We have developed a new algorithm
CORECLUST based on generalized hidden
Markov models, which is able to successfully
predict regulatory modules in eukaryotic genomes
for a set of PWMs starting from a set of co-
regulated and/or orthologous genes. CORECLUST
utilizes the cross-species conservation without
relying on multiple alignment, which can be useful
for analysis of poorly alignable intergenic regions.
The main disadvantage of the algorithm is the
limitation of number of used PWMs, as it causes
the increase of the HMM parameters, which can
result in model overfitting. The future work aims
to overcome this limitation by reducing the number
of training parameters to only significant ones.
Nevertheless, CORECLUST demonstrates better
performance than other methods. The main
biological advantage of the method is that it
reveals regulatory regions structure, which could
help in better understanding of the transcriptional
regulation process.
We are grateful to Mikhail Gelfand and Dmitri
Pervouchine for useful discussions and
encouragement, and to Dmitry Vinogradov for
technical assistance.
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BIOINFORMATICS 2012 - International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms