Figure 9: Different overtaking situations. (a) R
, in green, cannot overtake. It must follow R
using the trajectory in blue.
(b) R
can follow or overtake R
and we get two alternative trajectories in blue. R
is drawn on the one that overtakes.
speed constraints and of the goal point could be used
to describe other driving manoeuvres and smooth or
aggressive driving behaviours.
Like Reynolds did for autonomous characters in sim-
ulated environments, we want to introduce steering
behaviours for mobile robots but using a cognitive
rather than a reactive approach. We presented an ar-
chitecture where two tightly coupled layers are used
to co-elaborate candidate trajectories that may be
evaluated by a cognitive layer to choose the best one
to apply in a particular situation.
For the first layer, we chose the DKP trajectory
planner which is able to efficiently deal with kinody-
namic constraints in a real continuous world. But, this
single layer cannot handle all the aspects governing a
good trajectory for a complex robot task. We thus
added a TÆMS based layer which role is to make the
connection between higher cognitive layers and the
trajectory planning layer. In this layer, we are able to
describe steering behaviours that constraint in a top-
down interaction the construction of the DKP trajec-
tory tree. The interaction is also bottom-up because
steering behaviours are instantiated in reaction to sit-
uations detected during the construction of the trajec-
tory tree. Detailed examples showed that this archi-
tecture is also more efficient for the solution explo-
ration than DKP alone.
Future works will focus on two main improve-
ments of this architecture. First, its ability to run con-
tinuously. For the moment, we have to launch distinct
successive planning tasks to deal with an endless sce-
nario. We may continuously grow our two trees to re-
act to new events, select nodes to execute and discard
already executed nodes. Second, we will work on a
third layer reasoning about the steering behaviours
to instantiate them for the achievement of the high
level goals of the robot and to possibly merge them.
We would be allowed to generate and evaluate com-
pound behaviours like overtake aggressively or follow
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This work is supported by the Lille Catholic Univer-
sity, as part of a project in the Handicap, Dependence and
Citizenship pole.