G¨unter Neumann
and Sven Schmeier
DFKI - German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, 66119 Saarbr¨ucken, Germany
DFKI - German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Alt-Moabit 91c, 10559 Berlin, Germany
Web mining, Information extraction, Topic graph exploration, Mobile device.
We present a mobile touchable application for online topic graph extraction and exploration of web content.
The system has been implemented for operation on a tablet computer, i.e. an Apple iPad, and on a mobile
device, i.e. Apple iPhone or iPod touch. The topics are extracted from web snippets which are determined by
a standard search engine. We consider the extraction of topics as a specific empirical collocation extraction task
where collocations are extracted between chunks combined with the cluster descriptions of an online clustering
algorithm. Our measure of association strength is based on the pointwise mutual information between chunk
pairs which explicitly takes their distance into account. These syntactically–oriented chunk pairs are then
semantically ranked and filtered using the cluster descriptions. An initial user evaluation shows that this
system is especially helpful for finding new interesting information on topics about which the user has only a
vague idea or even no idea at all.
Searching the web using standard search engines
is still dominated by a passive one–tracked human-
computer interaction: a user enters one or more key-
words that represent the information of interest and
receives a ranked list of documents. However, if the
user only has a vague idea of the information in ques-
tion or just wants to explore the information space,
the current search engine paradigm does not provide
enough assistance for these kind of searches. The user
has to read through the documents and then eventually
reformulate the query in order to find new informa-
tion. This can be a tedious task especially on mobile
In order to overcome this restricted document per-
spective, and to provide a mobile device searches to
“find out about something”, we want to help users
with the web content exploration process in several
1. We consider a user query as a specification of
a topic that the user wants to know and learn
more about. Hence, the search result is basically
a graphical structure of that topic and associated
topics that are found.
2. The user can interactively explore this topic graph
using a simple and intuitive user interface in order
to either learn more about the content of a topic or
to interactively expand a topic with newly com-
puted related topics.
3. Nowadays, the mobile web and mobile touch-
able devices, like smartphones and tablet com-
puters, are getting more and more prominent and
widespread. Thus the user might expect a device-
adaptable touchable handy human–computer in-
In this paper, we present an approach of ex-
ploratory web search, that tackles the above men-
tioned requirements in the following way.
In a first step, the topic graph is computed on
the fly from a set of web snippets that has been col-
lected by a standard search engine using the initial
user query. Rather than considering each snippet in
isolation, all snippets are collected into one document
from which the topic graph is computed. We consider
each topic as an entity, and the edges are considered as
a kind of (hidden) relationship between the connected
topics. The content of a topic are the set of snippets
it has been extracted from, and the documents retriev-
able via the snippets’ web links.
The topic graph is then displayed either on a tablet
computer (in our case an iPad) as touch–sensitive
graph or displayed as a stack of touchable text on a
smartphone (in our case an iPhone or an iPod touch).
By just selecting a node or a text box, the user can
either inspect the content of a topic (i.e, the snippets
Neumann G. and Schmeier S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003736800820091
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 82-91
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
or web pages) or activate the expansion of the topic
graph through an on the fly computation of new re-
lated topics for the selected node. The user can re-
quest information from new topics on basis of previ-
ously extracted information by selecting a node from
a newly extracted topic graph.
In such a dynamic open–domain information ex-
traction situation, the user expects real–time perfor-
mance from the underlying technology. The re-
quested information cannot simply be pre–computed,
but rather has to be determined in an unsupervised
and on–demand manner relative to the current user
request. This is why we assume that the relevant in-
formation can be extracted from a search engine’sweb
snippets directly, and that we can avoid the costly re-
trieval and processing time for huge amounts of doc-
uments. Of course, direct processing of web snip-
pets also poses certain challenges for the Natural Lan-
guage Processing (NLP) components. Web snippets
are usually small text summaries which are automati-
cally created from parts of the source documents and
are often only in part linguistically well–formed, cf.
(Manning et al., 2008). Thus the NLP components
are required to possess a high degree of robustness
and run–time behavior to process the web snippets in
real–time. Since our approach should also be able to
process web snippets from different languages (our
current application runs for English and German),
the NLP components should be easily adaptable to
many languages. Finally, no restrictions to the do-
main of the topic should be pre–supposed, i.e., the
system should be able to accept topic queries from
arbitrary domains. In order to fulfill all these require-
ments, we are favoring and exploring the use of shal-
low and highly data–oriented NLP components. Note
that this is not a trivial or obvious design decision,
since most of the current prominent information ex-
traction methods advocate deeper NLP components
for concept and relation extraction, e.g., syntactic and
semantic dependency analysis of complete sentences
and the integration of rich linguistic knowledge bases
like Word Net.
The paper is organized as follows. In the section 2
we briefly summarize the topic graph extraction pro-
For the sake of completeness and readability,
we present in section 3 details and examples of the
user interfaces for the iPad and iPhone, respectively.
A major obstacle of the topic graph extraction
process described in section 2 is its purely syntac-
tic nature. Consequently, in section 4, we introduce
a semantic clustering approach that helps to improve
This part of the work has partially been presented in
(Neumann and Schmeier, 2011) and hence will be described
and illustrated compactly.
the quality of the extracted topics. The next sections
then describe details of the evaluation of the improved
topic extraction process (section 5), and present our
current user experience for the iPad and iPhone user
interfaces (section 6). Related work is discussed in
section 7, before we conclude the paper in section 8.
The core idea is to compute a set of chunk–pair–
distance elements for the N–first web snippets re-
turned by a search engine for the topic Q, and to com-
pute the topic graph from these elements.
In gen-
eral for two chunks, a single chunk–pair–distanceele-
ment stores the distance between the chunks by count-
ing the number of chunks in-between them. We dis-
tinguish elements which have the same words in the
same order, but have differentdistances. For example,
(Justin, Selina, 5) is different from (Justin, Selina, 2)
and (Selina, Justin, 7).
Initially, a document is created from selected web
snippets so that each line contains a complete snip-
pet. Each of these lines is then tagged with Part–
of–Speech using the SVMTagger (Gimenez and Mar-
quez., 2004) and chunked in the next step.
The chunker recognizes two types of word chains:
noun chunks and verb chunks. Each recognized word
chain consists of the longest matching sequences of
words with the same PoS class, namely noun chains
or verb chains, where an element of a noun chain be-
longs to one of the predefined extended noun tags. El-
ements of a verb chain only contain verb tags. For En-
glish, “word/PoS” expressions that match the regular
expression “/(N(N|P))|/VB(N|G)|/IN|/DT” are con-
sidered as extended noun tag and for German the ex-
pression “/(N(N|E))|/VVPP|/AP|/ART”. The English
Verbs are those whose PoS tag start with VB (and VV
in case of German). We are using the tag sets from
the Penn treebank (English) and the Negra treebank
The chunk–pair–distancemodel is computed from
the list of noun group chunks.
This is fulfilled
by traversing the chunks from left to right. For
each chunk c
, a set is computed by considering
all remaining chunks and their distance to c
, i.e.,
We are using Bing (http://www.bing.com/) for web
search with N set to max. 1000.
Currently, the mainpurpose of recognizing verb chunks
is to improve proper recognition of noun groups. They are
ignored when building the topic graph, but see sec. 8.
), (c
), etc. This is to
be done for each chunk list computed for each web
snippet. The distance dist
of two chunks c
and c
is computed directly from the chunk list, i.e. we do
not count the position of ignored words lying between
two chunks.
Finally, we compute the chunk–pair–distance
model CPD
using the frequencies of each chunk,
each chunk pair, and each chunk pair distance. CPD
is used for constructing the topic graph in the final
step. Formally, a topic graph TG = (V,E,A) consists
of a set V of nodes, a set E of edges, and a set A of
node actions. Each node v V represents a chunk and
is labeled with the corresponding PoS–tagged word
group. Node actions are used to trigger additional
processing, e.g. displaying the snippets, expanding
the graph etc.
The nodes and edges are computed from the
chunk–pair–distance elements. Since the number of
these elements is quite large (up to several thou-
sands), the elements are ranked according to a
weighting scheme which takes into account the fre-
quency information of the chunks and their collo-
cations. More precisely, the weight of a chunk–
pair–distance element cpd = (c
), with D
= {( freq
),( freq
),...,( freq
)}, is
computed based on point–wise mutual information
(PMI, cf. (Turney, 2001)) as follows:
PMI(cpd) = log
) p(c
= log
)) log
) p(c
where relative frequency is used for approximating
the probabilities p(c
) and p(c
). For log
we took the (unsigned) polynomials of the corre-
sponding Taylor series using ( freq
) in the k-th
Taylor polynomial and adding them up:
PMI(cpd) = (
) log
) p(c
,where x
The visualized part of the topic graph is then com-
puted from a subset of CPD
using the m highest
ranked chunk–pair–distance elements for fixed c
. In
other words, we restrict the complexity of a topic
graph by restricting the number of edges connected
to a node.
Today, it is a standard approach to optimize the pre-
sentation of a web page, depending on the device it is
displayed on, e.g., a standard or mobile web browser.
Obviously, the same should hold for graphical user
interfaces, and in our case, for the user interfaces de-
signed for iPad and iPhone.
More concretely, the usage of a different mode
of presentation and interaction with a topic graph de-
pending on the device at hand, is motivated for the fol-
lowing reasons: For a smartphone the capabilities for
displaying touchable text and graphics on one screen
are limited mainly due to its relatively small screen
size. Our concept for presenting the results consists of
a touchable navigation based user interface which al-
lows us to interact easily by single touch and swiping
gestures. For a tablet computer with larger screens the
intelligent mix of graphics and text makes a software
system most appealing to the user. Hence the result
presentation consists of a touchable topic graph offer-
ing multitouch capabilities like zooming and swiping.
We demonstrate our current solution by the fol-
lowing screenshots which show some results of the
search query “Fukushima” running with the current
iPad and iPhone user interfaces. In section 6 we
present and discuss the outcomes of some user exper-
3.1 Graph–based User Interface on the
The screenshot in Fig. 1 shows the topic graph com-
puted from the snippets for the query “Fukushima”.
The user can double touch on a node to display the
associated snippets and web pages. Since a topic
graph can be very large, not all nodes are displayed
(using the technology described in the previous sec-
tion). Nodes which can be expanded are marked by
the number of hidden immediate nodes. A single
touch on such a node expands it, as shown in Fig. 2.
A single touch on a node which cannot be expanded
automatically adds its label to the initial user query
and triggers a new search with that expanded query.
Fig. 2 demonstrates how the topic graph from Fig.
1 has been expanded by a single touch on the node
labeled “earthquake”. Double touching on the node
“fukushima dailchi” triggers the display of associated
web snippets (Fig. 3) and the web pages.
3.2 Text–based User Interface on the
The next screenshots (Fig. 4 and 5) show the results
of the same query displayed on the iPhone.
Fig. 4 shows the alternative representation of the
topic graph displayed in Fig. 1. By single touching
an item in the list the next page with associated topics
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: The topic graph computed from the snippets for
the query “Fukushima”.
Figure 2: The topic graph from Fig. 1 has been expanded
by a single touch on the node labeled “earthquake”.
to this item is shown. Finally, Fig. 5 presents the
snippets after touching the item “fukushima daiichi”.
Touching one snippet will lead to the corresponding
web page.
Figure 3: The snippets that are associated with the node
label “fukushima dai–ichi” of the topic graph from Fig. 2.
A single touch on this snippet triggers a call to the iPad web
browser in order to display the corresponding web page. In
order to go back to the topic graph, the user simply touches
the button labeled iGNSSMM on the left upper corner of
the iPad screen.
Figure 4: The alternative representation of the topic graph
displayed in Fig. 1 on the iPhone.
Figure 5: The snippets after touching the item “fukushima
The motivation for using the chunk–pair–distance
statistics as described in section 2 is the assump-
tion that the strength of hidden relationships between
chunks can be covered by means of their collocation
degree and the frequency of their relative positions in
sentences extracted from web snippets, and as such,
are emphasizing syntactic relationships.
In general, chunking crucially depends on the
quality of the embedded PoS tagger. However, it
is known that PoS tagging performance of even the
best taggers decreases substantially when applied on
web pages (Giesbrecht and Evert, 2009). Web snip-
pets are even harder to process because they are not
necessarily contiguous pieces of texts. For example,
an initial manual analysis of a small sample revealed,
that the extracted chunks sometimes are either incom-
plete or simply wrong. Consequently, this also caused
the “readability” of the resulting topic graph due to
“meaningless” relationships. Note that the decreased
quality of PoS tagging is not only caused by the differ-
ent style of the “snippet language”, but also because
PoS taggers are usually trained on linguistically more
well–formedsources like newspaper articles (which is
also the case for our PoS tagger in use which reports
an F–measure of 97.4% on such text style).
Nevertheless, we want to benefit from PoS tag-
ging during chunk recognition in order to be able to
identify, on the fly, a shallow phrase structure in web
snippets with minimal efforts. In order to tackle this
dilemma, investigations into additional semantical–
based filtering seems to be a plausible way to go.
About the Performance of Chunking Web
As an initial phase into this direction we collected
three different corpora of web snippets and analysed
them according to the amount of well–formed sen-
tences and incomplete sentences contained in the web
snippets. Furthermore, we also randomly selected a
subset of 100 snippets from each corpus and manu-
ally evaluated the quality of the PoS tagging result.
The snippet corpora and results of our analysis are
as follows (the shortcuts mean: #s = number of snip-
pets retrieved, #sc = well–formed sentences within the
set of snippets, #si = incomplete sentences within the
snippets, #w = number of words, F(x) = F–measure
achieved by the PoS tagger on a subset of 100 snip-
pets with x words).
Fukushima. This corpus represents snippets
mainly coming from official online news magazines.
The corpus statistics are as follows:
#s #sc #si #w F(2956)
240 195 182 6770 93.20%
Justin Bieber. This corpus represents snippets
coming from celebrity magazines or gossip forums.
The corpus statistics are:
#s #sc #si #w F(3208)
240 250 160 6420 92.08%
New York. This corpus represents snippets coming
from different official and private homepages, as well
as from news magazines. The corpus statistics are:
#s #sc #si #w F(3405)
239 318 129 6441 92.39%
This means that 39% of all tagged sentences have
been incomplete and that the performance of the Pos
tagger decreased by about 5% F–measure (compared
to the reported 97.4%on newspaper). Consequently, a
number of chunks are incorrectly recognized. For ex-
ample, it turned out that date expressions are system-
atically tagged as nouns, so that they will be covered
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
by our noun chunk recognizer although they should
not (cf. section 2). Furthermore, the genitive posses-
sive (the “’s” as in “Japan’s president”) was classified
wrongly in a systematic way which also had a neg-
ative effect on the performance of the noun chunker.
Very often nouns were incorrectly tagged as verbs be-
cause of erroneously identified punctuation. Thus, we
need a filtering mechanism that is able to identify and
remove the wrongly chunked topic–pairs.
Semantic Filtering of Noisy Chunk Pairs
A promising algorithmic solution to this problem is
provided by the online clustering system Carrot2 (Os-
inski and Weiss, 2008) that computes sensible de-
scriptions of clustered search results (i.e., web doc-
uments). The Carrot2 system is based on the Lingo
(Osinski et al., 2004) algorithm. Most algorithms
for clustering open text follow a kind of “document–
comes–first” strategy, where the input documents are
clustered first and then, based on these clusters, the
descriptive terms or labels of the clusters are deter-
mined, cf. (Geraci et al., 2006). The Lingo algorithm
actually reverses this strategy by following a three–
step “description–comes–first” strategy (cf. (Osinski
et al., 2004) for more details): 1) extraction of fre-
quent terms from the input documents, 2) performing
reduction of the (pre–computed) term–document ma-
trix using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for
the identification of latent structure in the search re-
sults, and 3) assignment of relevant documents to the
identified labels.
The specific strategy behind the Lingo algorithm
matches our needs for finding meaningful semantic
filters very well: we basically use step 1) and 2) to
compute a set of meaningful labels from the web snip-
pets determined by a standard search engine as de-
scribed in section 2. According to the underlying la-
tent semantic analysis performed by the Lingo algo-
rithm, we interpret the labels as semantic labels. We
then use these labels and match them against the or-
dered list of chunk–pair–distance elements computed
in the topic extraction step described in section 2.
This means that all chunk–pair–distanceelements that
do not have any match with one of the semantic labels
are deleted.
The idea is that this filter identifies a semantic
relatedness between the labels and the syntactically
determined chunks. Since we consider the labels as
semantic topics or classes, we assume that the non-
filtered pairs correspond to topic–related (via the user
query) relevantrelationships between semantically re-
lated decriptive terms.
Of course, it actually remains to evaluate the qual-
ity and usefullness of the extracted topics and topic
graph. In the next sections we will discuss two direc-
tions: a) a quantitative evaluation against the recog-
nition of different algorithms for identifying named
entities and other rigid identifiers, and b) a qualitative
evaluation by means of the analysis of user experi-
Our topic extraction process is completely unsuper-
vised and web–based, so evaluation against standard
gold corpora is not possible, because they simply do
not yet exist (or at least, we do not know about them).
For that reason we decided to compare the outcome
of our topic extraction process with the outcomes of
a number of different recognizers for named entities
Note that very often the extracted topics corre-
spond to rigid designators or generalized named en-
tities, i.e., instances of proper names (persons, loca-
tions, etc.), as well as instances of more fine grained
subcategories, such as museum, river, airport, prod-
uct, event (cf. (Nadeau and Sekine, 2007)). So seen,
our topic extraction process (abbreviated as TEP) can
also be considered as a query–drivencontext–oriented
named entity extraction process with the notable re-
striction that the recognized entities are unclassified.
If this perspective makes sense, then it seems plau-
sible to measure the degree of overlap between our
topic extraction process and the recognized set of en-
tities of other named entity components to learn about
the coverage and quality of TEP.
For the evaluation of TEP we compared it to the
results of four different NE recognizers:
1. SProUT(Drozdzynski et al., 2004): The SProUT
system is a shallow linguistic processor that
comes with a rule–based approach for named en-
tity recognition.
2. AlchemyAPI
: AlchemyAPI–system uses statisti-
cal NLP and machine learning algorithms for per-
forming the NE recognition task.
3. Stanford NER(Dingare et al., 2004): The Stan-
ford NER–system uses a character based Maxi-
mum Entropy Markov model trained on annotated
corpora for extracting NEs.
4. OpenNLP
: A collection of natural language pro-
cessing tools which use the Maxent package to re-
solve ambiguity, in particular for NE recognition.
We tested all systems with the three snippet corpora
described in section 4.
The tables 1, 2, and 3 show the main results for
the three different corpora; table 4 shows the results
summarised. All numbers denote percentages that
show how many relevant
NEs of the algorithm in
the row could be extracted by the algorithm in the
column. For example, in the dataset “Justin Bieber
TEP extracted 85.37% of the NEs which have been
extracted by SProUT. AlchemyAPI extracted 75.64%
and StanfordNER extracted 78.95% of the NEs that
have been extracted by SProUT. The numbers with
preceding “#” show the number of extracted NEs.
The following roman numbers are used to denote
the different algorithms: I=SProUT, II=AlchemyAPI,
III=StanfordNER, IV=OpenNLP, and V=TEP.
Table 1: Results for query Justin Bieber.
I #136 75.64 78.95 78.48 85.37
II 69.01 #143 93.97 86.00 97.17
III 76.71 97.52 #172 92.86 96.09
IV 74.70 89.19 88.52 #196 95.10
V 67.77 79.61 80.66 81.13 #157
Table 2: Results for query Fukushima.
I #121 81.03 83.61 81.35 87.5
II 80.26 #129 93.46 87.36 98.48
III 85.00 94.59 #131 91.67 92.22
IV 74.65 89.13 85.26 #178 91.58
V 72.93 80.04 83.19 82.26 #132
Table 3: Results for query New York.
I #175 81.39 88.24 85.15 71.05
II 76.60 #169 93.53 86.51 74.36
III 90.00 95.79 #280 92.35 73.28
IV 84.43 92.72 93.17 #230 83.49
V 81.11 83.90 73.77 79.87 #166
Keeping in mind that our approach always starts
with a topic around which all the NEs are grouped,
i.e. NE recognition is biased or directed, it is hard to
define a gold standard, i.e. manually annotate all NEs
which are important in a specific context. In context
of the query “Fukushima” most people would agree
that word groups describing the nuclear power plant
Relevance here means that a NE must occur more than
4 times in the whole dataset. The value has been experi-
mentally determined.
Table 4: Summary for NER Evaluation.
I #432 79,25 83.6 81.66 81.31
II 75.29 #441 93.65 86.62 90.00
III 83.90 95.97 #583 92.29 87.19
IV 83.90 95.97 583 #604 87.19
V 73.94 81.18 79.21 81.09 #455
disaster clearly are NEs. Some would also agree that
terms like “earthquake” or “tsunami” function as NEs
too in this specific context. Given a query like “New
York” people probably would not agree that “earth-
quake” should function as a specific term in this con-
text. Of course there are NEs of generic type like
“persons”, “locations”, or companies”, but it is ques-
tionable whether they suffice in the context of our
Hence we compared the systems directly with the
results they computed. The main interest in our evalu-
ation was whether the extracted NEs by one algorithm
can also be extracted by the other algorithms. Fur-
thermore, we set a very simple rating scheme telling
us that detected NEs with more occurences are more
important than those with lower frequencies.
The results show that, looking at the numbers and
percentages, no system outperforms the others, which
on the other hand confirms our approach. Please
note that the TEP approach works for query-driven
context-oriented named entity recognition only. This
means that all approaches used in this evaluation
clearly have their benefits in other application areas.
Nevertheless by going into details we saw some
remarkable differences between the results the sys-
tems produced. All systems were able to extract
the main general NEs like locations or persons. For
terms that are important in the context of actuality
and current developments, we saw that the TEP ap-
proach is able to extract more relevant items. In case
of “Fukushima”, the SProUT system did not extract
terms like “eartquake”, “tsunami” or “nuclear power
plant”. Of course this is because the underlying rule-
set has not been developed for covering such types
of terms. The AlchemyAPI and StanfordNER systems
were able to extract these terms but failed in detecting
terms like “accident” or“safety issues”. For “Justin
Bieber” relevant items like “movie”, “tourdates” or
“girlfriend could not be detected by all systems ex-
cept TEP . For the snippets associated with the query
“New York” all systems identified the most important
NEs, and differed for less important NEs only.
Last but not least the runtime, which plays an im-
portant role in our system, varied from 0.5 seconds for
Except for the TEP, where we used the PMI as de-
scribed above.
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the SProUT system, to 2 seconds for TEP, 4 seconds
for StanfordNER to 15 seconds for AlchemyAPI.
For information about the user experience we had 26
testers 20 for testing the iPad App and 6 for test-
ing the iPhone App: 8 came from our lab and 18 from
non–computer science related fields. 15 persons had
never used an iPad before, 4 persons have been unfa-
miliar with smartphones. More than 80 searches have
been made with our system and with Google respec-
After a brief introduction to our system (and the
mobile devices), the testers were asked to perform
three different searches (using our system on the iPad,
iPhone and Google on the iPad/iPhone) by choosing
the queries from a set of ten themes. The queries cov-
ered definition questions like EEUU and NLF, ques-
tions about persons like Justin Bieber, David Beck-
ham, Pete Best, Clark Kent, and Wendy Carlos , and
general themes like Brisbane, Balancity, and Adidas.
The task was not only to get answers on questions
like “Who is ... or “What is . .. but also to ac-
quire knowledge about background facts, news, ru-
mors (gossip) and more interesting facts that come
into mind during the search.
Half of the iPad–testers were asked to first use
Google and then our system in order to compare the
results and the usage on the mobile device. We hoped
to get feedback concerning the usability of our ap-
proach compared to the well known internet search
paradigm. The second half of the iPad–testers used
only our system. Here our research focus was to get
information on user satisfaction of the search results.
The iPhone–testers always used Google and our sys-
tem mainly because they were fewer people.
After each task, both testers had to rate several
statements on a Likert scale and a general question-
naire had to be filled out after completing the entire
test. The tables 5, 6, 7, and 8 show the overall result.
Table 5: System on the iPad.
#Question v.good good avg. poor
results first sight 43% 38% 20% -
query answered 65% 20% 15% -
interesting facts 62% 24% 10% 4%
suprising facts 66% 15% 13% 6%
overall feeling 54% 28% 14% 4%
Table 6: Google on the iPad.
#Question v.good good avg. poor
results first sight 55% 40% 15% -
query answered 71% 29% - -
interesting facts 33% 33% 33% -
suprising facts 33% - - 66%
overall feeling 33% 50% 17% 4%
Table 7: System on the iPhone.
#Question v.good good avg. poor
results first sight 31% 46% 23% -
query answered 70% 20% 10% -
interesting facts 45% 36% 19% -
suprising facts 56% 22% 11% 11%
overall feeling 25% 67% 8% -
Table 8: Google on the iPhone.
#Question v.good good avg. poor
results first sight 23% 63% 7% 7%
query answered 70% 20% 10% -
interesting facts 33% 33% 33% -
suprising facts 36% - 27% 37%
overall feeling 25% 33% 33% 9%
The results show that people prefer the result rep-
resentation and accuracy in the Google style when us-
ing the iPad. Especially for the general themes the
presentation of web snippets is more convenient and
easier to understand. The iPhone–testers could be di-
vided into two groups: in case they were unfamiliar
with smartphones the testers preferred our system be-
cause it needs much less user interaction and the re-
sult are more readable. Testers being familiar with
smartphones again prefered the Google style mainly
because they are used to it.
However, when it comes to interesting and supris-
ing facts users enjoyed exploring the results using the
topic graph (iPad) or the navigation based representa-
tion (iPhone/iPod). The overall feeling was in favor
of our system which might also be due to the fact that
it is new and somewhat more playful.
The replies to the final questions: How successful
were you from your point of view? What did you like
most/least;? What could be improved? were informa-
tive and contained positive feedback. Users felt they
had been successful using the system. They liked the
paradigm of the explorative search on the iPad and
preferred touching the graph instead of reformulating
their queries. For the iPhone they prefered the result
representation in our system in general and there have
been useful comments for improving it. One main
issue is the need of a summary or a more knowledge
based answer to the search query as Google often does
it by offering a direct link to wikipedia as a first search
result. This will be part of our future research.
Although all of our test persons make use of stan-
dard search engines, most of them can imagine to use
our system at least in combination with a search en-
gine on their own mobile devices. The iPhone test
group even would use our system as their main search
tool (on the smartphone) when the proposed improve-
ments have been implemented.
Our approach is unique in the sense that it com-
bines interactive topic graph extraction and explo-
ration on different mobile devices with recently devel-
oped technology from exploratory search, text min-
ing and information extraction methods. As such, it
learns from and shares ideas with other research re-
sults. The most relevant ones are briefly discussed
Exploratory Search. (Marchionini, 2006) distin-
guishes three types of search activities: a) lookup
search, b) searching to learn, and c) investigative
search, where b) and c) are considered as forms of
exploratory search activities. Lookup search corre-
sponds to fact retrieval, where the goal is to find pre-
cise results for carefully specified questions with min-
imal need for examinating and validating the result
set. The learn search activity can be found in situ-
ations where the found material is used to develop
new knowledge and basically involves multiple iter-
ations of search. It is assumed that the returned set
of objects maybe instantiated in various media, e.g.,
graphs, maps or texts. Investigativesearching is a next
level of search activity that supports investigation into
a specific topic of interest. It also involves multiple
iterations even for very long periods and the results
are usually strictly assessed before they are integrated
into knowledge bases. Our proposed approach of ex-
ploratory search belongs to the searching to learn ac-
tivity. In this spirit, our approach is more concerned
with recall (maximizing the number of possibly rele-
vant associated topics that are determined) than pre-
cision (minimizing the number of possibly irrelevant
associated topics that are determined).
Collocation Extraction. We consider the extrac-
tion of a topic graph as a specific empirical colloca-
tion extraction task. However, instead of extracting
collocations between words, which is still the dom-
inating approach in collocation extraction research
(e.g., (Baroni and Evert, 2008)), we are extracting col-
locations between chunks, i.e., word sequences. Fur-
thermore, our measure of association strength takes
into account the distance between chunks and com-
bines it with the PMI (pointwise mutual information)
approach (Turney, 2001).
(Geraci et al., 2006) also exploit the benefit of
Web snippets for improved internet search by group-
ing the web snippets returned by auxiliary search en-
gines into disjoint labeled clusters. As we do, they
also consider methods for automatic labeling. How-
ever, their focus is on improving clustering of terms
and not on the extraction of empirical collocations be-
tween individual terms. Furthermore, they advocate
the “document–comes–first” approach of clustering
Web snippets which is inappropriate for our method-
ology, cf. sec. 4.
Unsupervised Information Extraction. Web–
based approaches to unsupervised information
extraction have been developed by Oren Etzioni and
colleagues, cf. (Banko et al., 2007); (Etzioni, 2007);
(Yates, 2007). They developed a range of systems
(e.g., KnowItAll, Textrunner, Resolver) aimed at
extracting large collections of facts (e.g., names of
scientists or politicians) from the Web in an unsu-
pervised, domain-independent, and scalable manner.
They also argue for light–weight NLP technologies
and follow a similar approach to chunk extraction
as we do (but not a chunk–pair–distance statistics).
Although we do not yet explicitly extract relations
in the sense of standard relation extraction, our topic
graph extraction process together with the clustering
mechanism can be extended to also support relation
extraction, which will be a focus of our next research.
We presented an approach of interactive topic graph
extraction for exploration of web content. The initial
information request is issued online by a user to the
system in the form of a query topic description. The
topic query is used for constructing an initial topic
graph from a set of web snippets returned by a stan-
dard search engine. At this point, the topic graph al-
ready displays a graph of strongly correlated relevant
entities and terms. The user can then request further
detailed information through multiple iterations.
A prototype of the system has been realized on the
basis of two specialized mobile touchable user inter-
faces for operation on an iPad and on an iPhone which
receive both the same topic graph data structure as in-
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
put. We believe that our approach of interactive topic
graph extraction and exploration, together with its im-
plementation on a mobile device, helps users explore
and find new interesting information on topics about
which they have only a vague idea or even no idea at
Our next future work will consider the integration
of open shared knowledge bases into the learn search
activity, e.g., Wikipedia or other similar open web
knowledge sources and the extraction of relations,
and finally to merge information from these different
resources. We already have embedded Wikipedia’s
infoboxes as background knowledge but not yet in-
tegrated them into the extracted web topic graphs,
cf. (Neumann and Schmeier, 2011) for some more
details. If so done, we will investigate the role of
Wikipedia and the like as a basis for performing dis-
ambiguation of the topic graphs. For example, cur-
rently, we cannot distinguish the associated topics ex-
tracted for a query like “Jim Clark” whether they are
about the famous formula one racer or the Netscape
founder or even about another person.
In this context, the extraction of semantic relations
will be important. Currently, the extracted topic pairs
only express certain semantic relatedness, but the na-
ture and meaning of the underlying relationship is un-
clear. We have begun investigating this problem by
extending our approach of chunk–pair–distance ex-
traction to the extraction of triples of chunks with al-
ready promising initial results.
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from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and
Technology (BMWi) to the DFKI THESEUS project
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