Francisco J. Blanco, Jos
e Ignacio Fern
andez-Villamor and Carlos A. Iglesias
Departamento de Ingenier
ıa de Sistemas Telem
aticos, Universidad Polit
ecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Security knowledge, Knowledge management, Main ontology, Knowledge base, Semantic wiki.
Ontological engineering can do an efficient management of the security data, generating security knowledge.
We use a step methodology defining a main ontology in the web application security domain. Next, extraction
and integration processes translate unstructured data in quality security knowledge. Thus, we check the ontol-
ogy can perform management processes involved. A social tool is implemented to wrap the knowledge in an
accessible way. It opens the security knowledge to encourage people to collaboratively use and extend it.
Our main objective is to improve the security that
is managed in organizations, encouraging people to
use security knowledge in all the application lifecycle
stages and in their daily work. The use of seman-
tic in security data generates security knowledge that
improves the security processes and strategies to fol-
low. Then, the paper describes how to manage and
deal with web security knowledge using ontology en-
Rich, full security knowledge repositories would
reduce the mistakes and the lacks and necessities of
knowledge. However, there is a lack of open security
knowledge repositories and in general the few secu-
rity existent semantic data are very diffuse. However
there are large amounts of non-semantic security data
stored in several, disparate communities.
This wealth of information is difficult to exploit.
A powerful integration of available security infor-
mation needs an efficient semantic content retrieval
and a knowledge management system to wrap the ex-
tracted data. Semantic Web prove to be well suited
for knowledge management such as integration, pro-
duction, querying and maintenance (Antezana et al.,
2009). From ontological engineering, we use a sim-
ple methodology to define a main ontology focused in
web application security domain. This unified model
is the key to carry out the management processes. We
extend it to provide a rich security knowledge base
to facilitate the security processes. It requires extrac-
tion from heterogeneous communities. The knowl-
edge extraction and its integration try to check the vi-
ability of using ontologies under security knowledge.
People must interact with the knowledge to
achieve the security objectives and should extend the
contents with their own knowledge. So knowledge
should be shared in a visible and accessible way.
Therefore, we propose a tool that wraps the security
knowledge management. The tool opens the contents
so that users can apply more effectively the security.
Security is an area in constant movement. So the ex-
tension of the knowledge base is a real need. How-
ever, annotation of security data is time-consuming
and requires expert curators. The underlying ontol-
ogy formalizes and manages new knowledge and the
open tool encourages security experts and end-users
to collaboratively add and interact with the semantic
security contents.
This paper is structured as follows. In section 2
we study the background of knowledge management
in software engineering and security area, focusing on
ontologies. In section 3 we explain the methodology
to carry out the security knowledge management. We
detail the definition of the main ontology and present
the extraction and integration processes. In section
4 we describe the open, collaborative platform that
wraps the knowledge. Finally, in section 5, we expose
the main conclusions and our future plans.
Organizations are changing their viewpoint about the
security knowledge towards open systems where all
J. Blanco F., Ignacio Fernández-Villamor J. and A. Iglesias C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003718604850490
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 485-490
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
possible knowledge learnt can be accessible. Secu-
rity engineering is extremely knowledge dependent
and its management is a knowledge-intensive process
(Papadaki et al., 2008). Any process that carries out
knowledge management can mostly work through the
individuals but this tacit knowledge is hard to commu-
nicate and reuse. The process of knowledge sharing
and management conceptualizes the tacit knowledge
into explicit knowledge that can be understood and
used by the whole organization.
Knowledge acquisition, integration and sharing,
belonging to knowledge management process, are
significant but complex and time-consuming activi-
ties (Korkala and Abrahamsson, 2007). Therefore,
specific mechanisms have been suggested to support
knowledge processes (Ahlgren, 2011) and some of
these solutions use Semantic Web technologies. Thu-
raisinghman (Thuraisingham, 2005) addresses the im-
portance of the Semantic Web Domain in the secu-
rity area. Mouratidis et al. (Mouratidis and Giorgini,
2006) show that ontologies are a current necessity and
a common challenge in the security engineering.
Nowadays, security aspects are included in an in-
herent way in software applications (Fink and Koch,
2006) but however they are not integrated enough
along the whole development process of such applica-
tions. Moreover, how organizations manage the infor-
mation system security-related knowledge needs still
to bel addressed (Aurum et al., 2008). Ergo the selec-
tion of a good method that brings effective knowledge
management is essential. We offer the use of ontolog-
ical engineering to manage the knowledge processes.
Specific and global processes of security man-
agement and their heterogeneous resources and re-
quirements need a data definition without ambiguities
(Huner and Otto, 2009). Ontologies provide a solid,
unified data modeling and a shared terminology that
solve these issues. So IS security management is-
sue can be done following the ontology perspective
of knowledge management (Guo, 2010). Knowledge
management using ontologies does aware and sensi-
tive to all users about security implementation in their
work processes.
Security engineering needs consensus decision-
making activities. Knowledge integration and shar-
ing should explicitly support collaboration between
different users, allowing to reach agreements (De-
bruyne et al., 2010). This property enables the ac-
tive involvement of all important stakeholders in the
decision making process (Papadaki et al., 2008). We
strengthen the integration and sharing of ontologies
with its wrapping in a social tool.
There are some works that deal with security as-
pects in an ontological way. Most of them are fo-
cused in very specific domains (Blanco et al., 2008).
For example, Tsoumas et al. (Tsoumas and Gritza-
lis, 2006) implement a security ontology that supplies
reusing and interoperability of the security knowledge
and the aggregation and reasoning of this knowledge
from several sources. Wang et al. (Wang and Guo,
2009) present a closed and private application around
a security ontology that contains the main concepts
about security information. Their ontology is focused
on the software vulnerability management.
The work that we take as starting point is provided
by Fenz et al. (Fenz and Ekelhart, 2009). They expose
an open general security ontology that allows corpo-
rations to implement an integral security proposal in
IT. Their main architecture can be summarized as fol-
lows. A threat represents a potential damage in the
assets of an organization and affects to specific secu-
rity attributes. This threat exploits a particular vulner-
ability. The defined assets are associated to those vul-
nerabilities which can be exploited in them. Controls,
counter-measures, must be implemented to mitigate
or solve the identified vulnerabilities.
The no-existence of a common model definition to
build well-suited security knowledge is a great prob-
lem. Focusing in our web application security do-
main, we need an ontology that is adjusted to this
area. This security ontology allows to carry out the
management processes. The model defines the se-
mantic base, a set of well-structured general concepts.
After that, we can wait for users to extend the ontol-
ogy themselves with their learnt security knowledge.
However, a knowledge base without initial security
contents has great disadvantages for users:
Slow addition of knowledge: few people use the
ontology because it does not contain specific con-
An empty knowledge base discourages to users to
add knowledge.
To allow that not-expert users can build the initial
security data of the ontology is a mistake.
Therefore, we have to extend the ontology with
specific security contents. This addition also con-
tributes to research in two goals. The first is to check
the ontology can manage these security contents and
all the processes involved, integrating them in a com-
pact security knowledge base. The latter is to try to
mitigate the existent lack of open security knowledge
with the generated knowledge base.
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Security Semantic Knowledge Methodology.
To carry out the goals commented, we follow a
simple step methodology (see Figure 1) that provides
a set of tasks:
General Model. It provides a starting point where
the main concepts and their general relationships
are defined. Thanks to it, we can do a better search
and selection of relevant security communities.
Full Abstraction. The main ontology is defined,
extending the general definition. It provides the
abstract elements and their possible connections
that are used or derived by the security data.
Data Extension. Security contents of the com-
munities selected are integrated in the knowl-
edge base. Security data are wrapped as secu-
rity knowledge through semantic annotations, us-
ing the main ontology.
General model serves as semantic base to define
the model focused in the web application security.
All next security knowledge should be properly added
and integrated in this model so we put special empha-
sis on its well-definition. Thus, we use Fenz’s on-
tology (Fenz and Ekelhart, 2009). It provides an ex-
cellent general (simple and intuitive) security model.
Other security ontologies such as (Elahi et al., 2010)
(Wang and Guo, 2009) (Tsoumas and Gritzalis, 2006)
(Herzogand et al., 2007) have the same basic schema
changing few details. However, the Fenz’s complete
ontology focuses the security management around
tangible resources, far from our intangible software
application security.
Therefore, we select the most-general part of their
ontology and do some adjusts to make it more ap-
propriate to software applications. We also simplify
some terms, providing synonymous links so that for-
malized data using Fenz’s ontology can be automati-
cally added to our ontology.
In the next step, we must find relevant con-
tents and specialized information in Web security
to provide a rich security encyclopedia. Due to
the lack of open security knowledge, we search
security-specialized Internet communities that have
well-reputed and trustable security data.
The information presented in the communities se-
lected is rich. However, knowledge inside them is not
explicitly labeled and we must do an abstraction pro-
cess to label them, defining the main ontology. The
main ontology should cover almost all possible se-
mantic abstractions of the security data existing in the
communities. The ontology can be considered as a
semantic wrapper of these communities.
After inspection and analysis of each community,
we do the full abstraction process to identify, de-
fine and integrate the main concepts/abstractions and
properties/links enclosed in their security data. This
conceptualization process has to solve the different
terminology used in each community to a proper in-
tegration. Thus, we obtain the main ontology, having
extended the general model.
Moreover, we add some concepts from other on-
tologies. Then users can use them to apply new func-
tionalities in a controlled structure. The connections
Connection to baetle
. Now, our security manage-
ment opens the possibility of semantically manag-
ing and tracking bugs and enhancements in assets.
Connection to doap
. Now, the security manage-
ment can link the assets to their projects, obtain-
ing relevant semantic data from the specification
of the project in the doap ontology.
Connection to foaf
. Now, the security manage-
ment allows associating the provider of the secu-
rity data with its foaf profile to collect semantic
personal and contacts information.
The main ontology is shown in the Figure 2. It
defines the semantic abstractions that will be used to
annotate the security data to extract. Security data use
these unified concepts as tree roots to be extended in a
taxonomy way, forming hierarchical structures with-
out divisions.
Data extension is defined by the linkify process.
It translates the implicit knowledge to explicit knowl-
edge, linking the contents generated between them.
This process should identify the specific resources
Figure 2: Main Ontology.
and associate them into class taxonomies and prop-
erty values. The process must integrate all resources
using the main ontology.
Our work is to linkify a greater number of security
knowledge to provide a full knowledge base. Firstly,
we must collect the data from the communities. The
sites selected are: OWASP (, CWE
( and CAPEC (
Later, we extract the enclosed knowledge following
the main ontology. Finally, we integrate all resources
in the knowledge base.
In order to extract the knowledge that is present
in OWASP, it is necessary to deal with unstructured
data. Often, web pages have information that is un-
derstandable by humans, but which is not targeted to
automatic agents. Thus, the knowledge cannot be au-
tomatically processed or extracted, and therefore the
security data that are present cannot be retrieved and
stored for further processing.
The extraction process is a tedious and time-
consuming task (Ahlgren, 2011). The approach fol-
lowed is modeling the mappings between the unstruc-
tured data of the web sites and the semantically anno-
tated data represented there. To achieve so, we use the
Scraping Ontology (Fern
andez-Villamor et al., 2011).
The mappings defined in this ontology are sequences
of fragments with the RDF data that they represent,
and define what elements inside a web resource rep-
resent RDF nodes and/or predicates.
We use Scrappy
, an Open Source Semantic
scraper that makes use of the Scraping Ontology.
Scrappy allows defining mappings for each resource
and automatically performs some crawling across the
whole site, building an RDF graph that contains all
the information.
From the pages collected, it extracts the data ac-
cording to the mappings defined using the Scraping
Ontology. Scrappy provides the RDF triples, orga-
nizing the resources extracted into taxonomies using
the OWASP structure. The mapping elements follow
the main ontology terms so the generated RDF graph
presents the extracted security semantic data accord-
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ing to the main ontology formalization.
With OWASP knowledge, we have a rich secu-
rity encyclopedia. But an effective management in
the diversified field of the security involves a solid
and coherent understand of the existent data in multi-
ples communities and organizations (Huner and Otto,
2009). The more security knowledge from variety of
sources is visible, people and organization can make
better informed decisions. Moreover, the more qual-
ity linked data, the better to contribute to the lack of
open security knowledge. Thus, we complete the se-
curity knowledge with contents of CWE and CAPEC
CAPEC and CWE provide their security contents
downloadable in XML format. The XML format pro-
vides a more or less structured data, defining a termi-
nology used in the whole document. The extraction
data process is done by a script. Data are grouped
in taxonomies using xml relationships and its termi-
nology is automatically translated to main ontology
Now we have the semantic security data from
each community. These data must be integrated to
merge the contents in a full, compact, unified secu-
rity knowledge base. A simple integration can be di-
rectly performed in most of the data because all the
knowledge is formalized over the same main ontol-
ogy. For further integration, the main ontology de-
fines properties that allow to connect different com-
munities. For example, attack patterns of CAPEC
have references to vulnerabilities in CWE. More in-
tegration can be done less automatically using map-
pings between OWASP and CWE vulnerabilities
The security data combination gives advantages.
For example, thanks to CAPEC and OWASP attack
contents, communities can be put in the attacker per-
spective and watch approaches that are used to ex-
ploit the software flaws. This knowledge contributes
to identify and mitigate the relevant existent vulnera-
bilities in the software designed that are presented by
CWE and OWASP contents.
The security knowledge generated should be easily
accessible by heterogeneous people to apply them in
the whole application lifecycle and fulfill the daily se-
curity processes. There is a need of interaction be-
tween people and security knowledge. In security,
5 , /629.html ,
/809.html ; ESAPI
people have another need of interacting between them
to discuss about security processes and the knowledge
involved. Moreover, continuous revisions are essen-
tial so security knowledge must be maintained, up-
dated and extended.
Community-based tools can manage these inter-
actions and specifically wiki systems facilitate the
quick collaborative acquisition of knowledge. The
wiki allows sharing and exchanging the knowledge
inside. Due to the openness and collaborative as-
pects, the wiki motivates the people’s collaboration
and learning in developing and maintaining the secu-
rity data. However, openness could involve loss of
quality and correctness. Semantic Web Technologies
address these challenges though semantic wikis. They
extend the flexibility of a wiki to address structured
Their simple and easy-to-use methods make
knowledge management accessible to all users of the
organization and reduce the learning time (Kasisopha
and Wongthongtham, 2009). Semantic wikis allow
different formalization levels and provides improve-
ments in the visualization of semantic data. The social
perspective of semantic wikis makes a collaborative
environment where all users can proactively maintain,
enrich and update together the contents. The wiki
provides a social space where people can discuss and
reach a consensus about the contents, locating each
item in its context. So the semantic wiki generates an
interoperable, collaborative management service to be
used in an internal or external way (Garcia and Gil,
We select the Semantic MediaWiki solution that
supports metadata over semantic notations. They
follow the semantic link network (SLN) principle
(Zhuge, 2003). Each class, property and individual
forms its own wiki page. The relationships with other
pages (object properties) and their attributes (datatype
properties) make up the page contents.
The wiki wraps our full generated knowledge
base, particularly the underlying main ontology.
The security knowledge is open to everybody in
the URL:
Everyone can manage his own security
wiki, downloading it from SourceForge:
Using the export RDF wiki functionality, the last edi-
tion of the full knowledge base expects to be included
in the Linked Open Data initiative
. An open access
and the inclusion in LOD is the springboard to reach
to a great and active community.
Semantics in security data improves their manage-
ment and exploitation. Ontology engineering is de-
signed to face the challenges of management and for-
malization of knowledge. We define a simple method-
ology to get security knowledge properly managed.
Finally, we obtain a ontology-based system that does
an efficient management of the security knowledge.
Due to the lack of an already reference model,
we must define the necessary main ontology to our
web application security domain. The defined ontol-
ogy is the base to provide security knowledge that will
be efficiently managed. Among other advantages, all
stakeholders can now share their security knowledge
in an understandable way.
A semantic scraper that uses the main ontology
overcomes challenges associated to extraction and in-
tegration processes. We demonstrate heterogeneous
and unstructured information from various commu-
nities can be formalized, organized and merged with
a main ontology. The generated full and integrated
security knowledge base provides a rich encyclope-
dia and specific guidelines so that people can apply
security knowledge in their daily works from the be-
ginning. With a large amount of open and quality se-
curity knowledge, people and organizations can make
better informed decisions, building active communi-
ties. We check the ontology can manage the man-
agement processes involved in the security knowledge
generation. Moreover, the knowledge base mitigates
the lack of open security linked data.
The security knowledge management system pro-
vided by the semantic wiki facilitates intelligent ac-
cess to knowledge. The wiki facilities reduce the time
that users have to spend in security and knowledge
management processes, providing everyone can con-
tribute to the knowledge extension using the under-
lying main ontology. This social platform brings to
reality the need of a collaborative knowledge system.
Inside it, people can discuss and reach a consensus in
security activities with knowledge awareness
Future works include researching techniques and
means to make people more awareness to apply secu-
rity knowledge in their processes. In this sense, meth-
ods to enhance people’ understanding and to improve
the content quality will be investigated. A further en-
hancement of the knowledge management provides
the possibility of tracking security processes over ex-
plicit semantic processes. By the way, users add con-
trols that try to solve the vulnerabilities in mitigation
processes. By using a reputation system, users can
be reputed to indicate what controls are a priori better
suited according to the user that references it.
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence