2.1 Organization Studied
The organization chosen for the development of this
project is a large tertiary university hospital complex
in Brazil, with 9 institutes and approximately 3000
beds and 15000 employees in its staff. It counts
with an Information Technology directory that is
responsible for the planning, implementation,
monitoring and control of the institutional IT
politics. The organization has a computer network
with about forty servers, 3000 dock-stations
connected and about twenty systems in operation,
covering virtually all different areas and sectors of
the hospital complex. Some examples of those
systems are: materials and equipment management,
patient scheduling appointments, electronic patient
records, medication, medical imaging, laboratory
and record of diagnoses and procedures.
According to the best practices in information
security, an area of the hospital and a scope were
chosen in order to define the environment for the
field study. The scope chosen deals with the
operations and maintenance of the related server
room activities including networking, operation and
backup process which are provided by the IT
2.2 Structuring of the Project
ISO 27001 was the base document for deployment.
This standard is aligned with the PDCA used in
other management systems such as ISO 9001. As
described by JingFeng (2010), PDCA is the acronym
for Plan, Do, Check and Act, which is a classic
quality management model.
Following the PDCA method, the topics covered
in each phase are described in table 1.
2.3 Indicators
It was established the use of ISA system (Ribas,
2011) at the beginning of the planning phase and at
the end of the checking phase of the PDCA cycle.
ISA system uses the “Annex A” from ISO/IEC
27001:2006, which lists a set of control objectives
and controls. The control objectives and controls are
derived directly and are aligned with those listed in
ISO/IEC 27002:2005 - sections 5 to 15.
The organizational assessment was performed
through a consensus meeting with all members of
the Information Security Committee. At each
assessment, all the controls were individually
examined and scored using that system.
We applied Chi-square with Yates' correction or
Fisher's exact test to compare the results from the
two assessments. Differences were considered
significant at p < 0.05.
3.1 Time
The time needed for ISMS implementation depends
on the size and complexity of the organization or the
size of the business unit(s) that will be included in
the ISO 27001 scope, and varies from few months to
Our project was initiated in August 2009 and
ended in June 2010. The entire process of creating
the assessment method and also the planning of an
ISMS took about three months. At this period, the
organization's security committee has met once a
week and the meetings lasted on average one hour.
The evaluation of the organization using ISA system
was conducted in two days.
3.2 Costs
This is one of the most important issues. How much
does ISO 27001 implementation cost? Once again, it
depends on the size of the business unit(s) that will
be included in the ISO 27001 scope. This is only
possible to know after performing the risk
assessment. In addition, we need to take into account
the following costs: the cost of literature and
training; the cost of external assistance; the cost of
employees’ time; the cost of certification, if this is
the purpose of the implementation of an ISMS.
At the planning phase our project had a cost of
approximately US$ 3500.00. This value refers to the
training of four employees from the security
committee. However, higher costs were obtained in
the other phases of the proposed PDCA cycle,
primarily to implementing the risk treatment plan.
Due to a high number of structural restorations of
the physical space necessary to conclude the
implementation of the norms, the costs may reach
the range of hundreds of thousands of US dollars.
3.3 Critical Success Factors in General
As mentioned by (ISO/IEC 27002), experience has
shown that the following factors are often critical to
the successful implementation of information
security within an organization:
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics