The values obtained indicate that the Tyr/LuPc
biosensor have highest quality performances.
It is demonstrated that the biomimetic LB thin film
biosensor have the advantages of maintaining
enzyme bioactivity, making the enzyme catalytic
sites close and easily accessible to the substrate
molecules comparing with tyrosinase-based carbon
paste biosensor.
The kinetic studies demonstrate that Tyr/LuPc
AA biosensor have a fast electron transfer between
the phenolic compounds and LB thin film. In the
case of Tyr/LuPc
-CP biosensor, the electron
transfer was difficult and the signals showed a
smaller intensity.
These advantages lead to significant
improvement of the affinity, response sensitivity and
detection limit of Tyr/LuPc
-AA to phenol and
catechol in pH 7.0 phosphate buffer.
The authors are grateful to the Spanish Ministry of
Science-CICYT (Grant AGL2009-12660/ALI) for
the financial support.
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NANOSTRUCTURED VS. CARBONACEOUS BIOSENSORS - Comparative Studies for Detection of Phenolic