Definition of the same individuals:
Currently the domain description using a specific
ontology is discussed in many scientific fields.
These ontologies can serve as structures for
recognizable data sources. The Semantic web, which
is based on domain ontologies, is suitable for
machine processing. OWL is used for expressing the
Semantic web. Although the idea of the Semantic
web is promising several disadvantages have to be
solved. Mostly OWL is not considered to be
a software programming language in contrast with
the object oriented programming that is not intended
for construction of ontologies.
Since common software systems are usually
based on object oriented languages, scientific
community is facing the problem how to ensure
a suitable mapping.
We had to deal with the same issue when
ontology in EEG/ERP domain was built. Only one
side transformation (from an object oriented code to
an ontology web language) was solved (it is easier
than any reverse transformation). However, there are
several semantic gaps that are needed to be solved.
We investigated several existing solutions described
in this paper.
We presented a custom solution based on Java
annotations that adds missing semantics into an
object oriented code and developed a framework that
processes such a code and provides an OWL
serialization. The integrated JenaBean framework
was enriched by a new set of transformations into
OWL constructs. Our solution uses a common
programming language and common technologies;
hence it can be immediately deployed.
Our future work includes a full registration of the
EEG/ERP portal as a recognizable data source
within the NIF portal. Simultaneously we plan to
provide and implement a full description of all OWL
constructs using Java annotations.
The work was supported by the UWB grant SGS-
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SEMANTIC WEB IN EEG/ERP PORTAL - Extending of Data Layer using Java Annotations