Extending of Data Layer using Java Annotations
Petr Ježek and Roman Mouček
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia
Univerzitní 8, 306 14 Pilsen, Czech Republic
Keywords: Semantic web, EEG, ERP, Experiment, OWL, RDF, Object-oriented code, Mapping, Semantics,
Transformation, EEG/ERP portal.
Abstract: Because the Semantic Web uses its technologies for presenting data/metadata on the web and common
systems are based on object-oriented languages a need for suitable mapping is emerging. This paper
describes the difficulties during transformation of data layer represented by object-oriented code into the
semantic web structures (OWL, RDF). Since there is difference between semantic expressivity of these data
representations it is necessary to fill this semantic gap. Authors investigate these differences in semantics
and provide a preliminary idea to add missing semantics into the Java code using Java annotations. These
annotations are consequently processed by the proposed framework. The transformation is demonstrated
within the EEG/ERP Portal.
Our research group at Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, University of West
Bohemia specializes in the research of brain activity
using the methods of electroencephalography (EEG)
and event related potentials (ERP). Because large
data are obtained during EEG/ERP experiments we
were facing a problem with their long term storage
and management. We solve this problem by
developing a custom solution (named EEG/ERP
Portal) based on a relational database, application
logic and a web interface. The EEG/ERP Portal
enables registered users to store and manage
experiments (including raw data, metadata or
experimental scenarios).
Since we currently work on the registration of
the EEG/ERP Portal as a recognizable neuroscience
data source within the NIF portal (NIF, n. d.) we
need to describe EEG/ERP experiments using
a suitable ontology.
Since the current World Wide Web lacks
a description of data semantics (expressed by
ontologies) an extension called the Semantic web
(Berners-Lee, 2001) is being developed. The
Semantic web uses a triple oriented representation
described by Resource Description Framework
(RDF). Since expressivity of RDF schema is
insufficient, an extension called Ontology Web
Language (OWL) was introduced. Both RDF and
OWL can use XML syntax; richer semantic
relationships can be expressed by OWL.
Despite advantages that the Semantic web
brings, current software systems are usually
developed using object oriented languages. Data are
usually stored in a relational database. Since there
are differences in semantic richness between these
approaches it is necessary to ensure a suitable
This paper introduces EEG/ERP domain
ontology with online data/metadata serialization.
Some semantic gaps between object-oriented code
and its semantic web representation are bridged by
extension of object-oriented code using Java
annotations. The mapping of these annotations to the
Semantic web output is provided by the
transformation framework described in this paper.
The EEG/ERP Portal is a solution using a layered
architecture according to the MVC design pattern.
Data are stored into the relational database (Oracle
11g). The persistent layer is created by POJO
Ježek P. and Mou
cek R..
SEMANTIC WEB IN EEG/ERP PORTAL - Extending of Data Layer using Java Annotations.
DOI: 10.5220/0003731303500353
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2012), pages 350-353
ISBN: 978-989-8425-88-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
objects. Object-relational mapping is ensured by the
Hibernate framework.
The application layer ensures processing of user
requests, managing user accounts and user groups
according to user privileges. The layer is
implemented using the Spring framework (includes
Spring Core, Spring Security and Spring MVC).
This layer also contains a module for the dynamic
generation of the Semantic web structure from data
stored in the database mapped to POJOs according
to a search agent request.
The presentation layer is created by a set of JSP
pages translated into a HTML output shown in
a user web browser.
The EEG/ERP Portal preview is in Figure 1, the
full system specification is in (Ježek and Mouček,
Figure 1: EEG/ERP Portal
3.1 OWL and OOP Differences
There are fundamental differences in richness of
semantics between OWL and OOP. OWL is based
on description logic and an open world assumption
while OOP deals with closed world assumptions. It
means that if some information is not present in an
object oriented code it is considered to be false. By
contrast if some information is not present in an
OWL document, it may be true.
3.2 Framework Selection
We tested several frameworks that provide
a mechanism for transforming an object oriented
code (classes and their attributes) to an RDF or
OWL output. From the tested tools we selected
JenaBean (JenaBean, n. d.) and OWL API (OwlApi,
n. d.). This selection and integration was described
in (Ježek and Mouček, 2010) and (Mouček and
Ježek, 2010). Using selected tools we are able to
sufficiently transform data from our EEG/ERP
portal to the Semantic web output (one side
transformation is used). Since the object oriented
model has poorer semantics, capabilities of OWL
are not used. The next sections of the paper describe
a semantic extension of object-oriented code.
3.3 Existing Approaches
There are many frameworks that try to enrich an
object oriented code by adding missing semantics.
(Oren et al., 2007) developed a library ActiveRDF
for accessing RDF data from Ruby programs.
(Po-Huan et al., 2009) present the Semantic
Object Framework (SOF) as a solution that uses
embedded comments in source codes to describe
semantic relationships between classes and
(Liu et al., 2007) developed a solution named
eClass. EClass is a Java class with changed syntax
containing additional semantic information about
methods and properties.
The tested frameworks have several important
disadvantages. The most of them are difficult to use
either because they do not include suitable means for
adding missing semantics, or they require
a modification of common programming syntax.
The specification of requirements originated from
the needs of the Semantic web output provided by
our EEG/ERP Portal. We expect that our solution
could serve a wide community of researchers that
use object oriented systems and need to generate
ontologies. To support this idea we decided to use
only the standard syntactic structures of the Java
programming language for data input, which is
extended by missing semantics, and the standard
Java Runtime Environment for the transformation
We introduced an idea to extend the JenaBean
framework in (Ježek and Mouček, 2011). As the
next step we proposed a framework using Java
Annotations that extend the semantics of Java
classes and fields. This approach ensures that our
framework could be used not only by the experts in
the Semantic web field but also by the software
engineers who are able to prepare data objects
suitable for the transformation to the Semantic web
output. In addition, when a user has difficulties with
SEMANTIC WEB IN EEG/ERP PORTAL - Extending of Data Layer using Java Annotations
Figure 2: Library integration within EEG/ERP Portal.
a manual annotation of classes we provide
a graphical tool which can be used for loading Java
classes and annotating them easily.
4.1 Framework Integration
Figure 2 shows the main components of the library
and its integration within the EEG/ERP Portal. The
transformation library includes modified JenaBean
and the OWL API. This component serves as
a black-box; we provide it as a single library, so it
could be used in various systems.
4.2 Transformation Library
The transformation library processes input POJO
objects and serializes them into an output OWL
structure. This processing includes parsing of Java
classes (with their methods and attributes) using the
Java Reflection API, creating an internal ontology
model and writing an output RDF model. This RDF
model is later processed by the OWL API, which
generates the corresponding OWL output. In
addition, the transformation into the internal
ontology model includes processing of Java
annotations and enrichment of the internal model.
5.1 OWL Constructs
We enriched the JenaBean framework by designing
and implementing a new set of transformations from
Java annotations into OWL constructs, e. g. Property
restriction (allValuesFrom, someValuesFrom,
cardinality), Versioning (versionInfo, priorVersion,
incompatibleWith...), and Annotation properties
(label, comment, seeAlso ...). A more detailed
specification of these constructs is in (OWL, n.d.).
In the next section we describe an example of
mapping of the selected OWL constructs.
5.2 Mapping Example
Let us suppose a Java class named Person. We can
e.g. annotate this class using @RdfType that
determinates the name of the class in the output
OWL structure. In addition we can define e.g.
Equivalent construct (@EquivalentClass
annotation). Later we can e. g. determinate the
corresponding class using @SameAs annotation.
Specifically, suppose the following Java class:
public class Person {
private int personId;
private String givenname;
//get and set methods
This code is serialized into the output OWL
structure where we can see the following constructs:
Declaration of the class name:
Definition of equivalent classes:
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Definition of the same individuals:
Currently the domain description using a specific
ontology is discussed in many scientific fields.
These ontologies can serve as structures for
recognizable data sources. The Semantic web, which
is based on domain ontologies, is suitable for
machine processing. OWL is used for expressing the
Semantic web. Although the idea of the Semantic
web is promising several disadvantages have to be
solved. Mostly OWL is not considered to be
a software programming language in contrast with
the object oriented programming that is not intended
for construction of ontologies.
Since common software systems are usually
based on object oriented languages, scientific
community is facing the problem how to ensure
a suitable mapping.
We had to deal with the same issue when
ontology in EEG/ERP domain was built. Only one
side transformation (from an object oriented code to
an ontology web language) was solved (it is easier
than any reverse transformation). However, there are
several semantic gaps that are needed to be solved.
We investigated several existing solutions described
in this paper.
We presented a custom solution based on Java
annotations that adds missing semantics into an
object oriented code and developed a framework that
processes such a code and provides an OWL
serialization. The integrated JenaBean framework
was enriched by a new set of transformations into
OWL constructs. Our solution uses a common
programming language and common technologies;
hence it can be immediately deployed.
Our future work includes a full registration of the
EEG/ERP portal as a recognizable data source
within the NIF portal. Simultaneously we plan to
provide and implement a full description of all OWL
constructs using Java annotations.
The work was supported by the UWB grant SGS-
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SEMANTIC WEB IN EEG/ERP PORTAL - Extending of Data Layer using Java Annotations