A. Loisel, G. Dubuisson Duplessis, N. Chaignaud, J-Ph. Kotowicz and A. Pauchet
LITIS - EA 4108, INSA Rouen, Avenue de l’Universit´e - BP 8, 76801, Saint-
Etienne-du-Rouvray Cedex, France
Conversational agent, Dialogue System, Mixed-initiative Interaction.
This study strives to improve medical information search in the CISMEF system by including a conversational
agent to interact with the user in natural language. Experimentation has been set up to obtain human dialogues
between a user dealing with medical information search and a CISMEF expert refining the request. We extend
the GODIS dialogue system with dialogue strategies in order to support system digressions. A model of an
artificial agent has been implemented.
The CISMEF system (www.cismef.org (Darmoni
et al., 2000)) aims to provide access to resources in the
medical domain for healthcare professionals, medi-
cal students but also patients. CISMEF proposes a
graphical user interface and a query language to build
queries using a controlled vocabulary called MeSH
(Medical Subject Headings).
However, users face problems with its use: (i) The
query language is complex and users haveto know the
CISMEF terminology; (ii) Users are confused by the
presentation of query results.
Natural language dialogue interfaces provide a
good solution to these problems. It has been argued
that a mixed-initiative conversational agent provides
an easier, interactive and natural access to informa-
tion (Androutsopoulos et al., 1995).
Our assumption is that the analysis of H-H inter-
actions brings essential hints to design a H-C dialogue
system even though the nature of these interactions is
not strictly identical. We have set up an experiment
to obtain a corpus of human dialogues between a user
playing the role of a patient who searches medical in-
formation and a CISMEF expert trying to help him
to build the query and to obtain answers. The hand-
analysis of these interactions highlights their discur-
sive structure and their linguistic features. Our dia-
logue model is based on this analysis of the corpus.
We have shown that the concepts of GODIS (Lars-
son, 2002) partly meet our needs. We present in this
article the essential elements of the corpus analysis
and the arguments that led us to adopt this system.
2.1 Approaches to Dialogue
Several approaches to dialogue management exist and
no approach clearly dominates the others. The sim-
plest one is the nite-state (FS) approach (McTear,
2004) that represents the structure of the dialogue as
a finite-state transition network. In practice, this ap-
proach turns out to be rigid and limited to system-
directed dialogue. The frame-based approach con-
siders the dialogue as a process of filling in a frame
which contains a series of slots (Aust et al., 1995).
It is less rigid than the FS approach. However, the
possible contributions of the system are fixed in ad-
vance. The plan-based approach (Allen and Per-
rault, 1980) comes from classical AI. It combines
planning techniques such as plan recognition with
ideas from speech act theory. This approach is
rather complex from a computational perspective and
requires advanced Natural Language Understanding
(NLU) components in order to infer the intentions
of the speaker. The logic-based approach represents
the dialogue and its context in some logical formal-
ism and takes advantage of mechanisms such as in-
ference (Hulstijn, 2000). Most works are still on a
theoretical level with this approach. More recent ap-
proaches aim to automatically learn dialogue policies
with machine learning techniques such as reinforce-
ment learning (Frampton and Lemon, 2009). These
Loisel A., Dubuisson Duplessis G., Chaignaud N., Kotowicz J. and Pauchet A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003736703120317
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 312-317
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
approaches require an extensive effort of annotation
since a large amount of annotated data is necessary.
2.2 GODIS/IBIS Systems
The Question Under Discussion (QUD)
model (Ginzburg, 1996) is a theory of dialogue
which aims to precisely analyze the properties of
issues. Ginzburg comprehends dialogues as moves
(e.g. ask) that modify the conversational board.
Based on the QUD theory, GODIS and the IBIS
family of systems (Larsson, 2002) are computational
dialogue models which deal with inquiry-oriented di-
alogue. They use a simplified version of the semantics
of the questions. Three types of question are possible:
yes-no questions (?P), wh-questions (?x.P(x)) and al-
ternative questions ({?P
, ?P
, . .., ?P
}). IBIS also
considers taskAction which is task-dependent. Ques-
tion and taskAction are collectively designated as is-
sue. Three dialogue moves are available, namely ask
(to ask a question), answer (to answer a question) and
request (to request an action from the system).
Issues are integrated in dialogue plans which are
sequences of abstract actions. GODIS is Information-
State-Update-based (Larsson and Traum, 2000; Bos
et al., 2003) and then uses an information state (IS),
close to the conversationalboard. This complex struc-
ture comprises a private part and a shared part. The
private part corresponds to the inner state of the agent
(one interlocutor) and the shared part defines the con-
versational board, which memorizes shared informa-
tion between the two interlocutors. The update rules
and the selection rules can change the IS. Accord-
ing to the initial dialogue move, the reactive dialogue
moves are generated.
The main benefit of GODIS is the notion of ac-
commodation (Larsson, 2002) which brings flexibil-
ity to the dialogue. This mechanism enables the user
not to answer the current issue, to correct a previous
answer, to answer an unasked question or to move to
another dialogue plan. However, GODIS and IBIS
only represent a simple task with a limited number of
dialogue moves. We discuss in more details the ad-
vantages and drawbacks of GODIS in section 3.3.
3.1 Corpus Collection
An experiment has been set up to obtain human dia-
logues between experts and users, dealing with med-
ical information search. The users were voluntary
members of the LITIS laboratory (secretary, PhD stu-
dents, researchers and teachers), who wanted to ob-
tain answers about medical inquiries. These users
represent the targeted audience for the system since
they are not medical specialists. Experts were two
members of our project, trained in the CISMEF sys-
tem and its terminology. The experimentation took
place as follows: one expert and one user were facing
a computer using the advanced search interface and
recording all the queries along with their answers in
a log. The expert was in charge of conducting the
search by conversing with the user and verbalizing
each action, inquiry and answer. The experimenta-
tion ended when relevant documents were found or
when it seemed that no answer existed in the system.
Having two distinct experimenters increased the vari-
ability of the recorded dialogues. A textual corpus has
been constructed from the transcription of the 21 dia-
logues between the two experts and the 21 volunteers.
It contains 37 000 words.
3.2 Corpus Analysis
We have hand-analyzed the corpus at 3 levels (Loisel
et al., 2008): (i) An analysis of dialogue acts (as con-
textualized speech acts (Bunt, 1996)): a list is pro-
posed according to the illocutionary goals of the utter-
ances of the corpus. (ii) An analysis of sub-dialogues
which considers the dialogue as a sequence of stages.
(iii) An analysis of issues: we listed issues appearing
in each sub-dialogue.
Dialogue acts (Bunt, 1996) firstly aim to modify
the context and are interpreted according to the cur-
rent situation. This notion is adequate to our study.
Each utterance of our corpus can be broken down
into segments associated with a dialogue act. A list
of dialogue acts has been built according to linguis-
tic features found in the corpus. This taxonomy is
adapted from (Weisser, 2003) who synthesized exist-
ing annotating schemes. Our taxonomy is close to ex-
isting ones such as DAMSL (Core and Allen, 1997).
We set up a list of 36 dialogue acts containing classic
ones (e.g., Answer, Inform, RequestInfo) and ground-
ing acts (Traum, 1994) (e.g., Accept, Acknowledge,
Confirm, Refuse).
We discovered and extracted a global structure for
the corpus dialogues. This structure consists of sub-
dialogues combined with sequence relations. We es-
tablished a list of 14 sub-dialogues like opening, re-
quest formulation and evaluation of the results sub-
dialogues. Their main characteristic is that they are
opportunistic and some of them are optional. For in-
stance, the opening sub-dialogue which includes the
greetings between the user and the system may be
skipped. The study of the dialogues also shows di-
gressions from the expert or the user with inciden-
tal dialogues. For example, a definition sub-dialogue
may intervene opportunely to bring a definition of a
CISMEF term to the user.
We established a list of issues for each sub-
dialogue. We simplify the problem by considering
that issues are only a means to obtain CISMEF terms.
That is why we restrict our description semantics to
the first-order logic. A total of 44 issues have been
listed in the analysis.
3.3 Discussion on the Corpus Analysis
The analyses of the corpus showed that we were
facing the same kind of dialogues than IBIS, i.e.,
inquiry-oriented dialogue. Then, our idea is to reuse
this already existing system with some adaptations.
The IBIS approach is well adapted to the dia-
logues of our corpus. Firstly, it is based on an explicit
task which does not require much reasoning on the
users’ intentions. The sub-dialogues extracted from
the corpus combined with the corresponding issues
match dialogue plan in IBIS. Secondly, we reckon
that the sub-dialogues could be left explicitly or im-
plicitly. This feature is caught by the accommodation
mechanism. Finally, IBIS dialogue act list is close to
our taxonomy. In particular, our set of grounding acts
corresponds to the Interactive Communication Man-
agement (ICM) (Larsson, 2002) in IBIS.
However, these acts are not sufficient. The di-
alogue acts Inform, Offer and Suggest are missing.
They allow the expert to propose relevant information
opportunistically according to the current results.
Strategies of dialogue manage turns between the
user and the system to efficiently conduct the di-
alogue (Caelen, 2003). Caelen distinguishes five
strategies of dialogue : (i) The directive strategy is
used to lead entirely the user. (ii) The reactive strat-
egy is used when the system executes the orders of the
user. (iii) The constructive strategy introduces digres-
sions to temporarily leave the current goal for a new
one. This strategy is adopted to present examples or
a previous experience useful to the current situation.
(iv) The cooperative strategy adjusts the current goal
to the user’s one. The system tries to fit the goal of the
user by suggesting new information opportunistically
or offering choices, while staying in the same topic.
(v) Finally, the argumentative strategy appears when
the user disagrees with the goal proposed by the sys-
tem. This strategy is mostly found in argumentative
dialogues but our application is not concerned with it.
If we take a closer look at IBIS, we realize that the
directive and reactive strategies of dialogue are avail-
able with the set of dialogue moves provided. As a
matter of fact, the directive strategy consists in the
classic progress in the dialogue plan. Besides, re-
active strategies are managed. Indeed, user-initiated
digressions are allowed with ask-move and request-
move. Moreover, the accommodation mechanism en-
ables this kind of digressions with answer-move.
Cooperative and constructive strategies can be
collectively viewed as system-initiated digressions.
This kind of digressions is not possible with the cur-
rent IBIS system since dialogue plans are rigid and
predetermined. However, it can be interesting to use
system digressions in an information search dialogue.
For instance, we can imagine a system that proac-
tively presents information related to the user request.
That is why one of our goals is to integrate coop-
erative and constructive strategies into IBIS.
4.1 Integration of Cooperative and
Constructive Strategies in IBIS
The dialogue manager models the sub-dialogues ob-
served in the corpus with a plan library, represents the
common ground and controls the information state
(IS). While it is based on IBIS, it additionally in-
cludes a model of questions with several satisfactory
answers, question accommodation and action accom-
modation, intentional relations and finally dialogical
strategies. In this section, only parts of the plan li-
brary and dialogical strategies are described.
4.1.1 The Plan Library
Our model uses two kinds of plans described in the
first-order logic using “?” to represent the questions:
(i) question plans (PlanQ) which aim at answering
inquiries by returning data; (ii) action plans (PlanA)
which perform sequences of actions. These plans use
a list of actions coming from IBIS: Findout(q) allows
the system to ask a question q by generating the ask-
move. The system asks this question iteratively until
it is answered or cancelled. AssumeAction(a) adds an
action into the IS. Forget and ForgetAll delete knowl-
edge from the IS. This list is not exhaustive.
For instance, figure 1 corresponds to the action
plan DocumentSearch which begins with the three
first steps of a search: the query formulation, the
query building and the display of the current query.
Then, a yes-no question is asked by a Findout so that
the user can validate the query. If the response is neg-
ative, the system forgets the previous results and re-
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(IfThen(not AddKeyword(m))
IfThen(not QuerySatisfaction)
Forget(not QuerySatisfaction),
(ForgetAll, AssumeAction(DocumentSearch))
Figure 1: Action plan DocumentSearch.
initiates the plan with the action QueryBuilding to re-
fine the query. Otherwise, the query is performed and
the results are appraised. Unless there is an explicit
exit dialogue act uttered by the user or by the system,
or an exit planned by the current plan, the system re-
mains in this plan. All these actions are linked by
satisfaction-precedence relations.
4.1.2 The Dialogical Strategies
The Cooperative strategies modify plans in order to
propose suggestions or help. The dialogue has to
remain in the same context. The current plan is al-
ways active and the system proposes to the user new
information acquired dynamically during the search.
Practically speaking, it dynamically builds new issues
(questions, actions or propositions) and adds them to
the current plan (in shared/plan, while keeping the
other fields of the IS unchanged.
A new action called CooperativeAction is created
in three ways: (i) CooperativeAction (?x) to ask a new
question to the user; (ii) CooperativeAction(action)to
add a new taskAction; (iii) CooperativeAction(p(x))to
propose an answer or a suggestion to a pending ques-
tion. The system can also answer its own questions by
consulting the database. This predicate can be added
at any place into a plan, where it is relevant to propose
suggestions to the user.
When this action is found in the current plan, an
update rule called ExecCooperativeAction is applied
(Figure 2). It runs the procedure FindCooperative-
PlanAction which finds new information to be pre-
sented to the user. Finally, the rule adds a new plan
action to the top of the stack private/plan.
For example, one major issue for a search en-
RULE : ExecCooperativeAction
CLASS : PlanExecution
, CooperativeAction(Q)),
Concatenate(P1, P2, Ps)
, PlanAction)
Figure 2: Update rule ExecCooperativeAction. PRE stands
for preconditions on the IS. EFF stands for effects on the IS.
IfThen(n isTooHigh)
CooperativeAction(?x.Issue(x) TooManyDocuments)),
IfThen(n isTooLow)
CooperativeAction(?x.Issue(x) NotEnoughDocuments)),
Figure 3: Action plan ResultEvaluation.
gine is to find the correct number of documents to
be presented to the user. This issue concerns the Re-
sultEvaluation (figure 3) plan which labels the num-
ber of documents found with TooManyDocuments or
NotEnoughDocuments. This label is added to the IS
through the action plan Inform. If this number is too
high, the plan calls the CooperativeAction plan, to re-
fine the query by proposing suggestions dynamically
pushed in private/bel and private/plan. A similar plan
is executed when no or very few documents are found.
Then, the search has to be launched again, taking into
account the users answers to these suggestions. By
plan accommodation, the user can add new terms or
address new issues to the query. The plans Forge-
tAction and ForgetIssue are used to clean the IS. The
plan AssumeAction is performed to relaunch the new
query. Finally, if the number of documents is correct,
the result can be refined by sorting documents to pro-
pose the most relevant first.
The Constructive strategies aim to bring explana-
tion sequences during the dialogue. It diverts the sys-
tem from its current plan: new information has been
acquired that makes the system propose digressions,
hints or examples. This new information come from
different sources: opportunely during the dialogue
(e.g., the user specifies that he is a medical expert) or
from the task model which can, e.g., recommend doc-
ument resource types. The system tries to launch such
digression plans at each update of the IS. It is done
through a rule database (domain-dependent) which
proactively scans the IS to run new additional plans.
If a rule matches the current situation, a new action or
question (goal of the corresponding plan) is added in
shared/issues or shared/action to be performed. The
manager finds the corresponding plans and then pro-
duces the suitable dialogue moves. When the con-
structive sequence is ended, the digression issue is
removed from shared/issues. The previous context
is recovered since the previous issue is now first in
shared/issues. Thus, the constructive rules are some
kind of accommodation rules where the system ac-
commodates to its own chosen plans rather than those
of the user. This mechanism allows the system to
leave (temporarily) the current plan.
In our application, the system can propose infor-
mation focusing on a certain type of documents, even
if the user did not ask for it. A rule is then added
to propose a certain type of documents according to
the user identity, before running a query. This rule
is then initiated by the CooperativeAction plan and
added into the DocumentSearch plan.
IF (exists User(patient) in /private/bel)
AND (exists DocumentSearch in /private/action)
AND (neg exists RessourceType(x) in /private/bel)
THEN Launch(Suggest(Plan(Question(RessourceType(x)))))
4.2 The Task Model
The task model gives access to advanced function-
nalities of CISMEF to the other modules composing
COGNI-CISMEF. It includes: (i) The CISMEF ter-
minology which enables the system to determine sub-
headings, definitions, hypernyms and hyponyms as-
sociated with a term. It also contains a list of terms
used by patients in order to detect medical keywords
in user utterances. (ii) A query builder which uses
terms detected by the NLU component. It builds a
query as a human expert would do in the graphical
interface. (iii) A result interpreter which refines the
query if necessary. It includes various search strate-
gies (e.g., if the query returns too many documents, it
is necessary to specify it by adding new terms). This
interpreter suggests to the dialogue manager to add
relevant issues in order to restrict the query. (iv) The
CISMEF engine which runs the query so as to access
to medical documents.
4.3 Natural Language Understanding
and Generation
COGNI-CISMEF receivesthe user’s utterance in text-
written natural language in French and carries out two
main analyses: a semantic one and a pragmatic one.
The semantic analysis starts with a recognition of
textual units. Afterwards, recognition and labeling of
CISMEF terms is carried out. These terms are iden-
tified by the database via the task model.
The pragmatic analysis is driven by a rule-based
dialogue act interpreter. The rules used are based on
linguistic markers, such as the tense and the mode of
the verb, interrogation markers, acceptance markers,
etc., associated with the immediate dialogue co-text
(the previous statement of the dialogue). Finally, the
results of these analyses are concatenated to form a
proposition usable by the dialogue manager.
The sentence generator is rather simple since it
translates a logical proposition coming from the di-
alogue manager into an instantiated incomplete sen-
tence. However, the system uses mechanisms that
produce more natural utterances. For example, a ran-
dom generator diversifies the most frequent utterances
as greetings, agreements, etc.
It is possible to perform a full dialogue by select-
ing appropriate terms. Listing 1 presents a real com-
mented dialogue between the COGNI-CISMEF sys-
tem (CC) and a user (U).
Listing 1: Example of dialogue with COGNI-CISMEF.
: Welcome to Cognicismef. What can I do for you?
% Opening sub -dialogue + choice sub-dialogue
: Give me a definition of paludism
% Definition sub-dialogue
: The term means: "Also called malaria (...)"
Now, what can I do for you?
% Answer + come back to the choice sub -dialogue
: Search documents about it
% Query formulation sub-dialogue
: OK. Do you want to add the keyword "paludism"?
% Issue establishment + query building sub-
dialogue (dependance relation)
: Yes
: OK. Do you want to add something else?
: Are there therapeutics?
: OK. Do you want to add the meta -term "
therapeutic" or the subheading "therapeutic"?
% Query building sub-dialogue
: What is a subheading?
% Definition sub-dialogue
: Subheadings are general concepts associated
with a keyword to precise its meaning
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
: Add the subheading therapeutic
% Come back to the query building sub-dialogue
: OK. Do you want to add something else?
: No
: OK. The query has been modified. Here is the
current query:
keyword(paludism), subheading(therapeutic)
Now, does it suit you?
% Query execution sub-dialogue
: Yes
: OK. I have performed the query. I have found
results. The list includes 11 documents.
That is too much. We can choose more
specialized terms.
% Result evaluation sub-dialogue + proposition
of query expansion
: Are you patient or health professional?
% Issue accommodation
: Patient
: We can add patient specialized document.
% Query building sub-dialogue
: Yes
: OK. The query has been modified. Here is the
current query:
keyword(paludism), subheading(therapeutic),
Now, does it suit you?
: Yes
: OK. I have performed the query. I have found
results. The list includes 1 document.
Here are the titles:
"Modele de chapitre pour les manuels PCIME"
Which number of document do you want?
% Document selection sub -dialogue
: the first
: The selected document is:
"Modele de chapitre pour les manuels PCIME"
Now, do you want something else?
: No
This article presents the design of a human-computer
dialogue system, based on QUD theory and IBIS,
from corpus collection to implementation. Our con-
versational agent requires enhancements: at least, the
semantic analysis needs a bigger lexicon. Then, the
system will be able to be evaluated. It will consist in
a comparison of the users’ requests using CISMEF
with those proposed by the librarian of the medical
library of the hospital of Rouen and those built by
users using COGNI-CISMEF. We will measure the
improvements (in terms of precision and recall) re-
spectively of the COGNI-CISMEF system and the li-
brarian compared to the request using only CISMEF.
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