Kathleen Detar Gennuso
Department of Healthcare Ethics, Duquesne University, 600 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15282, U.S.A.
Keywords: Patient safety, Human factors, Analytical methods, Ethical issues.
Abstract: Using information technology (IT) to reduce adverse events in healthcare has been a growing trend since its
endorsement in the 1999 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report. The implementation of comprehensive
information systems in healthcare practices has proved to be a path riddled with pitfalls. Not unlike other
industries, initially there are more failure stories than successes. Unfortunately the more comprehensive the
technology, or the wider the span of the implementation, the more difficult it is to achieve success. This
paper looks at the need for information technology (IT) in patient safety initiatives. Based on this
foundation, it examines critical concepts in the process of implementation of systems supporting patient
safety initiatives. Last, the paper identifies a sampling of ethical issues that commonly arise when IT is
utilized in patient safety initiatives. Even though a transformational application of IT in this type of
endeavor is difficult, it does not undermine the significant benefits that automation can provide and is
required to provide by society and the law.
Patient safety, as defined by the U.S. National
Patient Safety Foundation, is concerned with the
avoidance, prevention, and improvement of adverse
events or injuries caused by the process of
healthcare. It is understood that safety is the
outcome of the interaction of the variables in a
situation. It is not based solely on the actions of a
person; nor is it an organization’s responsibility, but
rather, it is a holistically driven outcome. An
adverse event is defined as an injury caused by
medical management, rather than the disease
process, that results in either prolonged hospital stay
or disability at discharge. A patient safety practice is
a process by which the probability of adverse events
resulting from exposure to the healthcare system,
across a range of diseases and procedures, can be
reduced or avoided.
(Vincent, 2010) These
processes, entwined in human intervention, become
candidates for automation.
Methods will produce different levels of
effectiveness; for example, Leape’s study suggests
that voluntary self-reporting will catch one in 500
adverse events, while the combination of
computerization and chart review will catch one in
ten adverse events. (Leape, 2002) Unfortunately the
risk is not proportional; some patients may be at
higher risk to suffer an adverse event or prone to the
possibility of multiple events. In fact, studies report
that a patient in ICU stands to suffer from 1.7 errors
made in their care per day. (Spear, 2005)
Table 1: Comparative Effectiveness of Patient Safety
Patient Safety Initiative
Adverse Events
Voluntary Self-Reporting 1/500
Computerization and Chart
1.1 Human Limitations and
Organizational Memory
Since the invention of the computer in the 1950s, the
key driver of its use has been the desire to retain and
use data that the human brain does not have the
capacity to maintain. Yet, significant resistance
Detar Gennuso K..
DOI: 10.5220/0003726501430146
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2012), pages 143-146
ISBN: 978-989-8425-88-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
exists when it comes to turning over decision
making to a computer. The fact is, machines are
better at doing some things than humans are, while
other tasks are better left alone; it is the ability to
know the difference that is in short supply. The
challenge lies in identifying the need for and
persuading others to make use of computer systems,
or, to rely solely on human intervention, or take
advantage of both.
Information is the key asset of the knowledge
organization. As individuals have limitations with
their memory so do organizations that do not use
automation to manage better processes. Efficient
automation extends and amplifies an organization’s
memory by capturing, organizing, disseminating,
and reusing the knowledge created by its employees.
However, organizational memory is not just a
facility for accumulating and preserving
information; in fact, greater value is achieved via
sharing knowledge.
1.2 Proven Success in Reduction of
Errors through Automation
As knowledge is made explicit and managed, it
augments the organizational culture, thereby
providing a basis for communication and learning.
In 2006, a comprehensive analysis of the literature
that existed on the effects of healthcare IT systems
on the quality and efficiency of care was completed.
The research uncovered evidence that implementing
a multifunctional automated healthcare system could
increase the delivery of care that adhered to
guidelines and protocols; enhance the capacity of the
providers of healthcare to perform surveillance and
monitoring for disease conditions and care delivery;
reduce rates of medication errors; and decrease
utilization of care. Effects on the efficiency of care
and the productivity of physicians were mixed.
(Blumenthal, 2007)
In 2003, Bates asserted that these systems reduce
medication error by 55 percent. Approximately 28
percent of adverse events is attributed to medication
errors and viewed as preventable. Fifty six percent
of these errors occurred when drug orders were
being placed, which automated systems would most
likely have prevented. In addition, bar coding used
in medication systems has proven to reduce drug
errors by more than 50 percent, preventing
approximately 20 adverse drug events per day.
Although the ultimate goal is to protect patients,
these measures improve the bottom line, since the
average adverse event costs an estimated $4,700 per
patient in extra hospital days and ancillary services
Table 2: Impact of automated systems on drug error rates.
Percentage of total
adverse effects that
are drug-related
Percentage of total adverse
effects that are drug-related
when bar coding technology
is utilized
28% 14%
excluding the cost of litigation. (Bates, 2003)
healthcare gets more complex, with patients having
multiple prescriptions and physicians, tracking
medical records (EHR) is adding to the problem of
patient safety.
1.3 The Velvet Hammer:
Electronic Healthcare Records
EHR automates the manual or semi-manual keeping
of records. A survey conducted by the Medical
Records Institute, shows that providers rank the
ability to share information as the top benefit of
EHR, followed by better quality of care, improved
workflow and documentation, and reduction of
medical errors.
In 2009, U.S. Congress provided
incentive and motivation to use IT to increase the
usage of EHR, benefiting patient safety initiatives as
well. The Health Information Technology for
Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH)
authorized incentive payments through Medicare
and Medicaid to clinicians and hospitals when they
use EHRs privately and securely to achieve specified
improvements in care delivery.
Using IT to reduce
adverse events across the entire continuum of care
incorporates the requirement of meaningful use.
There are a number of methods of investigation and
analysis available in healthcare. A more recent
paradigm includes the possibility for human error
and is based on the premise that safety depends on
creating systems that plan for errors or anticipate
errors in order to prevent them before they happen.
British psychologist, James Reason, developed a
Swiss cheese model to represent organizational
accidents, which became widely accepted. This
model’s critical point is that in complex structures, a
single, sharp-end error rarely is enough to cause
harm. Instead, this type of error must penetrate
several layers of incomplete protection to cause a
devastating result. Reason’s model moves the focus
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
from trying to perfect human behavior to fixing the
holes in the Swiss cheese, often called latent errors.
In addition, the layers of overlapping protection
must be put in place to decrease the probability of
the sharp end or root cause making the error possible
or inevitable. (Reason, 1995)
A number of analysts have identified a schema of
most common medical error root causes. The most
widely accepted is Charles Vincent’s adapted
directly from Reason’s model. His schema forces the
reviewer to ask basic questions as to whether there
should have been a checklist or read-back, whether
the resident was too fatigued, or whether the nurse
was too intimidated to speak up. Usually, a wide
variety of contributory factors lead up to the event;
therefore, Vincent extended the root cause of the
incident from a single root cause, to multiple.
Vincent’s model also moves the target past the cause
of the incident. Though important, it is not the final
goal of uncovering the gaps and inadequacies in the
healthcare system. It concentrates on accident
causation, reducing the focus on the individual
persons who may have made an error and aiming it
instead on pre-existing organizational factors.
framework essentially summarizes the major
influences on clinicians in their daily work and the
systemic contributions to adverse outcomes versus
good outcomes. (Vincent, 2010)
In the U.S., a
national database (by AHRQ) has developed a
starting point for healthcare organizations by
identifying 27 patient safety indicators, which
measure outcomes that are possible in patient safety
events. Using a proven approach is a key tenet in IT
systems and provides a launch point for patient
safety initiatives and automation.
2.1 Realistic Expectations
There have been several cautionary studies on the
effects on patients' health when using healthcare IT
systems, from harm to mortality. In addition, though
temporary, during transition and implementation
physicians can see up to a 10 to 20 percent reduction
in productivity for a period of six months or more.
The most significant drawback to the use of IT or its
success again comes back to the nature of human
involvement. Though hardware malfunctions can
happen, studies show that zero tolerance machines
exist and stay up consistently. The true problem is
the same as it has been since the invention of the
computer; it is how human beings designed the
system, many times ignoring the real-life way
clinicians go about doing their jobs and ignoring the
way they interact. Second, the implementation
mechanism for these types of systems is commonly
flawed due to numerous resource issues (such as
people, time and money). Technology adaptation is
not a concept of the future, but rather is engrained in
the current individuals entering the healthcare field.
The problems are known; the answers will be found
in overcoming the obstacles.
Table 3: Project implementation considerations.
Ease of navigation
Functionality must be perceived as
Cutover strategy
Executive champion
Stakeholder buy-in
Clear roles, responsibilities,
Disciplined procedures
Automated control system
Structured reviews and sign-offs
Communication strategy
Multiple levels of training by role
Provided at the right time, quantity,
and quality
Hands-on commissioning
In the U.S., HIPAA regulations released in 2003
served as the means for regulating IT utilization in
healthcare initiatives. Compliance with HIPAA was
required by April 14, 2003, and the regulations, still
in place today, applied to both electronic and paper
3.1 Autonomy of Patient
Under the regulations, patients have the right to
inspect and obtain a copy of their entire medical
record, with the exception of notes from
psychotherapy. A physician can refuse to make the
entire record available in cases in which harm to the
life or physical safety of the individual or another
person may occur. A person also has the right to an
accounting of disclosures of protected health
information made over the previous six years. There
are, however, numerous exceptions to this
accounting requirement.
One study showed that patients having access to
their healthcare records electronically expressed
high value and interest in the concept of autonomy
and welcomed greater access and control of their
health information. While highly valued, autonomy
was perceived as a double-edged sword. Sticking
points, including concerns about the locus of
responsibility for maintaining the accuracy and
integrity of the information, were raised. Substantial
variability based on age (over 35) was evident in
opinions about the safety of their records. (Halamka,
3.2 Privacy of Data
Patients have had a right to have personal medical
information kept private since the days of
Hippocrates. Physicians have an obligation to keep
medical information secret. The chief public policy
rationale is that patients are unlikely to disclose
intimate details that are necessary for their proper
medical care to their physicians unless they trust
their physicians to keep that information secret.
Basic privacy doctrine in the context of medical care
holds that no one should have access to private
healthcare information without the patient's
authorization and that the patient should have access
to records containing his or her own information, be
able to obtain a copy of the records, and have the
opportunity to correct mistakes in them.
Without informed consent, outside the context of
treatment, a patient's entire medical record can
seldom be lawfully disclosed. The HIPAA
regulations set a federal minimum, or floor, not a
ceiling, on the protection of privacy. Thus, when
other federal laws (such as laws protecting drug and
alcohol treatment records) or state laws (such as
laws that provide special protections for mental
health or genetic records) provide more protection
for patients' privacy than the new regulations, the
more protective federal and state laws will continue
to govern.
3.3 Moral Agency
The privacy of the information that is maintained in
electronic storage and the freedom it provides is
dependent on the personal integrity of employees
and others who will likely never see patients or meet
those who could be adversely affected by the
systems being developed. IT professionals have no
standard code of ethics. Not surprisingly, day-to-day
decision making comes down to moral agency and
personal ethics. However, human beings by nature
have the capacity to recognize normative standards
expected of their role or position. It is well accepted
that this capacity brings with it accountability for
one’s actions, even without a code of ethics.
Personal integrity will provide this type of
accountability; however, without checks and
balances, personal policing may not be enough to
compensate for human errors.
The very low levels of adoption of the key health
information technology systems required for
meaningful use may indicate that hospitals face
difficulty in achieving the level of use required to
receive government incentive payments.
finding suggests a very specific need among
hospitals for a greater look at the areas addressed in
this paper, specifically, understanding the need for
automation, the implementation issues, and ethical
challenges in utilizing IT in patient safety initiatives.
Bates, D.W, Gawande, A, 2003. Improving Safety with
Information Technology, New England Journal of
Medicine 348, no. 25.
Blumenthal, David, Glaser, John, 2007. Information
Technology Comes to Medicine, New England Journal
of Medicine 356.
Halamka, John D., Mandl, Kenneth D, Tang, Paul C.,
2008. Early Experiences with Personal Health
Records, Journal American Medical Information
Association; 15(1).
Leape, L.L., 2002. Reporting of Adverse Events. New
England Journal of Medicine, 347.
Reason, J.T., 1995. Human Error. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Spear, Steven J, Schmidhofer, Mark, A., 2005. Ambiguity
and Workarounds as Contributors to Medical Errors,
Journal Annals of Internal Medicine, V 142:8.
Vincent, Charles, 2010. Patient Safety, Wiley-Blackwell,
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics