Luis F. S. Teixeira
, Gabriel P. Lopes
and Rita A. Ribeiro
CA3-Uninova, Campus FCT/UNL, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
CITI, Dep. Informática, FCT/UNL, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Keywords: Document keywords, Document topics, Words, Multi-words, Prefixes, Automatic extraction, Suffix arrays.
Abstract: In this paper we compare twenty language independent statistical-based metrics for key term extraction
from any document collection. While some of those metrics are widely used, others were recently created.
Two different document representations are considered in our experiments. One is based on words and
multi-words and the other is based on word prefixes of fixed length (5 characters for the experiments made)
for handling morphologically rich languages, namely Portuguese and Czech. English is also experimented,
as a non-morphologically rich language. Results are manually evaluated and agreement between evaluators
is assessed using k-Statistics. The metrics based on Tf-Idf and Phi-square proved to have higher precision
and recall. The use of prefix-based representation of documents enabled a significant improvement for
documents written in Portuguese.
A key term, a keyword or a topic of a document is
any word or multi-word (taken as a sequence of two
or more words, expressing clear cut concepts) that
reveals important information about the content of a
document from a larger collection of documents.
Extraction of document key terms is far from
being solved. However this is an important problem
that deserves further attention, since most documents
are still (and will continue to be) produced without
explicit indication of their key terms as metadata.
Moreover, most existing key term extractors are
language dependent and, as such, require linguistic
processing tools that are not available for the
majority of the human languages. Hence our bet,
namely in this paper, on language independent
extraction of key terms.
So, the main aim of this work is to compare
metrics for improving automatic extraction of key
single and multi-words from document collections,
and to contribute to the discussion on this subject
Our starting point was the work by (Silva &
Lopes, 2009), on multiword key term extraction,
where two basic metrics were used: Tf-Idf and
relative variance (Rvar). By looking more carefully
at the examples shown in (Silva & Lopes, 2009),
where plain Tf-Idf metric is used, it became apparent
that, the comparison made between the two metrics
was unfair. A fair comparison would require the use
of a Tf-Idf derived metric taking into account the Tf-
Idf values for multi-word extremities as well as the
medium character length per word of each multi-
word as it is proposed for the use of Rvar variant
metric in (Silva & Lopes, 2009). Moreover, as one
needs to calculate the relevance of words and multi-
words using the same metrics, we decided to rank
simultaneously words and multi-words describing
the content of any document in a collection
according to the metric assigned value to that word
or multi-word. This diverges from the proposal
made in (Silva & Lopes, 2010) where “a priori”
fixed proportion of words is required. And no one
knows “a priori” which documents are better
described by words alone or by multi-words. Nor
does she/he know the best proportion of key words
or key multi-words.
This way, our work improves the discussion
started in (Silva & Lopes, 2009), and continued in
(Silva & Lopes, 2010), but we arrive at different
conclusions, namely that Tf-Idf and Phi-square
based metrics enabled higher precision and recall for
the extraction of document key terms. The use of a
prefix-based representation of documents enabled a
F. S. Teixeira L., P. Lopes G. and A. Ribeiro R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003720400550063
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 55-63
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
significant improvement for documents written in
Portuguese and a minor improvement for Czech, as
representatives of morphologically rich languages,
regarding precision results.
Additionally we also extend the preliminary
discussion started in (Teixeira, Lopes, & Ribeiro,
2011) where some of the metrics used in current
work were presented. To achieve our aims we
compare results obtained by using four basic metrics
(Tf-Idf, Phi-square, Mutual Information and Relative
Variance) and derived metrics taking into account
per word character median length of words and
multi-words and giving specific attention to word
extremities of multi-words and of words (where left
and right extremities of a word are considered to be
identical to the word proper). This led to a first
experiment where we compare 12 metrics (3 variants
of 4 metrics). On a second experiment, we decided
to use a different document representation in terms
of word prefixes of 5 characters in order to tackle
morphologically rich languages. As it would be
senseless to evaluate the relevance of prefixes, it
became necessary to project (bubble) prefix
relevance into words and into multi-words.
All the experimental results were manually
evaluated and agreement between evaluators was
assessed using k-Statistics.
This paper is structured as follows: related work
is summarized in section 2; our system, the data and
the experimental procedures used are described in
section 3; the metrics used are defined in section 4;
results obtained are shown in section 5; conclusions
and future work are discussed in section 6.
In the area of document classification it is necessary
to select features that later will be used for training
new classifiers and for classifying new documents.
This feature selection task is somehow related to the
extraction of key terms addressed in this paper. In
(Sebastiani, 2002), a rather complete overview of the
main metrics used for feature selection for document
classification and clustering is made.
As for the extraction of multi-words and
collocations, since we also need to extract them, we
just mention the work by (Silva & Lopes, 1999),
using no linguistic knowledge, and the work by
(Jacquemin, 2001), requiring linguistic knowledge.
In the area of keyword and key multi-word
extraction, (Hulth, 2003), (Ngomo, 2008),
(Martínez-Fernández, García-Serrano, Martínez, &
Villena, 2004), (Cigarrán, Peñas, Gonzalo, &
Verdejo, 2005), (Liu, Pennell, Liu, & Liu, 2009)
address the extraction of keywords in English.
Moreover those authors use language dependent
tools (stop-words removing, lemmatization, part-of-
speech tagging and syntactic pattern recognition) for
extracting noun phrases. Being language
independent, our approach clearly diverges from
these ones. Approaches dealing with extraction of
key-phrases (that are according to the authors “short
phrases that indicate the main topic of a document”)
include the work of (Katja, Manos, Edgar, &
Maarten de, 2009) where Tf-Idf metric is used as
well as several language dependent tools. In
(Mihalcea & Tarau, 2004), a graph-based ranking
model for text processing is used. The authors use a
2-phase approach for the extraction task: first they
select key-phrases representative of a given text;
then they extract the most “important” sentences in a
text to be used for summarizing document content.
In (Peter, 2000) the author tackles the problem of
automatically extracting key-phrases from text as a
supervised learning task. And he deals with a
document as a set of phrases, which his classifier
learns to identify as positive or negative examples of
(Lemnitzer & Monachesi, 2008) deal with eight
different languages, use statistical metrics aided by
linguistic processing, both to extract key phrases and
keywords. Dealing also with more than one
language, (Silva & Lopes, 2009) extract key multi-
words using purely statistical measures. In (Silva &
Lopes, 2010) statistical extraction of keywords is
also tackled but a predefined ratio of keywords and
key multi-words is considered per document, thus
jeopardizing statistical purity.
(Matsuo & Ishizuka, 2004) present, a keyword
extraction algorithm that applies to isolated
documents, not in a collection. They extract frequent
terms and a set of co-occurrences between each term
and the frequent terms.
In summary, the approach followed in our work
is unsupervised, language independent and extracts
key words or multi-words solely depending on their
ranking values obtained by applying the 20 metrics
announced and explained bellow in section 4.
Our system is made of 3 distinct modules. First
module is responsible for extracting multi-words,
based on (Silva, Dias, Guilloré, & Lopes, 1999) and
using the extractor of (Gomes, 2009). A Suffix
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Array was used (McIlroy, 2007), (Yamamoto &
Church, 2001) for frequency counting of words,
multi-words and prefixes. This module is also
responsible for ranking, according to the metrics
used, words and multi-words per document. And it
allows the back office user to define the minimum
word and prefix length to be considered.
Second module is a user interface designed to
allow external evaluators to classify the best 25
terms ranked according to each of selected metrics.
When moving from ranking classification related to
one metric to the ranking produced by another
metric, evaluations already made are pervasively
propagated. This feature enables evaluators to
reconsider at any time some of their own earlier
Third module is also a user interface acting as a
back office application, allowing an easy
interpretation of the classifications produced by the
external evaluators. It also shows graphically the k-
Statistics resulting from evaluations of any two
We worked with a collection of texts, for the
three languages experimented, Portuguese (pt),
English (en) and Czech (cs), from European
legislation ([L]/legis/latest
/chap16.htm, where [L] can be replaced by any of
the following language references: pt, en or cs). The
texts were about Science, Dissemination of
information and Education and Training. Czech
corpus also included texts about Culture. Apart from
these texts for Czech, the remaining of the corpus
documents was parallel for the three languages. So
the total number of terms for these collections was:
109449 for Portuguese, 100890 for English and
120787 for Czech.
We worked with words having a minimum
length of six characters (this parameter is
changeable) and filtered multi-words (with words of
any length) by removing those containing
punctuation marks, numbers and other special
symbols. As it will be seen later some additional
filtering operations will be required and discussed in
the conclusions section.
Evaluators were asked to evaluate the 25 best
ranked terms for a selected sub-group of six of the
twenty metrics for a sub-set of five randomly
selected documents of a total of 28 documents for
each language. The Evaluators had access to the
original documents from where key-words were
extracted. When document metadata contained the
keywords assigned to it, evaluators had also access
to this information thus helping the evaluation task.
It is worth telling that when this metadata exists, it
generally does not use mutatis mutantis the multi-
word terms as they are used in the document. This
information was not used for the extraction task
Four classifications were considered in the
evaluation: “good topic descriptor” (G), “near good
topic descriptor” (NG), bad topic descriptor” (B),
and “unknown” (U). A fifth classification, “not
evaluated” (NE), was required to enable the
propagation of evaluation, for those metrics that
were not specifically evaluated. In Section 5 the
results of the experiments are presented.
It must be stressed that the multiword extractor
used is available on the web page referred in
(Gomes, 2009)
As mentioned before, we used 4 basic metrics: Tf-
Idf, Phi-square, Relative Variance (Rvar) and
Mutual Information (MI).
Formally, Tf-Idf for a term t in a document d
defined in equations (1), (2) and (3).
  ,
Notice that, in (1), instead of using the usual
term frequency factor, probability,
, defined
in equation (2), is used. There, ,
, denotes the
frequency of term t in document d
, t denotes a
prefix, a word, or a multiword, and Nd
refers to the
number of words or n-grams of words contained in
. The total number of documents present in the
corpus is given by
. The use of a probability in
(1) normalizes the Tf-Idf metric, making it
independent of the size of the document under
Rvar (Relative Variance) is the metric proposed
by (Silva & Lopes, 2009), defined in equation (4). It
does not take into account the occurrence of a given
term t in a specific document in the corpus. It deals
with the whole corpus, and thus loses the locality
characteristics of term t. This locality is recovered
when the best ranked terms are reassigned to the
documents where they occur.
is defined in (2) and
denotes the
mean probability of term t, taking into account all
documents in the collection. As above, we take t as
denoting a prefix, a word, or a multiword.
Phi-Square (Everitt, 2002) is a variant of the
well-known Chi-Square metric. It allows a
normalization of the results obtained with Chi-
Square, and is defined in equation (5), where is
the total number of terms (prefixes, words, or multi-
words) present in the corpus (the sum of terms from
all documents in the collection). A denotes the
number of times term occurs in document d. B
stands for the number of times term occurs in
documents other than d, in the collection. C means
the number of terms of the document subtracted
by the amount of times term occurs in document.
Finally, D is the number of times that neither
document nor term t co-occur (i.e., N-A-B-C,
where N denotes the total number of documents).
 
Mutual Information (Manning, Raghavan, &
Schütze, 2008) is a widely used metric for
identifying associations between randomly selected
terms. For our purposes we used equation (6) where
t, d, A, B, C and N have identical meanings as above
for equation (5).
In the rest of this section we will introduce
derivations of the metrics presented above for
dealing, on equivalent grounds, with aspects that
were considered crucial in (Silva & Lopes, 2009,
2010) for extracting key terms. Those derivations
will be defined on the basis of 3 operators: Least (L),
Median (M) and Bubble (B). In the equations below
 stands for any of the previously presented
metrics (Tf-Idf, Rvar, Phi-square or
, and Mutual
Information or MI), P stands for a Prefix, for a
word, for a multi-word taken as word sequence
Least Operator is inspired by the metric
LeastRvar introduced in (Silva & Lopes, 2009) and
coincides with that metric if it is applied to Rvar.
is determined as the minimum
of  applied to the leftmost and rightmost words
of , w
and w
. In order to treat all metrics on
equal grounds operator “Least” will now be applied
to metric MT, where MT may be any of the metrics
Tf-Idf, Rvar,
, and MI as depicted in equation
(9), when a multiword MW is at stake. As above,
Least_MT of a multiword  will be equal to the
minimum of the MT metric value for the extremity
, in the multi-word . This
operator was adapted to work with words alone as in
equation (8), where the Least_MT for a word is
identical to the rank value obtained for that word
using metric MT. Adaptation was made by assuming
that the leftmost and rightmost words of a single
word coincide with the word itself.
Bubbled Operator, another problem we needed
to solve was the propagation of the relevance of each
Prefix (P) to words (W) having P as a prefix.
= 
In bubble based metrics, the rank of a prefix is
assigned to the words it prefixes. Generally it is
larger than the rank assigned by the corresponding
metric to the word forms it prefixes. For example,
the value assigned to the 5 character prefix “techn”
in a text would be propagated to all words having
that prefix, namely “technology”, “technologies”,
“techniques”, if they would appear in the same text.
Median Operator was added in order to better
compare the effects of using an operator similar to
the one proposed in (Silva & Lopes, 2010) which
took into account the median character length of
words in multi-words. By doing so, we got metrics
defined in equations (12) and (13), where T
represents a term (word or multi-word), LM stands
for Least_Median operator applied to any base
metric MT and LBM stands for
Least_Bubble_Median operator applied to metric
MT. And Median of a term T is the median of
character lengths of words in a multi-word or of the
word at stake. For example, for a multiword made of
three words, of lengths 5, 2 and 6, median length is
In this section we present some of the results
obtained. We will also show that Rvar and its
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
related metrics behave worse than the ones based on
Tf-Idf and Phi Square, contradicting results
presented in the work of (Silva & Lopes, 2009).
An example of the top five terms extracted from
one document, ranked by the Phi-Square metric for
the worked languages is shown in Table 1. This
document was about scientific and technical
information and documentation and ethics.
Table 1: Top terms ranked by Phi-Square metric, manually
classified as Good (G), Near Good (NG) or Bad (B), for 3
languages for a document on scientific and technical
information and documentation.
Portuguese English Czech
ciências e as
novas tecnologias
group on ethics
skupiny pro etiku
ve vědě (G)
ciências e as
novas (B)
ethics (G) nových
ética para as
ciências (G)
science and new
technologies (G)
etiku ve vědě
grupo europeu de
ética (G)
the ege (G) skupiny pro etiku
membros do gee
ethics in science
vědě a nových
As the corpus used elaborated on Science,
Information dissemination, education and training,
for the example document the word “science” alone
was naturally demoted.
It is important to notice also that documents were
in many cases short. This has a direct impact on
results, as the number of relevant words and
multiwords is short and most of them are irrelevant
in terms of document content. As a consequence
precision obtained for shorter documents is lower
than for longer documents as most of the times just
one term describes document content. Longer
documents pose not this problem.
In the previous table, some top-ranked key terms
are a sub terms of others. This has some effect on
the results, because they are not mutually
independent. Looking more carefully we may also
notice larger, more specific, multi-words that might
be rather sharp descriptors of document content as
would be the case of “group on ethics in science and
new technologies”. We will return to this discussion
on section 6.
For the same document, best performing metric
based on Rvar (see Table 3) LBM_Rvar just
extracted “ethics” in position 20. Other extracted top
terms include names of several European
In tables 2 and 3, precision values obtained for
the 5, 10 and 20 best ranked key terms extracted
using different metrics are shown.
Table 2: Average precision values for the 5, 10 and 20 best
terms using the best metrics, and average for each
Metric Prec. (5) Prec. (10) Prec. (20)
Tf-Idf 0.90 0.86 0.66
L Tf-Idf 0.75 0.70 0.61
LM Tf-Idf 0.70 0.65 0.59
LB Tf-Idf 0.80 0.68 0.65
LBM Tf-Idf 0.65 0.68 0.66
0.70 0.70 0.61
0.70 0.60 0.58
0.70 0.60 0.58
0.55 0.63 0.55
0.55 0.65 0.59
Average 0.72 0.68 0.61
Metric Prec. (5) Prec. (10) Prec. (20)
Tf-Idf 0.84 0.74 0.67
L Tf-Idf 0.78 0.66 0.68
LM Tf-Idf 0.81 0.78 0.66
LB Tf-Idf 0.85 0.66 0.65
LBM Tf-Idf 0.82 0.69 0.62
0.78 0.68
0.83 0.76 0.69
0.87 0.78 0.70
0.83 0.74 0.62
0.80 0.74 0.65
Average 0.83 0.73 0.66
Metric Prec. (5) Prec. (10) Prec. (20)
Tf-Idf 0.69 0.70 0.66
L Tf-Idf 0.64 0.66 0.65
LM Tf-Idf 0.68 0.63 0.64
LB Tf-Idf 0.86 0.71 0.65
LBM Tf-Idf 0.83 0.70 0.68
0.73 0.73
0.68 0.64 0.59
0.61 0.64 0.59
0.60 0.65 0.65
0.62 0.61 0.62
Average 0.70 0.67 0.63
Regarding recall values presented in tables 4 and
5, it is necessary to say that: 1) Tf-Idf, Phi Square
and derived metrics extract very similar key terms;
2) Rvar and MI, alone, are unable to extract key
terms as, depending on the length of documents, the
top ranked 100, 200 or more terms are equally
valuated by these metrics; 3) derived metrics of Rvar
and MI extract very similar rare key terms
completely dissimilar from those extracted by Tf-
Idf, Phi Square and derived metrics; 4) by evaluating
the 25 best ranked terms by 6 metrics (Phi Square,
Least Tf-Idf, Least Median Rvar, Least Median MI,
Least Bubble Median Phi Square and Least Bubble
Median Rvar) we obtained from 60 to 70 terms
evaluated per document.
Recall was determined on the basis of these 60 to
70 evaluated terms. So, recall values presented in
tables (4) and (5) are upper bounds of real recall
values. Table 2 shows results for the metrics with
best precision for the three languages, all of them
with results above 0.50. Notice, that for Portuguese
and Czech, the average precision is similar. The best
results were obtained for the top ranked 5 terms,
decreasing with similar values when dealing with the
top ranked 10 and 20 terms. In average, English
language presents the best results.
Also from table 2 we can point out that, for
Portuguese, best results were obtained with metrics
Least Bubble Tf-Idf and Least Bubble Median Tf-Idf.
This means that Bubble operator and prefix
representation enabled precision results closer to
those obtained for English.
Tf-Idf had the best results in Czech, for all
thresholds. In English, Least Median Phi Square
enabled the best results. Moreover, for the 10 best
terms threshold, English has three metrics with the
best results, the one already mentioned and Least
Median Tf-Idf and Phi-Square.
Table 3: Precision values for the 5, 10 and 20 best terms
using the Rvar and MI best metrics, and average for each
Metrics Prec. (5) Prec. (10) Prec. (20)
LBM Rvar 0.50 0.39 0.27
LM Rvar 0.45 0.31 0.22
LBM MI 0.40 0.40 0.26
LM MI 0.45 0.31 0.22
Average 0.45 0.35 0.24
Metrics Prec. (5) Prec. (10) Prec. (20)
LBM Rvar 0.52 0.43 0.40
LM Rvar 0.47 0.42 0.35
LBM MI 0.46 0.49 0.43
LM MI 0.47 0.42 0.34
Average 0.48 0.44 0.38
Metrics Prec. (5) Prec. (10) Prec. (20)
LBM Rvar 0.52 0.48 0.41
LM Rvar 0.46 0.36 0.35
LBM MI 0.52 0.48 0.43
LM MI 0.42 0.35 0.33
Average 0.48 0.42 0.38
As pointed above, Rvar and MI metrics alone
were unable to discriminate the top 5, 10 or 20 best
ranked terms. This probably explains the need to use
the Least and Median operators proposed by (Silva
& Lopes, 2009, 2010). Precision for the Rvar and
MI derived metrics is shown in table 3. It shows
clearly that Tf-Idf and Phi Square based metrics, in
table 2, are much better than those based on Rvar
and MI. They get for the best metrics, values a bit
higher than 0.50, and generally all bellow 0.50
which makes the average precision for these metrics
rather poor.
In terms of “Recall” (upper bounds of recall),
shown in tables 4 and 5, one of our goals was to
increase the Czech recall, which we believe to have
accomplished. In the same line with precision, the
metrics based on Tf-Idf and Phi-Square have better
recall values, in table 4, than those obtained for Rvar
and MI-based metrics, in table 5. We have chosen to
present “recall” values for the top 20 ranked relevant
terms as these values are higher than for 5 or 10 best
ranked terms. Recall values obtained for Rvar and
MI derived metrics (Table 5) are much lower than
those obtained for Tf-Idf and Phi-Square derived
metrics, as Rvar and MI derived metrics choose rare
terms that may specify very specific subject matters
of documents.
Tables 6 and 7 depict the agreement between
evaluators, for Portuguese and English, by using
Kappa statistics. It shows that for Portuguese we
have higher levels of agreement for the Tf-Idf and
Phi-Square based metrics. For English agreement
achieved is not so high, but never the less, we
consider it acceptable.
Table 4: “Recall” Values for threshold of 20 best terms for
Tf-Idf and Phi Square based metrics, and average recall.
Czech English Portuguese
P(20) P(20) P(20)
0.68 0.43 0.48
L Tf-Idf
0.56 0.48 0.46
LM tfidf
0.43 0.44
LB tfidf
0.60 0.38 0.37
LBM tfidf
0.54 0.35 0.40
0.50 0.44
0.50 0.41 0.36
0.51 0.43 0.37
0.40 0.37 0.33
0.43 0.41 0.35
Average 0.54 0.41 0.40
Table 5: Recall Values for threshold of 20 best terms for
Rvar and MI based metrics, and average recall.
Czech English Portuguese
P(20) P(20) P(20)
LBM Rvar 0.20 0.16 0.13
LM Rvar 0.25 0.12 0.14
LBM MI 0.20 0.16 0.15
LM MI 0.25 0.11 0.13
Average 0.23 0.14 0.14
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 6: Kappa statistics-based agreement between the
evaluators, for Portuguese and English, for Tf-Idf and Phi-
Square based metrics.
Portuguese English
tfIdf 0.57 0.35
LM tfidf 0.56 0.42
LB tfidf 0.67 0.38
LBM tfidf 0.64 0.40
0.64 0.46
0.56 0.40
0.54 0.31
Disagreement was mainly due to acceptance of
some adjectives as near good descriptors by one of
the evaluators, while the other systematically
rejected them in the sense that adjectives, by
themselves, are not good descriptors. This means
that, if the evaluation phase had been preceded by
identification of a couple of cases where the
evaluation would be dissimilar, the agreement
obtained would have been higher. Disagreement
regarding Rvar and MI based metrics occurred
mainly because selected key terms occurred just
once and it was very hard to agree on how such rare
terms could be key terms of those documents. We
have not achieved to have the results for Czech
evaluated by two persons. But it should be
mentioned that Czech poses yet another problem
when evaluation is at stake, due to its richer
morphology. For the example shown in table 1, one
observes that multi-words extracted and ranked are
mostly sub-phrases of multi-word “group on ethics
in science and new technologies” if not of the 11-
word term “members of the group on ethics in
science and new technologies”. While for
Portuguese and English this has almost no
consequences, for Czech, “skupiny pro etiku ve
vědě” is a translation of “of group on ethics in
science” which is not exactly a term. Corresponding
term in nominative case would be “skupina pro etiku
ve vědě”. It was accepted as adequate (G) as it also
translates as “groups on ethics in science” that is not
present in the Portuguese and English versions of the
same text. Similarly, “etiku ve vědě” is the
accusative case for “etika ve vědě”. Results obtained
enable however a clear idea about the content of the
document. But evaluation, for languages as Czech
and other languages having word forms modified by
case, still need to be deeply discussed or may require
a post extraction normalizer to bring phrases to
nominative case.
Table 7: Kappa statistics-based agreement between the
evaluators, for Portuguese and English, for Rvar and MI
based metrics.
Portuguese English
LBM rvar 0.28 0.24
LM rvar 0.27 0.28
LBM MI 0.07 0.28
LM MI 0.19 0.22
Our approach to key-term extraction problem (of
both words and multi-words) is language
By ranking separately words and multi-words,
using 20 metrics, based on 4 base metrics, namely
Tf-Idf, Phi Square, Rvar (relative variance) and MI
(Mutual Information), and by merging top ranked
words’ list with top ranked multi-words’ list taking
into account the values assigned to each word and
multi-word by each of the metrics experimented we
were able to make no discrimination between words
and multi-words, as both entities pass the same kind
of sieve/metrics to be ranked as adequate key-terms.
This way, by comparing 12 metrics, just taking into
account word and multi-word based document
representation, we could conclude that Tf-Idf and
Phi Square based metrics enabled better precision
and recall than equivalent precision/recall obtained
by Rvar and MI based metrics that tend to extract
rare terms. This contradicts results obtained by
(Silva & Lopes, 2009, 2010).
As we wanted to extend our methodology to
morphologically rich languages, we introduced
another document representation in terms of word
prefixes and in that way corroborated the
conclusions made by (Teixeira, et al., 2011) in their
work, where Bubbled variants showed interesting
results for morphologically rich languages tested.
This other representation led us to the usage of 8
metrics based on the same 4 kernel metrics already
mentioned. Experiments were made for Portuguese,
English and Czech. Higher precision obtained for
Portuguese was obtained using two of the metrics
designed to handle prefix, word and multi-word
representation. For Czech, and even for English,
results were not that spectacular but deserve further
attention. As a matter of fact, second best precision
for the 5 top ranked key terms candidates, both for
Czech and for English was obtained by using Least
Bubble Tf-Idf metric.
Again, Tf-Idf and Phi Square derived metrics
were the best performing. Also, it is worth to
mention that the Bubble operator enabled some
improvements in the results obtained when applied
to Rvar and MI metrics. It is worth noticing that, for
Portuguese and Czech, for some metrics, precision
augmented when we considered top 10 and even top
20 ranked extracted terms in relation to top 5 ranked
ones. For Czech that occurred for Least Bubbled
Median Tf-Idf and Least Bubbled Median Phi-
Square. For Portuguese it was the case for Least Tf-
Idf and Least Bubbled Phi-Square.
In future work we will mainly explore Tf-Idf and
Phi-square metrics and their derivatives. Then we
must take a greater care of the length of texts
evaluated. As a matter of fact, for a large text it may
make sense an evaluation with 5, 10 or 20 best
ranked terms. But for smaller texts taking just the 5
best ranked terms may affect negatively the mean
precision of all documents as, in such cases, at most
2 or 3 best ranked terms will probably exhaust good
possibilities for document content descriptors.
In what concerns human evaluation we will
make an effort for better preparing this work phase
in order to overcome evaluation disagreement by
discussing the criteria to be used by evaluators while
making them explicit.
Regarding the problem identified in section 5
related to having multi-words that are not
independent, we must take greater care on this
problem, knowing that it is not that easy to solve.
Take another example of extracted good descriptors
using Phi-Square metric from document
32006D0688 (in
legis/latest/chap1620.htm). Below are the terms
classified as good:
asylum and immigration
areas of asylum and immigration
areas of asylum
national asylum
If we filter out multi-words that are sub multi-
words of larger multi-words., in the example above
we would have got rid of “asylum and immigration”
and “areas of asylum”. But as you see other filtering
possibilities might be used. So this must be
cautiously addressed. As a matter of fact we are not
so sure that a long key term (5-gram) as “areas of
asylum and immigration” is a better descriptor than
“asylum and immigration”. Equivalently, it might be
extrapolated for the example shown in Table 1, that
multiword “group on ethics in science and new
technologies”, that might be recaptured by binding
top ranked multi-words having identical extremities
is possibly a good descriptor. But again some care
must be taken. If we want to directly extract longer
multi-words as that “group on ethics in science and
new technologies” we just need to fix the maximum
multiword length, this has computational cost. For
this work it was fixed at 5.
Concerning Czech, a stricter evaluation would
not accept some of the terms that were taken as good
as they were case marked and should not be. This
will certainly require some language dependent tool
filtering. That is more complex than simple
lemmatization of words.
In future work, instead of using fixed length
character prefixes of words we will pre-process our
documents collection to automatically extract real
word radicals using some of the existing language
independent morphology learners like Linguistica
(Goldsmith, 2001) and Morfessor (Creutz & Lagus,
For Asian languages as Chinese or Japanese, we
will apply the extractor (Gomes, 2009) (Silva, et al.,
1999) to characters instead of words and extract
multi-character, 2-grams and 3-grams, and use
single and multi-character strings ranked using the
metrics proposed.
For German, the use of language independent
morphology learners mentioned above, together with
words and multi-words extracted the same way as
we did for Portuguese, Czech or English will enable
us to extend our methodology to a larger set of
This was supported by the Portuguese Foundation
for Science and Technology (FCT/MCTES) through
funded research projects ISTRION (ref. PTDC/EIA-
EIA/114521/2009) and VIP-ACCESS (ref.
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