An Application to Distributed Tangible Interaction
Fabien Badeig
, Catherine Garbay
, Valentin Valls
and Jean Caelen
LIG/AMA, Universit
e de Grenoble, UFR IM2AG, BP 53, F-38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
LIG/MultiCom, Universit
e de Grenoble, UFR IM2AG, BP 53, F-38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
Ambient intelligence, Tangible distributed interfaces, Activity theory, Norms, Agent-based systems.
We present a normative multi-agent design for computer-supported collaboration in the framework of socio-
physical computing. An example application (RISK game) in the context of the TangiSense platform supports
the proposed approach. Our work is driven under four complementary views: a systemic view, according to
which various designing levels, from the physical infrastructure to the social level of human coordination are
integrated in a single modelling, a normative view, in which consistency and coordination of action is ensured
with respect to individual as well as collective systems of norms, a trace-based view, in which traces reflecting
human activity and its compliance to the norms are registered and an agent-oriented view, according to which
agents are meant to process, interpret and communicate information across distant tables.
This research is conducted in the framework of a
project (Lepreux et al., 2011), whose objective is the
management of distant interactive surfaces support-
ing tangible and virtual objects. The TangiSense table
(Figure 1) may be seen as a magnetic retina, which
is able to detect and locate tangible objects equipped
with RFID tags. RFID tag events are transmitted to
the host PC and processed by the infrastructure layer.
The first role of this layer is to filter potentially unsta-
ble tags IDs and positions. Its second role is to pro-
ceed to the aggregation of tag events and to maintain
consistent representations of tangible objects. Each
RFID antenna is further equipped with 4 multicolor
light emitting diodes (LEDs). When lit, they may
be considered as virtual objects displayed on the ta-
ble. The role of these diodes is to “react” to tangible
objects positioning and moves, assessing for the user
their effective detection by the table. Human activ-
ity involves the handling of tangible objects. Com-
munication between distant tables is managed via vir-
tual objects displaying the status of the original tangi-
ble objects. Our goal is that human collaboration be
mediated rather than assisted by computerized tools.
Our guiding principle is to preserve the spontaneity of
human action by designing ecological working envi-
ronments (Thomas and Kellogg, 1989). Our work is
driven under: (i) a systemic view, integrating in a sin-
gle homogeneous modelling the physical infrastruc-
ture level as well as the higher level of human coor-
dination; (ii) a normative view, in which various sys-
tems of norms are introduced to mediate human activ-
ity; (iii) a trace-based view, to record and transcribe
human activity together with its compliance to this
set of norms; and (iv) an agent-oriented view, accord-
ing to which agents are meant to process, interpret
and communicate information. Activity traces, which
are generated by the handling of tangible objects, are
made to evolve according to agent-based processing,
but also under the systems of norms at hand. In ac-
cordance with the principles of activity theory, norms
do not act as a prerequisite, or as a way to apply a
priori constraints on action. Rather, they are meant
to “situate” action, by modifying trace properties that
will in turn regulate agent activity, and for example in-
fluence information or communication policies. The
Risk game is used as an example application.
When designing collaborative support systems, a ma-
jor issue is to preserve the spontaneity and fluid-
ity of human activity while ensuring the consistency
and proper coordination of action (Pape and Graham,
2010). The COIN (Coordination, Organization, In-
stitutions and Norms in Agent Systems) community
Badeig F., Garbay C., Valls V. and Caelen J..
NORMATIVE APPROACH FOR SOCIO-PHYSICAL COMPUTING - An Application to Distributed Tangible Interaction.
DOI: 10.5220/0003717303090312
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 309-312
ISBN: 978-989-8425-96-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
( introduces the notion
of norm in a complex agent organization as a way to
cope with the conceptual antagonism between auton-
omy and control; it further allows approaching coor-
dination as a social paradigm. Behaviour in such or-
ganizations is not only guided by the agents mere ob-
jectives but also regulated by norms specifying which
actions are considered as “legal” or not by the group.
Norms are specified in a declarative way, they may be
adopted or not by the agents, and adapted to cope with
the evolution of context (Boella and Torre, 2006). In
multi-agent systems, a multitude of agents interact,
with some intended individual or collective purposes.
Such a view usually assumes structures that articulate
or restrain interactions in order to make them more
effective in reaching those goals, trustworthy for par-
ticipants or more predictable. One major issue is then
to cope with the various interaction modes of agents
belonging to the same organization, according to its
structural and functional specifications: the organi-
zational model of MOISE has been extended to this
end (Boissier et al., 2011). The goal of such speci-
fication is to allow the organization to check that in-
teraction modes are used appropriately and to allow
the agents to reason on these interaction modes like
they do with norms. A second major issue is how
to maintain consistency, especially in contexts where
human actors do not know each other, are communi-
cating from distant places, and may display opposite
or conflicting goals. Activity theory articulates within
Figure 1: The TangiSense table: in this simulation, each of
the four spaces is controlled by a separate PC.
a single dynamics the organizational and functional
dimensions of human activity, with a further distinc-
tion between the notions of subject, object and tool.
According to this theory, the tool supports and lim-
its activity, it mediates its structure and objective, and
carries the history of the relationship between the sub-
ject and the object (Bourguin et al., 2001). The ob-
ject is seen and manipulated not “as such” but within
the limitations set by the instrument. In turn, the tool
is transformed and built along the activity and there-
fore keeps track of the user experience. Individual
and group activity co-evolve in a context-dependent
way, they are driven according to certain rules, norms
and conventions; they depend on the actors roles and
resources, as well as their organization. Dynamic-
ity is core to activity theory, and any component, be
it a tool, a goal, or a norm, are constantly changed,
constructed, and transformed in relation to the activ-
ity outcome (Greenberg, 2001). As advocated by the
proponents of situated action (Nardi, 1996), the ob-
ject and motive of action reveal themselves only in
the process of doing, since the involvement in action
creates circumstances that could not be anticipated in
A normative view is proposed to account for the
specificities of socio-physical computing, that is to
preserve the spontaneity and fluidity of human activ-
ity while ensuring the consistency and proper coor-
dination of action. Human activity in the context of
the proposed design involves the handling of physi-
cal, tangible objects that is performed under specific
application-dependent rules. The distributed frame-
work in which interaction takes place furthermore im-
plies that human activity be registered and displayed
for the distant human actor, in a way that is “situated”
with respect to the interactive surfaces at hand. Vir-
tual representatives of tangible objects are displayed
to this end on distant tables. Tangible objects ded-
icated to coordination may further be introduced to
ensure robust inter-table coordination. Activity traces
have been proposed by several researchers as a way
to represent, share and visualize human experience
in the course of its interaction with numerical plat-
forms (Djouad et al., 2010). Interaction traces have
further been explored to enhance synchronous collab-
oration, and sharing traces at a group level has been
advocated to support group awareness (Clauzel et al.,
2011). In the same line, we propose to mediate hu-
man activity by tangible objects and to track this ac-
tivity thanks to traces in the numerical environment.
Beyond human activity, traces are further meant to re-
flect the activity of any computational entity in our
system, be it event from the table, pattern of move
from the infrastruture layer, semantic interpretation
or compliance to a norm from the software layer.
Any trace property may be subject to norm-dependent
analysis. In line with our trace-oriented design, this
analysis will result in signs deposited in the trace, en-
riching its content, and “situating” the activity with
respect to the system of norms at hand. Compliance
to a norm is processed in a way that is deeply depen-
dent on the application domain and social organiza-
tion at hand. The case of socio-physical computing
suggests that norms be “carried” by tangible objects
and express regulations concerning e.g. their patterns
of move. Compliance to such norm would result in
a feedback to the given tangible object (e.g. enlight-
enment of LEDs beneath its position), and therefore
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Functional view of the distributed architecture.
to the human actor responsible for the move. Distant
collaboration across distributed interactive tables fur-
ther suggests that any tangible object move be trans-
mitted (provided it is norm compliant), for example
by means of virtual displays on the distant surfaces.
Privacy rules would on the contrary prohibit such dis-
play, for some objects, at some places, or at certain
critical times of the collaborative work. Compliance
to these norms therefore results in feedback transmit-
ted or not to distant actors. Both local and distant
feedbacks are performed by dedicated agents exploit-
ing the tangible object traces together with their norm
compliance properties.
We propose a layered architecture comprising two
main separate layers, from the infrastructure layer
to the software layer (Figure 2). The agents are
designed under JADE ( The
software layer can be seen as integrating entities
(filters, traces and agents) transparently operating
over and communicating with any local or dis-
tant agent. Agents are activated via filters they
have deposited in the normative space as norm
instances. They operate upon traces under the
mediation of these filters whose dynamics depend
upon the agent social position, its compliance to
the norms and its individual activity. Any trace
is considered as a set of tuples (property, value).
We propose that each property be typed, to register
its compliance to the norms. A trace is therefore
expressed as trace = h(p,v)i with p = name :
consistency {new,modi f ied,valid,invalid} :
privacy {private, public}. new and modi f ied
mean that the corresponding property has been newly
created or modified, which implies that compliance
checking has to take place; valid and invalid express
compliance to some application-dependent norm.
private means that the property is not accessible
to other distant agents. Otherwise, the property is
readable. Filters are in the form (conditions,actions).
The condition part specifies contextual patterns over
trace properties. The action part may involve agent
activation as well as trace modification. Three sys-
tems of norms are considered ruling privacy, consis-
tency and coordination. Whereas the privacy pol-
icy defines the information shared between each dis-
tant player, the consistency policy checks information
with respect to application rules. The coordination
policy is a high-level policy regulating the activation
of agents at a local or global scale. To reach this level
of coordination, the trace properties of interest must
be consistent and either private (local coordination) or
public (global coordination). Privacy (resp. consis-
tency) filters modify the privacy (resp. consistency)
attribute of trace properties, specifying whether infor-
mation is to be kept local or allowed to reach global
level (resp. is valid or not). The action of filters is
restricted to trace property modification. Contrarily,
coordination filters do not operate any trace property
modification. Rather, their role is to activate agents
on a local or global scale. For this purpose, their con-
dition parts involve the evaluation of both the consis-
tency and privacy attributes of trace properties.
The Risk game is a turn-based strategy game for
two to six players. The standard version is played on
a board depicting a political map of the Earth, divided
into forty-two territories. The player objective is to
occupy a growing number of territories on the board,
progressively eliminating other players, with results
determined by dice rolls. A limited-scope scenario
(identification of a new player) is used to illustrate the
three proposed normative policies (Figure 3). We dis-
tinguish between 3 agents types : Gameplay Agent
(GA) whose role is to manage the gameplay in its var-
ious phases, Interface Agent (IA) whose role is to dis-
play visual information on the interactive surfaces and
Player Agent (PA) whose role is to maintain informa-
tion about the player. When a player drops his iden-
tification card on the table, a low-level event is trig-
gered which generates a tangible object trace t
in the local information space. At this time, all trace
properties are initialized with extension types new and
private. Since a new tangible player card has been de-
tected, a verification process is triggered to check its
compliance with the rules of the game. Two valida-
tion filters ( f
, f
) manage this process, under
the example rule that 6 players at most may join the
game ; the trace t
keeps information about the cur-
rent game. If successful, there is an update of t
properties from new to valid. Thus, the filters f
and f
ensure that the local sub-system is consis-
tent, by changing the value of the attribute consistency
for the trace properties. In our scenario, all tangible
objects are equipped with tangible agents. For the
player card, a player agent (PA) has to be initialized
NORMATIVE APPROACH FOR SOCIO-PHYSICAL COMPUTING - An Application to Distributed Tangible Interaction
(name : valid : private, gamer1),
(position : valid : private, (2, 3)),
(table : valid : private, {1})
(tag : valid : private, 1),
(type : valid : private, (tot, player))}
{(id : valid : public, 1),
(name : new : private, gamer1),
(position : new : private, (2, 3)),
(table : new : private, {1})
(tag : new : private, 1),
(type : new : private, (tot, player))}
(state : valid : private, init)}
{(surname : valid : private, Dupont),
{(surname : new : private, Dupont), {(surname : valid : private, Dupont), (name : valid : private, gamer1),
(position : valid : private, (2, 3)),
(table : valid : private, {1})
(tag : valid : private, 1),
(type : valid : private, (tot, player))
{(surname : invalid : private, Dupont),
(name : invalid : private, gamer1),
(position : invalid : private, (2, 3)),
(table : invalid : private, {1})
(tag : invalid : private, 1),
(type : invalid : private, (tot, player))}
{(id : valid : public, 1),
: valid : public, 4)
(position : valid : private, (2, 3)),
(table : valid : public, {1})
(tag : valid : private, 1),
(type : valid : public, (tot, player))
(state : valid : public, init)}
{(surname : valid : private, Dupont),
(name : valid : public, gamer1),
: valid : public, 3)
(type : valid : public, (cct, game))}
(type : valid : public, (cct, game))}
Figure 3: Evolution example of traces resulting from the flexible interleaving between agent processing and filter triggering.
if the trace is validated. After this validation process
and the modification of the trace t
, two filters are
launched, f
and f
f ail
, whose role is to ensure lo-
cal coordination, including display information. GA
and IA agents are launched in case of success, with
adequate parameters. IA provides a visual feedback to
the player via the LED underneath the tangible object.
The role of GA is to create a player agent PA associ-
ated to the player identifier card and to enrich the trace
by adding the property state with the value init.
The game trace t
is further updated to keep track
of the new number of players. In parallel to the con-
sistency process, an information sharing process oc-
curs. The filter f
player share
defines the privacy policy.
Some parts of t
have now to be shared, due to the
basic rule that any new player must remain visible to
other players. The condition to share information is
that the trace is valid and the agent state is init. When
the filter is triggered, the associated action is the mod-
ification of t
privacy properties. Following the
specific rules of that game, distant IA agents are then
launched by the filter f
player visual
in order that some
virtual representative of the new player be displayed
on distant interactive surfaces. New traces are gen-
erated each time a new tangible object is placed on
the interactive surface. These traces evolve through
the action of agents and filters, which result in new
contextual pattern modifying the course of process-
ing. Regulation of local as well as distant activities is
transparently and smoothly integrated in this process.
We have proposed an original approach for normative
systems in the framework of socio-physical comput-
ing. In this design, norms are meant to mediate human
activity by providing signs of its compliance to the
edicted rules. Norm compliance information may be
processed and interpreted, possibly in different con-
texts, by different actors, providing a gain in flexibil-
ity and modularity. Human action in such design is
mediated rather than constrained by norms which act
in a productive, constructive way, by providing signs
of their relationship to action, in agreement with ac-
tivity theory.
Work performed under grant IMAGIT - ANR
2010 CORD 01701.
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence