Sébastien Piérard and Marc Van Droogenbroeck
INTELSIG Laboratory, Montefiore Institute, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium
Human, Silhouette, Orientation, Machine learning, Regression.
Estimating the orientation of the observed person is a crucial task for home entertainment, man-machine in-
teraction, intelligent vehicles, etc. This is possible but complex with a single camera because it only provides
one side view. To decrease the sensitivity to color and texture, we use the silhouette to infer the orientation.
Under these conditions, we show that the only intrinsic limitation is to confuse the orientation θ with the sup-
plementary angle (that is 180
θ), and that the shape descriptor must distinguish between mirrored images.
In this paper, the orientation estimation is expressed and solved in the terms of a regression problem and super-
vised learning. In our experiments, we have tested and compared 18 shape descriptors; the best one achieves
a mean error of 5.24
. However, because of the intrinsic limitation mentioned above, the range of orientations
is limited to 180
. Our method is easy to implement and outperforms existing techniques.
The real-time analysis and interpretation of video
scenes are crucial tasks for a large variety of appli-
cations including gaming, home entertainment, man-
machine interaction, video surveillance, etc. As most
scenes of interest contain people, analyzing their be-
havior is essential. Understanding the behavior is a
challenge because of the wide range of poses and ap-
pearances human can take. In this paper, we deal with
the problem of determining the orientation of persons
observed by a single camera.
To decrease the sensitivity to appearance, we pro-
pose to rely on shapes instead of colors or textures.
The existence of several reliable algorithms, like
techniques based on background subtraction, makes
it tractable to detect silhouettes even in real-time
(see (Barnich and Van Droogenbroeck, 2011) as an
example). Therefore, our approach infers the orien-
tation of a person from his silhouette (see Figure 1).
Moreover, we consider the side view (instead of a top
view), since it is not possible to place a camera above
the observed person in most applications.
The purpose of this paper is twofold:
1. Ideally, one would want to determine an orienta-
tion angle comprised in [0, 360°[ or equivalently
in [180°, 180°[, but it appears to be impossible
to cover a range of 360°. We discuss this issue and
show that the shape descriptor must distinguish
65. 2. 71. 15. 47. 5.
Figure 1: Samples of our learning database. We want to
derive the orientation of a person from his silhouette. This
problem is solved as a regression problem in terms of su-
pervised learning.
between mirrored images (that is a skew invariant
descriptor (Flusser, 2000; Hu, 1962)) to avoid a
confusion between θ and 180° + θ angles. More-
over, we demonstrate that the working conditions
mentioned above (i.e. a single side view silhou-
ette) imply an intrinsic limitation: θ and 180° θ
orientations are equally likely in a side view sil-
houette. Therefore, we have to limit the angle
range to [90°, 90°].
2. Secondly, we compare the results obtained with
18 different shape descriptors. Some of them out-
perform those previously reported in the litera-
ture. In addition, we have selected shape descrip-
tors that are easy to implement, so that our method
is faster than existing ones. However, because of
the intrinsic limitation, we deal only with a 180°
range of orientations. We explain how to solve the
Piérard S. and Van Droogenbroeck M. (2012).
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 51-60
DOI: 10.5220/0003729800510060
remaining underdetermination problem in order to
cover a range of 360°.
The outline of this paper is as follows. Section 2
describes some applications of the estimation of the
human orientation, and presents related work. Then,
Section 3 explains our framework, and highlights the
intrinsic limitation. In Section 4, we compare the re-
sults obtained with different sets of shape descriptors,
and apply our method in the context of a practical ap-
plication. Finally, Section 5 concludes this paper.
2.1 Applications of the Orientation
For home entertainment and man-machine interac-
tion, it is useful to determine the configuration of the
observed person. This configuration consists of pa-
rameters specific to the body shape (pose, morphol-
ogy) and parameters related to the scene (position,
orientation). The problem of determining the orienta-
tion is independent of the problem of pose estimation,
but the knowledge of the orientation facilitates the
determination of the pose parameters. For example,
a pose-recovery method estimating the orientation in
a first step has been proposed by Gond et al. (Gond
et al., 2008).
There are many more applications to the es-
timation of the orientation of the person in front
of the camera: estimating the visual focus of at-
tention for marketing strategies and effective ad-
vertisement methods (Ozturk et al., 2009), clothes-
shopping (Zhang et al., 2008), intelligent vehi-
cles (Enzweiler and Gavrila, 2010), perceptual inter-
faces, etc.
2.2 Related Work
The different existing methods that estimate the ori-
entation differ in several aspects: number of cameras
and viewpoints, nature of the input (image, or seg-
mentation mask), and nature of the output (discrete or
continuous, i.e. classification or regression).
Several authors estimate the direction based on a
top view (Ozturk et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2008). As
explained in Section 3.1, it is preferable to use a side
view. In this case, methods based on the image instead
of the segmentation mask have been proposed (En-
zweiler and Gavrila, 2010; Gandhi and Trivedi, 2008;
Nakajima et al., 2003; Shimizu and Poggio, 2004).
Some authors prefer to use the silhouette only
to decrease the sensitivity to appearance. Lee et
al. (Lee and Nevatia, 2007) apply a background sub-
traction method and fit an ellipse on the foreground
blob. This ellipse is tracked, and a coarse estimate
of the orientation is given on the basis of the direc-
tion of motion and the change of size. Therefore,
their method requires a continually moving person.
Agarwal et al. (Agarwal and Triggs, 2006) encode the
silhouette with histogram-of-shape-contexts descrip-
tors (Belongie et al., 2002), and evaluate three differ-
ent regression methods.
Multiple silhouettes can be used to improve the
orientation estimation. Peng et al. (Peng and Qian,
2008) use two orthogonal views. The silhouettes are
extracted from both views, and processed simultane-
ously. The decomposition of a tensor is used to learn
a 1D manifold. Then, a nonlinear least square tech-
nique provides an estimate of the orientation. Rybok
et al. (Rybok et al., 2010) also demonstrate that using
several silhouettes leads to better results. They use
shape contexts to describe each silhouette separately
and combine the single view results within a Bayesian
filter framework. Gond et al. (Gond et al., 2008) used
the 3D visual hull to recover the orientation. A voxel-
based Shape-From-Silhouettes (SFS) method is used
to recover the 3D visual hull.
As an alternative to the use of multiple cameras,
we considered in (Piérard et al., 2011) the use of
a range camera to estimate the orientation from 3D
data. In that work, we addressed the orientation esti-
mation in terms of regression and supervised learning.
We were able to reach mean errors as low as those re-
ported by state of the art methods (Gond et al., 2008;
Peng and Qian, 2008), but in a much simpler way:
complex methods such as camera calibration, shape
from silhouettes, tensor decomposition, or manifold
learning are not needed.
In this work, we focus on the possibility to esti-
mate the orientation based on a single color camera.
The only previous work (to our knowledge) that ad-
dress this problem is due to of Agarwal et al. (Agar-
wal and Triggs, 2006). But, unlike these authors (who
concentrate on regression methods), our work is fo-
cussed on shape descriptors. We show that it is pos-
sible to estimate the orientation from a single binary
silhouette by methods as simple as those implemented
in (Piérard et al., 2011). In addition, we study the the-
oretical conditions for the estimation of the orienta-
tion to be achievable, and demonstrate that there is an
intrinsic limitation preventing working on 360°. This
observation was missed by previous authors.
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 2: Defining the orientation of a person requires the
choice of a body part. In this paper, we use the orientation
of the pelvis. This figure depicts three examples of config-
urations corresponding to an orientation θ = 0°. Note that
the position of the feet, arms, and head are not taken into
account to define the orientation.
In this paper, we consider a single camera that pro-
vides a side view. Moreover, to decrease the sensi-
tivity to appearance, the only information used is that
contained in silhouettes. In the following, we elab-
orate on our framework, define the notion of orien-
tation for humans, and present an intrinsic limitation
of orientation estimation techniques based on a single
side view silhouette.
3.1 Motivations for a Side View
In most applications, it is preferable to observe the
scene from a side view. Indeed most ceilings are not
high enough to place a camera above the scene and to
observe a wide area. The use of fisheye lenses raises
a lot of difficulties as silhouettes then depend on the
precise location of a person inside the field of view.
In the context of home entertainment applications,
it would be possible to place a camera on the ceil-
ing. However, most of existing applications (such as
games) require to have a camera located on top or at
the bottom of the screen. Therefore, if a top view is
required, then it is mandatory to add a second camera,
which is intractable.
3.2 Our Definition of the Orientation
There is not a unique definition of the orientation of
a human. However, the orientation should not de-
pend on the pose. Therefore, a practical way to de-
fine the orientation of a person is to choose a rigid
part of the body. In this paper, we use the orientation
of the pelvis. The orientation θ = corresponds to
the person facing the camera, with the major axis of
the pelvis parallel to the image plane (see Figure 2).
Another definition has been, for example, chosen by
Gond et al. (Gond et al., 2008) who considered the
torso to be the most stable body part. Indeed, these
two definitions are almost equivalent and both corre-
spond to the human intuition.
According to our definition, evaluating the orien-
tation of the pelvis is sufficient to estimate the ori-
entation of the observed person. But, evaluating the
orientation of the pelvis is not a trivial task. As a mat-
ter of fact, one would first have to locate the pelvis in
the image, and then to estimate its orientation from a
small number of pixels. One of our main concerns is
thus to know which body parts can be used as clues.
Unfortunately, this is still an open question. There-
fore, we decided to implement and to test several sil-
houette descriptors, some of them being global, and
others focusing on the area around the centroid (see
Section 4.2). Indeed, we assume that the pelvis is lo-
cated in this area.
3.3 Regression Method
The machine learning method we have selected for
regression is the ExtRaTrees (Geurts et al., 2006). It
is a fast method, which does not require to optimize
parameters (we do not have to setup a kernel, nor to
define a distance), and that intrinsically avoids over-
3.4 Intrinsic limitation of Estimating
the Orientation from a Single
In this paper, we assume that the rotation axis of the
observed person is parallel to the image plane (i.e. we
see a side view) and the projection is nearly ortho-
graphic. In other words, the perspective effects should
be negligible which is an acceptable hypothesis when
the person stands far enough from the camera.
This section explains that under these assumptions
there is an intrinsic limitation of estimating the orien-
tation from a single silhouette. However, it is not our
purpose to prove it rigorously. Instead, we prefer to
give an intuitive graphical explanation, and to validate
it with experimental results.
3.4.1 Graphical Explanation
Let us consider two mirror poses p
and p
as the ones
depicted in Figure 3. They have the same probability
density to be observed. If no prior information on the
orientation is available, θ follows a uniform probabil-
ity density function. Thus, the four cases depicted in
Figure 4 have the same probability density to be ob-
served. Hence, there is a 50% or 75% probability to
be wrong depending on whether or not the silhouette
pose p
pose p
Figure 3: The poses p
and p
are mirror poses. They have
the same probability density to be observed.
, θ) (p
, 180° θ) (p
, 180° + θ) (p
, θ)
Figure 4: Four configurations leading to similar silhouettes.
These configurations have the same probability density to
be observed. Note that two poses are considered here but
that silhouettes are unaware of the notion of pose.
descriptor is skew invariant (that is whether it can dis-
tinguish between mirrored images (Hu, 1962) or not).
As shown in Figure 4, the configurations (p
, θ)
and (p
, θ) give rise to the same silhouettes under
reflection. Moreover, if the person turns with an an-
gle of 180°, the observed silhouette is approximately
the same, under reflection (the small differences are
due to perspective effects). Note that p
and p
not be chosen to be a particular case: they are nei-
ther symmetrical nor planar. Therefore, the previous
observations are valid for all poses.
Peng et al. (Peng and Qian, 2008) claimed that a
180° ambiguity is inherent. There are indeed some
configurations (pose and orientation) for which it is
impossible to discriminate between the θ and θ +180°
orientations, but these configurations are statistically
rare. As shown in Figure 4, it is sufficient to use a
silhouette descriptor sensitive to reflections to be able
to discern the angles θ and θ + 180° in most of the
cases. However, even if we use a skew invariant sil-
houette descriptor, there still remains an ambiguity:
the configurations (p
, θ) and (p
, 180° θ) give rise
to the same silhouette. Thus, the intrinsic limitation
of estimating the orientation from a single side view
silhouette is not to make a mistake of 180°, but to con-
fuse the orientation θ with the supplementary angle
180° θ (see Figure 5). It is therefore impossible to
Figure 5: The intrinsic limitation is to confuse the orienta-
tions θ and 180° θ.
estimate the orientation or the direction from a single
camera, and so we should limit ourselves to orienta-
tions θ [90°, 90°].
In practice, there are always perspective effects.
In (Piérard et al., 2011), we have proven that when
the camera is very close to the observed person, the
perspective effects cannot be considered as negligible
anymore. In this case, these perspective effects tend
to overcome the intrinsic limitation, but not enough
to reach acceptable results. Moreover, the perspec-
tive effects only impact on small details, which can
be ruined by noise. This confirms that the intrinsic
limitation is also valid for pinhole cameras.
3.4.2 Observations for a 360° Estimation
To understand the implications of the intrinsic limita-
tion, it is interesting to observe what happens when
we try, trivially, to estimate the orientation in a 360°
range. In our preliminary tests, we tried to estimate
the orientation θ [180°, 180°[. As in Agarwal
et al. (Agarwal and Triggs, 2006), we did two re-
gressions to maintain continuity –one regression to
estimate sin (θ) and the other regression to estimate
cos(θ)–, and to recover θ from these values in a sim-
ple post-processing step. We found that a lot of sil-
houette descriptors lead to acceptable estimators of
sin(θ), but that it is impossible to estimate cos (θ).
This is illustrated in Figure 6. The reason is the
following. The regression method tries to compro-
mise between all possible solutions. Because the con-
figurations (p
, θ) and (p
, 180° θ) lead to simi-
lar silhouettes,
sin is a compromise between sin(θ)
and sin(180° θ), and
cos is a compromise between
cos(θ) and cos(180° θ). As sin(180° θ) = sin(θ),
the sine can be estimated without any problem. How-
ever, cos(θ) and cos(180° θ) have opposite values,
and therefore the estimated cosine may take any value
between cos(θ) and cos(θ).
It can be noted that, if two orthogonal views are
available, one can process each silhouette separately
and estimate sin (θ) with one camera, and cos (θ) with
the other one. It is therefore not surprising that Peng
et al. (Peng and Qian, 2008) achieve full orientation
estimation based on two orthogonal cameras. Note
however that Peng et al. use a much more complex
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
ground truth
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
ground truth
Figure 6: The typical behavior that can be observed when
trying to estimate the sine and cosine of the orientation
with a supervised learning method (eg ExtRaTrees) when
the learning set contains silhouettes corresponding to orien-
tations in the range [180°, 180°[. These graphs illustrate
the relationship between the real value and the estimated
value of the sine and cosine. As we can see, estimating the
sine is not a problem, while the estimate of the cosine is
unusable. This is due to the inherent limitation of estimat-
ing orientation from a single silhouette. The fact that we
observe a butterfly-like cloud shape instead of the two lines
cos = ± cos is due to the compromise done by ExtRaTrees.
The set of attributes used for regression is R (16, 400) (see
Section 4.2.5).
approach taking into account simultaneously the two
4.1 Data
We found it impractical to use real data for learning
the orientation estimator. Hand-labeling silhouettes
with the orientation ground-truth is an error prone
procedure. An alternative is to use motion capture
to get the ground-truth. However, it is easy to for-
get a whole set of interesting poses, leading to in-
sufficiently diversified databases. Moreover, using a
motion capture system (and thus sequences) has the
drawback to statistically link the orientation with the
In order to produce synthetic data, we used the
avatar provided with the open source software Make-
Human (The MakeHuman team, 2007) (version 0.9).
The virtual camera looks towards the avatar, and is
placed approximately one meter above the ground.
For each shooting, a realistic pose is chosen (Piérard
and Van Droogenbroeck, 2009), and the orientation
is drawn randomly within [90°, 90°]. We created
two different sets of 20, 000 human silhouettes: one
set with a high pose variability and the other one
with silhouettes closer to the ones of a walker. They
correspond to the sets B and C of (Piérard and Van
Droogenbroeck, 2009) and are shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Examples of human synthetic silhouettes (our
data sets), with a weakly constrained set of poses (upper
row) and a strongly constrained set of poses (lower row).
Each of these sets has been equally and randomly di-
vided into two parts: a learning set and a test set.
4.2 Silhouette Description
In order to use machine learning algorithms, silhou-
ettes have to be summarized in a fixed amount of in-
formation called attributes.
The attributes suited for our needs have to sat-
isfy invariance to small rotations, to uniform scal-
ing, and to translations. This gives us the guaran-
tee that the results will be the same even if the cam-
era used is slightly tilted, or if the precise location
of the observed person is unknown. The most com-
mon way to achieve this is to apply a normalization
in a pre-processing step: input silhouettes are trans-
lated, rescaled, and rotated before computing their at-
tributes. To achieve this, we use the centroid for trans-
lation, a size measure (the square root of the silhouette
area) for scaling, and the direction of the first prin-
cipal component (PCA) for rotation. As we expect
people to appear almost vertically in images, we can
safely choose the orientation of the silhouette from
the direction of the first principal component.
Once the pre-processing step described hereinbe-
fore has been applied, we compute the attributes on
the normalized silhouette. One could imagine taking
the raw pixels themselves as attributes, but this strat-
egy is not optimal. The first reason is that it gives
rise to a huge amount of attributes, which is diffi-
cult to manage with most machine learning methods.
And the second reason is that (as it is highlighted
by our results) machine learning methods have –in
general– difficulties to exploit information given un-
der that form. Therefore, we need to describe the sil-
A wide variety of shape descriptors has been pro-
posed for several decades (Loncaric, 1998; Zhang and
Lu, 2004), but most of them have been designed to
be insensitive to similarity transformations (i.e. uni-
formly scaling, rotation, translation, and reflection).
As a consequence, they are not skew invariant, but
we have explained in Section 3.4 that it is important
to use a skew invariant shape descriptor! Therefore,
raw ×1 raw ×2 raw ×3 raw ×4
Figure 8: Four variants of the raw descriptors.
there are a lot of available descriptors not suited to
meet our needs, or that would require modifications.
We have compared the results obtained by sev-
eral skew invariant shape descriptors that are fast to
compute and easy to implement. Our goal is to deter-
mine which shape descriptors contain the information
related to the orientation of the observed person and
that are suitable for machine learning methods. In all
cases, the pre-processing step described hereinbefore
was applied. Several families of skew invariant de-
scriptors are detailed hereafter.
4.2.1 Raw Descriptors
Our raw descriptors are quite simple. The idea is to
let the learning algorithm decide by itself which shape
characteristics are most appropriate. Therefore, the
attributes are the raw pixel values of a 80 × 80 pixels
image centered on the gravity center of the silhou-
ette. This leads to 6400 binary attributes. Depend-
ing on the size of the region which is captured around
the center, several variants are considered (see Fig-
ure 8). This allows us to focus on the region around
the pelvis.
4.2.2 Descriptor based on the Principle of a
We have tried to merge the pixels of our small square
images into larger rectangular regions. To achieve
this, the image is sliced horizontally and vertically;
each slice width increases with the distance to the cen-
troid to focus on the region around the pelvis. We
count the number of pixels of the silhouette that fit
into each rectangular box. There are 20 horizontal
slices and 20 vertical slices leading to 400 attributes.
Figure 9 shows the borders of the slices.
4.2.3 Moments
We have also implemented several statistical mo-
ments. First, we tried the 7 moments introduced by
Hu (Hu, 1962), which have been selected to be rota-
tion invariant. Flusser (Flusser, 2000) demonstrated
that Hu’s system of moment invariants is dependent
and incomplete, and proposed a better set of 11 rota-
tion invariant moments. Therefore we also tried this
set. Finally, we tried the 12 central moments (which
Figure 9: Borders of the rectangular boxes considered in
our “histogram”-like descriptor.
are not rotation invariant) of order two, three, and
Note that only a few moments are skew invariant
(Flusser, 2000; Hu, 1962). Unfortunately, we have
no way to encourage the learning algorithm to use
mostly the skew invariant descriptors. Future work
will consider a weighting mechanism to adapt the sig-
nificance of pixels according to their position relative
to the centroid.
4.2.4 Fourier Descriptors
We have selected two popular types of Fourier de-
scriptors: those computed from a signal related to cur-
vature (Zahn and Roskies, 1972), and those derived
from the direct use of complex coordinates. Usu-
ally, the spectrum is not used as such to define at-
tributes. Attributes invariant to rotation, translation,
scaling, and to the choice of the initial contour point
are extracted from the complex values of the spec-
trum. However, this methodology leads to descrip-
tors which are not skew invariant. Therefore, we keep
all the spectrum information to define attributes. Af-
ter all, a normalization has already been performed in
our pre-processing step, and all we have to do is to
systematically start describing the contour at, for ex-
ample, the top most boundary point. The attributes
are the real and imaginary parts of the 41 lowest fre-
4.2.5 Descriptors based on the Radon Transform
We have used a subset of the values calculated by a
radon transform as attributes. Radon transform con-
sists in integrating the silhouettes over straight lines.
R(x, y) denotes such a subset, where x is the number
of line directions, and y is the number of line positions
for a given direction.
4.2.6 Descriptors based on the Shape Context
Shape contexts have been introduced by Belongie et
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
al. (Belongie et al., 2002) as a mean of describing a
pixel by the location of the surrounding contours. A
shape context is a log-polar histogram. In our imple-
mentation, we have a sole shape context centered at
the gravity center which is only populated by the ex-
ternal contour. We denote SC (x, y) a shape context
with x radial bins and y sectors. Belongie et al. (Be-
longie et al., 2002) use SC (5, 12), but other configu-
rations have been chosen by other authors. Therefore,
we have tested several configurations.
4.3 First Experiment: Choosing a
Shape Descriptor
In this section, we report the results obtained with the
descriptors that have been previously mentioned. We
are not interested in combining different descriptors,
because (i) the resulting method would be unnecessar-
ily time-consuming, (ii) it would be difficult to inter-
pret the results, and (iii) the number of combinations
would be too large to consider them all in our experi-
Because of the intrinsic limitation, our learning
set and test set have been populated only with sil-
houettes corresponding to orientations in the range
[90°, 90°]. The results obtained with real data de-
pend on the conditions under which data is acquired,
and the background subtraction algorithm chosen. We
prefer to draw conclusions that are not biased by the
conditions in which the data acquisition is performed.
Therefore, we ran our first experiment on synthetic
It has been showed in (Piérard et al., 2011) that the
perspective effects may be useful to overcome the in-
trinsic limitation. Therefore, we hoped to obtain bet-
ter results with a pinhole camera than with the ortho-
graphic camera considered in the theoretical consid-
erations of Section 3.4. We have thus led our exper-
iments with a pinhole camera located at several dis-
tances from the avatar. The vertical opening angle of
the camera has been adjusted accordingly to keep a
silhouette of the same size. The selected distances are
3 m (with a vertical field of view of 50°), 20 m (with
a vertical field of view of 8°), and (with a vertical
field of view of 0°, i.e. an orthographic camera).
The mean error results are provided in Table 1
for both the sets of weakly and strongly constrained
poses. The mean error is defined as E[
], where
E[·] denotes the mathematical expectation (the same
error measure has been used in (Agarwal and Triggs,
2006) and (Piérard et al., 2011)). Four conclusions
can be drawn from these results:
1. Taking the raw pixels themselves as attributes is
not an optimal strategy. Using a carefully chosen
shape descriptor may improve the results. Among
the 18 skew invariant shape descriptors that we
have considered, three families of descriptors per-
form very well: the Radon transform, our descrip-
tor based on the principle of a histogram, and a
shape context located at the gravity center.
2. The diversity of the poses in the learning set has
a negative impact on the result. This observation
corroborates those of (Piérard et al., 2011).
3. The distance between the camera and the avatar
has only a slight impact on the results (the gen-
eral trend is that perspective effects slightly alter
the results). So, for the estimation of the orien-
tation from a single binary silhouette in the range
[90°,90°], the camera can be placed at any dis-
tance from the person. But, of course, the learning
set has to be taken accordingly.
4. With synthetic silhouettes, it is possible to obtain
very accurate estimations of the orientation. We
do not think that it is possible to do much better,
because our results are already much more accu-
rate than the estimates a human expert could pro-
vide. Indeed, according to (Zhang et al., 2008),
the uncertainty on the orientation estimation given
by a human expert is approximately about 15°.
Our results are difficult to compare with those
reported for techniques based on a classification
method, such as the one proposed by (Rybok et al.,
2010), instead of a regression mechanism. Therefore,
we limit our comparison to results expressed in terms
of an error angle. However, one should keep in mind
that a perfect comparison is impossible because the
set of poses used has never been reported by previ-
ous authors. The following results are reported in the
literature. It should be noted that, like for our exper-
iments, these results were obtained for learning sets
and test sets populated with synthetic silhouettes.
Gond et al. (Gond et al., 2008) obtained a mean
error of 7.57° using several points of view.
Peng et al. (Peng and Qian, 2008) reported 9.56°
when two orthogonal views are used.
Agarwal et al. (Agarwal and Triggs, 2006) ob-
tained a mean error of 17° from monocular images
(binary silhouettes). But the problem is that they
estimate the orientation on 360° based on a sole
silhouette, and we have explained in Section 3.4
that this is impossible. Because their data (poses
and orientation) are taken from real human motion
capture sequences, three hypotheses could explain
their results: (1) that the orientation is not uni-
formly distributed over 360°, (2) that the orienta-
tion is statistically linked to the pose, and (3) that
Table 1: The mean error obtained with 18 shape descriptors to estimate the orientation.
weakly constrained poses strongly constrained poses
pinhole pinhole ortho- pinhole pinhole ortho-
at 3 m at 20 m graphic at 3 m at 20 m graphic
silhouette descriptor
R(16, 400) 8.45° 7.37° 7.18° 5.24° 4.87° 4.88°
R(8, 400) 8.56° 7.60° 7.39° 5.28° 4.99° 4.92°
“histogram”-like descriptor 8.57° 7.44° 7.31° 5.74° 5.45° 5.42°
R(4, 400) 10.51° 9.36° 9.17° 5.66° 5.32° 5.28°
SC (8, 12) 10.96° 9.55° 9.22° 6.72° 6.22° 6.22°
SC (5, 12) 12.55° 10.62° 10.23° 7.49° 7.01° 6.99°
SC (8, 8) 13.60° 11.52° 10.96° 7.41° 7.12° 7.05°
raw ×2 14.23° 12.92° 12.49° 8.84° 8.54° 8.29°
raw ×4 14.40° 12.40° 12.41° 10.02° 9.45° 9.02°
raw ×3 14.47° 12.35° 12.33° 9.51° 9.11° 8.60°
raw ×1 15.02° 12.90° 12.95° 9.14° 8.95° 8.94°
SC (5, 8) 16.37° 13.54° 13.30° 7.83° 7.45° 7.52°
curvature Fourier descriptors 22.55° 23.02° 23.14° 13.10° 12.72° 12.94°
complex Fourier descriptors 24.92° 25.50° 24.44° 12.31° 12.44° 12.39°
R(2, 400) 29.04° 27.37° 26.84° 13.74° 13.02° 12.83°
central moments 35.13° 31.91° 30.69° 20.16° 18.93° 18.40°
Flusser moments 44.88° 44.96° 45.01° 43.73° 44.34° 44.40°
Hu moments 45.50° 45.34° 45.19° 45.02° 44.73° 45.04°
their method takes small details due to perspective
effects into account (see (Piérard et al., 2011)).
The results reported by Gond et al. and Peng et
al. are of the same order of magnitude as ours, but
our method is much simpler. However, because we
use only one point of view, we are limited to a 180°
range whereas the results reported by them relate to a
360° range estimation. But we think that our method
could also be used to estimate a full range orienta-
tion in an effective way. Indeed, the orientation esti-
mations obtained independently from two orthogonal
views could be fused during a simple post-processing
step. Whether the use of two views allows one to de-
crease the mean error or just to resolve the inherent
ambiguity is currently an open question. As already
explained in (Piérard et al., 2011), another possible
solution to the underdetermination is to use a range
4.4 Second Experiment: Observations
for a Practical Application
In order to evaluate our method for real world appli-
cations (which motivates our work), real images have
to be considered instead of the synthetic data used in
our first experiment. In this second experiment, the
model used to estimate the orientation of the observed
person is still learned from synthetic data, but the test
set contains real silhouettes.
4.4.1 The Application
We applied our method to a real application driven by
a color camera. The estimated orientation has been
applied in real time to an avatar, and projected on a
screen in front of the user. This allowed a qualita-
tive assessment (see Figure 10). The acquisition of
ground-truth data for a quantitative evaluation would
require to use motion capture, which is out of the
scope of this paper.
A state of the art background subtraction method
named “ViBe” (Barnich and Van Droogenbroeck,
2011) has been used to extract the silhouettes of the
person in front of the camera. Such a method provides
clean silhouettes, with precise contours. Also, the
selected background subtraction method intrinsically
ensures a spatial coherence. A morphological open-
ing was applied to remove isolated pixels in the fore-
ground mask. No shadow detection method has been
implemented, but this should be done in a real ap-
plication in order to suppress shadows from the fore-
ground if needed.
4.4.2 The Learning Set
The fundamental questions that arise are related to
the contents of the learning set. What poses should
be included in the learning set: strongly constrained
poses, weakly constrained poses, or a mixture of
both? Which morphology (or morphologies) must be
given to the avatar to build the learning set? Is it nec-
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 10: A screen capture of the application used to assess quantitatively our method on real data. From left to right: the
input image, the result of the background subtraction, and the estimated orientation applied to an avatar. The full video is
available at
essary to use an avatar with hair and clothes, or can
we do something useful with the avatar of MakeHu-
man? Of course, the content of the learning set should
reflect the situations that may be encountered in the
target application.
In this experiment, we built the learning database
as follows. We excluded loose-fitting clothing, thus a
nude avatar such as MakeHuman can be used. More-
over, we populated the learning sets with 90% of
strongly constrained poses and 10% of weakly con-
strained poses. And, finally, we used 8 different mor-
phologies of avatars to be able to handle the morphol-
ogy of the person.
4.5 The Results
The results of our method applied to a real se-
quence are available at
orientation/. According to our first experiment, the
following three shape descriptors have been evalu-
ated: R (16, 400), our “histogram”-like descriptor, and
SC (8, 12).
The differences between synthetic data and real
data are important: (i) the avatar we used to build our
learning sets does not have any clothes and is hairless,
(ii) the synthetic silhouettes are free of noise. How-
ever, it appears that it is possible to learn models able
to estimate the orientation of the performer.
The model learned with the descriptor based on
the Radon transform is efficient, and outperforms the
models learned with the other descriptors (for exam-
ple the one based on the shape context). This is not
surprising since our first experiment selected the de-
scriptor based on the Radon transform as the most
suitable descriptor to use with machine learning meth-
ods such as the ExtRaTrees. Also, we expect surface-
based descriptors (such as the Radon transform) to be
more robust to noise than boundary-based descriptors
(such as the shape context) because, for binary silhou-
ettes, the noise alters contours significantly.
Unlike what we have done in (Piérard et al., 2011),
we found that (in this case) it is not necessary to apply
a temporal filtering to the orientation signal to avoid
the oscillations of the avatar. This is probably because
the real silhouettes were noisy in (Piérard et al., 2011)
and that they are relatively clean in this work (the dif-
ference is due to the different kind of the sensors used
to acquire the silhouettes).
Estimating the orientation of the observed person is
a crucial task for a large variety of applications in-
cluding home entertainment, man-machine interac-
tion, and intelligent vehicles. In most applications,
only a sole side view of the scene is available. To
decrease the sensitivity to appearance (color, texture,
. . . ), we consider the silhouette only to determine the
orientation of a person. Under these conditions, we
studied the limitations of the system, and found that
the only intrinsic limitation is to confuse the orienta-
tion θ with 180° θ; poses are different but silhou-
ettes are unaware of poses. Therefore, the orientation
is limited to the [90°, 90°] range. Furthermore, we
have demonstrated that the shape descriptor must dis-
tinguish between mirrored images.
We addressed the orientation estimation in terms
of regression and supervised learning with the Ex-
tRaTrees method. To obtain attributes, we have im-
plemented and tested 18 shape descriptors. We were
able to reach low mean error, as low as 8.45° or 5.24°
depending on the set of poses considered. Our re-
sults are of the same order of magnitude as those pre-
viously reported in the literature, but our method is
faster and easier to implement.
If a full range orientation estimation is required,
two solutions could be considered. A depth camera
can be used. As an alternative, two orientation esti-
mations (eg the sine and the cosine) could be obtained
independently from two orthogonal views, and fused
during a simple post-processing step.
S. Piérard has a grant funded by the FRIA. We are
grateful to Jean-Frédéric Hansen and Damien Leroy
for sharing their ideas.
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ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods