Table 3: Results of the 5-minute interval analysis.
APN 48234±25319 72448±34804 0.69±0.29 558386±342620 303962±71490
BDL 34327±22208 53066±26431 0.65±0.41 409091±319387 256597±97733
NOR 25319±14824 38920±15508 0.63±0.19 352645±177317 239728±82953
We compared HRV indexes in segments with
and without apneic episodes using a 5-minutes
interval analysis. Results show an increase in all
indexes in apneic segments. Borderline segments,
corresponding to intervals with few apneic events,
give intermediate HRV indexes (bigger than normal
intervals and lower than apneic ones). We have
not found a similar analysis in the literature, but,
if we identify borderline intervals as “mild” apnea
intervals, our results could be compared with the
ones from (Gula et al., 2003; Park et al., 2008) that
show increments in HRV indexes in “severe” apneic
patients, compared to “mild” ones.
In this paper we present a preliminary study of apneic
patients by means of HRV using polysomnograms
acquired during siesta time. Results indicate
variations in some spectral indexes when apneic
events are present, as observed in other overnight
studies. This is an interesting result because it could
allow to significantly increase the number of patients
under observation in a sleep unit.
Although results related to the ECG siesta
recordings are promising, we must be cautious since
a more exhaustive analysis should be performed.
However, results presented in this paper suggest the
possibility of identifying apneic events in daytime
sleep, thus allowing the clinicians to use automated
systems to detect apnea in short naps.
This work has been supported by Xunta de Galicia
(PGIDIT06SIN30501PR) and the Spanish MEC and
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