Frame 187 Frame 208 Frame 225 Frame 249 Frame 267
Figure 4: Example anomaly detected by the proposed method in Experiment I. The sequence contains a person walking
around looking for an unlocked bicycle.
distance to the separating hyperplane used for clas-
sification as normal or abnormal. Table 1 shows
the detailed anomaly detection results for SVMs at a
100% hit rate. Although the results are clearly better
than those obtained from k-NN or PCA, they are also
clearly inferior to those obtained in Experiment I.
We have proposed and evaluated a new method for
bootstrapping scene-specific anomalous human be-
havior detection systems. It requires minimal involve-
ment of a human operator; the only required action is
to label the patterns in a small bootstrap set as nor-
mal or anomalous. With a bootstrap set of 150 se-
quences, the method achieves a false positive rate of
merely 7.4% at a hit rate of 100%. The experiments
demonstrate that with a collection of simple HMMs,
it is possible to learn a complex set of varied behav-
iors occurring in a specific scene. Deploying our sys-
tem on a large video sensor network would potentially
lead to substantial increases in the productivity of hu-
man monitors.
The main limitation of our current method is that
the blob tracking process is not robust for complex
events involving multiple people. The method also
does not allow evolution of the learned bootstrap
model over time. In future work, we plan to address
these limitations.
This work was partly supported by a grant from the
Royal Thai Government to MND and by graduate fel-
lowships from the Royal Thai Government to KO. We
thank the AIT Computer Vision Group for valuable
discussions and comments on this work.
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VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications