exploratory data analysis to understand what drives
the sales pipeline build. There were two specific
objectives for this phase:
Identify the right sales stages to be included in
the prediction model
Identify the factors effecting the week on
week pipeline build
3.1.1 Identifying the Sales Stages to be
The time it takes for an opportunity from inception
into the pipe to closure is called average velocity of
the sale. On tracking historic sales pipeline it was
observed that opportunities in the early sales stages
are very unlikely to close within the same quarter.
Since opportunities in the qualified stage have a high
probability of closing within the quarter, only those
were included in the prediction model.
3.1.2 Analysing Factors Effecting Pipeline
The pipeline build is influenced by many factors,
some of them having a positive effect (inflates the
pipeline build) and some having a negative effect
(deflates the pipeline build). List of factors affecting
the pipe build were identified as:
SALES PIPELINE PREDICTION - Predicting a Pipeline using Time Series and Dummy Variable Regression Models