Table 4: Performances of the extensions (combinations).
p-Values 0.99
Mean 85.2% 91.8%
welfare performance. Neither HC-P-M nor SA-3-P
can perform better than HC-M or SA-P, respectively,
but the performances are similar in scale. Once more,
the three-valued logic outcome does not justify the ad-
ditional information revelation.
In this paper, we present and evaluate a quotas-based
negotiation protocol ensuring cooperation between
autonomous agents. We discuss two different agent
types: the Hill Climber acting greedily and the Sim-
ulated Annealer acting cooperatively due to accep-
tance quotas. Additionally, we propose three exten-
sions and analyze their effect depending on the two
agent types. The findings of the simulation experi-
ments show that the protocol achieves good welfare
outcomes by means of quotas, whereas the protocol
without quotas – and hence with greedy agents – per-
forms very poor supposing unanimity. However, the
straightforward application of a simple majority rule
can lead to rather good results without quotas but de-
teriorates the outcome of the protocol with quotas.
The introduction of a three-valued logic does not im-
prove the outcome significantly. Nevertheless, the
more sophisticated concept of acceptance quotas per-
forms significantly better than without quotas. Fur-
thermore, an agent-based proposal scheme can im-
prove these results in addition.
Future work will keep focusing on negotiation
protocols for complex contracts. By now, we have
analyzed situations with a single contract candidate
which can be enhanced by several candidates leading
to voting settings. A further aspect is runtime as some
mechanisms are more runtime demanding than oth-
ers. Moreover, we will conduct a sensitivity analysis
of more agents, more contract items, and more itera-
tions, and are going to incorporate real-world problem
sets and problem instances in our studies.
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence