Humberto Rocha
, Joana Matos Dias
, Br´ıgida Ferreira
and Maria do Carmo Lopes
INESCC, Rua Antero de Quental 199, 3000-033 Coimbra, Portugal
FEUC, Av. Dias da Silva 165, 3004–512 Coimbra, Portugal
Servic¸o de F´ısica M´edica, IPOC-FG, EPE, Coimbra, Portugal
I3N, Departamento de F´ısica, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Beam angle optimization, Derivative-free optimization, Radiation therapy.
In radiotherapy treatments, the selection of appropriate radiation incidence directions is decisive for the quality
of the treatment, both for appropriate tumor coverage and for enhance better organs sparing. However, the
beam angle optimization (BAO) problem is still an open problem and, in clinical practice, beam directions
continue to be manually selected by the treatment planner in a time-consuming trial and error iterative process.
The goal of BAO is to improve the quality of the radiation incidence directions used and, at the same time,
release the treatment planner for other tasks. The objective of this paper is to discuss the benefits of using
pattern search methods in the optimization of the BAO problem. Pattern search methods are derivative-free
optimization methods that require few function value evaluations to progress and converge and have the ability
to avoid local entrapment. These two characteristics gathered together make pattern search methods suited to
address the BAO problem. Considerations about the initial mesh-size importance and other strategies for a
better coverage and exploration of the BAO problem search space will be debated.
The purpose of radiation therapy is to deliver a dose
of radiation to the tumor volume to sterilize all can-
cer cells minimizing the collateral effects on the sur-
rounding healthy organs and tissues. An important
type of radiation therapy is intensity modulated ra-
diation therapy (IMRT), where the radiation beam is
modulated by a multileaf collimator. Multileaf colli-
mators enable the transformation of the beam into a
grid of smaller beamlets of independent intensities. A
common way to solve the inverse planning in IMRT
optimization problems is to use a beamlet-based ap-
proach leading to a large-scale programming prob-
lem. Due to the complexity of the whole optimiza-
tion problem, the treatment planning is usually di-
vided into three smaller problemswhich can be solved
sequentially: beam angle optimization (BAO) prob-
lem, fluence map optimization (FMO) problem, and
leaf sequencing problem. In clinical practice, most of
the time, the number of beam angles is assumed to be
defined a priori by the treatment planner and the beam
directions are still manually selected by the treatment
planner that relies mostly on his experience, despite
the evidence presented in the literature that appropri-
ate radiation beam incidence directions can lead to a
plan’s quality improvement (Das and Marks, 1997).
Here we will focus our attention in the BAO problem,
using coplanar angles, and will assume that the num-
ber of beam angles is defined a priori by the treatment
planner. Many attempts to address the BAO problem
can be found in the literature including mixed integer
programmingapproaches (Lee et al., 2006), neighbor-
hood search approaches (Aleman et al., 2008), hybrid
multiobjective evolutionary optimization approaches
(Schreibmann et al., 2004), and gradient search ap-
proaches (Craft, 2007). The BAO problem is quite
difficult since it is a highly non-convex optimiza-
tion problem with many local minima (Craft, 2007).
Therefore, methods that avoid being easily trapped in
local minima should be used. Pattern search methods
are suited to addressthe BAO problemsince they have
the ability to avoid local entrapment. Here, we will
discuss the benefits of using pattern search methods
in the optimization of the BAO problem. Considera-
tions about the initial mesh-size importance and other
strategies for a better coverage and exploration of the
BAO problem search space will be debated.
Rocha H., Matos Dias J., Ferreira B. and do Carmo Lopes M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003716803550360
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES-2012), pages 355-360
ISBN: 978-989-8425-97-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In order to model the BAO problem as a mathemati-
cal programming problem, a quantitative measure to
compare the quality of different sets of beam angles is
required. Most of the previous BAO studies are based
on a variety of scoring methods or approximations of
the FMO to gauge the quality of the beam angle set.
When the BAO problem is not based on the optimal
FMO solutions, the resulting beam angle set has no
guarantee of optimality and has questionable reliabil-
ity since it has been extensively reported that optimal
beam angles for IMRT are often non-intuitive. Here,
for modelling the BAO problem, we will use the op-
timal solution value of the FMO problem as measure
of the quality of a given beam angle set (Aleman et
al., 2008; Craft, 2007). Thus, we will present the for-
mulation of the BAO problem followed by the formu-
lation of the FMO problem we used.
2.1 BAO Model
Let us consider k to be the fixed number of (coplanar)
beam directions, i.e., k beam angles are chosen on a
circle around the CT-slice of the body that contains
the isocenter (usually the center of mass of the tu-
mor). Here we will consider all continuous [0
, 360
gantry angles instead of a discretized sample. Since
the angle 5
is equivalent to the angle 355
and the
angle 365
is the same as the angle 5
, we can avoid
a bounded formulation. A basic formulation for the
BAO problem is obtained by selecting an objective
function such that the best set of beam angles is ob-
tained for the function’s minimum:
min f(θ
, . . . , θ
s.t. θ
, . . . , θ
Here, the objective f(θ
, . . . , θ
) that measures the
quality of the set of beam directions θ
, . . . , θ
is the
optimal value of the FMO problem for each fixed set
of beam directions. Such functions havenumerouslo-
cal optima, which increases the difficulty of obtaining
a good global solution. Thus, the choice of the solu-
tion method becomes a critical aspect for obtaining a
good solution. Our formulationwas mainly motivated
by the ability of using a class of solution methods that
we consider to be suited to successfully address the
BAO problem: pattern search methods. The FMO
model used is presented next.
2.2 FMO Model
For a given beam angle set, an optimal IMRT plan
is obtained by solving the FMO problem - the prob-
lem of determining the optimal beamlet weights for
the fixed beam angles. Many mathematical optimiza-
tion models and algorithms have been proposed for
the FMO problem, including linear models (Romeijn
et al., 2003), mixed integer linear models (Lee et al.,
2006), nonlinear models (Aleman et al., 2008), and
multiobjective models (Craft et al., 2006).
Radiation dose distribution deposited in the pa-
tient, measured in Gray (Gy), needs to be assessed
accurately in order to solve the FMO problem, i.e., to
determine optimal fluencemaps. Eachstructure’s vol-
ume is discretized in voxels (small volume elements)
and dose is computed for each voxel using the super-
position principle, i.e., considering the contribution
of each beamlet. Typically, a dose matrix D is con-
structed from the collection of all beamlet weights, by
indexing the rows of D to each voxel and the columns
to each beamlet, i.e., the number of rows of matrix D
equals the number of voxels (V) and the number of
columns equals the number of beamlets (N) from all
beam directions considered. Therefore, using matrix
format, we can say that the total dose received by the
voxel i is given by
, with w
the weight of
beamlet j. Usually, the total number of voxels con-
sidered reaches the tens of thousands, thus the row di-
mension of the dose matrix is of that magnitude. The
size of D originates large-scale problems being one of
the main reasons for the difficulty of solving the FMO
Here, we will use a convexpenalty function voxel-
based nonlinear model (Aleman et al., 2008). In
this model, each voxel is penalized according to the
square difference of the amount of dose received by
the voxel and the amount of dose desired/allowed for
the voxel. This formulation yields a quadratic pro-
gramming problem with only linear non-negativity
constraints on the fluence values:
s.t. w
0, j = 1, . . . , N,
with F
defined as asymmetric quadratic penalty func-
tions (Romeijn et al., 2003):
ICORES 2012 - 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
where T
is the desired dose for voxel i, λ
are the penalty weights of underdose and overdose of
voxel i, and (·)
= max{0, ·}. Although this formula-
tion allows uniqueweights for each voxel, similarly to
the implementation in (Aleman et al., 2008), weights
are assigned by structure only so that every voxel in a
given structure has the weight assigned to that struc-
ture divided by the number of voxels of the structure
). This nonlinear formulation implies that a very
small amount of underdose or overdose may be ac-
cepted in clinical decision making, but larger devia-
tions from the desired/allowed doses are decreasingly
Pattern search methods are directional direct search
methods that belong to a broader class of derivative-
free optimization methods. Pattern search methods
are iterative methods generating a sequence of iter-
ates {x
} using positive bases (or positive spanning
sets) and moving in the direction that would produce
a functiondecrease. A positive basis forR
can be de-
fined as a set of nonzero vectors of R
whose positive
combinations span R
, but no proper set does.
One of the main features of positive bases (or pos-
itive spanning sets), that is the motivation for direc-
tional direct search methods, is that, unless the current
iterate is at a stationary point, there is always a vec-
tor v
in a positive basis (or positive spanning set) that
is a descent direction (Davis, 1954), i.e., there is an
α > 0 such that f(x
+ αv
) < f(x
). This is the core
of directional direct search methods and in particular
of pattern search methods.
Pattern search methods are iterative methods gen-
erating a sequence of non-increasing iterates {x
Given the current iterate x
, at each iteration k, the
next point x
is chosen from a finite number of can-
didates on a given mesh M
(defined using the vectors
forming a positive spanning set) aiming to provide a
decrease on the objective function: f(x
) < f(x
Pattern search methods consider two steps at every it-
eration. The first step consists of a finite search on
the mesh, with the goal of finding a new iterate that
decreases the value of the objective function at the
current iterate. This step, called the search step, has
the flexibility to use any strategy, method or heuris-
tic, or take advantage of a priori knowledge of the
problem at hand, as long as it searches only a finite
number of points in the mesh. The search step pro-
vides the flexibility for a global search since it allows
searches away from the neighborhood of the current
iterate, and influences the quality of the local mini-
mizer or stationary point found by the method. If the
search step is unsuccessful a second step, called the
poll step, is performed around the current iterate with
the goal of decreasing the objective function. The poll
step follows stricter rules and appeals to the concepts
of positive bases. The poll step attempts to perform
a local search in a mesh neighborhood that, for a suf-
ficiently small mesh-size parameter
, is guaranteed
to provide a function reduction, unless the current it-
erate is at a stationary point (Alberto et al., 2004). So,
if the poll step also fails, the mesh-size parameter
must be decreased. The most common choice for the
mesh-size parameter update is to half the mesh-size
parameter at unsuccessful iterations and to keep it or
double it at successful ones. The purposeof the mesh-
size parameter is twofold: to bound the size of the
minimization step and also to control the local area
where the function is sampled around the current it-
erate. Most derivative-free methods couple the mesh-
size (or step-size) with the size of the sample set (or
the search space). The initial mesh-size parameter
value defined in (Mor´e and Wild, 2009) for compari-
son of several derivative-free optimization algorithms
= max{1, kx
}. This choice of initial mesh-
size parameter is commonly used as default in many
derivative-free algorithms such as implementations of
the Nelder-Mead method. However, this choice of ini-
tial mesh-size parameter might not be adequate as we
will illustrate along this paper.
For driving the resolution of the BAO problem,
we will use the last version of SID-PSM (Cust´odio
and Vicente, 2007; Cust´odio et al., 2010) which is a
MATLAB implementation of the pattern search meth-
ods that incorporate improvementsforthe searchstep,
with the use of minimum Frobenius norm quadratic
models to be minimized within a trust region, and im-
provements for the poll step, where efficiency on the
number of function value computations improved sig-
nificantly by reordering the poll directions according
to descent indicators. The default initial mesh-size
parameter of SID-PSM is also
= max{1, kx
The benefits of using this particular implementation
of pattern search methods in the optimization of the
BAO problem and the influence of the initial mesh-
size parameter choice on the quality of the solution
obtained are illustrated using a clinical example of
head and neck case that is presented next.
A clinical example of a retrospective treated case of
head and neck tumor at the Portuguese Institute of
Table 1: Prescribed doses for all the structures considered
for IMRT optimization.
Structure Mean dose Max dose Prescribed dose
Spinal cord 45 Gy
Brainstem 54 Gy
Left parotid 26 Gy
Right parotid 26 Gy
PTV left 59.4 Gy
PTV right 50.4 Gy
Body 70 Gy
Oncology of Coimbra is used to verify the benefits
and issues of using pattern search methods in the op-
timization of the BAO problem. The patients’ CT set
and delineated structures were exported via Dicom
RT to a freeware computational environment for ra-
diotherapy research. In general, the head and neck
region is a complex area to treat with radiotherapy
due to the large number of sensitive organs in this re-
gion (e.g. eyes, mandible, larynx, oral cavity, etc.).
For simplicity, in this study, the OARs used for treat-
ment optimization were limited to the spinal cord, the
brainstem and the parotid glands. The tumor to be
treated plus some safety margins is called planning
target volume (PTV). For the head and neck case in
study it was separated in two parts: PTV left and PTV
right. The prescribed doses for all the structures con-
sidered in the optimization are presented in Table 1.
Our tests were performed on a 2.66Ghz Intel Core
Duo PC with 3 GB RAM. In order to facilitate con-
venient access, visualization and analysis of patient
treatment planning data, the computational tools de-
veloped within MATLAB and CERR (Deasy et al.,
2003) (computational environment for radiotherapy
research) were used as the main software platform
to embody our optimization research and provide the
necessary dosimetry data to perform optimization in
IMRT. The dose was computed using CERR’s pencil
beam algorithm (QIB). To address the convex non-
linear formulation of the FMO problem we used a
trust-region-reflective algorithm (fmincon) of MAT-
LAB 7.4.0 (R2007a) Optimization Toolbox.
The last version of SID-PSM was used as our pat-
tern search methods framework. In order to initial-
ize the algorithm we need to choose an initial point
, a positive spanning set, and an initial mesh-size
> 0. Typically, in head and neck can-
cer cases, patients are treated with 5 to 9 equispaced
beams in a coplanar arrangement. Here, we will con-
sider the equispaced 5 beamconfigurationwith angles
0, 72, 144, 216 and 288, and with 0 collimator angle.
Since our goal is to improve the typically used treat-
ment plans, this is a good starting point and thus we
will consider x
as the previous 5-beam equispaced
angle configuration. The choice of this initial point
and the non-increasing property of the sequence of
iterates generated by SID-PSM imply that each suc-
cessful iteration correspond to an effective improve-
ment with respect to the usual equispaced beam con-
figuration. The spanning set used was the positive
spanning set ([e e I I], with I being the identity
matrix and e = [1 1]
). Each of these directions cor-
responds to, respectively, the rotation of all incidence
directions clockwise, the rotation of all incidence di-
rections counter-clockwise, the rotation of each in-
dividual incidence direction clockwise, and the rota-
tion of each individual incidence direction counter-
The default initial mesh-size parameter, as men-
tioned before, is
= max{1, kx
}. For the con-
sidered initial point this would give an initial mesh-
size of
= 288. For this “cyclic” problem such ini-
tial mesh-size is too large implying in practice that
huge rotation of angles would occur. Moreover, con-
vergence would take too long leading to an exces-
sive number of function evaluations. Obtaining the
optimal solution for a beam angle set is time costly
and even if only a beam angle is changed in that set,
a complete dose computation is required in order to
compute and obtain the corresponding optimal FMO
solution. Therefore, few function value evaluations
should be used to tackle the BAO problem within a
clinically acceptable time frame.
Note that if the initial mesh-size parameter is a
power of 2, (
= 2
, p N), and the initial point
is a vector of integers, using the default mesh up-
date, i.e., to half the mesh parameter at unsuccess-
ful iterations and to keep it at successful ones, all
iterates will be a vector of integers until the mesh
parameter size becomes inferior to 1. This possi-
bility is rather interesting for our BAO problem at
hand and, for initial mesh-size parameter, we tested
= 2
, p = 1, 2, . . .). For the initial point selected,
the distance between two consecutive beam angle di-
rections is 72, thus, the maximum
we considered
was 64. The history of the beam angle optimization
process using SID-PSM, for each initial mesh-size
parameter considered, is presented in Figure 1. By
simple inspection we can verify that only mesh-size
parameters 32 and 64 originate a sequence of iter-
ates that are reasonably well distributed by amplitude
in R
, while mesh-size parameters inferior to 32 fail
to cover in amplitude all the search space. At first
sight, larger mesh-size parameters, which obtain it-
erates better distributed by amplitude in R
, should
be desirable for an improved global search in con-
junction with the search step. One of the main ad-
ICORES 2012 - 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 1: History of the beam angle optimization process
using SID-PSM for mesh-size parameters 2 to 64, 1(a) to
1(f) respectively. Initial angle configuration, optimal angle
configuration and intermediate angle configurations are dis-
played with solid, dashed and dotted lines, respectively.
vantages of this pattern search methods framework
is the flexibility provided by the search step, where
any strategy can be applied as long as only a finite
number of points is tested. This allows the inser-
tion of previously used and tested strategies/heuristics
that successfully address the BAO problem and en-
hance for a global search by influencing the qual-
ity of the local minimizer or stationary point found
by the method. In the last version of SID-PSM, the
search step computes a single trial point using min-
imum Frobenius norm quadratic models to be min-
imized within a trust region, which enhanced a sig-
nificant improvement of direct search for black-box
non-smooth functions (Cust´odio et al., 2010) similar
to the BAO problem at hand. The size of the trust re-
gion is coupled to radius of the sample set. Thus, for
an effective global search, the sample points should
span all the search space. However, since the BAO
problem has many local minima and the number of
sample points is scarce, the polynomial interpolation
or regression models (usually quadratic models) used
within the trust region struggle to find the best local
minima. Therefore, starting with larger mesh-size pa-
rameters have the advantage of a better coverage of
Table 2: Results obtained using x
= (0, 72, 144, 216,288)
for different initial mesh-size parameters.
f init. f opt. f evals. time (s)
2 90.21 79.70 51 3162
4 90.21 79.60 65 4183
8 90.21 79.26 113 7159
16 90.21 79.36 115 7216
32 90.21 83.16 137 8645
64 90.21 79.26 139 8649
the search space but may cause the algorithm to jump
over lower local minima than the obtained one. That
was the case for
= 32 which originated the worst
result. The results obtained for the different initial
mesh-size parameters are presented in Table 2. The
quality of the treatment plan obtained is directly pro-
portional to the correspondent final objective func-
tion value. For this initial point the treatment plans
obtained for all initial mesh-size considered except
= 32 are equivalent. This means that larger initial
mesh parameters do not lead to better local minima
despite the improved search space coverage.
An alternative popular approach to keep small
mesh-size parameters and still have a good coverage
of the search space is to use a multi-start approach.
The multi-start approach has the disadvantage of in-
creasing the total number of function evaluations and
with that the overall computational time. Moreover,
despite the better span of R
in amplitude, that is only
obtained by overlapping all the iterates which might
be fallacious for this particular problem. In future
work we aim to use a single starting point, a small
initial mesh-size parameter, and obtain a good span in
amplitude of R
by incorporatingan additional global
strategy in the search step such as response surface
approach or radial basis functions interpolation.
Let us now illustrate the benefits of using a treat-
ment plan with the best optimal angle configuration
obtained by SID-PSM (5 PSM) compared with the
usual treatment plan with equispaced beam directions
(5 equi). Typically, results are judged by their cumu-
lative dose-volume histogram (DVH). The DVH dis-
plays the fraction of a structure’s volume that receives
at least a given dose. An ideal DVH for the tumor
would present 100% volume for all dose values rang-
ing from zero to the prescribed dose value and then
drop immediately to zero, indicating that the whole
target volume is treated exactly as prescribed. Ideally,
the curves for the organs at risk would instead drop
immediately to zero, meaning thatno volume receives
radiation. Another metric usually used for plan eval-
uation is the volume of PTV that receives 95% of the
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Dose (Gy)
Percent Volume (%)
PTV left − 5 PSM
Left parotid − 5 PSM
PTV left − 5 equi
Left parotid − 5 equi
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Dose (Gy)
Percent Volume (%)
PTV right − 5 PSM
Right parotid − 5 PSM
PTV right − 5 equi
Right parotid − 5 equi
Figure 2: Cumulative dose volume histogram comparing
the treatment plans 5 PSM and 5 equi.
prescribed dose. Typically, 95% of the PTV volume
is required. DVH results are displayed in Figure 2.
Since parotids are the most difficult organs to spare,
for clarity, the DVH only includes the targets and the
parotids. The asterisk indicates 95% of PTV volume
versus 95% of the prescribed dose. By observing Fig-
ure 2 we confirm that both treatment plans fulfill the
goal of having 95% of the prescribed dose for 95%
of the volume for both PTV right and PTV left. Fo-
cusing in parotid sparing we can observe that a better
parotid sparing can be obtained using the beam angle
solution obtained by SID-PSM.
The BAO problem is a continuous global highly non-
convex optimization problem known to be extremely
challengingand yet to be solved satisfactorily. Pattern
search methods framework is a suitable approach for
the resolution of the non-convex BAO problem due
to their structure, organized around two phases at ev-
ery iteration. The poll step, where convergence to a
local minima is assured, and the search step, where
flexibility is conferred to the method since any strat-
egy can be applied. We have shown that a beam angle
set can be locally improved in a continuous manner
using pattern search methods. The initial mesh-size
parameter importance and other strategies for a better
coverage and exploration of the BAO problem search
space were tested and debated. In future work, pat-
tern search methods improvement will be tested with
the incorporation of additional global strategies in the
search step such as response surface approaches or ra-
dial basis functions interpolation. We have to high-
light the low number of function evaluations required
by SID-PSM to obtain locally optimal solutions. The
efficiency on the number of function value computa-
tion is ofthe utmost importance, particularlywhen the
BAO problem is modeled using the optimal values of
the FMO problem. Thus, the global strategies to be
incorporated must comply with this requirement.
This work has been partially supported by FCT under
project grant PEst-C/EEI/UI0308/2011. The work of
H. Rocha was supported by the European social fund
and Portuguese funds from MCTES.
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ICORES 2012 - 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems