Luis Pedro Mendes
, Joana Dias
and Pedro Godinho
Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and INESC Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and GEMF Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Telecommunication fraud, Data-mining, Clustering, Categorical data.
In this paper we describe a fraud detection clustering algorithm applied to the telecom industry. This is an on-
going work that is being developed in collaboration with a leading telecom operator. The choice of clustering
algorithms is justified by the need of identifying clients’ abnormal behaviors through the analysis of huge
amounts of data. We propose a novel bi-level clustering methodology, where the first level is concerned with
the clustering of transactional data and the second level gathers data from the first phase, along with other
information, to build high-level clusters.
Telecommunication industry processes a very sub-
stantial amount of data per unit of time. Data is of
type transactional as it refers to the interaction be-
tween clients and an operator. For an operator, it is
infeasible to verify the goodness of each transaction
exclusively with human resources. Fraud in telecom-
munication industry should be addressed effectively
in order to reduce costs of illegitimate usage of the
network. Computer automation fed by intelligent al-
gorithms is the only viable solution to a problem of
this scale. Several methods have been employed to
track suspicious behavior of clients, to classify them
or to analyze how they relate to each other.
This paper presents ongoing research on a fraud
detection system undertaken in a joint agreement with
a leading national network operator. Work is be-
ing carried out with real data provided by the oper-
ator. Data was received from a major national tele-
com provider that consists of some database tables,
including only masked and truncated data in order to
ensure the protection of personal data and confidential
information. Therefore, the data provided by the tele-
com operator and used in this paper do not involve the
disclosure of any personal data related to the telecom
company subscribers or confidential information, en-
suring full compliance with the applicable data pro-
tection legal framework. A prototype developed in
the first stages of research make use of a relatively
small sample of data. For later stages, a great amount
of data will be made available by the operator. Be-
sides the aim for effectiveness, developed algorithms
must take into consideration the scale factor and per-
formance efficiency.
In the first section, an overall overview of the
problem of fraud in the telecom industry is presented.
Several methodologies to combat this problem are re-
ferred in section two. In section three, we describe the
general structure of our method for detecting fraud.
Concluding remarks end the document.
Fraud can be defined
as a deliberate deception, trick-
ery, or cheating intended to gain an advantage. In the
telecom industry, fraud constitutes itself as a major
threat to profit margins. Not only does it mean less
revenues for not paid services, but can also increase
direct or indirect costs.
If not properly assessed, fraud can become a crit-
ical issue for a telecom provider. As for subscrip-
tion fraud, Est´evez et al. (2006) refer to a 2.2% rate
for a major telecom company in Chile. It is possible
that this number is a lower bound to the true value
of losses due to the reluctance of these companies to
assume that their systems are so vulnerable to fraud.
The telecommunications industry generates and
stores huge amounts of data regarding calls, SMS
(Short Messages Service), MMS (Multimedia Mes-
According to Collins English Dictionary - Complete
and Unabridged.
Pedro Mendes L., Dias J. and Godinho P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003718901260131
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES-2012), pages 126-131
ISBN: 978-989-8425-97-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
saging Service) and Internet services of clients. Due
to such an amount of transactions, only automated
fraud detection systems (FDS) have enough power
to skim over these data and select cases of possible
anomalies. As there is no way to know the intention
of people behind each of the transactions, algorithms
must check for signs of fraud.
Different types of indicators have been used to iden-
tify fraud activity in the cell phone field. Moreau et al.
(1996) divide these indicators in three types: 1) Us-
age indicators - related to the way in which a mobile
telephone is used; 2) Mobility indicators - related to
the mobility of the telephone. 3) Deductive indicators
- which arise as a by-product of fraudulent behavior
(e.g., overlapping calls and velocity checks).
The typical behavior of a given user can be called
a signature (Cortes and Pregibon, 2001). Since it is
not possible to analyze every single transaction on a
real time basis, the signature tries to build on the idea
that a user’s behavior will not change much in a short
time period. New data can then be compared to the
signature of the user and if they are dissimilar, then
a flag can be raised. As time evolves, so do typical
behaviors of users, which implies that signatures have
to be updated.
In event-drivenupdating, every new record is used
to refresh the signature, eventually discarding its older
record or giving an ever decreasing weight to it.
Time-driven updating is less demanding in computa-
tion effort. The signature updating process is done
using data collected during a time interval.
Another approach to detect cases of fraud can be
summarized as “guilt by association (Cortes et al.,
2002). The idea behind this concept is that fraudsters
tend to be closer to other fraudsters than they are to
random accounts. As such, the authors consider a dy-
namic graph that changes in time where nodes repre-
sent the transactors and edges represent the interac-
tions between pairs of transactors. Their paper shows
that the probability that an account is fraudulent is an
increasing function of the number of fraudulent nodes
in its community of interest - union of sub-graphs cen-
tered on the account node.
3.1 Training and Test Data
Although a fraud detection system is meant to reduce
costs for telecom companies, such a system can cost
more in investigating false alarms than what it may
save by reducing fraud. In order to address this prob-
lem, (Barse et al., 2003) propose to generate synthetic
test data for fraud detection in an IP based video-
on-demand-service. Synthetic data is defined as data
that are generated by simulated users in a simulated
system, performing simulated actions and presenting
some advantages over authentic data:
Some FDS need huge amounts of data for training
that are not available in authentic data and can be
synthetically generated.
To be able to test the FDS to check how well it
responds to variations of known frauds or how the
detection rate is affected by new frauds.
To be possible to compare several FDS in a bench-
marking situation.
The norm is that fraud detection data is highly
skewed or imbalanced (Phua et al., 2004). Since there
are much more legitimate examples than fraudulent
ones in a data set, an algorithm may have a high suc-
cess rate without detecting any fraud. The authors
propose two ways to address this problem:
1. Apply different algorithms (meta-learning). Each
algorithm can be best used in particular data in-
stances in accordance to its strengths.
2. Manipulate class distribution in such a way that
the proportion of fraudulent minority class of data
is increased. This may raise the chances for the
algorithm to make correct predictions.
3.2 Machine Learning
Machine learning is a field of research devoted to the
study of learning systems. It encompasses several
fields, building upon ideas on statistics, mathematics,
biology, engineering, cognitive science and other dis-
ciplines. There are two major methodologies of ma-
chine learning that can be used in fraud detection: su-
pervised and unsupervised learning. By the former,
it is meant that a classifier function grows knowing
both the input data and the result. After the training is
done, the classifier function should be able to predict
the output of new input data that is fed to it.
Although classification methodologies can be ef-
fective at detecting fraud cases, several problems may
arise: Since the algorithm was trained with labeled
data, it is only sensible to types of fraud that where
present in training data. Another problem refers to
the fact that data may be mistakenly labeled as fraud
and thus biasing later analysis. A third drawback may
arise because of the necessity to have relatively large
amounts of data that may be difficult or expensive to
Unsupervised learning focuses on finding hidden
patterns in data. Data contains no output values which
means that the purpose of these algorithms is to find
patterns in the data that can help to give a structured
representation of what could be firstly seen as noise.
When there is no need to know how a predictive
solution has been reached, neural networks are a nat-
ural choice for a machine learning technique. Like
other machine learning techniques, neural networks
have been inspired in the biological world, in this case
of the human brain. As Takagi (1991) states, a neuron
consists of a cell body that is connected to other neu-
rons by synapses. A neural network is the network of
all these connected neurons that corresponds biolog-
ically to how the human brain operates. An artificial
neural network (ANN) simulates the biological coun-
terpart, where information input to the network pro-
duces an output. Like in the biological brain, it is ex-
pected that a learning process takes place, through the
adaptation of synaptic weights, that can help achieve
very good prediction results for unseen data. Krenker
et al. (2009) proposed a system for mobile phone
fraud detection based on a bidirectional ANN. The au-
thors aim at predicting the behavior of individual mo-
bile phone users and detecting fraud using both offline
and real time processing. They report a 90% success
rate at predicting time series that describe the behav-
ior of a mobile phone user in optimal configuration.
Although the output quality may be measured, neural
networks lack explicative power.
3.3 Clustering
In telecommunications industry, the decision of char-
acterizing fraudulent behavior is most of the time not
a clear cut, as there is no way to guess a user’s inten-
tions. Many telecom providers, if not all, have human
resources assigned to the task of deciding whether or
not to consider the alerts raised by automatic algorith-
mic systems. This makes it necessary for human oper-
ators to understand and interpret the results provided
by the algorithmic tools. One very common machine
learning process that addresses this necessity is clus-
tering. Clustering is a data mining tool that tries to
join similar objects in homogeneous groups based in
the values of their attributes.
The categorization of clustering algorithms is nei-
ther straightforward, nor canonical (Berkhin, 2006).
A brief classification of clustering techniques can be
as follows:
Partitioning - Clusters are usually found in one
pass over the data. As iteration progresses, points
are allocated to existing clusters if similar, or they
start a new cluster.
Hierarchical - Clusters are built in a tree represen-
tation also called a dendogram. In agglomerative
technique, clustering starts considering each point
a cluster. The process keeps merging the more
similar clusters until a stop criterion is reached.
In divisive clustering, the logic is symmetric. The
process begins by considering only one cluster
and continues by subdividing the clusters into
finer groupings.
Density based - This kind of algorithms are capa-
ble of discovering clusters of any shape because
they follow density paths. Although these tech-
niques have an advantage in the consideration of
outliers, they lack some interpretability.
Grid based - A multi-dimensional space is divided
into a large number of hyper-rectangular regions.
Making use also of the concept of density, regions
that are adjacent are merged until final clusters are
The k-means algorithm is probably the most pop-
ular clustering technique. There were several contri-
butions for its development (MacQueen et al., 1967).
Given a set of points and a number k of clusters, the k-
means algorithm searches for a partition of the points
into clusters that minimizes the within groups sum
of squared errors. The algorithm starts by consider-
ing k observations from the data set and uses these
as the initial means. k clusters are then created and
surrounding values are assigned to each of these clus-
ters. A value is assigned to the nearest cluster, i.e., to
the one where the distance function between the point
and the mean of the cluster is minimal. The algo-
rithm proceeds in an iterative way until convergence
has been reached. The centroid of each cluster be-
comes the new mean. Points are reassigned to clusters
accordingly to the new centroids. Some of its proper-
ties are: 1) It is efficient in processing large data sets;
2) It often terminates at a local optimum; 3) The clus-
ters have convex spherical shapes; 4) The clusters are
expected to be of similar size. This algorithm has a
severe constraint as it only works on numeric values.
3.4 Clustering with Categorical Data
Real world data as well as more specifically telecom-
munication data, consist of many values that are not
numerical by nature, but categorical. The measure
of distance between objects and clusters loses its sig-
nificance when applied to categorical values. There
are a number of algorithms that consider categor-
ical data for clustering purposes. This paper will
briefly present two of them. One, k-modes algorithm,
(Huang, 1998), tries to extend the popular k-means al-
ICORES 2012 - 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
gorithm to the realm of categorical values. The three
main differences to k-means algorithm are:
The numerical distance is substituted by a simple
dissimilarity measure for categorical objects;
K-modes uses modes instead of means for clus-
To minimize the clustering cost function, a
frequency-based method to update modes is used.
The authors emphasize the scalability of the k-modes
algorithm. A main shortcoming of this technique is
that it needs the number of clusters to be defined a
A more elaborate algorithm for dealing with cat-
egorical data is the ROCK algorithm (Guha et al.,
2000). This is a hierarchical clustering algorithm that
employs links and not distances when merging clus-
ters. The Jaccard coefficient
(JC) has been used to
measure the similarity between points. The authors
argue against the Jaccard coefficient and justify their
option for links. The JC is a measure of the similar-
ity between only two points in question at a time, it
does not take into consideration the neighborhood of
points. As such, JC fails to capture the natural cluster-
ing of “not so well-separated data sets with categori-
cal attributes. For the ROCK algorithm, if the similar-
ity between a pair of points exceeds a certain thresh-
old then they are considered neighbors. The number
of links between a pair of points is then the number
of common neighbors of the points. Points belonging
to a single cluster will in general have a large number
of common neighbors, and consequently more links.
The link-based approach adopts a global view to the
clustering problem. It captures the global knowledge
of neighboring data points into the relationship be-
tween individual pairs of points. The algorithm starts
by considering a random sample of points from the
data set. A hierarchical algorithm that employs links
is applied to the sampled points. Finally, the clusters
involving only the sampled points are used to assign
the remaining data points to the appropriate clusters.
3.5 Evaluation Criteria
As previously said in the beginning of this section,
fraud detection can be based on event or time driven
methodologies. In a time driven assessment, one has
to acknowledge that fraud may only be detected at
the end of the time window that starts an instance
The Jaccard coefficient for similarity between transac-
tions T1 and T2 is
of the FDS. In the literature, there are several per-
formance measures for a FDS used by different au-
thors: 1) Accuracy - Percentage of correctly predicted
fraud instances; 2) True positive rate - Correctly de-
tected fraud divided by actual fraud; 3) Receiver Op-
erating Characteristic - False positive rate = False
Positives/(True Negatives + False Positives) versus
true positive rate = True Positives/(True Positives +
False Negatives); 4) Area under the Receiver Operat-
ing Curve (as in (Viaene et al., 2004)) - Single-figure
summary measure of ROC performance; 5) Minimize
Cross Entropy (Bishop, 1995) - How close predicted
scores are to target scores; 6) Minimize Brier score
(Hand, 1997) - Mean squared error of predictions.
4.1 Existing Telecom FDS
The telecom operator has a FDS based on alerts
that are raised when suspicious behavior is detected
(Cortes˜ao et al., 2005). After these cases are flagged,
they are dealt by fraud analysts that investigate all
relevant information, regarding alert details, account
information, and others. Cases that are classified as
fraudulent by fraud analysts are then forwarded to a
case manager to initiate consequent bureaucratic pro-
4.2 Data Sample
Data was received from a major national telecom
provider that consists of some database tables, includ-
ing only masked and truncated data in order to en-
sure the protection of personal data and confidential
information. Therefore, the data provided by the tele-
com operator and used in this paper do not involve the
disclosure of any personal data related to the telecom
company subscribers or confidential information, en-
suring full compliance with the applicable data pro-
tection legal framework. For numeric attributes data
transformations occurred as follows. One thousand
bins were created for each attribute. Each bin corre-
sponds to a quantile of the distribution of the attribute
(0.1%). The “nth” percentile of an observation vari-
able is the value that cuts off the first n percent of the
data values when it is sorted in ascending order. Each
bin is labeled with an integer sequential number start-
ing from zero (label 0 = 0.1%, 1 = 0.2%, ...). After
completing the label - value dictionary, values of the
attribute are changed for those of their corresponding
bin label in the vector of values. In order to reduce
the number of bins, sequential bins that have the same
value are aggregated. For each categorical attribute, a
unique set of values is considered. Each unique value
is then assigned a sequential integer value beginning
in zero, which constitutes its label. A substitution in
the original vector is performed analogously to that of
numerical attributes.
4.3 Ongoing Research
This subsection aims at presenting ongoing work re-
garding a framework for detecting fraud in the tele-
com industry context.
4.3.1 First Level Clustering
Clustering was chosen as the tool to identify fraudu-
lent behavior in data, due, mainly, to its explicative
power. Although one of the database tables, con-
cerning some client information, contains a field sig-
nalling detected frauds, the proposed methodology
will follow the path of unsupervised learning. Clus-
ters built in an unsupervised way are then compared
to the fraud information contained in the mentioned
table to analyze the viability of the current methodol-
ogy. On the contrary, to use a supervised clustering
algorithm with not so many available records would
possibly restrict hidden insights available in data.
The clustering algorithm follows a bi-level struc-
ture. In the first level of clustering, a partition algo-
rithm is used to separate records into clusters. Due to
its effectiveness, an implementation of the Rock algo-
rithm is used to find clusters in each of the transaction
When this work is done, results of the partial clus-
tering runs are aggregated to each record of the client
information data set. This dataset is augmented in
such a way that it will contain as many columns more
as the total of clusters found in the previous level. For
example, if four new clusters are found in the data
set concerning voice calls, four new attributes will be
added, one for each of these clusters. For each record,
each of these attributes contains the value of the per-
centage of times that transactions belong to that clus-
In telecom industry, many times, fraud can be
characterized by strange behavior, which means that
some records will be found as outliers. An attribute
considering the percentage of times a call is consid-
ered an outlier (not belonging to any defined cluster)
may be added, as well, to the cards data set. And
similar logic should be considered to accommodate
outliers of the remaining transaction tables.
4.3.2 Second Level Clustering
After the results of the first level clustering are aggre-
gated to the client information data set the methodol-
ogy proceeds to the second level of clustering. The
number of attributes may now be very large, so may
not be meaningful to try to extract knowledge from
hidden patterns in such a high dimensional space.
Combining all dimensions brings more noise into
consideration. We maythink about the hypothesis of a
client performing fraud in voice calls, but not in SMS
or Internet access.
One other factor that must be taken into consider-
ation is that several clusters may cohabit for the same
record. Since available data encompasses roughly five
and a half weeks, the chosen algorithm must make
room to the fact that fraud may begin at some time
during that interval. An account may be completely
legitimate until some date and, afterwards, start be-
having in a fraudulent way. In order to take into
account these different patterns of behavior, we will
make use of a subspace clustering algorithm.
Traditional clustering techniques consider all di-
mensions of a data set in an attempt to get the most
possible information about each point. But when data
has a great number of attributes, generally more than
a couple dozens, many of them become irrelevant, for
each cluster. As Parsons et al. (2004) refer, in a high
dimensional space, objects are very near of each other
in what is called the curse of dimensionality.
Subspace clustering is a method that is able to
uncover clusters by avoiding taking into considera-
tion noise promoted by not meaningful attributes in
each cluster. For example, regarding different types
of fraud, we may find out different relevant clusters
in the voice calls data set. One cluster may be re-
lated to abuse of international calling while another
may show intensive national calling. For a subspace
clustering algorithm, the same point may belong to
different clusters. Continuing the example, the algo-
rithm may find that a record belongs to a cluster where
call intensity is low and SMS texting is high, and at the
same time is part of another cluster of null Internet ac-
tivity. Therefore, the algorithm must find all relevant
clusters in all subspaces in order to discover hidden
patterns in data.
The second level of clustering is meant to be per-
formed on regular time interval basis. The updating
process should therefore provide the operator with
sufficient knowledge of trends in consumer profiles.
Some of these may consist of new types of fraud
mechanisms. In the meantime between two succes-
sive subspace clustering runs, transactional real time
data keep being produced by the network operator op-
ICORES 2012 - 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
erating system and should be verified. In order to
process all these data, we decided to build a classi-
fying algorithm. This algorithm should classify in-
coming data according to clusters defined by the sub-
space clustering method. Client’s data that deviates
from the “normal” clusters defining his previous be-
havior may be subject to further investigations by the
network FDS. Suspects may also arise when the clas-
sification algorithm does not seem able to make new
acquired data fit previous defined clusters. Also, data
that is classified to clusters previously identified by
being acquainted with fraud should be forwarded to
the next step of the FDS. On the contrary, data that is
classified as belonging to previously defined non risky
clusters may be considered safe. Or, for a straight
client when his new data corresponds to his cluster-
ing profile, no further measures should be taken, as
data presents close to null risk.
Fraud presents itself as a major concern for telecom-
munication providers in todays competitive market.
As competition tends to decrease operating margins,
telecom companies try to cut in costs, such as those
caused by fraudsters. Due to the great amount of
data generated by each customer transaction, fraud
detection cannot be addressed only by humans. Many
methodologies have been presented in the litera-
ture. Unsupervised clustering has been used to au-
tomatically group transactions into clusters of similar
records. When run in regular intervals of time, this
tool allows a telecom to keep up to date with the ever
evolving fraud dynamics.
This paper proposes a bi-level clustering algo-
rithm to address fraud in telecommunications. In the
first level, transactional records are grouped into clus-
ters for each one of those services. Once this proce-
dure is done, data is aggregated for each SIM card
belonging to clients. As fraud, or just suspicious be-
havior, may be performed in only some of the services
provided by the telecom, the clustering algorithm ap-
plied to the second level should be of the subspace
type. Current research is concerned with the first level
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